Chapter 26 - "I said, I want you."

He Wan was also there the night when Meng Ting and Yan Sui said that they were going to adopt a pet because she had some leftover food. During that time, she did not feel anything, but now that she was looking at the native dog with bald patches and half of its tail gone in the courtyard of the Yans' residence and thought that her leftover food during that day might have been eaten by this ugly dog, she felt nauseous in her mind.

She pointed at Rhubarb and felt so nauseated so that her whole body was already trembling.

Uncle Xiao, Nanny Wang and the other servants came out either from the hall or the parterre. They soon understood what was going on, but they hesitated to follow He Wan's order.

In the past, they would never have such hesitation. However, Meng Ting had already became like another master of the household in the Yans' old residence, so his dog and kitten could not be touched casually. On top of that, Rhubarb was also brought back by Yan Sui himself. Even He Wan herself could not make any untoward actions toward Yan Sui's pets, let alone them as the servants.

"Why? Can't you hear me?" He Wan turned around and looked at Uncle Xiao. Her expression grew colder and colder. Uncle Xiao had lived at the Yans' residence for so long. It was impossible for him not to know about her temper. Offending her was no different from offending Meng Ting, who just came to the Yans' residence. Before Uncle Xiao was be able to do something, Rhubarb already dashed forward and barked louder than before. It also looked a little fiercer, "Woof woof woof!"

He Wan was so shocked so that she took two steps back. She looked at Rhubarb and simply burst with rage. She said sarcastically, "Like owner, like dog! It ate the Yans' food and actually dared to bark furiously at her! The dog's nerve was the same as its owner's.

Uncle Xiao hastily stepped forward and pulled the leash on Rhubarb's neck so as to prevent it from adding more fuel to the fire, "Madame, calm down. Please get inside the house quickly. Rhubarb is usually very obedient." He could clearly see that it was He Wan's screams that had made Rhubarb become so alerted to her at first.

Rhubarb just barked because of its natural instinct to guard the courtyard, and it had no intention of hurting people. In any case, it had not barked a few times yet, but He Wan already wanted to throw it out.

He Wan sneered and immediately took out her phone from the bag that she carried, "Xiao Qin, come here."

She still could not believe that she could not even teach a pet a lesson in her old residence! If she could not order Uncle Xiao, she could always order her own bodyguard.

"Rhubarb, come here." Meng Ting appeared at the top of the entrance stairs with Furball in his arms. Uncle Xiao heard his words and let go of the leash. Rhubarb immediately rushed up the staircase and ran to Meng Ting's side. It rubbed itself against Meng Ting's thigh and completely obeyed him.

Meng Ting slightly bent over and reached out to rub Rhubarb's head, then he continued to walk down the staircase.

He Wan stood still in the courtyard, waiting for Meng Ting to come closer. When she saw an even uglier pet — which happened to be Furball in Meng Ting's arms — she took a step back. She pointed at Meng Ting and screamed even louder, "What are you doing bringing this kind of animal home, throw it out for me, throw it away!"

These animals were so ugly so that it surprised people and Meng Ting was actually brave enough to bring them right before her eyes, how could she not lose her temper?

Meng Ting patted and wanted to calm down the agitated Rhubarb. He stood straight up and looked at He Wan as he spoke. His tone was not affected by He Wan's agitation, "Mom, this is Rhubarb and this is Furball."

He Wan did not want to respond to these uncouth names. She continued to stare furiously at Meng Ting's pampered pets.

"This is Yan Sui's mother," After Meng Ting finished introducing He Wan, he warned Rhubarb, "Mom's temper isn't very good and makes a fuss over nothing."

Rhubarb grunted and rubbed itself against Meng Ting's thigh as its answer. He Wan almost got angry when she heard what Meng Ting said, "You, you—gosh!" Bad temper… she had bad temper? Meng Ting just pointed this out to her face and said that she was making trouble for no reason.

She stuttered as she said "you" for a long time but could not come up with anything to say.

By that time, the bodyguard that she called arrived, so she finally said, "Get these two animals out of my face!"

If she could, she also wanted to throw this inconsiderate Meng Ting out from the Yans' residence.

The bodyguard was about thirty years old. He was tall and big and seemed quite skilled. He listened to He Wan and immediately headed toward Meng Ting. Meng Ting watched him come closer and did not say anything. When he stretched out his hand, Meng Ting grabbed his wrist and the two confronted each other.

"Hit him!" He Wan saw this but she made another order. She wanted the bodyguard to continue acting regardless of Meng Ting's identity and continued to hit him.

However, it was Meng Ting who started to hit first — not the bodyguard.

He pulled the man's wrist and hit his own shoulder directly on the man's chest. After that, Meng Ting kneed the man below his belt. The man could not help but groan and when he was about to bend over, Meng Ting elbowed the man on his back.

"Oh!" He could not refrain himself from screaming in agony, yet Meng Ting still did not let him go. Meng Ting elbowed the man on his chin, then he took advantage of the situation and kicked the man with his right foot. The tall and big man flew toward He Wan's feet. By then, Rhubarb also rushed forward, bit him, and then smugly shook its head as it went back toward Meng Ting's feet.

The event that took place looked complicated, but it actually did not last more than two minutes. Uncle Xiao's mouth that was agape gradually closed.

Meng Ting's fighting skill was really shocking. He was still holding Furball in his arms, yet he effortlessly accomplished to beat a tall and big grown-up man.

Meng Ting looked at He Wan with slightly knitted eyebrows. He looked gravely serious, "Rhubarb and Furball are already my and Yan Sui's family members. This is their home, too. If you don't like them, just tell me. I'll keep them away from you. Why do you need to chase them away?"

"When did this become your home? I didn't know!" The anger in He Wan's eyes grew bigger. She flew into a fit of rage and completely forgot why she went to the old house. Today, she would not allow Meng Ting to make her bow her head. She also would not allow him to climb up above her head and dominate over her in the future!

"Without me, what will you be in the Yans' residence? How dare you to talk to me like that!"

Meng Ting looked at her and appeared puzzled. He Wan sneered and her voice also grew a little louder. She was not only talking to Meng Ting. She was also talking to all of the servants in the Yans' residence, "I can make Yan Sui marry you, so I can also make him divorce you. He's my son!"

"If you won't listen to me and throw these two animals out today, I'll ask Yan Sui to divorce you tomorrow."

As He Wan spoke, her expression gradually calmed down, yet her words were even colder. She had not spoken to anyone like this for a long time. It was all because of Meng Ting, who forced her to act like this.

"In Haicheng, if the people who wanted to marry Yan Sui line up, the line will continue from north to south of the city. Do you honestly think you're something!? It's a good thing that you're a child from the Meng's family, but what's bad is that you're just an illegitimate child who shouldn't be revealed to the public!"

Meng Ting's identity was an indelible stain on his body, and in Haicheng's noble circle, he should never be seen in public, too. If it was not because He Wan took fancy of him, Meng Ting would have better let her know her place. Otherwise, she could exalt him to heaven and also could trample him to hell!

"Choose, do you want Yan Sui or these two animals!"

"Grrrr!" Rhubarb growled at He Wan once again. It could clearly sense He Wan's ill-intention toward Meng Ting and them.

However, Meng Ting gently patted Rhubarb again, and it could only return next to his feet, but it was still staying alert as it looked at He Wan.

Meng Ting thought deeply for a moment and slowly shook his head, "You're not Yan Sui. I won't decide."

Even though she was Yan Sui's mother, he did not think that she was qualified to make him choose like this.

However, apart from him being unable to make any decisions, he did not feel that He Wan was wrong when she talked about other things. Yan Sui indeed had many people who liked him, and Meng Ting certainly was an illegitimate child who should not be revealed to the public.

"Or, you can let Yan Sui know and let him let me choose."

By that time, he would no longer be afraid and would not be greedy again.

"Choose what?"

Yan Sui's voice was heard at the entrance of the courtyard. He walked over to them, step by step. When he passed by the bodyguard who was covering the lower part of his body, he stopped walking and his gaze slightly sunk. The bodyguard, who was in his line of sight, trembled. Although the pain that he felt in his body had not completely dissipated, he dared not to make any more sound.

Yan Sui walked passed by him and He Wan and continued to walk toward Meng Ting. He stood beside Meng Ting and pulled the boy to him, then he carefully looked at Meng Ting and made sure that Meng Ting was not injured. After that, he turned around and looked at He Wan, "What's the matter?"

With this sentence, he directly interrogated her for what had happened to his Meng Ting!

He Wan pursed her lips. She could justly and forcefully say anything to Meng Ting, but when it comes to Yan Sui, she could not tactlessly speak. The courtyard was silence for a moment. Both He Wan and Meng Ting fell into their own trains of thought. For a while, they could not say anything to Yan Sui.

Uncle Xiao slightly bowed, stepped forward, and whispered a few sentences to Yan Sui, then he stepped back to one side. He briefly told Yan Sui about the conflict that took place in the courtyard, but he did not favor He Wan; in fact, he favored Meng Ting.

Yan Sui's eyes became slightly colder. He said to Uncle Xiao, "Find another bodyguard for Mother and ask Zhao Bing to take that man back." That man dared to hit Meng Ting in the Yans' residence. He definitely violated Yan Sui's taboo. It was also impossible to let He Wan use such a person again.

"Yes," Uncle Xiao nodded and waved his hand. Several young servants, who had been hesitant all along, came forward to prop up the man and take him away.

Yan Sui reached out and held Meng Ting's hand. He held Meng Ting's cold fingertips in his palm, but he still did not talk to Meng Ting. He looked at He Wan and said.

"Mother probably didn't know that Rhubarb and Furball are pets that I and Meng Ting are going to raise. It was Meng Ting who brought them, so no one, except him, is allowed to throw them away."

He paused for a moment and then continued talking, "I've transferred ten percent of the Yans' company's shares under Meng Ting's name. I'm a member of the Yan family and he is my husband, so this is his home."

Yan Sui's deep and cold voice was solemn, but it startled all of the people in the courtyard who heard it.

No matter what, ten percent of Yan Sui's shares of stock was indeed a great wealth. It was even unimaginable. This share was not only a symbol of wealth, but it was also the best guarantee for Meng Ting's position as the master's husband. If Meng Ting came to the shareholders' meeting at the Yans' company, his right to speak could no longer be ignored.

"You! You!" He Wan was shocked once again. She knew that there was such rule in the Yan's Family. The patriarch's spouse could own shares of up to ten percent. However, she thought that it was unlikely for Yan Sui to give it to Meng Ting and even if he gives it to Meng Ting, it would not exceed three percent.

However, Yan Sui used this fact to slap her in the face. Not only did he give Meng Ting this portion of his shares, but he also gave him the maximum ten percent, while she only had five percent of the Yans' shares! Now, Meng Ting suddenly had more power than her.

He Wan was furious. She looked at Meng Ting's gaze and almost vomited blood. She experienced deeply what it felt like to have an irresolute pain in the flesh.

"How can you joke around like this!?"

She questioned Yan Sui, as if she didn't know him; but if I'll ask this question, I'd feel my cheeks hurt. Since the very beginning, it wasn't Yan Sui who regarded his marriage to me as a child's play; rather, it was his own mom. Besides, Yan Sui never treated me like a joke.

Yan Sui did not answer He Wan's question anymore; instead, he looked at Meng Ting. His expression and his tone were a little softer as he asked, "Did you take a nap?"

Meng Ting looked up and their eyes met, then he lightly shook his head, "I didn't sleep, Furball slept."

He slowly lowered his bright eyes then he glanced at Rhubarb and also Furball, then he stepped toward Yan Sui, "Rhubarb, Furball, and I… we were all very obedient… I didn't want to fight, but since it was me who brought them back, I need to protect them."

It was not like Meng Ting did not understand what Yan Sui said. He was not after Yan Sui's belongings, nor was he after his wealth. He was happy that Yan Sui gave him all those things, and that was all. These things were not enough to make him lose his self-control. At the moment, he was more worried that Yan Sui was not happy seeing himself fight.

Yan Sui gently pulled Meng Ting into his arms, then he hugged him, "You didn't do anything wrong. Protecting yourself and fighting to protect your family isn't wrong." Yan Sui continued reassuring Meng Ting. After that, he took this opportunity to teach him, "However, this is our home. It isn't necessary for you to do it yourself. Tell Uncle Xiao and he'll get someone to help you."

"Will you help me, too?" Meng Ting looked at Yan Sui. His eyes were wide open and sparkling brightly, which made people feel itchy and distressed in their hearts.

Yan Sui raised his hand, ruffled Meng Ting's hair and caressed his cheeks, "Of course, I'll help you."

Meng Ting pursed his lips and smiled, "I'll remember it, Yan Sui."

"Meow," Furball, which was in Meng Ting's arms, also raised its ugly head and meowed.

Meng Ting looked down then he looked at Yan Sui once again, "Furball and Rhubarb will also remember it." He remembered that this was their home, too.

Yan Sui and Meng Ting were very happy and sweet; while He Wan, who was a few steps away from them, felt very infuriated.

She really wanted to explode so much, but in the end, she still chose to restrain herself. The anger on her face gradually dissipated, then a gentle smile was pasted back on her face again. Her ability to rapidly change her facial expressions had once again amazed Meng Ting, since it was impossible for him to do it himself.

"At first, I wanted Meng Ting to accompany me to go shopping, but since you're already back, let's just forget about it." Shopping was just an excuse because her real plan would never be so simple.

Yan Sui glanced at He Wan but did not let go of Meng Ting, who was wrapped around his arms. He then talked to He Wan in this position, "Mother, later on, when you go shopping, you don't have to look for Meng Ting. If you want someone to accompany you, just tell Uncle Xiao. He'd surely arrange it for you." After those words came out, he withdrew his gaze and looked at Meng Ting, "Accompany me back to our room."

"Okay," Meng Ting nodded. He also thought that he was not suitable to go shopping with He Wan. However, he had no problems with accompanying Yan Sui to do anything.

Yan Sui was not accompanied by Meng Ting alone. Meng Ting also took Furball and Rhubarb along with him to his and Yan Sui's room. This was a place wherein He Wan could not easily set her foot; but to her surprise, Yan Sui actually allowed an illegitimate son like him and two otherworldly-ugly animals in this place.

He Wan could not understand Yan Sui. She really could not understand him at all.

Yan Sui led the boy into their room and sat on the sofa. Before Yan Sui could even speak, Meng Ting already threw himself into Yan Sui's arms and wrapped his arms tightly around Yan Sui. He then raised his foot and sat directly on Yan Sui's lap. After that, he hugged the man tightly.

"Yan Sui, I want you, Furball, and Rhubarb."

Even if he wants to believe in Yan Sui, he still could not help but wonder, what would he do if Yan Sui made him choose? What would he choose? Meng Ting only thought that he would be sad, so sad so that he wanted to die.

"Silly, how can I make you make such a choice?" Yan Sui caressed Meng Ting's nape with a little helplessness evident on his face, because he thought those shares could give Meng Ting more sense of security, but it did not seem to work very well.

"I can't bear to part from you all," Without thinking much, he already knew Meng Ting would be sad. How could Meng Ting be willing to part with them?

Meng Ting lightly bit his lips. In a split second, there were some raging emotions that were rather difficult to be controlled. This was the first time he had been called silly, yet he did not feel apathetic; instead, he felt warm in his heart, which made him a little confused.

He looked at Yan Sui and bit his earlobe with just a little bit of strength. He could not bear but to do it. The biting then turned into sucking; while on the other hand, Yan Sui's ear turned red as well.

"Meng Ting…" Yan Sui's voice was low and deep. Like the string of an instrument, Yan Sui was instantly plucked to the extreme.

After hearing his name, Meng Ting slowly let him go. He gazed at Yan Sui's earlobe, then he moved closer again and licked it to appease Yan Sui, but it was even more out of control than the previous biting and sucking.

Yan Sui held the back of Meng Ting's hips. After a very short time, the two's position changed once again. Yan Sui laid Meng Ting down on the sofa. Their eyes gently met each other's and the passion they have kept in their hearts could no longer be contained. Yan Sui leaned forward, kissing Meng Ting's lips.

Meng Ting slightly raised his chin, enduring Yan Sui's strong and intoxicating warm kiss. Meng Ting's hands and legs were still wrapped around Yan Sui's body, and based on his posture, it was obvious that he did not want the man to leave.

Yan Sui's kiss was deep and domineering. He almost swallowed the whole person before him into his stomach. His chest rapidly rose and fell, and his forehead emitted a little heat. With one pull of his hand, the buttons on Meng Ting's white shirt were pulled apart, one after another. As he stroked the top with his hand, Meng Ting could not resist the itch, so he let out a gentle moan between his lips and teeth, making Yan Sui's ears turn red again.

Yan Sui's mouth left his lips. From the corners of Meng Ting's mouth, it lingered down, leaving a reddish and dense mark on his white skin. Meng Ting's eyes slightly narrowed. He was somewhat helpless but did nothing to stop Yan Sui.

The last button in the white shirt was left unripped. Yan Sui could clearly see the changes in Meng Ting's body because of him. He looked up at Meng Ting and whispered, "Do you want it?"

Meng Ting heard his question and slowly opened his eyes. The blush on his cheeks gradually became a little richer, but he still nodded and honestly replied, "I think I said, I want you."

Meng Ting's honest words were far more powerful than any other ordinary whispers of love, making the darkness in Yan Sui's eyes a little more intense. He helped Meng Ting get up to let the boy lean in his embrace; nevertheless, Yan Sui used his own hands to help Meng Ting resolve it.

Meng Ting buried his head beside Yan Sui's neck, and with utter shame and excitement, he said, "Yan Sui, it's… it's so good."

"Hmm," Yan Sui answered, then he sped up a little, so he could make Meng Ting feel relieved once again in his hands with the utmost joy of his body.

Meng Ting leaned on Yan Sui's body as he panted. His sense of shame that had once submerged, had resurfaced again. However, this time, even though he was shy, he did not let Yan Sui go to the bathroom to solve it himself. After he caught his breath, he kissed Yan Sui's lips once more and slid his hands under Yan Sui's clothes.

"I can also help you."

He was not insensitive toward Yan Sui's bodily responses. He naturally knew them as well. Yan Sui could help him, so it was normal for him to be able to help Yan Sui as well.

The originally clean and tidy sofa became a complete mess because of these two. The two men hugged each other without clothes on their body. After a long time, Yan Sui picked up the boy and walked toward the bathroom. The two took a shower and when they came out to go to their room, an hour had passed by already.

Meng Ting's cheeks were still a little red, but compared to last time, the sense of shame which made him so anxious until he wanted to bury himself had dissipated a little. He also wanted to be more intimate and open toward Yan Sui.

He leaned on Yan Sui's shoulder and looked at him. The fascination in the corners of his eyes and the tips of his eyebrows have not faded, but his eyes already became earnest, "Did you like it?"

Yan Sui had no choice but to ruffle Meng Ting's hair and kiss his cheek, "I liked it."

Meng Ting was willing to be close to him. He naturally liked it, much more than what he expected.

"That's good," Meng Ting said, then he nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. He held Yan Sui's shoulders and whispered, "I like it, too." So, he hoped Yan Sui liked it too, although he felt that he had not done enough for Yan Sui.

Meng Ting looked around, and in a split second, he realized that Rhubarb and Furball were both in the corner of the sofa when he glanced from the corners of his eyes. The heat on his cheeks became more intense once again, "Waah, it was seen by Rhubarb and Furball."

Meng Ting swept his gaze at them, then he looked around and poked Yan Sui, "You can only let me, Rhubarb, and Furball see it and others can't, remember that, okay? Especially those lining up from Beicheng City to Nancheng City to marry you." Also, that Su whatever… Meng Ting could not remember his name and did not mention it.

"Okay," Yan Sui was helpless. Meng Ting could really remember He Wan's remark. However, his jealous look was very cute. Apart from saying okay, he better not say anything else.

Yan Sui came back home early, but it was not too early for them to stay long in their room for an hour.

After a moment of intimacy, they got up and changed their clothes. They prepared to go to the residence of the Mengs' Third Young Master.

Yan Sui still wore the same black suit. Meng Ting looked at Yan Sui and he also chose a suit with the same color. The two stood in front of the mirror and from the mirror, it looked absolutely right.

"We both look good." Meng Ting gave himself and Yan Sui a nod.

Yan Sui did not answer back but bowed his head and kissed Meng Ting's forehead. That kind of pampering acknowledgement need not a lot of explaining.