Chapter 27 - "You are too hiring."

When Yan Sui and Meng Ting came out of their room, He Wan had already left. Even though she knew Yan Sui was not the kind who would tell her a lie to deceive her, she still wanted to go and confirm whether this was true before she really believed in it.

She did not believe Yan Sui really transferred ten percent of the Yans' shares to Meng Ting, when in fact, Yan Sui had only known him for about ten days.

Yan Sui originally did not intend to hide it. Now, He Wan quickly made her people get to the bottom of this.

That ten percent was not entirely transferred from Yan Sui's name. Four percent of them were bought by Yan Sui, himself, from some investors and collateral descendants of the Yans. He personally collected ten percent of the Yans' shares and fished the rank of the third major shareholder in the Yans' company for Meng Ting.

He Wan's actions, plus this matter, spread quite easily. The fact that Yan Sui gave his future wife ten percent of shares was quickly known by everyone in Haicheng's noble circle.

In the past, everyone was lustful or optimistic over the position of the wife of the Yans' patriarch. Because of the Yans, moreover because of Yan Sui, they believed that this alliance by marriage could bring more benefits for both sides of the families involved, but they never thought Yan Sui had such a great style in handling affairs. The hearts of those who were originally jealous of Meng Ting were now dripping with blood.

Among them, the Su Family was the one who regretted the most. They were so close to turning Su Siyu into Yan Sui's wife. If it was not because of Su Siyu's obstruction and He Wan's sudden change of mind, this position would not have been given to Meng Ting of the Meng Family.

Yan Sui took Meng Ting to eat something at home first, and took Rhubarb to the parterre to stroll for half a lap, then they set off for Meng Yide and Han Xuejun's residence.

When they arrived at the venue for the banquet, the time had passed eight o'clock. They were not too early, but also not too late.

Yan Sui got out of the car first and all of the gazes from near and far focused on him. Regardless if they were originally smiling or not, everyone raised their heads and smiled. However, it was not the kind of smile that was too flattering and servile; instead, it was the kind that was elegant and decent, to the point that it could be considered as a formulaic smile.

However, Yan Sui did not sweep his gaze to anyone. He pulled another person out of the car from the car sideways, and that other person was an overly good-looking young man.

The car door was already closed, yet Yan Sui still did not let go of the hand of the one beside him. Just like this, Yan Sui led him along with his hand and continued walking over.

Thus, the status of the person beside him could be easily guessed. He must be Meng Ting, the Seventh Young Master of the Mengs — the illegitimate son who just recently returned to the master's house. However, on top of all this, he had a much more important identity — he was going to be Yan Sui's wedded wife soon.

The very first ones to greet them as they arrived at the entrance were Meng Ting's brothers, Meng Jiang and Meng Bo, who were responsible for receiving the guests at the banquet's drawing room. They continuously looked into Yan Sui's eyes for quite a while before they perked up a smile on their faces.

"Big Brother Yan, Meng Ting, hurry up. Our parents have been talking about you guys again and again for quite a while now."

Meng Qi had not been able to enter Yan Sui's social circle, let alone their brothers. In the past, when they saw Yan Sui, they did not even have the qualification to say hello to him. Now, because of Meng Ting by his side, they seemed to be closer to him than any other person.

"Yeah, yeah," Meng Jiang spoke first, then Meng Bo supported him. Meng Bo glanced at Meng Ting, and without batting an eyelid, he winked at Meng Ting. Nevertheless, Meng Bo wanted Meng Ting to support them. However, Meng Ting still held Yan Sui's hand and did not even say hello. It became even more impossible to help them exchange greetings.

Yan Sui turned to his side to look at Meng Ting. He did not seem to be interested in talking to Meng Ting's brothers as well. Because of this, the scene suddenly became awkward.

At this very moment, Wang Feng, who was a few steps behind them, handed over a gift box to Meng Jiang and said, "This is a birthday present for Third Madame Han from our family head and his wife."

"Big Brother Yan is too kind."

Meng Jiang, who did not get a face from Yan Sui and Meng Ting, was naturally awkward, but he still had to smile and accept the gift.

Meng Jiang continued to talk with Wang Feng, while Yan Sui talked to Meng Ting in whispers. The volume was limited to what Meng Ting could hear, but it was not exactly a whisper.

"Is it your first time coming here?"

"Yeah," Meng Ting nodded. In both of his lifetimes, this was indeed the first time he stepped into the house where his father lived. As expected, he did not feel anything. When he was looking around, he gathered a dozen malicious eyes that were full of curiosity, yet he seemed to feel nothing. This was all the more so because Yan Sui was standing by his side and he felt safe.

"It's not as big as ours, nor as beautiful as ours."

Meng Ting definitely did not know much about decorations and designs. He felt that the Yans' residence was good, purely because of Yan Sui. He felt that wherever Yan Sui was, it was a good place. Of course, that included Yan Sui's former house which was now their house.

When Yan Sui heard this, the corners of his mouth hooked up to a smile. He lifted his other hand up and ruffled Meng Ting's hair. After that, he gently said "M-hm" and continued to say: "Once we get to meet the people here, let's go home early."

"Okay," Meng Ting obediently replied while leaning his head on Yan Sui's hand that was still ruffling his hair.

"Where's Third Madame Han?" Yan Sui withdrew his hand rather reluctantly and looked at Meng Bo, who looked a little gloomy.

Meng Bo first looked at Meng Ting and then he looked at Yan Sui. With a little look of carefulness and ingratiation, he said, "Our parents are upstairs. The servants have gone there to inform them of your arrival…or should I just lead you there to see them?"

"No need, we'll wait for them to come down."

Yan Sui swept his gaze over to Meng Bo, making him feel disheartened. It seemed that Yan Sui could see through all of the thoughts in Meng Bo's mind at one glance, including his sudden and intense thoughts of currying favor with them.

When Yan Sui looked at Meng Bo, Meng Ting was also looking at him. Meng Ting's eyebrows were knitted, and he clenched his free hand into a fist, then released it again. When he saw the Mengs, he could not stop himself from thinking about fighting. They could see through the hatred in his eyes, which was much alike the hatred in Yan Sui's.

I'm obedient. I don't fight.

Meng Ting said these words to himself several times and at the same time, he slightly tightened his grasp on Yan Sui's hand.

Han Xuejun and Meng Yide did not stay downstairs and went back to their room at the second floor to talk, and it was actually because of Meng Ting.

The news of Yan Sui transferring ten percent of the Yans' shares to Meng Ting's name had reached their ears. With this, not only did Meng Ting play a vital role for the Yans, but also for the Mengs. Even though they were his foster parents, they still could not neglect him.

This was what the Old Master had personally warned them about over the phone, and that might not only be a warning, but also an order.

One's luck was hard to tell. Originally, Meng Ting was a mere good-for-nothing, who was just used for the benefit of the Mengs. Owing to a blind luck, this lucky bastard took the opportunity to make He Wan take fancy of him; however, they did not expect that this luck also made Yan Sui look at him with special regards.

What was Yan Sui thinking and what particular scheme did he have in mind? Even Old Master Meng could not be sure of it. However, there was one thing that could be clearly seen — Meng Ting, for a fact, had transformed from an insignificant marriage alliance chess piece, into someone who could not be neglected by both sides of the families, not even by any family in Haicheng.

"What are you worried about? I don't think Meng Ting has that kind of intelligence." Meng Yide looked at Han Xuejun, and there was a slight impatience written on his face.

He and even Old Master Meng thought that it was a good thing for the Mengs if Yan Sui liked Meng Ting. Han Xuejun did not meet the guests whatsoever. It was as if she was facing a formidable foe so she pulled him here to discuss. He felt this was unnecessary and gradually grew impatient.

"Intelligence…" Han Xuejun said with a sneer, as if she was mocking Meng Yide's naivety. "He can make Yan Sui do this for him in such a short period of time, and you said he doesn't have such intelligence? I think…all of you are being deceived by him."

Han Xuejun actually said 'all of you' to point out three people — Meng Yide, Meng Yigui, as well as their mother, Li Yifei.

"A man of great wisdom often seems slow-witted, or should I say a pig disguised itself to eat the tiger?" Han Xuejun had no smile on her face, she continued, "Think about it again, how did your family treat him all these years? It would be nice if he won't use Yan Sui to help him retaliate against the Mengs."

The impatience on Meng Yide's face disappeared, his brows began to rise, and his next expression became serious. Like what Han Xuejun said, it was not totally impossible. The second branch of their family and Meng Ting were really not that close and the Mengs did not show much kindness to him as well.

Han Xuejun looked at his face and gave him a look of ridicule. She did not think that any of Meng Yide's three illegitimate sons and daughter were easy to handle. Of course, she also somewhat made an error of judgement about this Meng Ting.

Knock, knock. There was a knocking sound at the door. Han Xuejun and Meng Yide subconsciously straightened up as they sat, then Meng Yide said, "Come in."

A maid came in and whispered, "Sir, Madame, Third Young Master asked me to tell you that Seventh Young Master and The Yans' patriarch have arrived."

Han Xuejun and Meng Yide looked at each other. Slowly, they stood up and tidied up their clothes, then together, they came out of the room and went downstairs.

Meng Jiang and Meng Bo were still accompanying Yan Sui and Meng Ting, but in fact, only Wang Feng was talking to them. Yan Sui and Meng Ting occasionally whispered a few words to each other and both of them were obviously giving Meng Ting's brothers a cold-shoulder.

Both Meng Jiang and Meng Bo lost their faces. Meng Xiao and Meng Qin were also not foolish enough to come forward and let those two give them a cold-shoulder.

However, when Meng Yide and Han Xuejun came, Meng Xiao and Meng Qin moved close to each other. Obviously, they were still looking greedily at Yan Sui.

"Dad, Mom." Meng Ting moved closer to Yan Sui and called their attention, then kept silent.

"It's good you came here. I was originally thinking about asking your father to give you a call."

Han Xuejun started talking to Meng Ting with a smile. At the same time, she came closer and seemed to want to pull Meng Ting's hand, but she was avoided without exception. More precisely, it was Yan Sui who pulled Meng Ting to avoid her.

Even if Han Xuejun wanted to lose her temper, she did not dare to throw a fit. Her smile faded and swept her gaze over to Meng Ting, as if she wanted to see right through him.

Yan Sui and Meng Yide exchanged a few words, but Han Xuejun had nothing to say. Of course, Han Xuejun had a reputation among the Mengs, but for Yan Sui of the Yans, this reputation of hers was nothing. Yan Sui chatted with Meng Yide, but this was all for Meng Ting's reputation.

Once in a while, Meng Ting would look at Han Xuejun and others' eyes, and felt a little more uncomfortable in his heart. However, he licked his lips and did his best not to show this discomfort. No doubt, he was very certain that he did not like them. Even if they did not show any freezing irony and scorching satire at the moment, and even had some unconscious flattery incorporated in their words, he still did not like them.

He had been very miserable with his life. He himself was partly to be blamed, but still, the Mengs were the first to bury the funerary dolls [1]. However, to say that Meng Ting hated them so much, he actually did not. It was not because they were not hateful enough to be blamed, but for Meng Ting, hating a person was a really tiring and laborious matter. Even in this life, he did not want spend more of these thoughts on them.

([1] An idiom which means "the creator of a bad precedent.")

There were many guests coming and going. It was impossible for Han Xuejun and Meng Yide to walk around and talk to them all, so after exchanging greetings with them, they dispersed.

Meng Xiao still had a board and bandages on his hand. On several occasions, he cast a sorrowful look at Meng Ting, but Meng Ting never noticed it. Because of this, Meng Xiao was stupefied. He and even many other people could not figure out how such a boring person like Meng Ting could make Yan Sui do this for him until this extent.

When those people left, Meng Ting immediately heaved a sigh of relief. He raised his eyes and carefully looked at Yan Sui, then he said in distress, "You're too conspicuous."

Tonight, rather than concerning himself with those malicious gazes, what Meng Ting was more concerned about was those eyes on Yan Sui. Seeing those eyes on Yan Sui, that seemed to want to eat him as if he was a piece of meat, made Meng Ting very terrified. His Yan Sui was definitely someone that he did not want to give to anyone for them to 'eat.'

When Yan Sui heard this, the smile in his eyes became a little more intense. He gently rubbed his thumb on the back of Meng Ting's hand and using the same distressed tone, he said, "Then, what should I do about it?"

Meng Ting blinked when he heard these words. He moved a little closer to Yan Sui, stood on his tiptoes, then whispered in Yan Sui's ear, "It's got nothing to do with you, they're just not nice. Besides, you're married to me."

"Shall I show them our marriage certificate?" Yan Sui asked. Meng Ting swept his eyes around. Each and every pair of eyes around them were looking straight at them. He immediately rejected this idea and said, "They might want to tear up our marriage certificate, this won't do. It's so annoying, you're all mine…"

Meng Ting continued to mutter and complain, but Yan Sui could not help but smile. From the corners of his mouth to the corners of his eyes, he was smiling, which was very charming. He ruffled Meng Ting's hair and said, "Don't worry, they wouldn't dare."

They were right in front of him, yet did not have the courage to speak up like Meng Ting, who was totally unaffected by his presence on the spot. More importantly, he was sure that he would not be taken away by anyone other than Meng Ting.

Meng Ting turned his eyes and thought for a bit, then nodded.

"Maybe I should become better, so I can help you to drive them away."

He depended on Yan Sui for everything. He should work hard, too. He was a man, too, but he was always hiding under Yan Sui's wings, was he not a little too useless?

Yan Sui still had nothing to say, yet Meng Ting shook his head again and said, "No, I'm already useless from the start. Becoming better won't do me any good."

Others may be able to get better if they worked hard; however, it was just no use no matter how hard he tried.

Yan Sui sighed softly and took Meng Ting outside. Everyone's gazes followed them all the way, until their figures disappeared completely, then those people withdrew their gazes.

Finally, Yan Sui found a secluded place where he and Meng Ting could talk in peace for a while.

"Your fighting skill's very fierce, how can it be useless? You're great at taking care of Rhubarb and Furball, how can it be useless? You're honest, simple, sincere, and brave—Meng Ting you're awesome. In my eyes, you're better than anyone else."

Yan Sui thought that what Meng Ting now was all because of the Mengs doing and because he was ignored by his own grandmother. Meng Ting himself had no problem with his principles. Even if he had problems with it, it was also not the major issue. He was great — even better than what Yan Sui said about him.

Meng Ting looked up at Yan Sui. His eyes were wide open, but little by little, his eyelashes got wet.

"Yan Sui, don't you really think you've got it wrong? I'm not good. I've always been useless."

All of his efforts were very laborious. Those that most people think were simple, but he had to spend tens of times or even hundreds of times to learn. People said that diligence could make up for one's weaknesses, yet he felt that his 'stupidity' was difficult to mend.

"No, I don't find that I'm wrong." Yan Sui raised his hands and caressed Meng Ting's cheeks. He wiped Meng Ting's cheeks gently with his fingertips, then he wiped off those glittering and translucent crystal-like tears from Meng Ting's eyelashes that made him feel distressed.

Meng Ting blinked, stood on his tiptoes once again, and kissed Yan Sui on his lips. After he gently kissed Yan Sui's lips, he then landed on his heels. He leaned gently into Yan Sui's embrace and said, "I believe in you."

He was enlightened that Yan Sui liked him and it was only then that he felt he was good. In other people's eyes, he was still not good enough and still not worthy of Yan Sui; however, did that matter? He only needed Yan Sui to think that he was good.

"Since you say I'm good, then I'm good," Apart from these, he also wanted to be a little better than he was now and if possible, he would make Yan Sui like him even more.

Yan Sui embraced Meng Ting, his tone was gentler than ever, "We have an entire lifetime, take it easy, don't worry about it."

"Yeah," Meng Ting responded, then he wrapped his hands tightly around Yan Sui.

In this lifetime, Yan Sui's words were like music to his ears. He likes it!