Chapter 51 - Do you believe in rebirth?

At the end of the kiss, Meng Ting turned his head to meet Rhubarb and Furball's gaze. He lightly patted Rhubarb's head and said, "Next time when me and Yan Sui are kissing, you have to turn around, okay?"

Rhubarb didn't respond, but Furball made a meow before jumping on Meng Ting's lap. He picked Furball up and kissed its head, "Furball is the best."

Meng Ting rubbed Furball while looking at Yan Sui again, "Look, our Furball is getting more beautiful."

Furball had stayed in Yan's residence for more than two months. The injuries on its body were completely healed, and it grew back the fur that had been shaved. The fur covered the ugly scars and because of Meng Ting taking really good care of it, the newly grown white fur was fine and beautiful.

Compared to last time, Furball was more lively and the name "Furball" suited it even more.

Yan Sui pulled Meng Ting against him again and kissed his forehead, "Beautiful."

The cat was beautiful, but its owner was more beautiful. The shackles trapping Meng Ting's heart gradually disappeared. The more he stroked Furball, the more he was enchanted in it.

Meng Ting nodded his head, and he lay down in Yan Sui's arm while holding Furball, he asked Yan Sui while stroking its fur, "Actually, I'm already feeling okay. When will I go back to school?"

Yan Sui hesitated before answering him, "Two more days."

Yan Sui wouldn't have a problem if Meng Ting stayed beside him, but he was still worried that he would feel uncomfortable in an unfamiliar environment.

Meng Ting actually didn't really want to go to school either and he nodded happily, "Okay."

Yan Sui looked down at Meng Ting, and his heart was suddenly shot by anxiety. He was not worried about his physical and mental health, but worried that someone would fall in love with Meng Ting. As he thought about this, Yan Sui added, "You should focus on studying at school."

Meng Ting nodded in agreement, "Well, I want to go to university and make money. A lot and a lot of money."

Yan Sui raised his eyebrows, very satisfied with his answer, he then leaned forward and kissed Meng Ting's lips again, "Good."

Meng Ting gently grabbed Yan Sui's collar while lifting his jaw , and the two kissed again.

He let go his grips on Furball and caressed Yan Sui's hair by gently grabbing and rubbing them.

Yan Sui straightened his body and pushed Furball away from Meng Ting's stomach before picking him up. As for Furball and Rhubarb, they already knew the way around the house, there's no need to bring them back in person.

Meng Ting pursed her lips and leaned on Yan Sui's shoulder. His smile was extremely charming.

Yan Sui gave him a slight glance before walking at a faster pace.

Meng Ting realized why Yan Sui was walking faster and he whispered in his ears, "Don't worry, we'll be together all the time. We can do it wherever we want."

He then thought about what he said before shaking his head, "No, we need to do it in a place where there's only two of us, preferably our room."

Yan Sui tightened his grips on Meng Ting before opening the door, but Meng Ting already holding onto his neck and kissed him, seemed like he was more anxious than Yan Sui.

Meng Ting unfortunately didn't make much progress in his kissing skills, but he got a point for earnestness. He kissed and licked persistently as Yan Sui put him on their bed. Meng Ting still held his neck firmly while nibbling on his shoulder, he saw Yan Sui's Adam's apple bobbed up and down.

Meng Ting opened his mouth and sucked it. Adam's apple was one of the sensitive parts for most men, and Yan Sui was no exception.

"Meng Ting." Yan Sui whispered softly as his ear started to turn red while looking helplessly.

Meng Ting licked Yan Sui's Adam's Apple again before letting go, "What?"

Yan Sui couldn't say anything and he went down to kiss his lips, but Meng Ting dodged it.

He gently pushed Yan Sui who was not moving before applying force and requested, "Lie down."

Yan Sui knew that the way Meng Ting clung on someone would send him crazy, but this time he really had no choice but to lie down.

He lay down and Meng Ting swiftly sat over on his groin, feeling his strong reactions against him. He gently grabbed Yan Sui's clothes before deciding to continue at his own pace.

"I want to kiss you, we'll continue after I kiss you enough."

So, what he meant was that Yan Sui had to endure while he ignited his sexual arousal…

Yan Sui didn't know if he could do it, that's why he did not answer. But Meng Ting took it as a tacit agreement.

Meng Ting leaned over and kissed his face, then undressed him with both hands. It was easy to take off the jacket but the shirt inside was not easy to take off because of the buttons, especially for a person like Meng Ting who couldn't multitask.

His kiss would become perfunctory if he unbuttoned his shirt at the same time, and if he kissed Yan Sui seriously, it would take him ten minutes to deal with one button.

Yan Sui was thinking of unbuttoning himself, but Meng Ting stared at him in silence when he knew what he was planning to do and Yan Sui had no choice but to withdraw his hand.

"I finished unbuttoning." Meng Ting narrowed his eyes and put Yan Sui's clothes on the stool beside the bed.

When he turned back to look at him, Yan Sui was already flushing red but there was still a hint of tenderness in his eyes.

Meng Ting leaned over to kiss his eyes and he comforted Yan Sui with a smile, "When I finish kissing, you can do whatever you want with me. But now you have to stay good.

The words "whatever you want" was too tempting for Yan Sui, after a while, he finally pursed his lips and nodded.

Meng Ting rewarded him by kissing his lips, then continued torturing him with kisses again.

He wanted to kiss Yan Sui's heart and Yan Sui wanted to kiss his heart too. He liked the person in front of him so much that he could only express it in this way, even if he initially never wanted to do it, but he just did.

Yan Sui gently grasped Meng Ting's hair while gasping for air, "Meng Ting, you don't have to."

Meng Ting did not reply to him, it was his first time doing these things, that's why it must be done seriously. Otherwise, he would waste his intention in doing so if he hurted Yan Sui.

Meng Ting devoted himself wholeheartedly and Yan Sui gradually let go of his distressed thoughts.

The lights in the room were still bright, but all the lights seemed to converge on the person in front of him. Yan Sui breathed heavily as he struggled to control himself, his eyes were all occupied by Meng ting.

"Meng Ting, I love you."

Meng Ting's ears turned red as he heard Yan Sui's hoarse voice, he slowly straightened his body and looked at his eyes before running to the bathroom.

He gargled for a while before coming out from the bathroom.

He hesitated in front of the door as his cheeks grew red. Finally, he opened the door and went back to the room.

Yan Sui was lying sideways and his lower body was covered with a blanket. His eyes were on the bathroom door, when he saw the door open, he quickly sat up.

"Come here."

Meng Ting approached the bed and sat at the edge before Yan Sui pulled him into his arms.

He still felt a little bit shy before, but as soon he was hugged by Yan Sui, the shyness gradually disappeared. He just wanted Yan Sui to be happy.

"Finished rinsing?" Yan Sui stroked Meng Ting's hair and asked in a deep voice. His voice still had a hint of aroused, but in Meng Ting's point of view, his voice had an enticing effect.

"Yeah." Meng Ting returned Yan Sui's hug and climbed back to the bed.

Yan Sui flipped Meng Ting until he was underneath him, "I love you."

He didn't know if Meng Ting heard him when he said it before, but he didn't mind telling him again. Once, twice, it didn't matter how many times he needed to say it.

"I love you, Meng Ting." Yan Sui repeated it again and kissed his lips.

The distance between the two was close, the tips of their noses touched and their breath met, but this was not enough. They were eager for closer contact, the kind of contact with physical intercourse and heart to soul feelings.

Meng Ting's eyes lifted up and he nodded gently, "I know, I love you too."

"Yan Sui, I love you." There's lust in Meng Ting's eyes, but his look remained serious and solemn, "Maybe I didn't love you as much as you love me, but I will love you, more and more love you."

In fact, he just learned how to like people, learned how to love people. Although he did not learn much, he would use everything he learned on Yan Sui.

Meng Ting's words of love made Yan Sui crazy, he couldn't help but kiss his eyebrows then his lips, "Me too."

Their love went deeper day by day.

Yan Sui took off Meng Ting's clothes much more quickly and skillfully, especially when Meng Ting was cooperating with him.

Meng Ting's body was still sensitive and inexperienced, Yan Sui explored his body and it didn't take him long for Meng Ting to breathe heavily. He grabbed onto Yan Sui's chest while he hummed gently and emotionally. No lingering music could make Yan Sui feel more sensational than this.

Meng Ting remembered what he said, after he finished kissing, he would do whatever Yan Sui wanted. Yan Sui told him to turn around, he turned around, he told him to lift his leg, he lifted his leg, and there's many more shameful positions too, and Meng Ting did it blushingly.

But at the same time, he realized that he could not causally use the words "whatever you want" anymore.

After taking a shower, Meng Ting fell asleep on Yan Sui's shoulder when he was rubbing his body. He believed in Yan Sui more than he believed in himself.

Yan Sui carried him back to the room and gently kissed him on his forehead before they hugged each other to sleep.

Tonight was just a slightly more exciting night among their countless other nights. It seemed like there's no difference. But the next day, when one looked closely at Meng Ting, they would see that his eyes showed more affections towards Yan Sui that even he did not realize it. He looked bright and happy.

Zhen Han and Gu Lang arrived at the Yan's residence. They raised their eyebrows and then looked at Yan Sui teasingly.

Looking at Meng Ting's appearance, he must be living a leisurely life with Yan Sui.

Yan Sui did not respond to their teasing, instead he wrapped his hand around Meng Ting's waist possessively.

The only good thing that happened after the case of Meng Ting being drugged was that the relationship between him and Yan Sui became better. But even so, the culprit's punishment would not be exempted.

"I'm sure we don't have to wait more than two days for Old Mistress Su to come over." Zhen Han said.

Old Mistress Su had quite a good relationship with his grandmother but not good enough to forgive Su Si Yu completely because their friendship formed from them being noble ladies.

And most importantly, the way the Su's family dealing with this matter was a bit strange. Su Si Yu hadn't shown up until now, did they think that if they hid Su Si Yu, the Yan's family would give up?

Yan Sui nodded in agreement at Zhen Han's statement. Perhaps a child who had encountered weird things during their childhood might see through a situation more easily than an ordinary person. He was one, Zhen Han was one, Meng Ting was one too.

"Tchi- They got the nerves." Gu Lang murmured, as he took a test report from his briefcase and put it on the table in front of Yan Sui. This was the report of the juice on that day.

"They're relentless too, the dose seriously exceeds the allowed dosage for sedatives. Drinking one whole cup can definitely cause death."

Fortunately, Meng Ting only took a sip and vomited it all out in the bathroom. Otherwise, they couldn't make up for Meng Ting's damage even if they were punished.

After Yan Sui and Meng Ting finished reading the report, Zhen Han took it and looked at it too.

"I'm not sure how many years you can get sentenced for this." Zhen Han said.

Suddenly, Uncle Wang came in from outside and bowed, "Old Mistress Su is here to see you."

Instead of inviting them over or making a phone call, Old Mistress Su went directly to Yan's residence to confront them.

"Invite her in." Yan Sui said, leaning back slightly. He continued to hug Meng Ting and then looked at Gu Lang and Zhen Han, "You guys don't have to leave."

Since she came here to plead for mercy, she could do it too in the presence of others.

However, Old Mistress Su didn't come here alone, she also brought Su Si Yu with her. To be more precise, Su Si Yu was the one who requested Old Mistress Su to meet Yan Sui, otherwise Yan Sui wouldn't have invited him in.

Meng Ting realized that Old Mistress Su brought Su Si Yu and he frowned. Although he was unhappy to see him, he pursed his lips and remained silent. His sleepiness was completely gone too.

Yan Sui looked at Old Mistress Su and Su Si Yu, the coldness in his eyes was not hidden at all. He slightly sneered before showing his usual cold face.

Gu Lang and Zhen Han looked over too, and their faces were not looking good.

Old Mistress Su was surprised when Su Si Yu showed up, but this would be the last time she believed in him. If he couldn't do what he promised, then she wouldn't spend any more time on him in the future.

"Let's talk privately, you won't regret it."

Su Si Yu was pale and haggard, obviously he hadn't been well in the past few days, but his gaze on Yan Sui was solid.

He had reflected on himself these two days, and he knew he was too reckless, but the difference between his expectations and reality was getting farther and farther away. The way Yan Sui looked at Meng Ting didn't seem to be an act.

Yan Sui gave Meng Ting his heart. But what about him, what should he do? His rebirth was for Yan Sui after all.

That's why he couldn't bear the pain anymore. When he realized that Meng Xiao was trying to harm Meng Ting, he couldn't help making his poor plan more perfect, but it was still useless. He forgot they had to face Yan Sui, the youngest and most powerful family head in Hai Cheng.

He glanced at Meng Ting who was hugging Yan Sui, and emphasized again, "Just you and me."

Yan Sui glanced over at Su Si Yu before his gaze fell on Old Mistress Su and asked, "Is this what Old Mistress Su wants too?" Was she going to exchange a decade of friendship she had with his grandmother for Su Si Yu's request?

This was the real meaning behind Yan Sui's question. He thought that Su Si Yu was threatening Old Mistress Su. After considering her old relationship with the Yan's family, Yan Sui asked again to confirm it.

Old Mistress Su frowned, how could she not know the consequences of doing this. But finally, she nodded her head, "Yes."

Yan Sui turned sideways and looked at Meng Ting, the coldness in his eyes disappeared in an instant. He raised his hand and rubbed Meng Ting's head, "Don't worry, I'll be back in a moment."

Meng Ting stared at Yan Sui, it took him a long time before saying, "Okay."

Yan Sui nodded his head and looked at Su Si Yu, "Come with me."

Su Si Yu followed behind Yan Sui. As he walked up the stairs, he turned back and glanced at Meng Ting again.

Meng Ting met Su Si Yu's eyes unexpectedly. He frowned again but still didn't say or do anything. After their door closed, he turned his head and asked Zhen Han, "What did he mean by looking at me? I don't get it."

Zhen Han and Gu Lang, who were originally serious and worried heard what Meng Ting said and almost laughed.

Zhen Han rubbed Furball who was on his lap and smiled, "What he meant is not important, as long as my sister-in-law believes in my brother."

Zhen Han was quite an awkward person, and he rarely called Yan Sui his brother when he was with him, he called his name directly most of the time. But when he was with others, he always called Yan Sui as his brother or cousin, the way he asserted his presence was actually quite obvious.

Meng Ting nodded, "I believe in Yan Sui." and he believed in their relationship too.

He sat back on the sofa as Furball jumped to Meng Ting's lap from Zhen Han, he hugged him while stroking his fur, "It's okay, we can wait for Yan Sui together."

When he said that, Zhen Han and Gu Lang who were planning to comfort Meng Ting suddenly didn't know what to say. To be precise, Meng Ting didn't even need their comfort, he believed in Yan Sui more than anyone.

"Except for Si Yu in the past few years, I have never seen such a good-looking child like Ting Ting in Hai Cheng."

Old Mistress Su sat down and said.

Meng Ting understood such an obvious compliment and he nodded, "Yeah, I am good-looking for sure, and I'll become more and more good-looking too in the future."

Meng Ting was not talking nonsense as right now he was not tall enough, and he would definitely look better after two years.

Gu Lang and Zhen Han suppressed their laughter at Meng Ting's blunt and honest reply. They could already imagine how Yan Sui fell in love with him so quickly. How could he not love this beautiful and straightforward baby?

Old Mistress Su sighed too. Although she didn't know how Su Si Yu was looking upstairs, but after seeing Meng Ting, she knew Su Si Yu had no chance at all.

With such a bright and precious pearl in front of him, Yan Sui would never look at Su Si Yu the same way he looked at Meng Ting.

On the other had, Su Si Yu and Yan Sui were silent for a long time in the room, Yan Sui sat in his usual place while Su Si Yu stood in front of him.

His eyes darted around, feeling a little nostalgic. He used to dislike this place, Yan Sui always told him something he didn't like in here. He stayed in Yan's residence so long that even if he disliked his place, he would still come here often.

Looking at it again, he found that he was still familiar with this place. The feeling of nostalgia was even stronger towards Yan Sui. Although he was so stern and ruthless, he was the only one who still wanted to hold on him, the one who wanted to make him a better person.

The biggest regret he had before he died was that he didn't cherish Yan Sui enough, he didn't see the meaning behind his stern words. He always thought that if one day he could come back again, he would definitely do something for a different ending. Maybe he won't die in a corner that no one knew again, or maybe Yan Sui wouldn't be so cold.

"This…Why is there an extra table here?"

Su Si Yu's eyes fell on the desk next to Yan Sui's table. There were a few neatly-packed high school textbooks and test papers on it, but it was obvious that someone was using it. He was already aware that the desk belonged to who.

But how could someone as cold as Yan Sui allow a person to stay in his study and even have a table for him.

Yan Sui frowned, "This is my study, I thought I had the right to add something here."

He glanced back at Su Si Yu again, "Thirty minutes, once time is up, I won't listen to whatever you want to say."

Su Si Yu finally kept his anger and jealousy after he heard Yan Sui. He still insisted on standing and took a few steps closer to Yan Sui. While looking seriously and anxiously at the same time, he finally asked, "Do you believe in rebirth?"

"I'm aware of that, returning to the time where everything begins and starts over."

Yan Sui did not say anything afterward, Su Si Yu continued on and said. This was his last bargaining chip, the only thing he had to bring Yan Sui back.

"I'm the one married to you last life…."

He tried to convince Yan Sui to believe him, and after thinking for a while, he spoke.

"Upstairs of this room is the room of grandpa and grandma, on the left is the room of mom and dad, on the west side is Aunt Man Jia's room and the room next to her is Zhen Han's room."