Chapter 52 - I don't care, I am the one who is married to you now

Although these things were a secret to the public, it was not impossible to know if you did your investigation, at least to Old Mistress Su who had come to the Yan's residence before.

Su Si Yu thought about it and continued, "I remember it was grandpa who hosted our wedding. And I know about the Yan's family in country F too. This month is September, a month ago, they reconciled with their lost eldest son and grandson."

"I also know that three years later, the family head of Yan's in country F suddenly change his heir before dying. It was Yan Shu Ya who inherited the position as the family head. About five years later, Yan's from country F encountered a crisis and almost ruined us too. You're the one who solved it."

These were the events that would happen in the future, and events that were very important to Yan Sui and the Yan's family.

Although he didn't care about Yan Sui at that time, he still lived in Yan's residence, and it was tremendous news in Hai Cheng back then. That's why he could remember it.

As Su Si Yu finished speaking, he continued to look at Yan Sui stubbornly. Unfortunately, Yan Sui looked the same as usual, cold and unpredictable. He couldn't even tell if Yan Sui believed him or not.

"Yan Sui, you have to believe me, I won't lie to you. The reason I came back was to redeem my mistake."

"You say you're the one who married me, then what about Meng Ting?"

Yan Sui finally spoke. His eyes were very oppressive, and he could see what a person was thinking at one glance. It was difficult for Su Si Yu to lie in front of him.

"He?" Su Si Yu was surprised that Yan Sui didn't ask about himself or Yan's family, instead the first thing he asked was Meng Ting. Since he already confessed to Yan Sui about everything else, no harm in answering such a simple question right?

"No Meng Ting, there was no such person existed within the rich society of Hai Cheng."

This was also what Su Si Yu couldn't figure it out, Meng Ting was not there in his previous life, it's like he never existed. "Yan Sui, the person who should marry you is me. Is me!"

If it wasn't for Meng Ting, if it wasn't for his sudden appearance, it would be him who married Yan Sui in this life, him who already realized his mistake and wanted to be a better person for Yan Sui. Although he knew it was difficult for Yan Sui to like him immediately, as long as they're together, he would definitely have a chance to win his heart.

But right now, he doesn't even have the opportunity. How could he be satisfied about it? He liked Yan Sui, maybe with a sense of materialism, but he still liked him. The only person he could remember when he was between life and death was him, how could he say that he didn't have any feelings for him.

Yan Sui didn't answer him, but his eyes showed no signs of regrets and emotions. He only felt relieved, both relieved and afraid. If Meng Ting was not there, how did he survive his previous life?

This was only a sudden thought he had previously, and now it was confirmed by Su Si Yu. If destiny deviated from its original course, he would not have the happiness he had right now.

"So that's why you want to harm Meng Ting?"

Yan Sui sneered, and he looked at the time again, "You have 17 minutes left."

Su Si Yu came here by relying on what he knew in his previous life, but if Yan Sui didn't give him any guarantees, he wouldn't tell him everything he knew too.

He thought for a moment before making his request, "I want you to divorce Meng Ting, if you can….."

"Impossible." Yan Sui interrupted him immediately, the gaze in his eyes was terrifying, as if he wanted to skin and bone the person in front of him. Obviously, what Su Si Yu said deeply offended Yan Sui.

Yan Sui sneered at him again, and he slowly stood up. He felt that listening to what Su Si Yu said right now was ridiculous and a waste of time, "What you said is meaningless to me whether it is true or false. Didn't you realize? Even if what you said is the truth, the world is changing around us."

"The person who married me now is Meng Ting, and the one I love is also Meng Ting." Yan Sui didn't mind telling Su Si Yu straight that he loved Meng Ting. He didn't like him, he loved him. Divorce? Su Si Yu had the nerves to request this, he was so pampered by Su's family that he was being unreasonable.

"Even if you don't want to say it, I can already guess it. Me and you…. Hmph, how could I have something with you?"

Su Si Yu was not as interesting as a book in Yan Sui's eyes. The world would change, destiny would change, but people would not. He was still Yan Sui and Su Si Yu was still Su Si Yu, there could only be nothing between them.

He didn't need Su Si Yu to prove his point. Even if they had something between them, that's just an event that happened in his previous life, and because he was blind to choose him. What happened then had nothing to do with him now.

"If this is your bargaining chip, then I want to tell you that you can get nothing from me." Not only he wouldn't let him go from harming Meng Ting last time, he wouldn't do it for the sake of their future too.

Some minor external factors caused Su Si Yu's failure in his two lives, but mostly it was his own faults.

Yan Sui's words were too heartbreaking, Su Si Yu could feel his heart getting stabbed. He took a few steps back with a look of humiliation and stubbornness. He gritted his teeth and said, "Yan Sui, are you that confident? Confident that you will not encounter any natural disasters, any man-made disasters?"

Was he really not curious about the future? Not feeling afraid of the future? Su Si Yu didn't believe it.

"Natural disasters are fate and man-made disasters? I will solve it myself."

Yan Sui was not being cocky about this, he said it with proof. He lived till the age of twenty-eight and did not have the smooth success that outsiders thought he had. What did he suffer? Su Si Yu had no idea about it.

He didn't live in the past, nor did he need to worry about the future. What he fancied right now was the present, the present with him and Meng Ting together.

Even if Yan Sui avoided one natural disaster, who could guarantee that there would be no disasters happening next time. No one could stop something that was destined to happen. As for man-made disasters, he felt that there would be even greater damages if he listened to Su Si Yu.

How could he possibly give up on Meng Ting for an uncertain future from Su Si Yu. Su Si Yu was not thinking right in his head, did he think that Yan Sui was like that too?

"You will regret it, you will certainly regret it." Su Si Yu said hysterically. He looked beggingly at Yan Sui, his eyes were red and he looked very emotional.

"Yan Sui, don't be like that. Only me, only me can make you better."

He bit his lips, unwilling to give up. He took a few steps closer and said, "Yan Sui, I know what happened to dad. I can save his life. You want to give up saving his life for Meng Ting?"

"What do you know?" Yan Sui stretched his hand and choked Su Si Yu's neck. His eyes were angrier and more dangerous than before. In Yan Sui's point of view, he could choose not to find Yan Yu, not to find He Yue, but only if they lived happily.

His hand pushed Su Si Yu away with disgust, "My father died before I was born, everyone in Hai Cheng knows it. Do you think he will turn out alive if you said he's alive?"

"He's not dead….. I don't know what's going on too, but he's not dead." Su Si Yu didn't seem to be lying but Yan Sui could see through him. Su Si Yu might know some clues, but he didn't know much of it.

Yan Sui looked at his watch again, "Time is up, get out."

His expressions were too unpredictable, Su Si Yu couldn't see through his mind. But that's Yan Sui's biological father, Su Si Yu didn't believe that he did not care about his father's life and death at all. He asked him again, "Is that enough information for you?"

"Meng Ting is fine, isn't it. Alright then, I don't want you to divorce him. I want you to give me a place to stay, and I'll tell you, I tell you everything."

From being Yan Sui's official wife to an outsider, Su Si Yu felt aggrieved at this.

But Yan Sui only glanced at him while opening the door, his face was cold as usual.

Su Si Yu couldn't figure out what Yan Sui was thinking, so he went out the room and Yan Sui closed the door behind him.

Su Si Yu was one step behind and followed Yan Sui downstairs. His eyes were red, as if he cried. Su Si Yu was not afraid of being seen crying, and even raised his jaw voluntarily. He wanted Meng Ting to look at him, at least made him misunderstood or something. However, Meng Ting didn't even give him a glance.

Meng Ting let go of Furball, stood up and walked over to hug Yan Sui even if there's outsiders in the room. He whispered, "I'm so worried."

The past thirty minutes, although he was accompanied by Furball, Rhubarb, Zhen Han and Gu Lang, he was still worried.

He was not worried about Yan Sui, but worried that Su Si Yu would try to do something towards Yan Sui. He sniffed at Yan Sui's neck and felt relieved when he didn't smell anything strange. Meng Ting continued to hug his waist.

Yan Sui didn't mind the crowd watching them too, and he hugged Meng Ting back while kissing his hair softly. He raised his hand and rubbed Meng Ting's nape and walked back to the sofa.

Su Si Yu walked back to Old Mistress Su's side with his face darkened, he understood the look of her grandmother right now but he couldn't figure out what Yan Sui was thinking. That's why he couldn't give her an exact answer.

When Yan Sui walked back to them, Gu Lang and Zhen Han were somewhat curious about the situation, and also felt a little nervous. They felt that Yan Sui shouldn't let Su Si Yu go but it was obvious that the two were prepared for this meetup. What if they really had something to convince Yan Sui?

"Uncle Xiao." Yan Sui said and when Uncle Xiao came over, he continued, "You and Zhao Bing go to the police station to report the case."

"Wh….What?" Su Si Yu screamed, he already showed Yan Sui how valuable it was to keep him by his side. Why wasn't Yan Sui accepting him? Was Meng Ting really that important to him, more important than his biological father?

Yan Sui hugged Meng Ting tightly and he said coldly, "You can't even change your own destiny. How dare you try to change mine."

It's not that he didn't believe what Su Si Yu said, he didn't believe Su Si Yu himself.

And Yan Sui was sure that he had no results with him in his previous life. Su Si Yu made him feel disgusted and repulsive. How could Su Si Yu think that he would want a lover like him, to have a mistress?

Because of what Su Si Yu said. Yan Sui still felt sick to the stomach.

"Please ask him and Old Mistress Su to go out." Yan Sui said, not planning to give Old Mistress Su an opportunity to speak.

Uncle Wang turned around and called someone over, Su Si Yu was obviously unwilling to leave but Old Mistress Su seemed to have expected the result and went straight out.

Su Si Yu turned around and looked at Meng Ting, "Who are you? Who the hell are you?"

Meng Ting's appearance was not a coincidence, he might have come here prepared, he came here with a plan to snatch Yan Sui away from him!

"I'm Meng Ting." Meng Ting replied to him, he turned around to look at Su Si Yu and when he wanted to say something else, Yan Sui pulled him back.

"Seal his mouth and get him out of here." When Yan Sui said this, the coldness and fierceness on his body could no longer be restrained. Not only Su Si Yu was scared by this, but also Zhen Han and Gu Lang who were watching.

Zhen Han and Gu Lang could feel something was wrong with Yan Sui, but when they saw him hugging Meng Ting tightly and felt that it was no longer necessary for them to stay. The two looked at each other and brought the reports on the table out for Uncle Xiao to make a police report.

Yan Sui and Meng Ting were the only people left in the living room, along with the two pets.

Meng Ting reached out and patted Yan Sui's back gently, he worriedly asked, "What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?"

Yan Sui released Meng Ting for a while and the both sat down on the sofa, Yan Sui continued to embrace Meng Ting. He was trying his best to restrain his emotions, but obviously, it was a little hard to do.

Meng Ting didn't understand the meaning of Su Si Yu's question, but Yan Sui knew what he meant. Su Si Yu felt that Meng Ting shouldn't appear nor exist in this world, which triggered Yan Sui's anger towards him.

Meng Ting didn't know what Yan Sui and Su Si Yu talked about, but he could feel that Yan Sui was not in a good mood.

He then leaned on Yan Sui and continued to pat his back, waiting for him to calm down.

It took more than ten minutes for Yan Sui to calm down, he glanced at Meng Ting, raised his hand slightly and held his cheeks while kissing him.

Meng Ting blinked before responding to Yan Sui's kiss. He gently stroked his hair and his whole body softened at the kiss.

As Yan Sui's kiss became more eager and stronger, Meng Ting slowly lay down on the sofa with Yan Sui on top of him. He gasped away from Meng Ting's lips but his grips on him were solid, as if he was afraid Meng Ting would just disappear.

Meng Ting stroked his hair and whispered, "Don't be afraid, I'll always stay with you."

No matter what it was, he would always stay with Yan Sui, and he would always be with him as long as he needed it.

"Okay." Yan Sui responded softly. He was indeed afraid, more precisely, he was afraid of the future. Su Si Yu told him that he almost didn't have Meng Ting in his life, and almost didn't meet him.

When facing Su Si Yu, he could still restrain his fear of losing him, but when facing Meng Ting, it was a little difficult to control.

"Do you want to know what we are talking about just now?"

Yan Sui continued to whisper in Meng Ting's ear. In fact, he was still hesitating whether to tell Meng Ting the truth when he asked this question. But he was also afraid one day if he was not there with Meng Ting, Su Si Yu or maybe others would run around feeding Meng Ting with lies, which made him realize to just be honest about everything right now.

He must put an end to anything that might cause Meng Ting to leave him. It was not easy to meet him, so no matter what he had to do, he had to keep him by his side.

Meng Ting hesitated before telling the truth, "Yes."

Yan Sui was being weird after talking to Su Si Yu, he was a bit worried about him. That's why he wanted to know what they talked about.

"Alright, I'll tell you." Yan Sui said, holding Meng Ting up. He held the man tightly in his arms and explained to him the conversation he had with Su Si Yu in the study. There was no concealment whatsoever on Yan Sui's part, he told him everything he could remember.

Yan Sui was waiting for Meng Ting's reaction, but Meng Ting didn't have any strong emotions other than tightening the grips he had on Yan Sui's clothes.

Of course, it might also be that Meng Ting's reaction was too slow. The amount of information he just heard was big, and he needed some time to digest it.

After a while, Meng Ting opened his mouth, "I don't care, the person who is now married to you is me."

He didn't deliberately snatch Su Si Yu's marriage, not to mention that they were married and already in love. What happened in their previous life was nothing to him. Meng Ting didn't even care when he was harmed by the Meng's family, let alone others.

"You didn't like anyone before you got married. The one who you like now is me, who you love now is me. I didn't do anything wrong, we didn't do anything wrong."

Su Si Yu felt that Yan Sui and Meng Ting owned him an apology, but there's nothing to be sorry about. Meng Ting did not meddle in someone's marriage nor he was the mistress. It's just that he happened to make Yan Sui like him, and he liked him back too.

"Yan Sui….." Meng Ting raised his head to look at him, he was hesitating whether to tell him he was a rebirth too. Although he and Su Si Yu were facing a completely different situation, he wouldn't want Yan Sui to feel sad about his previous life.

Other than that, he didn't want to remember his past. He liked Yan Sui, loved Yan Sui, and he wanted to have the present and future with him.

Yan Sui smiled and his lips brushed on Meng Ting's eyelashes again. He said to him seriously, "Meng Ting, thank you." Thank you for showing up and thank you for being there in his life.

Meng Ting leaned forward, his nose tipped against Yan Sui, "It's okay. It's okay for you to be silly occasionally."

Although Meng Ting felt a little surprised that Yan Sui needed him to make a point to understand when he could understand the situation very easily. But that's okay, Yan Sui was also human, and there would be times that he felt confused too. No matter what happened, they would always help each other out, but obviously Yan Sui would be helping him even more.

Yan Sui smiled, not planning to explain what his "thank you" really meant.

After a while, Meng Ting was sad again, "What about dad?"

He had the same intentions as Yan Sui, and hoped that he and his loved one would live healthily. Su Si Yu mentioned that Yan Sui's dad would die, was it from sickness or accident?

Yan Sui stroked Meng Ting's hair gently, the expression on his face was stern, "I'll find them, we just need to do our best." No matter what happened, he would never ever consider leaving Meng Ting.

"As for….. Ming Ya, I'll pay more attention there."

The events which Su Si Yu mentioned were a bit fishy. Did Yan Zheng Bo change his will before death willingly or someone forced him into doing it? It's hard to say. Moreover, he and Meng Ting just met Yan Zheng Bo a while ago, and he really couldn't tell that he would die after three years.

Meng Ting nodded his head, and leaned on Yan Sui's shoulder, "Although there's a lot to do, you don't have to work too hard, okay? I'll feel distressed if you do."

Yan Sui gently replied to him, and he tightened his grips on him. Compared to Meng Ting's unexpectedly calm gesture, Yan Sui still couldn't feel relaxed about this situation.

It was understandable, Meng Ting had more encounters after all. He was more sure than Su Si Yu that he had no contact with Yan Sui in his previous life. But Yan Sui was not the case, after listening to what Su Si Yu said, he felt that his previous life must be terrible.

After another half an hour, Meng Ting yawned lazilly and slowly closed his eyes. Everytime he was hugged by Yan Sui, he would always fall asleep very easily, and today was no exception.

Yan Sui picked Meng Ting up and placed him on the bed in their bedroom. He kissed his lips before going back to his office. After a while, Wang Feng arrived along with Uncle Xiao and Zhao Bing who just came back from the police station.

As for the Su's family and the Meng's family, the police took Meng Xiao and Su Si Yu away with an arrest warrant two hours later. Su Si Yu was still having hope at first but now it was completely annihilated. His trump card failed to convince Yan Sui, and instead, it made him even more eager to get rid of him and Meng Xiao.

Getting rid of him….. If that's the case, Yan Sui would've called the police in the beginning, instead of waiting until now. Right now, he's not targeting Meng Xiao and Su Si Yu only, but the family behind them would also be involved.

Let's not talk about how their family's business would be affected by this. As soon as the news of these two arrested by the police spreaded out, the two families would be the center of criticism among the noble families, especially when the Gu's family and Zhong's family were standing on Yan Sui's side.

If necessary, Gu Lang and Zhong Ming would appear in court to testify against Meng Xiao and Su Si Yu. This was a deadlock, a lock that was destined to ruin the Meng's and Su's family.

However, these things had nothing to do with Meng Ting for the time being. Two days laters in the morning, Yan Sui fetched him to his school, Hai Cheng's Top 1 High School.

The school uniform of Hai Cheng High School was not much different than Meng Ting's previous school uniform. The quality might be better but the design was similar, which was the colour blue and white. Meng Ting sat at the back with his bag on his lap while Yan Sui sat beside him.

He reminded Meng Ting of all the things he had to do yesterday and in the morning, and there was nothing for him to remind anymore. The car soon fell into silence for a while.

Meng Ting's eyes swept across to the side, and Zhao Bing was focused on driving. He hugged Yan Sui with his schoolbag, "I'll miss you, and you'll have to miss me too."

"Okay." Yan Sui responded and he regretted not saying it to Meng Ting first.

Meng Ting rubbed against Yan Sui's cheek again and sneakily gave a peck there.

Yan Sui was already reluctant to leave Meng Ting, and because of his hugs and kisses, his mind would definitely be about him the whole day.

When the car stopped, Zhao Bing looked straight ahead but the two people behind him were still hugging at each other. They were going to see each other again at night anyway, how reluctant were they to leave each other?