Chapter 75 - With Meng Ting, his days are sweet every day.

Yan Yu looked at Meng Ting's extraordinarily serious appearance, resisting the urge to touch his forehead, he coughed softly, and he still didn't respond, but not everyone can be like Meng Ting, easily. Say what you like or dislike.

He couldn't do it for the time being, but he also found that Meng Ting looked soft, and once it became more real, it would put a lot of pressure on people.

Meng Ting bulged his cheeks when he heard the words, then turned his head with a soft snort, "Daddy Yan is a bit unbehaved. He must be spoiled by Dad He."

He is still very plausible, "Yan Sui also spoils me, but I am still very good."

As long as Meng Ting mentions or thinks of Yan Sui in words, his look is very different, his eyes are bright, his look is warm and well-behaved, but the facts are also as he said, he is spoiled by Yan Sui, and he is still well-behaved. Very much.

Yan Yu felt that if he didn't point his head, he didn't know how long Meng Ting would have to say. He turned his head and gave a soft "um". Maybe he was still awkward or embarrassed or difficult, but he would try to like Yan in the future. Sui.

He also knew in his heart that Yan Sui didn't need or wanted his likes, but no matter what Yan Sui thought, whether he worked hard or not is another matter.

Meng Ting saw that Yan Yu was finally obedient. He was not depressed anymore. He arched his eyebrows, nodded, and praised, "Daddy is so good."

Yan Yu's expression was even more awkward, but he nodded again, and then he got another complimentary look from Meng Ting.

Yan Sui answered a call and found that Meng Ting was in a good mood for a long time. Yan Yu was more inexplicably awkward towards them. He was a little curious. He sat beside Meng Ting and raised his hand to rub Meng Ting's. Hair, and there is no question now.

Meng Ting turned his head, his hands immediately embraced Yan Sui's arm, and whispered in his ear, "Why do you have so many calls today..."

In fact, Yan Sui made a lot of phone calls on weekdays, but he didn't need to look for a place specially when he answered. He didn't leave, Meng Ting didn't feel much, and it is not today. He has been up and down several times.

"One thing has already been handled."

Yan Sui slid his hand from Meng Ting's hair to his cheek, touched it lightly, and then leaned his head on his shoulder. They did not speak any more and continued to guard here.

Before long, Yan Manjia also came down and brought some food, but the busy people in the ward were temporarily unable to take care of it.

Guli and Dr. Bart said that the operation will take about four hours, but after one o'clock in the afternoon, there is still no end to it. Yan Yu couldn't help feeling a little nervous, but he couldn't do anything that would interrupt the operation. He could only wait except to wait.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Zhen Han opened the door again. Guli and Dr. Bart continued to perform this difficult operation. They looked a little tired. Dr. Bart raised his hand at Guli Yang. He went to the next-door pharmacy to dispense the medicine. Guli stayed with Yan Sui. Wait for someone to speak.

"The operation was very successful. The second operation will be performed in half a month. If it is also successful, afterwards, as long as the rehabilitation is done well, you will be able to stand up again." But a good start is half the battle. This operation is a success. , He Yue's hope of standing up again has been raised to 80/90. This is definitely good news.

Yan Yu's back stiffened for a long time before he nodded, "Thank you."

He finished talking with Gu Li, then looked back at Yan Sui, and thanked again, "Thank you."

Yan Sui nodded, agreeing.

Gu Li talked to Yan Yu about He Yue's situation carefully, and then he went to rest. Yan Yu went inside to accompany He Yue. Zhen Han and Li Yi had something to eat, and they were still in the operating room.

He Yue probably won't wake up until night, and there is no need for Yan Sui and Meng Ting to keep on guarding like this. Yan Sui and Meng Ting went in to look at He Yue, then they also came out and walked to the corridor.

"He can stand up and play with the big yellow hair ball in the future, and he can go for a walk with us, which is great."

Meng Ting turned his head and glanced at Yan Sui. With this look, he seemed to see Yan Sui's heart. He would not have such a feeling for others, but he and Yan Sui were too close. At this moment, he seemed to understand himself. , To understand Yan Sui's mood at the moment.

He stopped, and suddenly changed to him pulling Yan Sui away. They did not go to the living room when they came out, but were dragged by Meng Ting to the backyard.

Yan Sui let Meng Ting pull him, but he didn't understand what Meng Ting was trying to say or do when he pulled him into the backyard.

Yan Sui asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Meng Ting stopped when he heard the words. He turned around and his eyes suddenly became red. He let go of Yan Sui's hand, but he hugged him again.

"Yan Sui, it's okay, everything is okay..."

The look on Yan Sui's face was startled for a moment, but then he knew what Meng Ting was comforting him.

He found a doctor for Yan Yu and He Yue, not only that he hoped they would be well, he was still trying his best to make up for the tragedy caused by He Wan, because he was born to He Wan, so Yan Sui took the responsibility when he was not aware of it. .

But now Meng Ting tells him that those tragedies have nothing to do with him, and the limits he can achieve are also these, he doesn't need to feel guilty about it.

"I know."

Yan Sui responded, then tilted his head and kissed the kissed hair, the soft|soft touch is the same as Meng Ting himself. At this moment, he was probably moved by Meng Ting again.

"Yeah," Meng Ting responded and continued to lean on Yan Sui's neck. His emotions were still a bit difficult to contain for a while. Yan Sui felt it and continued to stroke Meng Ting's back.

He was originally to comfort Yan Sui, but finally became Yan Sui to comfort him.

Meng Ting suddenly came over, his cheeks flushed slightly, "I'm still a little useless..." He couldn't even comfort Yan Sui.

"No, you are fine." Yan Sui lifted Meng Ting's chin and kissed his lips. There were some smiles on his face. Without any reluctance, he could suddenly open up like this. It was Meng Ting's belt. For him, "Thank you."

Meng Ting was so complimented that his cheeks were two points redder, he looked at Yan Sui, put his arms around his neck, and brought his lips to deepen this too light kiss.

"Cough cough cough..."

Uncle Xiao lowered his head and coughed fiercely. People didn't dare to walk too close. He bowed and said, "Patriarch, Madam, there are guests from home."

Yan Sui left Meng Ting's lips and hugged the blushing and shy person into his arms. He returned to Shaw's words, "You go to the reception first, and we will come later."

"Yes." Xiao Bo responded, then turned his back without squinting, and then speeded up his pace to leave. He felt that he should restrain the servants more carefully. The relationship between the Patriarch and Patriarch's wife is natural. Their servants' duty is to be more sensitive and wink.

After Xiao Bo left, Meng Ting in Yan Sui's arms mumbled softly.

"What kind of guest, I haven't kissed enough..."

Yan Sui's eyes lowered, and Meng Ting's eyes brightened again.

Yan Sui touched Meng Ting's lips and said softly, "We will kiss again tonight."

"Okay," Meng Ting nodded, and then let go of Yan Sui's neck. Yan Sui took Meng Ting's hand and led people to the living room.

After two more steps, Yan Sui turned his head and said to Meng Ting, "The guest here is from the Xiao family. I saw that this is in our own home, so don't be afraid."

"Okay," Meng Ting said again, but he grasped Yan Sui's hand tightly again, the blush on his cheeks still existed, but the whole person was obviously on guard.

Xiao Huimin and Ning Zhou got off the plane, Xiao Ziang and Xiao Zimo received them, and did not stop at the hotel to rest or discuss anything, they went straight to Yan's house.

Xiao Huimin and his two children were generally calm. They were equally anxious to see Meng Ting, but they still thought about how to deal with Yan Sui and how to make Meng Ting recognize them.

As for Ning Zhou, her anxiety can hardly be hidden, lost and regained, and resurrected...Before she saw anyone, she still felt that her current journey was like a too beautiful dream, and then she woke up and everything returned. To reality.

"Is it true? Have we come to see NuoNuo?"

Standing in the living room of Yan's house, Ning Zhou still felt nervous and unbelievable, but she hadn't been comforted by Xiao Huimin, her eyes were fixed in one place, and she couldn't move away anymore.

Soft|The soft and slightly curly hair, the naturally charming peach eyes, and the look in the eyes, the feeling between mother and child, Ning Zhou is more sure than anyone present that Meng Ting is her child, but When she was sure, the emotion she barely maintained was on the verge of collapse.

She walked towards Meng Ting step by step, and could no longer see other people and things. Her throat choked and choked again, finally making some noises.

"NuoNuo, NuoNuo...I am a mother, I am you|Mom..."

Meng Ting stopped and looked at Ning Zhou. He subconsciously moved to Yan Sui's side, but his eyes fell on her too.

Ning Zhou was crying, and Meng Ting's heart suddenly trembled.

Probably Ning Zhou was really excited. In this short distance of ten steps, she was extremely difficult to walk. Her footsteps staggered. Meng Ting stepped up two steps and supported her. Then he was also caught by Ning Zhou. I hugged him, "NuoNuo, I am a mother..."

Suddenly, Meng Ting was hugged by someone other than Yan Sui. He was a little bit at a loss. Besides, that kind of inexplicable instinct kept him from pushing her away. This woman he had never seen before, he stumbled and responded. words.

"I... my name is Meng Ting, don't cry."

Ning Zhou was as thin as bones, his eyes were red, and tears fell one after another, looking very pitiful.

Meng Ting didn't struggle any more. He let her hold her and saw her crying. His eyes suddenly turned red. He raised his hand and rubbed Ning Zhou's hair, "Hey, don't cry..."

However, Ning Zhou cried even more sadly and violently... Just because this sentence was completely unexpected and so gentle that she wanted to cry bitterly, she held her child and received his comfort.

Coming along the way, they were almost ready to be coldly treated by Meng Ting, but it was completely unexpected that Meng Ting did not reject Ning Zhou very much.

Meng Ting supported Ning Zhou and watched her continue to cry, he turned his head to look at Yan Sui for help.

Yan Sui was already standing next to Meng Ting. He raised his hand and rubbed Meng Ting's hair before opening his mouth, "Ms. Xiao take care, don't be too sad, let's talk over the sofa."

"Mom, you are not in good health, don't be so excited, NuoNuo... has been found."

Xiao Zimo walked over with red eyes, and he supported Ning Zhou, not wanting Ning Zhou to be too excited to frighten Meng Ting.

Ning Zhou reluctantly picked up some of the out-of-control emotions, but she still held Meng Ting's clothes firmly, and did not dare to let go, so Meng Ting could only follow them.

Xiao Huimin and Xiao Ziang also felt that their throats were choking, but their emotions were not as exposed as Ning Zhou.

Everyone sat down, no one spoke for a while, or they were still hesitating to speak first before they could get a good impression on Meng Ting.

It was Ning Zhou. She cried and vented. She looked better mentally than when she first arrived at Yan's house. When she let go of Meng Ting's clothes, she broke the silence, "NuoNuo..."

"My name is Meng Ting..." Seeing her let go of him, Meng Ting threw himself back into Yan Sui's arms, like a scared rabbit eager to return to the cage.

Yan Sui stretched out his hand to embrace Meng Ting and looked at Ning Zhou apologetically, "TingTing still needs some time."

In fact, he can let Ning Zhou hug him and hold him for so long. Yan Sui is already very surprised. You must know that Yan Manjia has lived with them for so long and has a good relationship with Meng Ting, except for her in the dessert shop so far. In that raid, Meng Ting didn't touch a claw at other times.

With Meng Ting's agility, he didn't want to hug Ning Zhou, he could definitely avoid it, not to mention that he would comfort Ning Zhou next.

"Well, that's it." Before the Xiao family could answer, Meng Ting responded to Yan Sui, but he still did not look up.

"Nuo... TingTing, is he in good health?" Ning Zhou asked again, so she noticed Yan Sui, the man who hugged her NuoNuo so tightly, with a tall, handsome appearance, look. It is steady and mature.

And there is no need to observe or ask too much. It can be seen that Meng Ting has an extraordinary trust and attachment to him.

"Much better," Yan Sui responded to Ning Zhou, and his hand naturally stroked Meng Ting's back.

The arrival of Ning Zhou and Xiao Huimin still shocked Meng Ting. Perhaps what he was more confused at this time was his reaction to Ning Zhou, otherwise he would not hide directly in Yan Sui's arms.

"That's good, that's good..." Ning Zhou could only see the back of Meng Ting's head, and she felt a little sad, not because of Meng Ting, but herself. She didn't protect Meng Ting and let them miss it. After so many years of getting along, Meng Ting was so strange to her now.

Her voice trembled slightly, and she looked at Meng Ting's eyes with strong dismay. She wanted to continue holding him like before, but she didn't want to be disgusted by Meng Ting. She endured these desires, endured a little hard, and some wanted to cry.

"Don't cry, it's not good for your eyes..." Meng Ting in Yan Sui's arms suddenly whispered.

Ning Zhou was sad, but he was also a little bit sad.

After Meng Ting finished speaking, he sat down again in Yan Sui's arms. He raised his eyes to look at Ning Zhou and saw that although she nodded, there were still tears in her eyes, which was obviously about to cry again.

Meng Ting's hand slowly lifted and landed on Ning Zhou's hair again. His voice became lower and softer, "Hey, don't cry."

"Okay... OK," Ning Zhou said, tears rolled down again, but this time she was laughing and crying.

The three big grown-up men over there are also red eyes, this kind of scene is too touching for them.

"TingTing, I'm your father," Xiao Huimin finally opened his mouth. He hasn't slept well for several days. His face is a bit ugly, but he tries his best to be kind, just a little weird.

"Oh," Meng Ting glanced at Xiao Huimin when he heard the words. He withdrew his hand from Ning Zhou's hair, and he shrank to Yan Sui's side again.

"You...are you going to take me away?" Meng Ting shook his head violently as he said, he put his arms around Yan Sui's waist, and said seriously and firmly, "I and Yan Sui are married, we want Together forever, I will not leave him."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Yan Sui and emphasized again, "I won't go, I will always be with you."

"Of course," Yan Sui hugged Meng Ting, rubbed his chin against his hair, did not deliberately emphasized his tone, but the meaning that can not be denied is very clear.

Meng Ting nodded to Yan Sui, with a little smile on his face, and then he turned his head to look at Ning Zhou, and the man who said he was his father. It is not too difficult for Meng Ting to recognize them. It's a decision, but the premise of the decision is what he asked before.

If he had to choose between them and Yan Sui, he would only choose Yan Sui, which didn't require any hesitation.

"As long as he treats you well, we won't do anything..." Ning Zhou said this a bit difficult, but her instinct told her that if she didn't answer Meng Ting's question, everything else would be avoided.

Ning Zhou's intuition was not wrong. Meng Ting's gaze returned to Ning Zhou, his tone eased a little, and a slight smile appeared on his face, "Don't worry, Yan Sui is good to me, he is the best to me. ."

"Okay, okay..." Ning Zhou is never such a crying person on weekdays, but when she heard Meng Ting's mother, her tears were about to burst again.

Meng Ting looked helpless at Ning Zhou, but his gaze turned to other people.

Xiao Zimo is quite neat, "You are our NuoNuo and Yan Sui's partner. This is not a contradiction. I am you...Second Brother."

"Second brother." Meng Ting nodded and called someone again.

As Xiao Ziang swept Xiao Zimo, he hurriedly said, "That's the truth, I am your elder brother."

"Big Brother." Meng Ting nodded and called Xiao Ziang as well. Now Xiao Huimin was left without nodding.

Meng Ting was very real, Xiao Huimin didn't nod his head, he was really unpopular.

Xiao Huimin looked at Meng Ting, and then at Yan Sui, who was quite calm. He felt that Yan Sui could be so calm because he knew his place in Meng Ting's heart. He expected Meng Ting to react like this.

But in fact, it is not. Concerns are chaotic. Yan Sui was worried at first, but Meng Ting was also appeased.

Xiao Huimin sighed lightly, then nodded. The younger son understood everything he said, and all the family members turned away. If he didn't nod his head, would he still be the "bad guy" who is not working hard, and he also wanted to hear it. Meng Ting called to his father.

However, Meng Ting looked at him and nodded. He happily turned his head to look at Yan Sui, without shouting at all.

Xiao Huimin's expression stopped, and he was quite surprised. Why didn't he stop shouting when he got here?

"They will not take away, we will always be together."

Meng Ting said that he hugged Yan Sui's neck and kissed him quietly at the base of his ears. Not only was he sharing the good news with Yan Sui, but also comforting Yan Sui. He could feel that Yan Sui felt so in his heart. A little bit of anxiety, just like him.

"Yeah," Yan Sui replied softly, he beckoned, Xiao Bo and Wang Ma came in, brought tea and some fruits.

Meng Ting moved his nose and sat down again. He was worried for a while, consumed some physical energy, and was a little hungry and greedy.

"I want to eat that cake." Meng Ting whispered to Yan Sui, but when everyone was speechless, they could hear him no matter how quietly he was. Yan Sui hadn't been able to get it. Xiao Zimo, Xiao Ziang and even Xiao Huimin Get started.

But Ning Zhou couldn't see enough of Meng Ting, and he couldn't take care of doing these things with them.

Meng Ting looked at the three cakes that were pushed in front of him at once, then looked at Yan Sui, and then at the three people who suddenly became nervous.

"thank you all."

Meng Ting thanked him, his eyes returned to the three cakes in front of him, and he was not afraid to cut them out and wasted. He muttered, "I have one, Yan Sui has one, and my mother also has one. ."

He suddenly remembered that he hadn't asked Ning Zhou, what he looked at Shang Ning Zhou.

"Mom, do you eat it? Ma Wang's craftsmanship is very good, especially delicious."

"Eat, I eat, thank you... TingTing." Ning Zhou reached out to take the cake from Meng Ting, but was too excited, his hands trembled uncontrollably, but before he could take the cake, Meng Ting spoke again .

"Father, come, you come to feed mom."

"Ah, oh... OK."

The sound of father came suddenly, Xiao Huimin was a bit unable to react, but after reacting, he immediately got up and took it.

Only three copies of the cake were pushed in front of Meng Ting, and Xiao Ziang and Xiao Zimo naturally lost their shares.

After Meng Ting handed it to Xiao Huimin, he sat down obediently, and Yan Sui also picked up the spoon to feed Meng Ting.

When Meng Ting was eating, he was very focused, only looking at Yan Sui and the cake in his hands, not at anyone else.

Xiao Ziang and Xiao Zimo supported themselves and fed themselves, but the strange feeling in their hearts did not disappear.

But some people have this kind of strange ability, and are born to be able to eliminate all misery, even if he himself is quite unfortunate.

When they came, optimistic predictions, the scene of a family holding a headache and crying did not appear, and pessimistic predictions did not appear in the scene where Meng Ting questioned them, but now it is better than that. This is life, eat and drink, crying and laughing. , The past is over, the pain is over, and now any time should be used for smile and happiness.

"Meow..." Mao Qiu appeared from the top of the stairs, and went to Meng Ting's feet searching for a taste.

Meng Ting leaned over and hugged Mao Qiu. He rubbed the hair of Mao Qiu and turned to look at Ning Zhou, "It's called Mao Qiu and it is Yan Sui's cat. There is also a dog in our house. It's called rhubarb, and I should be sleeping late now."

Seeing Ning Zhou holding back his tears, Meng Ting let out a sigh of relief. He decided to compliment Ning Zhou, "It's better for mom to not cry, dad, don't you think?"

"Yes," Xiao Huimin was a good student this time, and he answered without any hesitation.

"Okay, I listen to TingTing, I won't cry anymore." Ning Zhou swallowed the sweet or bitter cake and smiled softly. She didn't try to hug Meng Ting anymore, she already felt that it was better to treat Meng Ting with the flow than anything else.

"That's good," Meng Ting nodded and turned around, facing Yan Sui's gaze, he immediately pressed it against Yan Sui's cheek, as if he was afraid of leaving him in the cold.

Meng Ting's expression was quite direct. For the Xiao family who hadn't been in contact with him for a long time, they still felt a little uncomfortable, especially seeing Yan Sui's calm face, a little uncomfortable.

After eating the cake and drinking the tea, they came to Yan's house and didn't say a word about what they had planned to say, but time is still passing. Now it's almost time for dinner, and the group of them are still waiting, it seems that something is inappropriate.

"Cousin is here, you worked hard today, you need to eat more dinner."

Leaning on Yan Sui, Meng Ting first saw Zhen Han carrying the medicine box at the door of the living room. He is now very concerned about Yan Manjia, and he is not bad with Zhen Han. He Yue is going to have surgery, and Zhen Han has been following these days. Guli and Dr. Bart were around and lay hands on them personally.

After the operation, Guli and Dr. Bart both went to rest, and Zhen Han and Li Yu hadn't taken care of them.

"Xie Sister-in-law cares," Zhen Han smiled on his slightly serious face when he heard the words. He nodded to Meng Ting, and then glanced at Xiao Huimin, "You are Patriarch Xiao, I am a doctor. "

This sentence alone should be enough for the Xiao family to understand what he meant by appearing here.

"No need to check, TingTing is the child of me and Ning Zhou." Xiao Huimin shook his head. Meng Ting is really similar to Ning Zhou when he was young, especially the eyes are very similar, and he believes in himself and Ning Zhou. The feeling of a boat.

"Let's check it, it's not good to make a mistake." Meng Ting also seemed to be suddenly surprised, whether he was a child of the Xiao family or not, still unsure.

If they were really his parents and didn't separate him and Yan Sui, he would naturally recognize them, but if they weren't, he wouldn't want to occupy other people's parents.

"It's better to be sure," Yan Sui looked at Xiao Huimin and said, "You have to recognize TingTing, this is necessary."

They have to make sure, and Yan Sui also has to make sure.

Zhen Han took samples directly from the skins of Xiao Huimin and Meng Ting, and then packed them into two copies, one for Xiao Ziang and one for him to take away.

There is no need to go to other places. In Yan's basement, this period of time has been made quite complete, and Zhen Han has learned so much that he can be used as a medical all-rounder. Yan Sui is most relieved of his testing.

As for Xiao Huimin, someone they trust will do it.

Meng Ting accepted it quickly, and in fact, the more it explained the problem. Once it was determined that it was not, he was afraid that he would not recognize people or recognize it quite simply.

Ning Zhou looked over, Meng Ting hesitated for a moment, and told the truth, "I will call your mother when I check it out. I was so happy just now that I forgot this."

He didn't see Ning Zhou and others happy, but he was happy when he was sure that they would not separate him and Yan Sui.

Ning Zhou was a little depressed, but she couldn't vent her depression to Meng Ting. She turned her head and glared at Xiao Huimin.

But she also emphasized it again, "TingTing, you didn't call it wrong, I am you|mother, I will not mistake my child, I am really your mother."

Meng Ting felt a little annoyance. Ning Zhou cried or wanted to cry. He felt a little uncomfortable. He still didn't call anyone, but he touched Ning Zhou's hair again. It's the third time, Meng Ting is very comfortable, "Good boy, don't cry."

"When you cry, I also feel uncomfortable, I didn't do this before..."

It was Yan Manjia crying, he didn't feel much, but now he actually couldn't see Ning Zhou crying, which was quite confusing for Meng Ting.

But when Xiao Huimin and others heard his words, their hearts were blocked. This is probably the induction between mother and child. This is more reliable than any test, but as Yan Sui said, they want Meng Ting. When I came back to Xiao's house, this test had to be done.

"Also, I forgot to ask you something just now."

"What?" Ning Zhou asked tremblingly, she was both happy and uncomfortable, but Meng Ting still leaned in Yan Sui's arms, and that was the safest place he felt.

"That's... I'm a little stupid, if you dislike me, you can just say it, it doesn't matter if you don't want to recognize it." He thought about what he said, and felt that "a little stupid" was a bit untrue, so he corrected it again.

"I've always been like this... stupid, I know you can feel it, so... if you don't like it, I can tell me directly."

Meng Ting, who has received too much malice, can already automatically filter those eyes or words that hate or look down on him. Now he doesn't like the compassion that is too superior. He doesn't need mercy, even if he is really stupid.

Meng Ting didn't know what he said, it was a knowing blow to everyone present, even Yan Sui frowned slightly, but he was smoothed by Meng Ting.

Meng Ting said that he didn't feel sad, and he didn't want Yan Sui to feel sad.

His hands are still touching between Yan Sui's eyebrows, the seriousness on his face disappears, his eyebrows are bent, warm and sincere, "I know, you like me, you love me, and I like you and love you too. ."

Anytime, anywhere, any gap can confess to Yan Sui. This skill Meng Ting has been lit up since meeting Yan Sui. This is no exception. When everyone else is sad, here is sweet again. Up.

"It's not stupid. TingTing is not stupid like this." Ning Zhou's watery eyes pulled Meng Ting's attention back again. She tentatively stretched out her hand. Seeing Meng Ting hesitated, but did not avoid it, she fell to his. On the cheeks.

She laughed with tears and couldn't tell whether it was sad or happy, but she must tell Meng Ting.

"TingTing is mother's baby, mother's favorite baby."

Meng Ting blinked, and he hesitated a little bit, then his hand broke free from Yan Sui's arms, he moved forward and gently embraced Yong Ning Zhou.

Before Ning Zhou could react, Meng Ting had let her go, but this was the limit that Meng Ting could do to calm Ning Zhou.

"Don't be sad, before I detect it, can I still call your mother?"

"Okay, okay..." Ning Zhou bit his lip, tears splashing on the back of Meng Ting's hand, which had not been fully retracted.

Meng Ting was a little at a loss. He suddenly looked at Xiao Huimin with red eyes, a bit disgusted with the authenticity, "Dad is a bit stupid, I don't know how to hug his mother.

When Meng Ting said that, Xiao Huimin didn't feel embarrassed or anything else. He nodded, but agreed, "You're right. Dad is stupid."

He hugged Ning Zhou and let her lean against him. He also knew that they couldn't talk about serious matters with Yan Sui today. Just getting along with Meng Ting, this half afternoon is not enough, there is nothing else Meng Ting. important.

Xiao Huimin looked at the time, bowed her head and discussed it with Ning Zhou. Although Ning Zhou was very reluctant, she knew how to measure, so she nodded gently.

"TingTing, can mom come to see you tomorrow?"

Meng Ting glanced at Yan Sui when he heard the words, and then nodded, "Yes."

He and Yan Sui got up to send Ning Zhou and the others out, got in the car, and they left when the car was gone.

Meng Ting exhaled, stopped, and fell directly on Yan Sui.

"Mom loves to cry too much, so hard to coax." It's much harder than coaxing Yan Sui.

Yan Sui showed a dumbfounded look on his face. He raised his hand and rubbed Meng Ting's hair, and then he hugged the people. After a while, he asked, "Do you like them?"

For Meng Ting, this question was really nothing to be entangled or difficult to answer, and he quickly responded to Yan Sui's words.

"Mom is ok, no one else likes it yet."

But it is true that there is no rejection, otherwise it would not be so easy to make Meng Ting famous.

Yan Sui could guess that the Xiao family's trip should be considered a complete one, but it was because they met Meng Ting, and their hearts were always softer than anyone else.

"Yan Sui, don't worry, I like you the most and I will always like you the most."

Even Ning Zhou, who can affect his mood, is far behind Yan Sui, far behind.

"If Dad and brothers don't like you, I won't like them either."

For Ning Zhou, Meng Ting is still uncertain, but for Xiao Xiao Huimin and Xiao Ziang, he can now assure Yan Sui.

In fact, it is not a guarantee. Meng Ting felt that way in his heart, and he did the same, because Yan Yu suspected that he did not like Yan Sui, and he educated people not long ago.

Meng Ting's words were quite useful to Yan Sui, and Yan Sui, who had eaten some dry vinegar in silence, was so appeased.

"Let's eat something, and then you accompany me to the study."

"Okay," Meng Ting responded, tiptoe up, and kissed Yan Sui's lips, his tongue slid over Yan Sui's lips, his heels fell back to the ground, he pursed his lips and felt a little bit Taste, raised his eyes and asked Xiang Yansui, "Is it sweet?"

Yan Sui also didn't care that they were still on the lawn not far from the gate. He lowered his head and kissed Meng Ting and tasted it thoroughly in his mouth before he answered Meng Ting's words, "Sweet."

With Meng Ting, his days are sweet.

Meng Ting did not reflect on how ambiguous his questioning was, but felt that Yan Sui kept tempting him, but he liked such temptation, so he nodded gently, "That's because I ate sweet cakes."

"You are hungry too, you just fed me another one..." He said so, and after holding Yan Sui, he walked in, walking slightly faster, as if he was too late. Yan Sui was starving.

Xiao Huimin, Ning Zhou and others who got in the car on the other side were still silent after driving for a long time. They were really dissatisfied with Meng Ting, especially Ning Zhou, who got in the car and kept going. Look later.

But her mood was completely different from when she came. All the anxiety, fear and excitement before was gone, she really cheered up, "TingTing is our NuoNuo, he is not dead, really not dead. "

"Well, I know," Xiao Huimin didn't know how Ning Zhou felt and the anger that followed after Ning Zhou recovered.

"Don't worry, I will talk to Yan Sui about other things, and those people won't let it go."

"NuoNuo is so cute..." Xiao Ziang suddenly sighed like this when he came back to his senses. He suddenly felt a little strange to say that, but everyone including his father nodded.

Ning Zhou's expression suddenly stopped, and she looked at Xiao Ziang.

"You arrange for me. After seeing TingTing tomorrow, I want to see...Li Yifei."

When she uttered the three words Li Yifei, Xiao Huimin was surprised by the look on her face. Ning Zhou's temperament was very good, and she would hardly ever be really angry, but now she is full of expressions. Disguised anger and hatred.

Xiao Huimin and his two sons have also seen Meng Ting's information. Even if they didn't know before, they now know who Li Yifei is. Apart from being reduced to an orphanage, Meng Ting has all the same experience. This woman is related.

"She was originally named Li Mei, and my mother used to support her..."

Li Yifei's family was not a wealthy family. When she first came to Beicheng to study at university, she went to work in a club because of insufficient tuition, and was almost insulted by guests. Ning Zhou's mother and friends couldn't have fun. She rescued her and learned of Li. In Mei's situation, she also sponsored Li Yifei to go to university, and later sent her to study abroad.

After she returned from school, she came to Ning's home to thank Ning Zhou. However, she didn't feel much about Li Yifei, and she couldn't even talk about good feelings or dislikes, only nodding acquaintances.

Later, she heard that Li Yifei had been a second room for someone. Her mother was so angry that she even asked people to ask if Li Yifei was forced. In the end, it was nothing. But since then, Li Yifei has come to visit again. No entry allowed.

Ning Zhou and Xiao Huimin are childhood sweethearts, and they confessed to each other when they probably knew what they liked about the opposite sex.

On the day when Ning Zhou got her results in the college entrance examination, Xiao Huimin proposed to her. The two families met each other. Ning Zhou and Xiao Huimin had a good relationship, and a grand wedding was held that summer vacation.

Ning Zhou no longer remembers whether Li Yifei came to give gifts, but she knew that she and her mother had only kindness to her, but no hatred, but she treated her child like this. Meng Ting looked so much like her, and the troubles of the year It's all over the city, she can't help but know.

Not only did she not inform them of Meng Ting's whereabouts, but she also wanted to completely destroy Meng Ting mentally. She actually dared to let Wu Fengjiao abuse Meng Ting, and she dared to instruct a disgusting old man to molest Meng Ting...

Ning Zhou thought of this, still trembling with anger, Li Yifei was unable to compensate for everything Meng Ting had encountered.