Chapter 76 - Can you hurt in the name of love, or can you attack an innocent child in the name of hate?

Listening to Ning Zhou talking about Li Yifei and their relationship, Xiao Huimin couldn't help but sneer.

Li Yifei and the Meng family behind her probably don't know the true energy of the Xiao family in Beicheng. Even if they are separated from different cities and different circles, they still have a way to make the Meng family never turn back.

And it doesn't need to be so troublesome now, Yan Sui won't let them go.

"Tomorrow I will have a good chat with Yan Sui."

Xiao Huimin didn't intend to talk to Ning Zhou too much. He pulled the person into his arms and patted him lightly, reluctant to bear Ning Zhou's anger.

"The things NuoNuo found back cannot be exposed yet. This time...we are here for the third brother..."

Xiao Huimin's words are quite mysterious. If he releases such wind, let's not say how Haicheng and Beicheng's noble circles will react, the Yan family of Licheng should be happy.

Yan Sui's targeting came suddenly, and Xu didn't care. Yan's Patriarch was naturally quite jealous. He and Yan Sui headed for each other, and they really couldn't guarantee what advantage they could take.

He has negotiated with Xiao Huimin several times, and although he has not gotten a too specific reply, he has been waiting for the Xiao family to take action. He thinks that the Xiao family is the main force against Yan family and Yan Sui.

He has been observing the Yan family secretly for many years, knowing He Wan, and he must also know that Xiao Zi and Father Xiao are still alive. He is quite sure that the Xiao family will fight back, but the strength of the counterattack has yet to be discussed. It caused a great illusion to Yan Yunsheng.

The Xiao family deserves to be the Xiao family. Patriarch Xiao Huimin has come directly to Haicheng to negotiate with Yan Sui, and then he will do his best.

Once such a misunderstanding is formed, Yan Yunsheng's decision-making will be greatly deviated. Yan Sui will make use of it a little, and Yan may be removed from Licheng.

It's okay for Xiao Huimin not to talk about this, he gets even more angry when he talks about Ning Zhou.

"Third brother? Your third brother stabbed NuoNuo!" Ning Zhou said bitterly, then pushed Xiao Huimin away and looked at her eldest son Xiao Ziang, "You will now let me send him the fruit. Take it back, even if you feed it to the pigs, you won't feed it to him."

Ning Zhou had never said such curse in recent years. She was now covered with thorns, and she wished to stab all those who had harmed Meng Ting to death.

Ning Zhou did not conceal her anger and murderous intent. Her tone was cold again. "In addition, you can tell the doctors that I want him to stay in a wheelchair for the rest of my life."

Xiao Huimin looked at Ning Zhou, and then at Xiao Ziang and Xiao Zimo with the same gloomy faces. He hesitated for a moment before nodding.

"I'll do this, don't touch your hands."

Although he is the current Patriarch of the Xiao family, he still has a Father Xiao who has been the Patriarch for decades. He can allow him to recognize the missing Meng Ting, but will not allow them to do anything to Xiao Zi for Meng Ting.

Xiao Ziang or Xiao Zimo's methods are still too tender, it is better for him to come in person.

Ning Zhou nodded when he heard the words, and only faded away from Xiao Huimin's anger, "We missed it once, and we can't go wrong in the future." They didn't protect Meng Ting, so they let him fall outside and eat so much. How bitter it is, now that I have finally found it back, I naturally want to make the decision for him, and even Xiao Zi can't let it go.

"Yes, ma'am, I know, I listen to you."

Xiao Huimin pulled Ning Zhou back into his arms and continued to coax, really wanting to make Ning Zhou angry or upset, Meng Ting should dislike him for being stupid again.

In Yan's house, Yan Yu was still with He Yue but did not come up, but Yan Manjia and Zhen Han came up. After they had dinner with Yan Suimeng Ting, Zhen Han continued to work in the basement, Yan Manjia went to the kitchen to help Wang's mother and prepare Something He Yue wakes up to eat.

After taking a daily walk, Yan Sui and Meng Ting took them to the study.

Meng Ting was holding a fur ball on the sofa and playing with his mobile phone. Yan Sui dealt with the matter. Soon after, Wang Feng would report to him the news that Xiao Huimin had released.

The corner of Yan Sui's mouth hooked, and he instantly understood what Xiao Huimin meant. In fact, as long as the Xiao family didn't participate so early, Yan Sui would be able to win without losing. Although he would lose some, he thought it was worth it.

Now that Xiao Huimin is willing to help him, Yan Sui will not refuse to do anything that can save time and effort, so why bother to waste it.

"Yan Yunsheng..." Yan Sui considered the name, and suddenly there was a little playful feeling in his eyes. He had been hiding behind his back for so many years. Now that he can't stand it anymore, he will give him another big surprise. All right.

"What birth or not..." Meng Ting let go of the hair ball and suddenly came over, "Who is going to give birth? Aunt Manjia and Doctor Guli?"

Meng Ting's brain is also wide open, and he can think of Yan Manjia and Gu Li in his entire life... and his gossip appearance... is obviously damaged by Zhen Han Gu Lang and others.

"Who told you..." Yan Sui pulled Meng Ting over, kissed his lips, and hugged him again.

Meng Ting also kissed Yan Sui back before he replied, and it sounded so reasonable, "Only Aunt Man Jia is a woman in the family, and only she can give birth..."

"Also, Doctor Guli likes Aunt Manja."

Yan Sui raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, and found that Meng Ting's daily life at home was quite rich. Meng Ting knew many things he didn't know, and he asked again, "How did you know?" Could it be Meng Ting? Suddenly you can see what Guli is thinking?

"I saw that Dr. Guli was looking at Aunt Manjia, so I asked, and then Dr. Guli told me." Meng Ting responded to this, rubbing Yan Sui's cheek again, "I know it will not be messy. Helping."

Whether Gu Li and Yan Manjia have fate depends on them.

"Then you said they were already together before I knew it, and are going to have a baby?"

Meng Ting was still struggling with the "life" that Yan Sui said.

Yan Sui rubbed Meng Ting's cheeks, "I don't know, but I guess they are really together, and it's not that fast."

During this period of time, Gu Li was busy preparing for surgery, and Zhen Han spent the whole day at home. He really wanted to chase after Yan Manjia and would not catch Zhen Han when he was there. It's not that Zhen Han will definitely stop it, but that he and Yan Manjia are expected to be despised. How can this love be talked about despite the contempt of their son.

"Oh," Meng Ting responded, his tone of voice was not too regrettable, he glanced at the computer that Yan Sui was on, "How long will you be busy?"

"Sleepy?" Yan Sui glanced at his computer and files. If he is busy, he will be busy until tomorrow morning and there are still things to do, but now he is trying to "don't get old so fast" for Meng Ting's phrase, No longer plan to fight like that anymore.

"No, that's why Dad should wake up, I want to see him, are you going?"

After Meng Ting came over and talked to Yan Sui for so long, it came to the point.

"Let's work together." Yan Sui closed the computer and packed his things again, then led Meng Ting out of the study, and went downstairs to the basement.

When they arrived, He Yue had just woke up, and Yan Yu was holding water to feed him, and there was food prepared by Yan Manjia and Wang Ma.

He Yue was probably just now sober, his brows frowned slightly, and he seemed very uncomfortable. Yan Yu put the small spoon on his lips to feed water, and he didn't care about it.

"Ayue, what's the matter with you, are you uncomfortable? I'll ask Dr. Gu Li in."

Yan Yu saw that He Yue became a little anxious. He said that he was about to get up, but he saw that He Yue's eyes were red.

"A Yu, I... I feel pain..."

For more than twenty years, he has not felt at all under his thigh, but now he feels pain. He closed his eyes and tears came from the corners of his eyes, both happy and sad.

Yan Sui patted Meng Ting on the shoulder, then let go of his hand, he walked to the next door to let Guli and Dr. Bart call over, Meng Ting also walked up, his mouth moved but he didn't know how to comfort him He Yue.

He glanced at Yan Yu and reminded in a low voice, "You can hug Dad He or kiss him so that he won't be so uncomfortable."

When he was uncomfortable, Yan Sui treated him this way, and he would feel better, and he felt that He Yue probably did the same.

The touch in Yan Yu's heart was no less than that in He Yue. He was stunned. Then he was educated by Meng Ting for a while. He glanced at Meng Ting, then bent down and hugged He Yue gently, "Ayue, Ayue ...You will be fine."

Meng Ting looked at Yan Yu and nodded lightly. He stepped back and gave the position to Guli and Dr. Bart who had entered. He walked back to Yan Sui's side and held Yan Sui's hand.

After He Yue had the operation, he was weak, excited, and fell asleep again. Guli and Dr. Bart checked him. After confirming that it was okay, the two of them stayed to watch the night, one went back to sleep first, and replaced it tomorrow.

In the past few days, He Yue needs intensive care. After three or five days, when the situation is better, he can return to the room on the first floor to raise him.

As for Yan Yu, he absolutely couldn't leave He Yue. He went back to sleep, and Bo Xiao sent a small bed to the operating room. Yan Yu could lie down when he was tired.

"Dad pay attention to rest. Dad He still needs you." Meng Ting exhorted Yan Yu and left with Yan Sui.

Meng Ting was led away by Yan Sui for a long time before he murmured again, "Daddy must be quite obedient."

He told Yan Yu that he basically agreed, and Meng Ting suddenly felt more fulfilled.

Yan Sui looked back at Meng Ting's proud look and couldn't help but smile. He would draw closer, "TingTing is the most obedient."

"Of course, I am the most obedient, the most obedient to you."

They didn't go to the study again, and went straight back to the bedroom. Yan Sui helped Meng Ting wash the washable areas and wipe the unwashable areas with towels. When Meng Ting was satisfied, he also sweated all over. He hugged Meng Ting back to bed. Go to the bathroom and take a cold shower.

When he came back, Meng Ting closed his eyes and opened it, obviously very sleepy, and insisted on waiting for him.

"I'm back, we sleep."

Yan Sui said that he lay down and hugged people, and the eyes of the people he hugged were slightly widened.

"No, you said you kissed me again tonight... I didn't forget."

Meng Ting said, licking his lips to Yan Sui's side, "We will go to bed after the kiss, you can't lie to me..."

How could Yan Sui refuse Meng Ting's request, but the consequence of his non-refusal is that both he and Meng Ting's bath was for nothing.

Meng Ting became energetic after being kissed. He took off Yan Sui's pants, but the meaning was obvious enough.

Yesterday was fine. Today, it is natural that Meng Ting does not need to move out Zhen Han or Gu Li to persuade Yan Sui. Meng Ting's hands continue to be busy picking clothes and pants for Yan Sui, and Yan Sui's kiss comes from Meng Ting's ear. Keep going down, wandering away.

"Yan Sui, we must always be together..." When Meng Ting was emotional, he couldn't help but emphasized it again with Yan Sui.

Life is so good nowadays, even Meng Ting would feel a little unreal. He was afraid that he would wake up from his dream, and he was still in that laboratory. There was no Yan Sui, no home, no hairball, no rhubarb, and nothing.

Yan Sui leaned over and kissed Meng Ting's eyes slowly, "Well, together."

Yan Sui could feel the restlessness of Meng Ting that overwhelmed his sleepiness. His words were not enough, so he could only do it personally to make Meng Ting believe they were together.

The consequence of this is that the next day, Ning Zhou and Xiao Zimo arrived at Yan's house early, only to learn that Yan Sui and Meng Ting were both sleeping late.

"It's okay, don't disturb them to sleep, we'll just wait."

Xiao Bo and Wang's mother didn't dare to neglect their mother and brother, the wife of the family owner, they served fruit and tea, and Yan Manjia came out from the studio to entertain them.

She had been in the basement yesterday, and when she had dinner, she knew that Meng Ting's parents and two older brothers had both been here.

"TingTing usually wakes up very early on weekdays," Yan Manjia said, saying that it is not good to continue. The reason for their late wakeup is probably that the two of them were too late the night before. This and Meng Ting just recognized this. The family is hard to say.

"Is it because of the waist injury?" Ning Zhou watched Yan Manjia stop, and she asked anxiously.

"No, no, don't worry, Meng Ting's injury is almost healed," Otherwise, Yan Sui and Meng Ting won't be able to sleep until now, Yan Manjia turned his eyes and said implicitly, "They have good feelings, love I slept for a while..."

Ning Zhou wasn't a person who didn't know anything. He didn't know what Yan Manjia was talking about.

Ning Zhou frowned slightly. She didn't see Meng Ting himself. She was still a little concerned about his injury, but with Yan Manjia speaking with her, time passed faster.

Upstairs, Yan Sui had actually been awake for a long time, but Meng Ting was still sleeping with his arm, and he could do nothing except touch Meng Ting's hair and squeeze his face.

He answered a phone call to the study yesterday, and Meng Ting looked for him everywhere without shoes. Meng Ting looks simple and open-minded, but in fact, he is really stable and unstable in his heart, for fear that he himself is not sure.

Meng Ting naturally woke up at almost eight o'clock again. He closed his eyes and hugged Yan Sui for a mess before he opened his eyes.

"Yan Sui, early."

Yan Sui rubbed Meng Ting's hair and kissed him on the cheek again before he said helplessly, "It's getting late, let's get up."

"Okay," Meng Ting said, and continued to roll into Yan Sui's arms, asking him to pick him up.

The two of them went to the bathroom to wash, changed their clothes and came downstairs. It was already over eight o'clock. Ning Zhou and Xiao Zimo had arrived at Yan's house for almost an hour, and Xiao Huimin and Xiao Ziang, who came over a little later, had also arrived.

Meng Ting squinted his eyes and was led by Yan Sui. He didn't notice that there were many more people in the living room downstairs. He took a few steps, hugged Yan Sui half of his arm, and closed his eyes. "Last night too Tired, I don't want to move at all today."

That kind of tiredness is not sleepiness, but tiredness from the bones. He just wants to lie down. It would be better if Yan Sui could lie down with him. Meng Ting thought so, but didn't say anything. He knew that Yan Sui was very busy lately, so he couldn't mess up.

Yan Sui turned his head to look at Meng Ting, then he picked him up and walked away.

He guessed that the Xiao family should come over at this time. He would come downstairs holding Meng Ting again. It was not so good, but Meng Ting knew that he didn't want to move. He didn't hold Meng Ting so much that he didn't want to move. , It's a bit too much.

And think about it again that he and Meng Ting have been married for half a year, how they get along, naturally they decide for themselves, even if the Xiao family have opinions, it's useless.

Meng Ting was picked up by Yan Sui, his eyes opened slightly, and then he kissed Yan Sui's cheek.

"I thought you didn't want to hug me today."

"No," Yan Sui replied, already hugging Meng Ting down the stairs.

Ning Zhou and the others who heard the movement over there all stood up and looked over, while Meng Ting was still talking on the side of Yan Sui's neck, eyebrows curled, and the two looked extremely sweet.

Yan Manjia immediately turned his head away with a toothache, but it was not surprising. One day Meng Ting and Yan Sui were not so sticky, and she should be surprised.

The Xiao family were not as used to Yan Manjia as they saw Meng Ting's look towards Yan Sui, and then thought of him to them, they felt sour in their hearts, but they were not qualified to show it even no matter how sore they were.

Yan Sui kept holding Meng Ting to the side of the dining table before he put the person down. Then Meng Ting moved his gaze away from Yan Sui. Then his eyes widened slightly, and he subconsciously leaned against Yan Sui again. .

"Mom, you are here..." Meng Ting saw them looking at himself and Yan Sui. He blinked his eyes to explain to them, "Yan Sui likes to hug me, and I like to hug him. We are at home, so It doesn't matter."

If he went outside, Meng Ting would still slightly curb his possessiveness towards Yan Sui, at most he would hold his hand and not let Yan Sui keep holding him.

"It's okay," Yan Sui responded to Meng Ting first. He nodded to Ning Zhou and others, and raised his hand to Wang Ma. Then he said to Meng Ting, "Let's eat first."

Speaking of food, Meng Ting smiled slightly again, "Okay."

He remembered something, then looked at Ning Zhou, "Mom, have you eaten, do you want to come and eat with us."

Only Ning Zhou, Meng Ting gave this treatment, and Xiao Huimin beside Ning Zhou was automatically ignored by him.

"I... I'll eat a little bit more." Ning Zhou had eaten a little bit before he came here. Not many. She is not hungry right now, but she can eat. She cherishes any moments with Meng Ting, and naturally she will never again. Hesitate other.

She left the three of Xiao Huimin and walked over and sat down.

Meng Ting watched Wang Ma put on some of his favorite foods, and the corners of his mouth were unconsciously drawn. He looked at Ning Zhou and exhorted, "Mom, you are too skinny. Eat more."

"Okay," Ning Zhou replied, with tears in his eyes, but a happy smile on his face.

Meng Ting could feel that she was happy. He nodded and looked at Yan Sui again, "You also eat more, you work hard every day."

"Okay," Yan Sui replied, took the plate and put a lot of dishes in front of Meng Ting, before he started eating by himself.

Meng Ting has a good appetite. People who saw him eat for the first time would be a little surprised. Ning Zhou didn't feel that way at all. She was afraid that Meng Ting couldn't eat, so she wouldn't think he had eaten too much.

Yan Sui waited for Meng Ting to finish eating, then whispered a few words to him. He walked over to say hello to Xiao Huimin, and then he, Xiao Huimin and Xiao Ziang went to the study room upstairs. Meng Ting took Ning Zhou and Xiao Zimo to the grass. Take a walk.

Soon after Yan Sui and Xiao Huimin Xiao Ziang talked, Zhen Han knocked on the door of their study, and after he came in, he handed a test report to Yan Sui.

"You have worked hard, go and rest." Yan Sui took it, and then said to Zhen Han like this.

In fact, it doesn't matter a few days later, but Zhen Han still stayed up late to get it out.

"Well, I eat and sleep."

After Zhen Han and Yan Sui had finished speaking, they nodded to Xiao Huimin, and then walked out of the study. His attitude towards Xiao Huimin roughly explained the results in the report. Otherwise, Zhen Han's temperament would not be due to Xiao Huimin's identity as the head of the Xiao family, what has changed.

Yan Sui did not evade Xiao Huimin and Xiao Ziang, he directly opened the file bag and looked at the comparison results.

There is basically no joy or anger on Yan Sui's face for Xiao Huimin and Xiao Ziang to perceive. Although they are sure that Meng Ting is their family, they are also inexplicably nervous right now.

"As a result of my comparison, TingTing is indeed the child of you and your wife."

This result was really not suspenseful, but it still touched both Xiao Huimin and Xiao Ziang for a while.

Xiao Huimin looked at Yan Sui and said seriously, "Yan Sui, thank you."

Thank him for choosing and protecting Meng Ting when they didn't know about Meng Ting. Xiao Huimin felt that he had to say this "thank you".

"No, Meng Ting brought me far more than what I gave him." Yan Sui didn't think he had exaggerated anything. Meng Ting's preciousness will only be known when he comes into contact with him. "He is my love. I should do everything for him."

That "love" should definitely make people feel a little numb, but it was said from Yan Sui's mouth, but he didn't feel that way. He was just explaining the fact that Meng Ting was his only lover in this life besides his wife.

Xiao Huimin and Xiao Ziang looked at each other for a while, and then the two nodded. Only then did they really recognize Yan Sui as Meng Ting's husband. From now on, Yan Sui will also be their family member.

They continued to talk about Meng's and Yan's topics, but their tone and feeling were different.

It is no longer the two top family leaders who are talking to each other, but Weng, brother-in-law and eldest brother-in-law are planning how to avenge and cheat others.

They talked for more than three hours. When they came down, Meng Ting, Ning Zhou and others had already returned to the living room. They were watching TV and talking, and they seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Perceiving the movement, Meng Ting turned around and his eyes lit up first, "Yan Sui, you are finished."

What he said was nothing, but his bright eyes completely exposed his thoughts. It has only been more than three hours since Yan Sui hadn't seen Yan Sui, so he missed people really well.

Yan Sui walked over and sat next to Meng Ting. Meng Ting immediately snuggled into his arms. He muttered and talked to Yan Sui. That kind of tranquility and joy would not be possible with other people. .

"I took my mother for a walk, and we played with rhubarb hair balls, and I even cut fruit for my mother."

Meng Ting's hands are not very good except for mixing the fragrance. On weekdays, when he cuts fruits, Yan Sui dare not let him use the knife. Every time he cuts it and feeds it to Meng Ting's mouth. Yan Sui looks at Meng Ting first after hearing the words. He didn't ask much if he was sure he didn't hurt himself.

"But I didn't cut it well, so I was robbed of the fruit and knife."

Meng Ting said and glanced at Xiao Zimo, who looked a little helpless, but at the time it was not only Xiao Zi who wanted to grab it, but also Ning Zhou and Yan Manjia who were watching.

"I dare to file a complaint... can I lower my finger to the blade?" Xiao Zimo watched Meng Ting complain, his expression was helpless and angry.

"The apple will roll, I have to hold it."

Meng Ting leaned on Yan Sui, his confidence a little bit stronger, his eyes opened wide, and he looked like he was reasonable.

But this time, Yan Sui was no longer on Meng Ting's side. He took Meng Ting's hand and looked at it carefully, "You are not allowed to touch the knife anymore."

Meng Ting looked back at Yan Sui when he heard the words, but nodded, "Okay, I won't touch it..."

He and Xiao Zi choked silently, and turned around to face Yan Sui and immediately became obedient. With this difference in treatment, Xiao Zimo felt a more and more intense heart congestion. He probably pulled his little brother's heart over. It would be more than expected. It's harder.

"But I also want to cut fruit for you," Meng Ting said, still feeling a little depressed. He wanted to be nice to Yan Sui. So far, there are not many that can do well.

"You don't need to do this, we can do this between us." Yan Sui met Meng Ting's gaze and told him with certainty that he and Meng Ting will not be separated from each other, and Meng Ting will not. It doesn't matter, he can.

After understanding this, all the depression on Meng Ting's face disappeared. He kissed Yan Sui's cheek according to his own mind, "I remember, Yan Sui, you are so kind, I love you so much. ."

As he said that he still wanted to hold Yan Sui to continue kissing, he was hugged by Yan Sui in his arms.

Yan Sui looked at Ning Zhou, Xiao Huimin and others, "You stay and have a light meal."

Seeing that they had no objection, he looked at Shaw standing in the corner and nodded at him.

Uncle Xiao turned around and went out to the kitchen and said to Wang Ma and others that, in fact, there is no need to be afraid of temporarily failing to prepare meals. With Wang Ma's thoroughness, she had already prepared people properly.

The eyes of Meng Ting in Yan Sui's arms blinked and blinked, and it suddenly became clear that today's home is very different from usual, at least he can't hug Yan Sui casually.

After Yan Sui finished speaking, he gently patted Meng Ting a few times before letting go, and Meng Ting's cheeks became more flushed. He pursed his lips and didn't speak any more, and he didn't want to continue hugging Yan Sui. .

"The test results have come out, TingTing, I am your father." Xiao Huimin hasn't heard Meng Ting call him when he arrived now. He is a little bit lost. Xiao Ziang also answered the phone and compared the results with Yan Sui. It's the same here.

"Well, Dad."

Meng Ting was embarrassed, Xiao Huimin's words fell, he immediately called someone, his eyes swept away and called Xiao Ziang and Xiao Zimo.

"Big brother, second brother."

He turned his gaze back to Ning Zhou and called out again, "Mom."

"Eh," Ning Zhou responded. She slowly opened her hand. Meng Ting hesitated and hugged her gently, but with his hug, Ning Zhou's tears broke again, and Meng Ting touched it. Touching Ning Zhou's hair, he didn't want to leave Ning Zhou's embrace immediately.

In Ning Zhou's arms, Meng Ting still felt safe, but it was no better than Yan Sui, and there was nothing to compare.

Ning Zhou didn't cry for long this time, she just couldn't help being happy, and couldn't help but want to hug Meng Ting for a while.

Confirming that Ning Zhou did not cry anymore, Meng Ting let go of her, then took the tissue from Yan Sui and wiped her eyes.

"Mom's eyes are beautiful, they are the most beautiful when they laugh, so don't cry."

Meng Ting's eyes look very similar to Ning Zhou's, but his emotions are not as rich as Ning Zhou's eyes. What is missing in his nature? His praise comes from the heart.

"Okay, I listen to... NuoNuo."

The name Meng Ting was given by the Meng family, but he is not from the Meng family, and it is time to change back to his original name.

Meng Ting hesitated for a moment, and he answered "Yes."

He actually didn't mind if he had to change his name. The word Meng Ting was always just himself. In his predecessors and in this life, he never thought he belonged to the Meng family. Yan Sui helped him sever the Meng family. He felt enough.

If he really wants to change it, he actually wants to have Yan Sui's surname... Yan Ting, Meng Ting considered these two words, and looked for Yan Sui. Seeing that he was still sitting behind him, his heart was a little settled. , Smiled at Yan Sui again.

Ning Zhou tidied himself up a bit, and Wang Ma led the servants to arrange all the food and chopsticks.

At the dinner table, Xiao Huimin and the others wanted to give Meng Ting some food, but with Yan Sui on the side, there was no room for them to intervene. They were eager to try several times, but in the end they were all over. The most important thing was that they were afraid that Meng Ting would dislike it. .

After lunch, Ning Zhou sat with Meng Ting for a while. She didn't stay any longer, but she said she would come back to see Meng Ting tomorrow.

Xiao Huimin had something else. He went back to the hotel by himself. Xiao Ziang and Xiao Zimo accompany Ning Zhou in another car. Together they went to the prison in Haicheng. Ning Zhou wanted to see Li Yifei.

Ning Zhou's expression in the car was all right, but when she got out of the car, her whole aura was different again.

Dressed appropriately and exquisitely. She is over fifty. Although her appearance is damaged, she is still beautiful compared to most people her age. More importantly, she has the temperament that many people have cultivated for a lifetime. It's impossible.

She didn't dress up deliberately. It could even be said that she only picked randomly in order to see Meng Ting earlier, but no matter how casually she was, she was also the mistress who came out of the world, and she was quite eye-catching in the crowd.

Li Yifei learned that someone came to see her. She thought it was her two sons or other grandchildren. She was still thinking about how to tell them and ask them to find a way for her. She had suffered, but she was giving Meng Jiadang. After the second room, she never had any hardships.

Her food and clothing is no different from Dafang's Feng Zejiao, even because Meng Jia prefers her, she is sometimes better than Feng Zejiao, but now she is in jail, living with a bunch of women and prisoners, and eating. Taking a bath or even going to the toilet, everything made her extremely unwell.

She forced herself to be calm, forced herself to endure, she could fight from nothing to the position of the wife of the family, she couldn't easily admit defeat.

But her gaze lifted slightly, watching a graceful woman sitting in front of her in a visiting position separated by a glass wall, she still left some fire|hot heart, directly falling|falling to Jiuyou Hanbing Here, even the hair feels cold all over.

"Li Mei, long time no see."

Ning Zhou sat down and fixed her eyes on Li Yifei. Her faint tone directly pierced the glamorous things that Li Yifei had packaged for herself over the years, but there was nothing or nothing, even her name was changed later.

She wants to change her name, she wants to pursue a better life, this is not wrong in itself, but she should never base these on hurting others. What's more, her Ning family has only kindness to her, not hatred.


Ning Zhou interrupted Li Yifei's words before they could fully say.

"Please call me Ms. Ning, or Ms. Xiao... Zhouzhou, who are you, and what qualifications do you have to call me that."

Apart from Xiao Huimin, there are many people who can call her Zhouzhou at home, that is, her mother. Elder Xiao usually calls her Ning Zhou directly. But Li Yifei wanted to follow her mother's call, how could she have such a face.

Li Yifei was about seven years older than Ning Zhou. She was only 24 years old when she actually entered the Meng family and became the second house for Mrs. Meng. She gave birth to Meng Yigui two years earlier. She was pregnant with Meng Yide before entering. The door of the Meng family.

But now she looked like Ning Zhou was a generation behind her. Compared with Ning Zhou, she was old and ugly, from appearance to soul.

"You know TingTing is my child, right? You know it at first sight!"

Li Yifei didn't know any obsession with her, she just came in, and Li Yifei recognized it at first sight, but in fact they didn't even know each other. It is not rare for the Ning family to repay Li Yifei, but she never thought that she would avenge her gratitude.

"Why?" Ning Zhou asked. She didn't have to know, but she always had to ask.

When Li Yifei saw Ning Zhou, she knew that the matter had been revealed. She was still unwilling to do so, but by this time there was nothing to recognize.

She nodded gently, "Yes, the first time I saw him in the orphanage, I knew he was your child. Didn't you find out? His eyes look like you and your father."

Ning Zhou's eyes suddenly narrowed, but did not interrupt Li Yifei. His father died the year she gave birth to Xiao Zimo. No matter how she thought about it, she would not have thought that Li Yifei was still related to her father.

"And he is my first man!" The light in Li Yifei's eyes made Ning Zhou disgusted. She followed Mr. Meng, gave birth to a son, and even had grandchildren. She still missed Ning Zhou. father.

"I am young and beautiful, and I have better knowledge and cultivation than your mother. The only thing that is worse is the family background. Otherwise... I relied on your mother to finish college and have the opportunity to go abroad."

"That was my happiest two years..." Li Yifei paused after speaking. She seemed to see her parents through Ning Zhou, "I was with him for those two years."

But that dream, after she returned to China, everything became empty. She came to visit Ning's family, but Ning's father didn't know her. Ning's mother was happy to see her, but Li Yifei felt that it was just the spare time of her superior life. Shi only gave her mercy, she was only admiring her kindness through her.

After she visited the Ning family once, Father Ning looked for her, but instead of continuing those relationships with her, he gave her a sum of money to let her leave Beicheng and completely cut off their relationship. She was just him. The pastime when living abroad for two years is boring.

He has returned to China now, his wife is virtuous, and his daughter is excellent. He doesn't want Li Yifei to continue to disturb his family harmony.

"So you put the hatred for my father on TingTing?" Ning Zhou's eyes were slightly red, not sad, but angry, which also contained the anger of her mother being betrayed by Li Yifei and her father.

"No, I don't hate him, I love him." Li Yifei said with some crazy light in her eyes, she looked up at Ning Zhou, "I hate you, and your mother Jian Yun. You forced him to give up. I, you forced him to death!"

Ning Zhou's father was involved in a drunk racing car late at night. That road happened to be the road out of Beicheng. Li Yifei always felt that he regretted that he wanted to come to her, but was fettered by Jian Yun and Ning Zhou, so he didn't come. Cheng, still dead on the road...

"Meng Ting is your son, so he should atone for you and your mother. What a pity..."

Ning Zhou was not angry when she heard the words, and suddenly smiled, full of mockery. She looked at Li Yifei, her eyes grew colder.

"As you said, your sons, grandchildren and grandchildren will also atone for your sins and live for generations. As long as the Xiao family and the Yan family are still there for a day, there will be no day when they are in their early days. What will happen to them in the future."

"Does my mother really treat you well? You know in your heart that not only did you betray her, you also seduce her man."

Ning Zhou snorted again, "Don't say you love him, you are not worthy to talk about love, you really love my father to such a degree, why do you still be a junior for someone else, and give birth to someone else? , Your love is too cheap, too disgusting."

"You harmed my child, but you bullied the weak, you hate me, hate my mother, but don't frame yourself too noble!"

Can we hurt in the name of love, or can we attack an innocent child who has survived the disaster in the name of hate?