Chapter - 13

(Alisha P.O.V)

I was sitting in my room preparing for my exams which is going to happen after one week. When suddenly the door of my room burst open and my mom come inside my room with a fake sweet smile.

"Alisha sweetheart, I heard you always going out with one of the sons of the richest family in Japan," my mom said with a fake smile.

"M...Mom, he is just my friend," I said shocked about her knowing it.

"Oh come on sweetie don't hide it from me, I know you have something for him, and why not after all he is handsome or rich, " she said with a smirk.

"You know I'm very happy with that new, I had always known that your beauty is very useful for me," she added and her smirk gets wider.

"Now, let's get to the point shall we," She said with an evil chuckle and a shudder inwardly.

"Now, Alisha I want you to use that beauty of yours to make that Marshal fall for you, do that for me Alisha if you want me to be nice with you," she said with an evil smirk.

"But mom I can't do that, he was my friend," I said while looking down at the floor.

"Shut up, don't you dare disobey me Alisha or else I will give you punishment you will never forget, do you understand?" she asks while grabbing my hair and forcing me to look at her eyes.

"Y...Yes..m...m...mama, I am sorry," I shutter my eyes were full of tears but I bite my lip to stop them coming out of my eyes because I know she will punish me when she heard my cry.

"Good girl," she said with a smile and walk out of my room.

"Oh, before I forgot I have brought some new clothes for you to make him fall for you," she while looking at me for the last time and walk out of the room.

The next day at the school I said everything that happened between me and my mom to my friend Megna and to say she was angry was an understatement.

"What? did she say that? what the hell was she thinking?" she shouted at me.

"She treated you like an animal and now she wanted you to use your beauty for a rich man!! how much low she can get for the money?" she said I was about to say something when she cut me off.

"Actually you know what don't answer that because I already know that answer she can do anything for the money," she said while shaking her head in disappointment.

"She wants you to be one of the bitches like a slut that works on her clubs, she is insane," she said loudly while throwing her and in frustration.

"Megna, please don't say that loud what if someone heard us, I afraid I can't do this to Luke," I told her in a whisper while narrowing my eyes at her.

"I don't know Alisha, I will watch my back if I were you, I know what your mom able to do," she said getting worried about me.

"So are you going to tell Luke about this?" she asks.

"I don't know, you tell me," I said to her while hopefully looking at her.

"But if you tell this to Luke, I don't know if he believes you or not," she said while looking away from me.

"I know," I said with a sigh.

"So what are you going to do?" she asks.

"I don't know, I guess I will let show goes on," I said while looking down at the ground sadly.

"So you are not going to tell him?" she asks.

"Yes," I answered.

"But he has the right to know," she almost shouted at me in frustration.

"I know but I am afraid to lose him," I said while looking down at the ground almost at the edge of crying.

"But what if he gots to know from the third party, he would think you are following your mother's order, trying to make him fall for you," she said while looking at me intently.

"You're right, Megna I will tell him when I got enough courage to say it, but I need time to get my shit together and maybe in between, I will find out a solution to get out of this problem," I said while looking at her.

"Okay, take your time, but tell him about it before anyone else does, okay?" she asks and I nodded my head.

"Where are you going?" she asks when she saw me standing up from my place and packing up my things.

"I promise him to meet him at somewhere for his photoshoot, he must be waiting for me, thank you for your sitting here and listening to my problems," I said while pulling her for a hug.

"Mention not, I will see you later at school okay, take care and be careful," she said while giving me a tight hug with a smile on her face. We said our goodbyes and walk to our destination.