(Luke P.O.V)
I looked at his watch for the twenty times in the last 15 minutes waiting for Alisha to arrive so that we can go for my photoshoot together.
"tsk..what's took her so long?" I ask myself.
"Is she okay? what I am saying, of course, she will be okay what am I thinking,"
"I swear this girl is driving me crazy, and I will be crazy if she does not show up in 5 minutes by worrying about her," I said to myself.
"I'm going crazy here not seeing her for so long hours," I said while checking my watch again.
"What is she doing? is she busy in something or someone," I ask myself?
"tsk..what the hell am I saying?" I ask myself.
"I have never seen her with another man so why should I worry?" I ask to myself.
"I don't have any other man in my life except you Luke," she said while laughing at me. I looked at her startled.
"A...Alisha, how many times do I have to tell you don't scare me like that?" I said while looking at her with wide eyes.
"I am sorry but it's just cute to see you with that face," she said while laughing at me.
* God, she has such a beautiful laugh* I thought.
"Oh really? then do it again and I will punish you," I said with a smirk on my face.
"But Luke I have said to you not to play on me, you know I can kick your lazy ass and you will not be able to walk for five days," she said to me with a serious face.
"Okay, okay I'm sorry now let's go otherwise we were going to be late," I said.
"Okay," she said with a smile on her face.
*She looks so cute when she was smiling,* I thought, grabbing her hand guiding her to my car. After 10 minutes we reach there and I go changing room to change while Alisha was sitting outside watching the Mr. Coner shouting orders.
(Alisha P.O.V)
"Okay, 1...2...3," Mr. Coner said after telling Luke which pose he wants him to take. Lukes takes different poses while I was sitting at a chair next to the makeup artist watching him doing different poses.
"Next open your shirt," Mr. Coner said after taking some photos.
"What?" I whisper in a low voice while blushing red imaging Luke with an open shirt.
"A...Alisha, it's just a photo shooting, it's normal,d...do dodon't think it's my plan," he said while blushing and looking down at the floor like it's the most interesting thing in the world.
"O..of course, I know that don't worry...continue," I said nervously, he opens his shirt and photographer started taking his photo.
"Next remove your shirt," Mr. Coner said to him and I started blushing furiously. He takes off his and started posing in front of us. I was at the edge of passing out while seeing him without his shirt.
"Okay, what if you take some photos with this girl Luke, Is she your secret girlfriend?" Mr. Conner asks after taking some photos.
"I..I am not his girlfriend," I said while looking at him and blushing furiously.
"Come on Alisha let's take a picture together," he said while walking towards me.
"No, no thank you," I said while blushing and looking away from him.
"I said come," he said while grabbing my hand pulling me closer to him.
"W...Wait, wait, Luke," I said and he engulfs me in a hug.
"What are you doing Luke?" I ask while trying to pull away from him.
Note the word: trying.
"Alisha, please," he pleaded while hugging me tighter. He sounds so vulnerable at that time that I can't help but give up.
"Okay, 1...2...3," Mr. Coner said and start taking pictures.
He hugs me tighter which I return back gladly.
"Dhuk, Dhuk, Dhuk" I heard.
*What is this, is it his heart bead..it's so fast and mine too, it feels so different,* I thought while hugging him.
"L...Luke let me go now, it's embarrassing," I said feeling uncomfortable in his arms.
"A..Alisha, I want to tell you something," he said to me while hugging me tighter.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Alisha I L...L," he said but cut off by Mr.coner.
"Ahem, Luke are we going to finish this photoshoot or what?" Mr. Conner said faking a cough.
"Fine," he said annoyed and change our position.
"L...Luke, you are to close," I said feeling uncomfortable.
"Good, then it's perfect," he said smirking making me blush.
"Okay, good you are free now, thank you for your time Mr. Marsharl, Miss.." Mr. Conner trail of while looking at me.
"Mathew," I said while smiling at me.
" Thank you, Miss Mathew," he said while stretching his hand for a handshake which I accept gladly.
We get out of the studio and Luke takes me to his house so that we can prepare for our exam.