Chapter - 15

(Luke P.O.V)

Her face was priceless when Mr. Conner tells me to remove my shirt. it was tomato red and I know now another way to tease her.

When Mr. Conner asks me that wheater she was my secret girlfriend I want to say yes to him but control myself. I feel disappointed when she tells no to him. Well, it's not her mistake I never ask her to be my girlfriend.

I enjoyed taking pictures with her. She was so close to me in my arms, I can practically feel her warm body against mine. I just don't ever want to let her go. I will never ever let her go.

Having her in my arms I finally get the courage to tell her that I love her and I almost told her but get rudely interrupted by Mr. Conner. I really want to strangle him to death right there but I control myself.