Everything's New

"Rustain we're here! Wake up" His mother leaned over and whispered in his ears.

Rustain who is a young adult was just sitting in his chair while playing some music from his phone. Not long after he immediately noticed his mother calling him.


"I said we are here"


*My last life was steadily progressing in the US until my mother decided that we will be migrating to the Philippines it was exactly a month before the flight that I was informed that we will be departing from the states, I was startled and we'll kinda confused at first who wouldn't, my whole life we stayed in the states and now I need to start a new beginning on a foreign land* Rustain

Rustain's mother and him just arrived in Cebu at Mactan international airport. Looking around, Rustain had his first impression of the place and it was that this is not half bad for him.

He went out of the airport's lobby when he realized what it means to be in a tropical country.

The outside was steaming hot and Rustain not soon after started to get sweaty and his sweat only glistened more when multiple rays of sunlight touched his tanned skin.

Rustain continued to roam outside of the airport not soon after he saw an old couple in the crowd holding a sign with his family's last name and pointed it out for his mom to see.


"That must be them, " The mother said with excitement she giggled in joy and finger-comb her hair and wiped off the bit of sweat on her face to look more presentable. Then she shouted."Mama!! Papa!!"

Within the crowd of people, who some is a driver and the job is to pick up a company VIP, a group of family waiting for their love ones to come out, and random bus and taxi drivers who are waiting for foreigners to ask them for a ride this made the place chaotic and loud but the old couple on the back immediately heard their Daughter's call.

"Mariah!! Is that you anak?" The elderly woman answered back with excitement and waved her hand.

/Anak: daughter or son/

Mariah the mother of Rustain rushed over to her mother and father the grandparents of Rustain who is on the other side of the fence that separates the unboarding passengers and the people who will pick them up.

Mariah went over to their side with a huge smile on her face and gave one another a warm welcoming hug. Rustain who is new to the place just quietly follows his mother.

"Mama, I really missed you, you to papa!!"

The hug lasted for a minute and what looks like a hot summer day was changed into a cool summer breeze when a refreshing gust of wind circled around the family. This was witnessed by Rustain who is just starting at his mother's enjoying her time with his grandparents.

*what was that?* Rustain thought.

The two elderly noticed Rustain who was standing behind his mother looking uncomfortable at them while carrying his luggage. Rustain is dressed in his casual attire and hoodie, tight jeans, and matching sporty shoes.

"Wait! Is this Rustain, my apo?? You have grown big, masculine, and very much a gwapito like your lolo over there, well that was a long time ago."The Grandmother approached Rustain.

Rustain who is awkward because of the fact that it is his first time meeting his grandparents slightly steps backward but since he was holding the luggage of his mother and his, he slowly loses his balance and before he was about to hit the ground his grandmother grabs his hand preventing Rustain from falling to the ground which is a few inches away from him, Rustain was shocked as his eyes doubles in size.

*how could an elderly manage to do that I'm twice her size and also carrying two heavy luggage* Rustain though.

But before Rustain could properly process everything his Grandmother pinched his face and there he just stood straight letting his grandmother do her thing.

/apo: grandchild/

/gwapito: handsome/

"Wag ka making sa Lola mo mahilig yan mang bola, " The grandfather said in a funny tone that lifted up one's spirit.

/translate: Don't listen to your grandma likes to fool around all the time/

"Naku po mama and papa there's a lot of things I need to tell you, but let's eat first I'm starving," Mariah said.

/naku: well or an expression/

Then Rustain's mother pulled both of her parents by their arms as they walked towards the parking lot. They stopped by a black car with a man in a tuxedo standing beside it.

The man turned out to be the driver of the two elderly couples, he assisted Rustain with the stuff he was holding and put it inside the car's trunk.

The driver then starts the car and hits the gas, they soon made it out of the airport and crossed the city, on the way people of all the ages walked the streets and buildings huge and small had been seen by Rustain who is sitting next to the window of the car, He was just silently observing the road and his mother who is enjoying her time talking to his grandparents.

Rustain fell asleep along the way but the sound of a huge gate opening woke him up and when he opened his eyes the car already went into this lot that looks super fancy and you can see a mansion at the end of the premises.

The mansion can be seen from afar but before one can get there they must first cross a garden full of warm red roses. They have reached the mansion, the mansion is an old architecture design that shows a very elegant atmosphere.

After getting off the car Rustain's mother and his parents along with him went inside the mansion, at the first impression of Rustain was not far from what he expected from the house it was a new scenery to him because his life in the states was different it was his first time going inside in a mansion that's is full of expensive vases, aesthetic looking paintings, and well-maintained carpet. Everything feels high-end and that made Rustain get a little bit overwhelmed, his face shows how distressed and nervous he is right now, he never mentioned this to his mother and just continued to follow them quietly.

When they continued to walk inside five people greeted them.

"Hello Sir, Madam, Miss Mariah, and Young master Rustain!, welcome home" (together)

The people spoke in sync with one another, there were two guys and three girls they introduced themselves to Rustain and his mother. The people present were two gardeners and three maids.

But as Rustain stared at them the people emitted a tense atmosphere that made the air around them feel weird to Rustain, they later gave off a very calculating look to him making Rustain more nervous they left soon after leaving Rustain in a daze.

Rustain was being overwhelmed by everything that had happened to him but he kept showing his composed self intact.

Rustain and his mother continued to walk inside the house following his grandparents and soon leading them in the dining area.

*Will this be my new home? But it doesn't feel right like there's this weird feeling inside me telling me to be careful.* Rustain thought to himself as he doubted the feeling of his body warning him to be alert.

His mother noticed that Rustain was out of himself today and took this chance to approach Rustain snapping him out of the trance.

"Dear! Come here let's eat!" His mother smiled in a joyful tone with excitement and with her bright smile she made Rustain feel at ease.

"The food your grandma made is very delicious. It's pinakbet with bagoong, " His mother said.

Rustain was again transferred into this weird trance he felt something but can't tell what. Rustain since he was a child he could feel when things are about to happen and can't tell why, he usually just followed what his guts told him but this time he is unsure.

"Hey!!! Earth to Rustain!, Dear are you okay? since we arrived at the airport you've been very silent as if something is wrong." His mother said and looked at him with a worried eye and so did his grandparents.

"Umm... Ah...no mom I am fine well..... I'm just amazed about the house that's all, by the way... Mom... Can I just go and rest? I'm just tired from the flight" He told her hesitantly as he avoided eye contact with his mother.

"Ah..sure let me just finish eating and..." Mariah was cut by Rustain.

"That's.. okay mom just .. um, tell me where my room is," Rustain told his mom with a straight face, the scenario suddenly felt heavy for the family but Theresa the grandmother noticed this and took charge.

"Oh.. you must be very tired apo. Then I'll ask one of the maids to guide you to your room, Mika!! " The grandmother raised her voice slightly while calling the maid's name.

Then one of the three maids from before came rushing in.

"Yes, po madam?" Mika said.

The maid named Mika came. Her black hair and brown eyes showed how ordinary she may look but if you stare at her closely you can tell that everything about her compliments her body.

"Ituro mo nga sa apo ko if saan ang room nya gusto nya na kasi magpahinga"

/translate: show my grandson his room, he must be tired from the flight/

The grandmother ordered the maid and immediately the maid showed courtesy to Rustain and offered him her assistance in carrying some of the bags as she asked Rustain to follow her to his room.

On the way to his room Rustain and the maid walk silently no word uttered from both of them only the sound of footsteps filled the halls but something caught Rustain's eye on the way, he stopped as he saw a wall on the second floor that is full of picture and painting of different people but what caught his eyes is a picture of his mother it took him a second to recognize his mother in her mid-twenties she was with her grandparents and she is wearing a college degree toga with a guy beside her in the picture they all looked happy.

"Sir?" The maid approached Rustain as she said it.

"Oh!? Sorry, don't mind me let's continue" Rustain replied.

Rustain returned the old looking picture to where it was back then and continued to follow Mika. They passed by the hall and reached the stairs that lead to the third floor, it took a few turns before the maid stopped.

"Sir this is your room po," the maid said.

"Thanks, I'll take it from here" Rustain took the luggage from Mika who looked uncomfortable after what Rustain did but the maid immediately left Rustain afterward.

When Rustain entered the room he was expecting something extravagant but he was thankful it's a normal-looking room, a wooden frame bed, and a table by the window that is facing the garden showing the beauty of the place.

Since the moment Rustain arrived at the mansion he has been very relentless because of the place but the room gave him the relief he was looking for and not soon after he lay down on the bed, the bed feels soft to the touch and this only made Rustain more comfortable in his room and without him realizing he fell asleep.



"Sir Rustain... Sir?? ma'am Mariah and Madam Theresa are calling for you, please proceed to the dining area." The maid knocked and continued knocking the door until she heard Rustain replied.

*Well that woke me up* Ruatain thought

"Yes, I'll be there" Rustain replied to the maid.

Russian looked through the window and saw the moonlight that passed his window.

He immediately opened the door and followed one of the maids to the dining area.

On the way to the dining area, voices can be overheard and it was Mariah talking to Endo her father. Their voices filled the dining area.

*It looks like my mother is discussing very important matters to my grandfather, I should leave* Rustain who just arrived in the scene decided to wait it out after both of them finished talking.

It's not in Rustain's nature to eavesdrop but when he heard what Endo his grandfather said it made him stay.

"You will leave by next week?? Why so soon??" Endo said as he looked Mariah straight In the eyes.

"Yeah I know papa, but it's for the best, and don't worry I already enrolled Rustain to a boarding school. Everything is already planned out" Mariah replied.

After hearing this Rustain couldn't think what reaction he should give to the situation. He was still not ready to accept what he heard he was an only child and live with only his mother by his side, he was always afraid to be left alone and after he heard the conversation he was left baffled inside his mind.

*I've lived with my mother for a long time and being dependent on her has been my thing. My mom always wants to send me into a boarding school but I always protest against it but this time around she decided without knowing what I want, this never happened before, so what changed?* Rustain thought to himself as he clenched his fist, Rustain felt a new wave of emotion and he was irritated. *calm down, calm down mom must have a good explanation I just need to wait for her to tell me.*

Rustain gathered his courage to enter the dining room and face his mother, as he went over to the other side Mariah and Endo was startled but Rustain just acted as if he never heard them talk and greeted them like how he normally does.

"Hi mom" Rustain brushed off his hair slightly.

“Rustain dear how long have you been there,” Mariah said while having a slightly panicking tone.

*I don’t want to lie to my mother but I need to act as if everything is okay, but for how long?* Rustain told himself.

“Just now, mom,” He lied.

Rustain then observed the table that was full of appetizing food trying to draw his attention elsewhere, this deam effective because it made him hungry.

(Growling stomach) (Growl~)

"Hahahaha look who's hungry come here apo kain tayo," Endo said.

/kain tayo: let's eat/

His grandfather stood up and grabbed Rustain”s shoulders and assisted him to the table, what looks like an old man with his crane turned out to be a strong person who did not do justice with his age, this was observed by Rustain as he was being pulled one-sided.

*what is this couple they seem very strong despite their age there are even stronger than me, this is weird* Rustain told himself.

“Ehem!, papa.” Mariah stared at her father sharply.

“Ah! I almost forgot I need to take my medicine right now" The grandfather left the kitchen leaving only Rustain and his mother.

The room was filled with silence as Endo left. The mother who was preparing some plates looked at Rustain's position who seemed preoccupied with his thoughts, Rustain on the other hand was thinking to wait for his mother to call him.

Rustian despite being an only child he never really asked for anything else other than the attention of his mother, that's why currently he is waiting for his mother to take the first step and talk to him hoping she would tell him about what he accidentally heard.

Mariah noticed the suspense air around them. She looked at sustain while crossing her arm as she sat on the chair in front of Rustain. She took the initiative and asked Rustain about the house.

"So Rustain, how was the house? Do you like it?" Mariah said.

Russian were waiting for this. His frowned face manages to lift.

"It's nice, I never knew our family could own property this big. It's a first to me" He said optimistically.

"HAHAHA… I guess I will tell you about this, I ran away from home when I was pregnant with you still in my belly" Mariah laughed it off.

"Really Mom? I can hardly imagine" Rustain did not expect that.

"Well it's all in the past now," Mariah said.

"But how did you manage to contact my grandparents" Rustain is more Curious than before. His eyes lit up with excitement.

"Well it is a long story Rustain, but first I need to tell y--" Mariah was cut off.

The serious talk of Rustain and his mother was interrupted by the sudden entrance of the grandparents who entered the room head over heels with one another.

"Sorry, we're late. The food must be getting cold so let's eat now" Theresa said, looking around the dining area as she entered the room and sat at the other end of the long table.

The Rustain who was anticipating the direction of his conversation with his mother once again became less interested in what's going on around him.

They proceed to have their dinner and throughout the meal, Theresa opens a conversation regarding the life of Rustain and his mother in the states.

Mariah answered each of their conversations happily, she explained her job as a head nurse in a nearby hospital in their place.

All of them continue the night talking about memorable memories of the past then the conversation takes a turn and is headed to Rustain who decided not to join in the conversation of his family.

"You have been very quiet apo, tell me do you have a girlfriend you're not talking about??" Theresa asked her grandchild.

Rustain was just trying not to stand out but joining the conversation was inevitable and the topic that was asked to him was a very sensitive topic.

"Mama, You shouldn't have to ask that, his girlfriend and he never ended nicely with one another."

Mariah whispered to her mother, Rustain who was on edge all day finally realized what he needed to do.

He snapped.

Russian placed his utensils down, he looked everyone in the eyes giving them a rude attitude.

"I'm full!!" That was the word he utters before standing up and start heading to his ^Temporary room^

"Rustain dear?" His mom called him but was just ignored by Rustain who continued walking away leaving the table in an awkward atmosphere.

Reaching the hallway far away from the dining area Ruatain who walked away was being followed by his mother who looked pissed by how rude Rustain was to his grandparents.

"Rustain stop!" He stopped

"Rustain!! what was that you're being unreasonable, you know what you did was very rude. I'm just tolerating you but now you are just acting like a child growing up!!, I'm at my limit here!" Mariah said as she tried to grab Rustain's arm.

*It hurts when my mother says it that way, but I am also at my limit.* Rustain.

"Mom!! you ask what's wrong with me, all of this!! It's hard to cope up with you, you've changed so much you weren't like this before you never forced your decision like this we always decide things together. You even decided to enroll me in a boarding school, when are you going to tell me that isn't forcing me to break off with the girl I love enough for you!!?" Rustain said everything he wanted to let go since the beginning of the events that happened in the dining room.

Mariah was caught off guard after hearing what Rustain said. Russian took this opportunity to continue what he was saying.

"Based on your reaction, you are asking yourself how would I know, right? well goes what I heard you talk about it with lolo." Rustain said as he walked away leaving his mother despairing over what happened.

Inside Rustain's room, he can be seen lying on the bed. Rustain covered his teary-eyes with his hands as he contemplates what he has done and regretting is the first thing he did.

*What I did was wrong but, earlier it just felt that I have this uncontrollable range Inside me that wanted to get out and the weirdest thing is that it somehow felt good.*


In a dark room where only the light of the moon shines in, its two hooded figures are standing by the window.

"Yes, it's time to set things into motion, "

The other hooded figure said with an older man's voice.

"I felt its power be ready"

The female nodded and left the room.
