Three days after Rustain and her mother arrived in their grandparent's house a lot of things happened.

"Rustain dear! wake up you need to wake up!"

Rustain's mother Maria sounds too eager for Rustain to wake up.

"We need to go!"


A few moments ago around 4:00 am~

Outside the mansion cold gusts of wind circled around the garden during that time period, a dozen hooded figures appeared in front of the mansion door, the leader of the assailant stood firmly as his eyes glowed purple.

On the second floor, Mariah and Theresa stand firmly as they gazed through the window. Their eyes glowed bright yellow as the light of dawn passed on their faces.

"Mariah get ready and go to Rustain now, their here and sooner than we anticipated," Theresa said

Then she rushes downstairs and called Endo her husband who is already in the main door holding a rifle

"Endo dear! Get ready they're here with him!" Said Theresa

"How did they pass through the protective barrier?" Endo asks Theresa but she doesn't know how to answer who is responsible because she herself didn't know who's the traitor.

"We don't have the luxury of knowing who's the traitor right now, we just need to buy some time for Rustain and Mariah to escape." Theresa looked Endo straight in the eyes and said it in a serious manner. Endo then grabs Theresa's hand and kisses it comforting his wife.

"Well at least we're fighting those bastards off together," Endo said as he kissed Theresa by the forehead. "One last time"

"Seriously Endo, you're such a romantic man," Theresa said as she pushed the door open.

She yelled to draw the attention of the assailants there they engaged in a ferocious battle the assailant charged the old couple with diverse magic some cast huge fireballs while others were swift as the wind along with the other assailant who leaves very devastating blows on the ground.

The old couple manages to dodge the attacks and immediately they counterattack the enemy, Endo uses his rifle and manages to kill one. While Theresa who has an innate ability in manipulating the fire element fired a sea of flames towards their enemy killing three of the casters of their enemy.

At the same time, Mariah is rushing to Rustain's rooms, and following her is Mika. They both rushed to Rustain's room and knocked as hard as possible.

(Knocking rapidly~)

"Rustain! we need to go now!"




Rustain was walking down the stairs trying to explore the house.

Strolling in the living room he saw pictures of his grandpa and grandma hanging on the walls while holding his mother when she was still a baby. The more he looked around the more Rustain felt the guilt he had for upsetting his mother and he did everything to avoid meeting her for the time being.

He continues to explore the interior of the house.

Then after a while, he decided to look around at the backyard, a very enchanting flower field in the backyard just like when they entered the place. The sunlight and the wind combined, gives a calm and warm comforting touch to the garden as the plants swayed following the direction of the wind.

Rustain who was enjoying the view was interrupted by his mother as she entered the garden. Rustain seeing his mother tried to walk away but his mother grabs his hands preventing Rustain from leaving.

"Rustain let's talk about what happened yesterday, I know we had some misunderstanding and I also know that you hate me after what I did to you but you should know I did this for your best interest" His mother said it in the most sincere tone possible. Hearing his mother with this tone made it impossible for Rustain to reject the company of his mother.

"Sure, I guess you have your own reasons why you forced your decision on me." Rustain said blankly.

"Rustain it's not like that. sooner I'm going to tell you soon enough" Mariah said.

"Mom?! Why can't you tell me right now?" Rustain said in protest against his mother.

"It's complicated and I'm sorry if I did you wrong especially with Ina I'm sorry about that too really I do, hope you can forgive your poor old mother" Mariah gave a sparkly eyes to Rustain that soon turned into a puppy eyes begging Rustain for forgiveness.

"Hmm. Mom stop your not a kid okay you look weird if you do that, and you know I can't say no to you mom. I'm also sorry if I acted like an ass last night." Rustain immediately hugs his mother and in return is hugged back. Both of them enjoyed the time they spent together and managed to reconcile with one another.



Rustian was woken up from his sleep because of the loud banging of the door he immediately opened the door and saw Mika and his mother they both were breathing heavily.

"Mom what is it you are banging the door and it is still 4:00 in the morning what's wrong, " He said as he put some shirts on.

"There's no time to explain we need to leave now someone is here that wants us dead, " Mariah said as she entered Rustain's room. She looks over to Rustain's window inside his room then immediately grabs a nearby bag and vastly starts putting Rustain's cloth in.

"Mom, what do you mean you someone wants us dead? Did you pissed off somebody? We should just call for the police to come over here?" Rustain said but his mother completely ignored him and roughly prepared Rustain's stuff, stuffing it in his bag.

"Mom, hey stop what you're doing and tell me what's going on?!!" Rustain grabbed her shoulder but shook it off then Mariah looked at Rustain, the look of a person who is on death's door can be seen all over her face.

"Rustain I know you have a ton of questions and also questions regarding why we moved here, I thought we have more time but we need to leave now!" Mariah said.

At the same time, a loud explosion can be heard coming from the front yard. Mariah's complexion became pale as she listened to the series of explosions.

"They have already started, Mika grab this bag and start heading first make sure you check if the car if it's safe!, Now GO!" Mika left the room rushing following what Mariah ordered her.

"Mom what the hell are you doing why won't you call the police!" Rustain told her mom a practical solution, but this is based on an ordinary person's perspective. But his mother ignored the opinion of Rustain knowing that their enemy right now is not something ordinary people can meddle with.

Mariah looked at Rustain and for a second observed him.

"Rustain where is your necklace," Mariah said.

"Don't worry I have it in my pocket and now please tell me what's going on" Rustain was begging his mother and because of the loud explosions they heard the situation became more intense.

"Rustain your grandparents are buying us some time to escape and we can not put their efforts in vain." Mariah said, she grabs Rustain's necklace and placed it over Rustain's neck.

Mariah pulled Rustain to the door as they attempted to leave the room but before both of them could properly react, the room window suddenly exploded and the shockwave caused Mariah to be pushed away while Rustain was left covered in debris.

Mariah didn't receive a major wound after the explosion but Rustain was unfortunate because it made him sprain his left leg.

"M-mom~" Rustian said in a feeble tone.

"Hang on I'm here Rustain, just stay still I'll help you" Mariah removes the debris covering Rustain and assists him as they run towards the door to escape from the mysterious assailant.

Flashes of light and loud explosions can be seen and heard outside but that did not dwindle Rustain's mother from running with Rustain. They have reached the car and Mika was there waiting for them, she helped Rustain to get inside the car and opened the gates, but unfortunately something was fired an old fashioned arrow pierced Mika by the abdomen and it was fired by one of the three hooded man their eyes glowed in golden color and that moment Rutain witnessed the most extraordinary thing he has ever seen.

"Help her Rustain," Ordered by Rustain's mother to Rustain.

She faced three-man they shouted as they were about to charge against Mariah but then she raised her hand and something formed out of her palm, it started with a spark until a strong electricity current form it flowed from both hands she aimed it at the three-man and instantly it fired a lightning bolt that hit three-man and burned them into a crisp.

She immediately gets in the car and hits the gas, the car takes a few turns before it reaches the main road, she drives as fast as possible until they leave the city.

Over the mountain road, Rustain saw his grandparent's place as it was burning to the ground he looked at his mother and saw her crying, and at the back, there was Mika she was bleeding but she'll live.

"Mom can you now tell me everything!!" Rustain opened a conversation with his mother whose eyes wanted to cry over the huge possibility of her parents being killed but it can be seen that Mariah was burning with determination to get his only son to safety. "Mom!! Please tell me what's going on, who were those guys a--and you, you fired t--his electric thing out of your hand, what in the world is going on."

"Now's not the time to tell you everything yet but the only thing I tell you is that our family for decades can use special abilities" She said it in the simplest way possible.

"What about those people who were what they wanted from us??" Rustain gave his follow-up question.

"I can't tell you that yet, now is not the rig--"

Rustain's mother coughs blood seeing this his eyes tripled he is very shocked by what he saw then more blood came out from her mouth.

"M-mom!!?, Mikaaa!!!" Rustain looked at Mika with a demon's angry face.

Mika was holding a long knife that glistens when the moonlight touches it along the blood that drips at the end of the blade which she used to stab Rustain's mother from the passenger seat. She then pulled the arrow out of her body and the wound healed instantly, a wide grin covered her face as she continued to look at the ecstasy of killing someone. Mika then desipitate into a black smoke.

Mariah lost her consciousness as her head fell into the steering wheels causing the car to lose direction making it tumble on it's back this threw Rustain out of the car by the window, as he fell, the force made him bounce off the ground and continue as he rolled away.

Not far away in the mountain woods, there was a person rushing his silver hair shines as it hits the moonlight he stopped when he heard a crashing sound he immediately rushed to where it was coming from.

The mysterious man arrived at the scene and saw Rustain crawling toward the burning car as to where his mother with his brutally dislocated joints and broken bones Rustain's body is now covered in blood.


Rustain can't mutter the word he only managed to think with his numb body, he slowly lost his consciousness and drifted away.

"I'm too late" the man muttered.

The man stood over Rustain's unrecognizable body as it holds its life in a single string of threads.
