|Hospital Room| 8:32 am

The bed creaked as Rustain sat down, shocked after seeing his reflection in the window.

*I can't believe this, what on earth!? Did my soul get isekai!? Is this even my body!? But my reflection says otherwise. my chiseled chin, almond-shaped eyes, and wide lips make me the more convinced this is really my body. The only difference is my hair and skin tone.* Rustain told himself.

Rustain continued to examine his body, checking it from head to toe. Rouge on the other hand just sat down in a nearby chair and kept on yawning.

Rouge noticed how Rustain reacted to the sudden changes in his body.

"Stop overreacting. This happens from time to time. It's pretty normal if I do say so myself" Rouge

Rustain looked at Rouge blankly, as Rustain deadpanned.

"Is this even normal?" Rustain

"But hey, it looks good on you" Rouge

The sound of water boiling suddenly filled the room, prompting Rouge to start brewing coffee.

"I do look good with ginger hair, but that's not the point here. How did I even END UP LIKE THIS?!!!" Rustain

"Guess……. Explaining things should be better? but don't expect me to be able to answer all your questions perfectly or at all." Rouge

Rouge then stared at Rustain waiting for him to do something.

"Well, what are you waiting for??" Rustain.

"Ask.." Rouge

"Oh!? Right?! Well, how about you explain... Who the hell are you!!?" Rustain

Rouge's eye doubled in size in shock.

"Can't believe you forgot about your Savior immediately" Rouge

(Sniffle) (sniffle)

Rouge's atmosphere suddenly turned gloomy as if his will to live vanished.

"N---No!!" Rustain said and waved his hand repeatedly showing it's not what he meant by what he said first.

"What I mean is, How did you know me and my mom? Who are those attackers?!! what happened to my body??! and most of all where am I!!?" Rustain

After hearing it Rouge scratched his head And slowly processed the fast pace questions of Rustain.

"Four questions!? That's a lot. Where to begin?... Hmmm... Well I'm a contracted mercenary of your mother I have known her for a long time, your family to be exact that's one down and of course the case for your body it's adapting here that's why it's changing in color... Ohh!!.. And the last one... Almost forgot to welcome you to EL FANTASIA, the other world different from Earth where magic is possible!!!" Rouge

Rouge warmly welcomes Rustain with joy in his tone then wink with a bright smile on his face, similar to a salesperson who keeps on pestering about sale promotion.

Rustain noticed how Rouge tried to avoid one of his questions.

"You forgot something!? Who are the attackers?" Rustain

Rouge's warm smile is replaced with a serious look, he crossed his arms together and avoided Rustain's gaze as he replied.

"I can't tell you!! It's for your safety" Rouge said as his voice became firm and domineering. The air around them became tense once again.

"What!!? But why!!? I need to know just the name of those bastards are enough!! I at least need to know" Rustain.

*Those bastards need to pay for what they've done, especially Mika. They need to pay with their blood* Rustain.

Rustain clenches his fist he can't get his anger in check and can't keep it to himself anymore, his face says it all his resentment for the people who are involved with the death of his mother need to pay. Resentment showed in his face as he bit his lips angrily.

"It's not rare Rustain, your current situation I mean, but what are you going to do after REVENGE!!!?? Is that what you want?" Rouge

Rustain did not hesitate to answer back and replied to Rouge with a sincere tone.

"YES!!?? I will make those bastards pay for what they have done." Rustain

"You're weak. The weak don't have the right to talk about revenge, if you go now you'll die as you set out of the city walls" Rouge

Rustain stood up and clenched his fist as hard as possible.

"Then what!! I know I'm weak, but how can I just leave things as they are? My mother died and I can't even do a thing. At least I'll die trying." Rustain

(Sniff) (crying)

Rustain kneeled down as he cried, clenching his fist.

"I could help you grow stronger!! Enough to protect the people around you, revenge is not the only thing worth fighting for " Rouge

Rouge patted Rustain's head to comfort him from his sadness.

"How will I even grow stronger and if so what's another purpose for me to live other than revenge, all the people I care about are dead!!" Rustain

"There's an academy that will make you stronger than your current self…. It will take time but it would at least hop you survive in this world" Rouge

"School?? How can a school provide me with that!!? What can it do to make me stronger?" Rustain

"Pfft...!" Rouge

Rustain was confused by Rouge's Sudden laugh.

"What!!? Should I study and crushed those bastards with some fucking medal of academic achievements!!?" Rustain.

Rouge shakes off the stuffy feeling in his chest and tries to be serious. Before talking he looked Rustain right in the eyes and with a serious look he exhaled then replied.

"How about if I told you it's a" Rouge


Rouge who was in his serious mode was suddenly cut off as to when someone knocked loudly.

"HEY!! You awake!! Rouge??" Frieza shouted and continued to knock as loud as possible and without further ado, she pushed the door powerful enough not to break it but to release a loud sound.


"I was on the good part!!! Interrupt much!!" Rouge.

Frieza entered the room with confidence on her shoulders this created a professional aura as she walked her way to Rustain.

"Look at you still alive... " Frieza said as he looked at Rustain who was on the floor kneeling.

Rustain lifted his head and stared at Frieza. It's as if he is looking at a gorgeous celebrity, Rustain was for a moment caught at Frieza's beauty after he escaped the trance a flash of memory on their first encounter swiftly enters Rustain in his mind.

"Yo--You're!!! The Elf!!!" Rustain.

Frieza suddenly frowned after she heard what Rustain said.

"Hey!!! don't compare me with those muscles heads, all they know is archery a very stupid idea to waste time even though they are at the mastery level they won't even learn other things such as medicine. They would sometimes come here in tribes to get treatment from a Sidhe after a subjugation job.. Just the sight of it irritates me." Frieza talked while scratching her head as she mentions the Elf race then turned into Rustain again who is kneeling on the floor.

"U--Um? O-Ok-Okay?!" Rustain

"Ohh!! Dear I almost forgot to introduce myself, my name is Dr. Frieza Dijio I'm the doctor who owns this hospital here in Shaktle, just between you and me never trust Rouge with your money" Frieza

Frieza winked and smiled brightly at Rustain.

"Seriously!!!!...you ruined the mood, it was supposed to be a very serious talk about the school" Rouge

"Yeah right!! You were about to laugh" Frieza

"What did you say?!!" Rouge

"I don't talk to idiots!!" Frieza

"You dare!!??" Rouge

"Did I?? Hmmm guess I did, deal with it" Frieza

"You!!!!" Rouge

Frieza and Rouge gave a death glare to each other leaving Rustain on his own to process what he had just learned.

*School?! everything is hard to take in at the same time. first, my mother died, then I'm in this new world, and lastly a school?? what's so special about that school?? How will I be able to protect myself if ever those killers found me, how can I grow stronger!!, need to grow stronger, I need to grow stronger!!, need to grow stronger!!*

Rustain is now lost in his own head continuously repeating everything that has happened in the past few days where everything began.

(Whoosh!!) (Whoosh!!)

*Huh?* Rustain

Suddenly an anonymous black haze appeared in front of him and started to hover around.

The black haze appeared to be invisible to Rogue and Frieza who continues to argue with one another, Rustain on the other hand can see the black haze hovering around him this gave Rustian a shock, he stumbled back and hit the wall behind him, he closed his eyes and shook his head trying to convince himself it was just a hallucination, but the moment his eyes was opened again it was gone but a tiny voice whispered to his ears as if it was his subconscious telling him and left him in a daze.

(Stud!!) (Stud!!)

*LEARN~~ MAGIC~~~* Mysterious voice

The loud sound of stumbling caught the attention of both Frieza and Rouge, they saw Rustain on the floor with his eyes doubled in size, shocked and pale.

"Rustain!! Are you okay, what happened!??" Rouge

"Huh!?" Rustain

Rustain snapped out from his trance.

"He must be hungry? Being asleep for two days after Rouge rescued you plus the present must have taken its toll in your body." Frieza

Frieza raised her right hand which was wearing a bracelet, Frieza tapped the crystal on her bracelet that emitted a slight glow in a blue hue, she then started talking.

"Keah!! Bring the food for room 031" Frieza.

"Yes, Teacher!?" Keah

*what in the world!? Did I see it right? Her simple looking bracelet is actually a smartwatch, someone even called her teacher* Rustain

Rustain was amazed and very fascinated by what he saw, Frieza turned in the direction of the bed where Rustain is and noticed how he's captivated by what he saw, she smirked as a great idea popped up in her head.

"How about staying here for a couple of days to rest, we have lodging for the employees in the next building, how about that and at the same time you can teach Rustain basic Magic, what do you think Rouge" Frieza

*Me learning magic?* Rustain

Rustain beamed with excitement, he looked at Rouge waiting for the confirmation.

"No... Leaving this place and going to Melin is much better" Rouge

*what's with Rouge? Frieza's suggestion is not bad, and not to mention I'm going to learn magic* Rustain

"Well at least discuss it with the person involved and not just decide immediately, yet you'll change your decision later I just know it" Frieza

Frieza said to Rouge with disappointment.

"Anyway I need to go now I just visited to check if you regained consciousness Rustain and see you are moving around guess you're good , bye see you later." Frieza

Frieza then left the room, leaving both Rouge and Rustain in silence.


|Hospital Room| 12:08

Rouge went back from brewing his coffee and Rustain on the other hand just laid down on his bed waiting for the food Frieza ordered.

*UGH!!!! This is driving me crazy. We have been silent for more than three hours already and I'm super hungry, wait!! I need to man up and confront Rouge to clear things up first* Rustain

Rustain toughened his spine and was about to ask Rouge but then somebody suddenly knocked on the door.

(Knock) (Knock) (Knock)

"Must be the food, wait there I'll open the door" Rouge

*huh?? What's with the timing?!!* Rustain

Rouge opened the door and a girl dressed in all white a white skirt, white polo, and a lab coat was standing by the door with a tray full of food. Her emerald eyes, straight hazel hair, pointy ears, and pale white skin all compliment her.

*whoa!! She looked like Aunt Fri (Frieza) a side but whiter* Rustain

"Hi I'm Keah, Dr. Frieza told me to bring you food" Keah

Keah waved her hand with a full blast smile as she entered the room pushing the tray of foods.

"Thanks" Rustain


Seeing the food on the tray made Rustain even hungrier this made him embarrassed after his stomach talked.

"Pfft.!! You better eat immediately, but I need first to check your Mana veins just to make sure your okay, Dr. order" Keah

Rouge returned to his seat and just stared at Keah as she approached Rustain.

"Mana Veins? What's that?" Rustain

"Oh!! you must be from the countryside, studies related to magic are not well distributed there" Keah

*God I screwed up, I almost forgot that I'm not from here, can I talk about earth? Do the people here know of its existence?? What should I tell her* Rustain

"Yeah he's a relative of mine in Dalman, Recently a horde of orcs raided their Village and he only barely escape alive" Rouge

"What!! He's a survivor of Dalman, uhh!! Sorry for asking!!" Keah

Keah felt embarrassed and sorry for Rustain; she immediately believed the lie Rouge gave her to cover up the fact about Rustain's background.

*Huh??! Dalman?? Where's that? And orcs? Do monsters exist in this world and the more I clear the more fantasy vibe I get... Wait!! is that why the city is surrounded by walls to keep the monster away. Ahhh!! Stupid and I want to march out from here earlier to get my revenge, well I was not thinking right back then. But what now she is still Bowing her head in front of me, what should I tell her??* Rustain turned to Rouge who immediately turned his head away from Rustain's direction.

*This guy seriously!! He's doing this on purpose, wait I now..I'll play the amnesia card* Rustain

"Uhhh... So that's what happened, I can't remember..." Rustain

"You must have suffered so much to cause dissociative amnesia, I feel sorry for you" Keah

(Sniff) (sniff)

Tears began to fall from Keah's eyes and she showed how sorry she feels for Rustain.

*what?! I should be the one crying in this situation* Rustain

" He--Hey.. Don't cry, it's okay" Rustain

"Pfft..." Rouge

Rouge released a slight sound of laughter. He then clears his throat.

"Ehem!! I think you should start with what you were going to check earlier Keah." Rouge

Keah transformed from a gloomy cloud to a ball of sunshine really quick.

"Oh!! hahahaha almost forgot about my job... Bleh" Keah

*Her mood swings fast, it's starting to feel creepy around her.* Rustain

"Stand still, it'll be fast /Criel/ " Keah

Keah pressed her palm against Rustain's forehead and closed her eyes. This made Rustain uneasy at first but then a surge of warm feeling flowed from into Rustain, it calmed Rustain down.

*This feeling, as if I could feel tiny strings is flowing in my body, I never felt this comfortable in my entire life* Rustain

Keah stopped after a few seconds, she removed her hand and fully handed over the food she bought for Rustain, Rustain on the other hand felt relaxed after and left amazed at what just happened.

"Whoa!!, what was that I never felt anything like that before" Rustain

"That's the feeling of how Mana Flows inside your body, it's called Revitalized she did it manually to you and it looks like your little nurse over there it took a huge toll on her body" Rouge

Rouge pointed out Keah who is now sweating a lot and breathing heavily, catching her breath she tried her best to compose herself.

"crap what happened??!! She was fine just a minute ago, Keah are you fine??" Rustain

Rustain stood up and immediately assisted Keah and let her sit on the bed as she continued to catch her breath.

"Do--uhhmm don't huuu!! haaaa!! Worry, I just accidentally used a lot of Mana, I'll be fine after a few minutes" Keah

Keah managed to settle down and steady her breathing, she attempted to stand but her legs wobbled then she took one last deep breath and exhaled the exhaustion out of her body literally.

"Feeling better now?? Here a drink some of this" Rustain

Rustain offered Keah a glass of water and she then drank it all up and fast. She then stood up straight and started heading to the door but before she left she chuckled.

"Well looks like I became the patient, hehehe!!" Keah


"Hahaha!! Do you need to be assisted to go outside??" Rustain

"No need I'm feeling better now, I need to go" Keah

Keah immediately dashed out of the door leaving Rustain on air.

"Hahaha... That was a scene" Rouge

"You could at least help you know!!" Rustain

"Nah!! I know you could handle that" Rouge

"Yeah right!!" Rustain

The atmosphere around the two seemed much lighter after the visit of Keah. Rustain of course noticed this and took the chance to ask Rouge about something.

*This could be a good chance to ask Rouge if I could stay and let him teach me about magic, I need to learn magic, like what the voice from before* Rustain

Rustain once again toughened his spine and was going to ask Rouge but then Rouge talked first, he took the first initiative.

"Don't ever say it, I know what you were going to say, so I did some thinking and learning magic from me can make no difference in learning from the Academy, but that doesn't mean you are not going to attend the Academy. I promised your mother to bring you there at all costs." Rouge

Rouge said seriously, he just then also finished the cup of coffee he was drinking.

"Wait are you saying we are going to stay here for a while, also what do you mean by the same as the Academy?" Rustain

"Like I said the same as the Academy where you will learn how to use magic efficiently" Rouge

Rouge said bluntly.

"So that means the Academy you are talking about earlier in the very place where I can learn magic" Rustain

"Yes, but I am not going to teach you Advance magic because what I used is more specialized to what the cluster, I'm only going to teach you about Magic Circulation, Body Strengthening, and some self-defense." Rouge

"Damn, I don't know what to say!!! When do we begin!!" Rustain

Rustain is beaming with excitement and can't keep the curiosity in his eyes any longer, Rouge could easily read what's on Rustain's mind right now because all Rustain could ever think is the endless possibilities of what magic can do.

"Just eat your food right now, tomorrow 5 am sharp we will start our training so be mentally prepared" Rouge.

"Yes!!!" Rustain

Rustain answered Rouge with full of positive anticipation from what will be the next chapter of Rustain's journey in the realm of magic.


|Hospital Hallway| 1:32 pm

Frieda is walking under the warm rays of sunlight that flows from the glass window of the hospital illuminating the hall. She kept walking and ahead we could see the office where Frieza works.

Frieza arrived in front of her office and inside is abundant of green life from the ceiling vines crawl and pots with each containing different flowers.

"Ugh!!.. The smell of life, my safe haven, this is the only place I can be relaxed away from all those annoying Elves that kept on bothering me with medicine" Frieza


"Huh, who's there??" Frieza

Small footsteps can be heard and as Frieza checked a medium-size white cat walk inside her office.

"Meoow~~" cat

"Huh?? Oh! It's you, but what are you doing?" Frieza

"Nyaa~~" cat

"What happened, why did you turn back?? Wait a minute, I'll send some of my Mana to you " Frieza

Frieza picked up the cat and kissed its head and a bright light came out from the cat, Frieza immediately put the cat back on the floor, and slowly the cat turned to a human girl's white hair, emerald eyes, and pale white skin.

"Ugh!!! Thank God I change back being in a human body is much better than a cat's body" White-haired Cat Girl

"By the way how did you exhaust your Mana?? Keah" Frieza

"Patient 031 happened, he unconsciously sucked out my Mana vigorously" Keah the cat girl

Frieza smirked as Keah said that.

"You don't say" Frieza
