The cold breeze scoots around under the glow of the moon that is leaving and makes way for the soaring sun, it leaps and dances as it enacts by the bearskin of Rustain, who is walking out of the hospital building and makes his way to its open fields barefooted.

Rustain appears to be unaffected by the frostiness as he proceeds to walk outside with merely a pair of shorts and a skin-tight sleeveless shirt on. He clenched his right fist and chuckled with excitement.

*Over the past few days after my training initiated with Rogue I can't shake off the feeling of enthusiasm especially when I think about Magic, the spars I had with him, and the techniques he taught to me on how I could access my Mana, all of this right now, all that I have learned, This time around I could feel that I can succeed in reaching tier two* Rustain thought to himself as his hands trembled in anticipation in what's about to happen.

*I don't have a good memory or can comprehend things quickly, in my entire life I have been ordinary in all the things I associate with but I also don't fail in any of them neither nor do I stand out, but when Rouge brought up to me the theory behind Magic, from that moment I realize the emotions inside of me is overflowing with excitement and right now I can't wait to unlock the second tier and see what happens next* Rustain thought to himself as he grins with excitement.

He soon stopped on what seemed to be the eye of the field. He then extended his arm forward and bent his knee, he stood still and maintained his stance, Rustain then inhaled and exhaled continuously in vice-versa, he neared his eyes and cleared the lingering thoughts he carried in his head.

The grass approximately near Rustain leaned towards him as he inhaled, attracting it and repel it as to when he exhaled, this mysterious force continuously repeats it's the movement for a few seconds, then a thin layer of golden aura formed, manifesting itself, and slowly covering his entire skin.

As the process carries on, Rustain's body in response continuously perspires and appears to be an endless cycle, his sweat flowing out of his pores as if rain fell into his face, and he then grimaces as he squeezes his eyes shut and grinds his teeth.

Out of nowhere unexpectedly, a repelling force came bursting out of his body compelling the grass and wind to be pushed off.


And then what appears to be a small circle made of yellowish light in the size of a palm suddenly formed above his head slowly made its means to go under, it stopped mid-center where the abdomen is fixed from there the palm-size circle began to continuously spin on mid-air, shortly a bunch of scribbles gradually appeared around it, then those scribbles quickly formed writing of a foreign dialect around the circle.

"Huff!!! Puff!!! Huff!! Puff!!!" Rustain began struggling with his breathing as soon the letters and writings formed outside and inside of the circle.

(Hard breathing)


A nearby tree, not too far from where Rustain is standing, on one of its branches there was a man sitting on it, he is covered in black garments from his boots to his hood only his glowing golden eyes can be glimpsed as he sharply stare, the mysterious man happens to be closely observing Rustain, he then swings his foot to build a slight momentum and get his body to go down from the tree.

The man landed with elegance in his two feet, but that's not all there is to say, there can be noticed a slight use of wind magic making his landing go smoothly.

The mysterious man brushed off some of the leaves stuck on his hood and some accumulated dust from his boots. The man then walks away from the tree and into the light of the dawn.

As he was getting closer to where Rustain was standing the light shone inside his hood and showed a middle-aged man, his silver hair was his distinct feature and with just a glance at it, you would know it was him. It was Rouge.

Rouge was just continuing to observe Rustain however he noticed a sudden change in Rustain's mana flow and his breathing. He quickly assessed the situation and found nothing at fault in Rustain's surroundings.

*What's wrong!?? Did something happen? No, that's not it, it must be his WILL, something must be in his mind that is distracting him, if this keeps up Rustain would put his body in danger, and there a slight possibility the circle could also explode* Rouge warned himself, as he carefully examined the situation, because he also seemed to be relentless whenever Rustain would succeed in what he was doing.

"Clear your mind!! If you want to become a Caster you must complete your second circle! Concentrate Rustain your future depends on this!!" Rouge shouted to lecture and began to intensely observe Rustain as the circle in front of him began to slowly form the second ring he needed around the foreign writings.

Rustain didn't reply to Rouge but began again to calm his mind and do his breathing carefully as he was instructed.

*This is the third time that I have tried to form my second circle after completing the first one, the first was not that difficult you only need is to absorb mana and form the first circle, but the process for the second is tricky one must continuously be infusing mana to the bones and muscles and a total concentration of the mind is needed to achieve this, so, for now, I need to clear my mind and let the void eat my thoughts.* Rustain told himself, he continued to breathe slowly, and the more he did this the more his mind became calm.

Rustain senses slowly dwindled and lost its effectiveness, he just now went into a trance of isolation from his surroundings, Rustain could only feel his body falling into darkness, and his thoughts vanishing.

All he could feel is peace, the darkness that filled the void slowly pulled Rustain into it.

When everything seemed to be muted, out of nowhere a whispering sound suddenly traveled its way into Rustain's ear and made it into his head.

"ASH LOOK OUT!!!" The voice.

Rustain suddenly broke his concentration and opened his eyes, instead of a dawn that will meet him, a bright light suddenly enveloped blinding him for a second, after a while Rustain eyes soon became accustomed to the bright light.

*Ugh... What was that!! Where did that voice come from?* Rustain thought.

Rustain then noticed the huge tree beside him, his height only matching the roots of the tree that is growing out of the soil, out of nowhere an unexpected ball came flying in Rustain's direction hitting him hard.

"Aww!! Who did that!!" Rustain shouted, and that's the very moment Rustain realized something happened to his voice.

*What happened to my voice it sounded shrunk* Rustain was confused, as he continued to analyze his surroundings he became unaware of the huge difference in his body.

"What did I tell you, I said look out!!" The same voice who disrupted Rustain's concentration said and seems to be coming from behind.

"Huh?!" Rustain turned around and what he saw left him speechless, he saw a little girl, the voice that came out of nowhere turned out to be coming from a little girl in a pink dress.

This fact is not the reason that shocked him; it was the mere fact that the little girl turned out to be the same height as Rustain this made him realize something.

"Crap it's not the tree that is huge, it's me that became small, I turned into a kid!!!!" Rustain shouted as he freakout from what he just learned.

"Ash!! What's wrong?? What are you talking about?!!" The little girl said.

"Ahhhhh!!!!!" Rustain again freaked out, he took a few steps back and accidentally hit a small overgrowing root from the ground that made him fall over "crap!!"

"Ash!! Lookout!! /Fauzq/" The little girl raised both her hands and immediately cast a spell, this made Rustain break his fall and even made him regain his footing back.

Rustain who was about to fall to the ground regained his balance but soon after he began to feel a strange force pulling him up, making him float in mid-air, this made Rustain light his candle of curiosity.

His confused face is now filled with excitement and full of interest as he continued to watch the little girl effortlessly cast a spell that made him float.

The curiosity in child Rustain soon vanished as he noticed something strange, the little girl who was raising her hands making Rustain float is now frozen in place.

"Huh?? What happened, did time just stop or something??" Rustain said, who seemed to be stuck in mid-air he looked unfazed but this soon changed when he heard a familiar voice.

"Hi... Rustain" Familiar voice

Rustian remembered the horror he felt in one of his dreams, as to when he was bought into the world of EL.

His face showed fear for a moment but then remembering the past, he soon convinced himself this may just be a dream again or just one of his vivid imagination.

"Y-you??!! This voice??? It's the same as my dream before right??!!, the one who slashed my throat." Rustain in child form said as he pointed out where the voice was coming from. He continued "Wait a minute is this your doing!! Show yourself, what did you do to me?"

Rustain is now helplessly struggling in mid-air unable to get down, then a black dot suddenly appeared in front of him which stunned him, the dot became bigger, big enough to fit a child's hand.

And sure enough, a hand came out that pulled Rustain into it, but instead of the body, a transparent and specter like Rustain came out of the little boy's body. Rustain as he was being pulled be could not even mutter anything because of how fast that has happened, but before he was drag into the dark void of nothingness he saw a glimpse of the child's body where he was in, and anyone who was with him could also realize the uncanny resemblance of him and the kid.

*what!?* Rustain thought.


|At the same time| 5:12 am

"Clear your mind!! If you want to become a Caster you must complete your second circle! Concentrate Rustain your future depends on this!!" Rouge

Rouge stood still after he had said that, but his eye will tell you how observant he is in Rustain's situation.

"He should be able to do it this time, but he is taking too long, should I interfere? " Rouge said as he began to feel uneasy again, he then started biting his thumb's nail out of habit. "No, I need to wait maybe he would surprise me again like how he did four days ago."

Rouge sat down on the grassy ground as he continued to observe Rustain.


|Four days ago| 6:30 am

"AGAIN!!" Rouge shouted as he swung a wooden sword with constant momentum effortlessly slashing his way to Rustain who is on the receiving end. "Hold your stance with convictions!!, put some backbone into it!!"

Rustain stood on guard as he tightened his grip on the wooden sword, blisters can be seen on Rustain's hand as he holds his wooden sword firmly.

The one-sided battle ended in Rustain being kicked by Rouge after the multiple slashes Rouge gave to Rustain.

"Cough!! Was that necessary?!! Cough!!" Rustain is on the ground crouching on his stomach after being kicked by Rouge on the abdomen.

"Stop whining... You... Are... Weak!!" Rouge shouted, taunting Rustain.

Rustain flinched as he heard that, he immediately tried to get up and begin again with his stance.

"Let's go again!" Rustain tried to stand and resume his stance but his feet wobbled and soon lost its balance, Rustain fell again to the ground and this time he lost the feel and force to stand up.

"Don't you try to act tough, we will resume later after Frieza patches you up." Rouge left after he said that, he then went to where Frieza is who just watched as the event unfolds in front of her. He leaned closer as he whispered to her ears. "I checked his body and he's ready"

"Cheeky bastard" Frieza chuckled and rushed to Rustain, she then snapped her finger and a green magic circle appeared below her and Rustain.

*I really can't get used to this, my wound and bruises healed instantly, the pain also starts to fade all I can feel is this warmness rushing in me making me feel super comfortable.* Rustain thought to himself, he tried to stand up and repeatedly coached his fist as he felt the pain fading.

"Still incredible as ever I can't feel the pain anymore, thank you Dr. Frie-" Rustain thanked Frieza but he was cut off by her. Rustain got confused.

"Aunt Fri, that's what you must call me." Frieza pinched Rustain's cheeks then hugs Rustain burying him between her big mountains, Frieza was taking her time as she enjoyed teasing Rustain. "Remember it's A.U.N.T F.R.I~~"

"Umm~ y-yes aunt Fr-Fri, ca-can you le-let me go n-now?" Rustain got embarrassed after he said that and tried to avert his gaze away from Frieza.

"Aww~~ you're no fun," Frieza said, trying to tease Rustain more by poking his cheeks.

Frieza was enjoying her time but out of nowhere someone approached her, it was a girl and her white hair, white skin, and emerald eyes immediately caught Rustain's attention.

"Ahem!! Doctor, you are needed" Keah said as she approached Frieza but kept her distance from Rustain.

*Who is this girl? She feels familiar but I can't tell who??* Rustain began thinking who might she be but it only baffled him more.

"It's early in the morning and it's time for work!! Seriously!! Sigh, ~~ Fine I'll go after this" Frieza said and sent Keah on her way as she waved her hand. Keah left leaving Rustain and Frieza on the field.

"By the way Aunt Frie who was she??" Rustain asks as he is still captivated by Keah even if she was already walking far away.

"You two already met, she's Keah, my apprentice," Frieza said, she again snapped her fingers and the magic circle below then began to slowly fade.

"What!??" After hearing Frieza's reply he is surprised by what he learned.

*wasn't her hair brown before?? Should I ask? Nah never mind it's still our second time meeting, but why was she cold towards me, she wasn't like that when I first met her* Rustain thought


|Hospital Lodge | 13:42

Rustain was just done eating his lunch alone in his room provided by Frieza, Rouge and he stayed in the hospital's lodging for employees. They couldn't stay in the hospital room anymore and that's because Rustain was discharged a few days back and following his training all he did was self-defense and how to properly hold a sword.

(Knock) (knock) (knock)

"Wait... For a sec" Rustain immediately opened the door and he saw Rouge wearing an all-black outfit and was carrying a sack. "Where have you been Rouge?" Rustain asks and helps Rouge with the sack he is carrying.

"I went out to buy something, oh by the way later don't bring your soaring gear just plain clothes are fine," Rouge said as he sat down from a nearby chair relaxing.

"Why? What are we going to do?" Rustain said? He then checked what's inside the sack and when he opened it a bunch of purple minerals is inside."Whoa, what is this?"

Rustain touched one of the minerals he seemed to be drawn in by the unknown crystal in his hand.

"It's Mana crystal, later we will be unlocking your first circle," Rouge said.

"Does this mean I'll be learning magic soon??!!" Rustain said with excitement.

"Yeah so better prepare later" Rouge

* i can't believe I'm about to learn magic. Is this super exciting or what?! Oh god can't wait.* Rustian giggled with anticipation for the unknown.
