Rouge and Rustain walk out from one of the hospital's buildings, the cold night, and the silent whispering wind fills the vacant lot of the hospital. Away from the business of the hospital's ward only the moon became the source of light for both of them.

Rustain walked behind Rouge as he carried the sack of mana crystal behind his back. Rustain started to feel exhausted after the long walk. He was first hesitant to ask Rouge about where they are going but they have been walking for so long and he can feel his legs wobbling and about to give up.


"Ro-Rouge where. Are. We going??" Rustain has a hard time breathing and by the looks of it, Rouge has no plan on stopping.

"Shhh!! It should be here somewhere? Frieza is so goddamn good at hiding it." Rouge was pissed and cursed as he said it. He continued to look around and his face brightened up when he stared at a random tree.

"Why are we here? How big is the backyard of the hospital anyway" Rustain said as he panting and to catch his breath. "My legs are killing me, literally!!"


Rustain turned around but what he saw caused his jaw to drop from shock, his exhausted face became paler when he saw the hospital building is not too far from where they are standing.

*We did all that walk and we were just a few meters away from the hospital, this is too much* Rustain.

"Don't show me that face, space matrix at this level of magic is very common. So don't repeatedly get too surprised by these things or else you won't survive out there." Rouge said with his serious tone.

Rouge tapped into the tree and channeled his mana into it, this caused the tree to glow, then a flat sheet of glowing light appeared in front of them.

"Get inside this portal, the night is still young we better hurry, magic won't just manifest itself you know" Rouge walked through the portal and it swallowed him with ease.

"Out there!? Where exactly are we going?" Russian asked he was confused after hearing Rogue's explanation, either way, he followed Rouge through the portal, the moment Rustain entered it a blinding light enveloped Rustain stunning him for a few seconds.

Rustain opened his eyes, a devilish environment greeted Rustain like a friend, and when he turned around to check his surroundings Rouge was nowhere to be found and so is the sack he was carrying.

"Hey!!, this isn't funny Rouge, where the hell is you?!" Rustain shouted trying to call out Rouge but only this voice echoing throughout the dark forest was heard, then Rustain noticed a rustling of leaves above the trees. "Rouge!! Seriously!!"

The wind blows stronger penetrating the thin layers of his clothes making him shiver from the frostiness. Rustain did not take a single step away from where first arrived.

Minutes have passed and Rustain grows relentless from all the anxiety and panic he builds up. He was about to go crazy because of fear he also recalled what happened to him that night when he almost died during the attack of his family, and out of nowhere, something fell beside Rustain.


"Ahh!!! Shit!!" Rustain shouted to the top of his lungs.

He stumbled to the ground and saw a piece of tree branch beside him, Rustain grabbed this and did a defensive stance, he swung his right arm where he held the branch trying to scare off what he thought could attack him in any minute.

He went closer, and with the help of the moonlight he managed to check where the 'thud' sound came from, the moonlight was reflected by what created the sound, because of this Rustain confirmed it was no animal but an object.

He slowly approached the object and noticed a familiarity with it.

"What's this?? Wait mana crystal?!" Rustain picked it up, suddenly another rustling sound is heard over the trees this also bought a few mana crystals came falling from the sky,

It looked like a light crystal in weight because of its transparency but few mana crystals did hit Rustain that caused him to get a few bruises.

"Hey! You good kid?" Rouge's voice suddenly echoed throughout the forest. "This should do the trick"

"The heck Rouge, why did you leave me here!!" Rustain said as he is super pissed because of Rouge. "I thought I am going to learn how to use magic"

"Huh!? How do you think magic is conjured, magic isn't simply that you only need an incantation to summon it, the best age to unlock a person's magic potential is when a child turned 13 years old but you're too old for that normal means won't work, but there's a different method which works well with adults, Death when faced with death the fear you get will forcefully unlock your magic veins to absorb mana" Rouge has still hidden in the dark but the way he said it you can imagine him doing a smug face while trying to stop himself from laughing.


Rustain after hearing this didn't get mad but his attention was bought by a sudden snarling sound. Rustain stood up firmly did his stance but the fear he felt is slowly overwhelming his judgment and can't think straight, the growling became louder and louder soon the snarling turned into a furious roar.


"Rogue cut the crap!!, this isn't what I sign up for!!" Rustain started to tremble, his skin started to get paler, and his eye reflected how dreaded he looks when he anxiously checks his surroundings. "Rouge!! Get me out of here!!"

"If you die here right now, it means this is all your worth for!! And Mariah's sacrifice is wasted for the likes of you!! Do you want to continue or not your choice!!" Rouge's voice lost the hint of tenderness in it, the roughness and domineering tone he gave implies how serious he is with what he said. "Stop cowering in fear and Prepare yourself Rustain!!"


Rouge after he said that became silent and decided to continue watching Rustain from the shadows.

*Death came knocking on my door once but I survived, mom sacrificed her life to save me, but what am I doing? Is this the person who I want to be, cowering in fear?. Waiting for other people's help?... Asking for scraps? I don't want that, what I need is...* Rustain thought.


Rustain's heavy breathing filled the forest with its echoes, he then tightened his grip on the branch he was holding, his trembling hands did not vanish but his face shows the conviction he has and the decision he chooses.

Rustain turned his gaze from left to right and vice-versa to check what beast was approaching. The growling soon stopped, the forest became still.


Out of the dead forest, a sudden movement sound caught Rustain's attention, He immediately turned his attention to the location to where the sound came from.

"Rouge I'll show you, I'm not a waste of your time..." Rustain muttered these few words before a quick and unexpected assault hit Rustain at the abdomen throwing him away a few meters from where he was standing.


"BBLUURGHH!!!" Russian vomited as the result of the attack.

Rustain glared at what type of beast attacked him, he saw a predator looking down to its prey, it's eye is beaming with superiority as it walks it's way to Rustain, Rustain clenched both his teeth and fists as he stands he grabs the tree branch again and stood his ground.

The clouds covered the moon making Rustain unable to see what horrifying creature attacked him, but the creature's bloodshot eyes stared at Rustain as if he was its plaything. The creature is not gigantic but the same height as Rustain and the domineering aura it gives off is enough to kill a person the moment they feel its killing intent. The creature snarls as it gets closer.


*What is it doing? Buying me time to find a weapon? No, that glare--* Rustain thought and saw the beast's eyes piercing him with its glare.

"THAT GLARE IS PISSING ME OFF!!!!" Rustain geared back and charged forward to the beast.

He runs toward it with only a tree branch in his hand, he pointed the tip of the branch directly at the beast but it looked unfazed, in responding to Rustain's action the beast also charge toward Rustain but the speed of the beast was an inescapable fact that it was much faster the beast instantly reached Rustain in a blink of an eye it jumped to ward Rustain and with its sharp claws it strikes the branch.

The moon again lighted the forest, instantly revealing the identity of the creature: its sharp fangs, huge claws, and grey fur would instantly tell you the recognizable feature belongs to a species of a wolf, but this beast is no ordinary wolf its strength and speed and greater than your average wild wolf.

The branch shattered in an instant and that moment Rustain realized the tremendous difference in both speed and strength. Before Rustain could ever react the beast's claws already reached his face slashing the right side of Rustain's face.

"AHHH!!!" Rustain fell to the ground with immense pain, the injury ruled across his forehead until to his right eye enabling him to lose the ability to see with his right eye.

Blood ran across his face, Rustain in pain saw the wolf attempt another attack.

The wolf landed with ease then immediately charges again to where Rustain fell, the beast opened its jaw, and with the use of its sharp teeth the wolf attempted to decapitate Rustain, but in a nick of time Rustain manages to stop that from happening, Rustain with both his bear hand he grabs the wolf by its mouth preventing it from severing his head from his neck. The sharp fang of the wolf pierced through the hands of his prey and blood sips slowly to the inside of the beast's mouth.

With determination and with all his strength, Rustain gave his all to prevent the wolf from killing him. But as the battle drags on between him and the beast with every blood Rustain loses he could also feel his strength fading along with it.

The mouth of the beast slowly got its way to Rustain's neck, seeing this Rustain fell into despair his tears fell across his cheeks and his eyes anguished as seconds passed by, Rustain slowly lost hope of ever surviving this.

*I'm about to die, I could hardly think of any solution because of the terrible pain I am feeling right now, the blood loss is kicking in, I could feel my consciousness fading because of it, is this the end? Am I about to die?* Rustain

Rustain was giving in but then he saw Rouge above him on the trees looking at him. He looked at Rouge hoping to see him make a move but Rouge only stood right where he was looking down at Rustain who was about to be devoured by the wolf.

*What is he doing? can't he see I'm about to die, is he abandoning me??* Rustain thought.

Rustain realized that Rouge meant what he said back then, and he will leave him to die. The wolf's fang got nearer and nearer while Rustain was left in the ground defending himself and pushing limits to its edge. As the fang got closer as well as his hope to survive this.

"He--Help.. M--Me~~" Rustain muttered these few words before all his strength was used up making him let go of his grip on the wolf's mouth.

The very moment Rustain let go of the wolf without remorse for its prey it engulfs its mouth on Rustain by his neck, that moment a sudden shock of pain entered Rustain this made him retaliate.

He continuously hits the beast but it won't budge an inch and as the second passes by and so as the life of Rustain clinging by the strings of fate.

Rustain finally lost consciousness because of his blood loss but before he blacked out he heard a whispering voice.

"I'll help you with this~~" Mysterious voice.

Above the tree watching Rouge who thought the situation was under-controlled did not imagine Rustain to suffer like that.

*Shit!! What was that she would never harm the bit to this extent what happened??* Rouge after seeing Rustain being bitten by the neck immediately rushed down from the tree and into Rustain's side.

"Frieza!!! The fuck I told you a few stimuli, not this!!" Rouge immediately rushed towards Rustain but then a sudden force came out from Rustain's body forcing Rouge to step a few steps back. "An awakening??"

Suddenly a dark sinister fire engulfed Rustain burning the wolf from its mouth releasing his body then as the flame got stronger it started to get hotter than before, the frosty night started to become hotter by the minute.

The wolf whimpers after getting burned, it immediately runs away and into the dark forest.

The black flames around Rustain started to burn his cloth but something also burned along with his clothes the wound Rustain got, slowly vanished as if those never happened at all.

Rouge witnessed this and was brought down with relief but also with what he just saw, he was amazed by how the awakening of Rustain turned out.

Soon the blacks flames died out and not a moment passed Rustain gained consciousness seeing this Rouge rush toward Rustain.

"Ugh!! What happened, WAIT THE WOLF!!" Rustain shouted and checked his surroundings but the wolf was nowhere to be found but Rustain saw Rouge rush over to his side with a worry that was written all over his face. "Rouge??"

"Good news Rustain you have succeeded in obtaining your first circle, look above you," Rouge said and pointed out the glowing yellowish ring hovering over Rustain's head.

"So this is the first tier, with this I can finally use magic!!" Rustain said with excitement. But he then remembered the trouble he faced before he got the first circle."Wait, don't have to experience that all over again?! And what happened here why does the grass get burned and also where are my CLOTHES!!!"

"Let's talk about it tomorrow morning let's just rest, today was a long one also don't worry the training won't be like this anymore" Rouge brushed off some leaves that fell off Rustain who is left but naked. Rouge immediately snapped his finger and the portal before reappearing in front of them. "By the way, Rustain hope you can forgive me for this, I do really, " Rouge asks for forgiveness as he bowed his head to Rustain.

"Don't worry I don't hold grudges over this, I know you did it for me and things turned out for the better, but can you please let me borrow your jacket in but naked over here!!" Rustain did a defensive pose over his body.

"Hahaha. What's to shame about your physic you're a man be proud of it now let's go" Rouge then walked through the portal leaving Rustain hanging.

"Ughh... I take that back!!! I have pride, you know!!" Rustain followed Rouge.

They meet up with Frieza on the other side of the portal, and she hands Rustain a towel to cover himself up.

The night lasted with laughter after experiencing those events Rustain slept like a log.



Rustain body continuously giving off the repelling force, the magic circle in front of him is now close to full completion.

Rouge just sat there while closely observing Rustain, after a while Frieza walk-in with a basket full of sandwiches and in many flavors at that

"Frieza you are here, how was it that you found anything??" Rouge stood up and helped carry the basket.

Frieza hooked her head as she looked at Rouge, Rouge's face shows how baffled he is and in his mind, all he can think is who knows about the Rustain and why was there another fairy beast inside the forest Frieza owned.

"No matter how I investigate it now magic trace can be found anywhere in my forest, just who in the world is that Sidhe/Fairy Beast." Frieza thought to herself.

"Still we need to be on guard we don't know what will happen next time, what if his---" Rogue was cut off when a powerful surge of energy suddenly came out of Rustain's body, "This energy it can't be!!"

Frieza and Rouge both turned their attention to Rustain.

"Are you kidding me, now that's what you call a genius, he skipped the second tier" Frieza said as she praised Ruatain.

In front of Rustain, the magic circle formed a new ring around the second, and first, a golden light came out from Rustain's body, He opened his eyes and now the color of his eyes changed from brown to golden and this time it became permanent.

"Who knew you got in you Rustain, congratulations on reaching tier three," Rouge said as he gave Rustain a sandwich, he then turned his attention to picking what sandwich to eat.

"Guess I'm a true genius now HAHAHA!!.. But I have a question Rouge" Rustain said and Rouge turned his attention to Rustain with his mouth full of sandwiches. " I have been wondering, can a 7 years old child do magic??"

After hearing this, Rouge immediately swallowed the sandwich he has in his mouth.

"Impossible, magic can only be comprehensible to adults a child's mind would be damaged if they learned magic at their age." After answering that Rouge immediately munched another piece of Frieza's sandwich, Frieza immediately smacks Rouge's hand preventing him from eating all the sandwiches.

Rustain just tried to laugh while watching Rough get beat up by Frieza, the happy face of Rustain turned serious when a black orb started to hover beside Rustain.

Out of nowhere, a telepathic voice came directly to Rustain making him the only one who could listen.

|He knows nothing about the potential of magic, his too young| black orb

Rustain immediately stared at the black orb in front of him now.

|Shut up| Rustain replied.
