"Old man I'm here, lets go!" Rustain rushed out of the house. "By the way how did you know my size?" Rustain asked.

The leather clothes and chest plate fitted Rustain perfectly, This shocked Rustain a little because he was expecting discomfort but everything fitted perfectly.

"It's enchantments Ain, that clothes aren't ordinary, they're made to fit, it's the bearer and raise one's defenses, but let's talk about it after this event, let's get your sword now," The old man said. "Because after you get your sword I'll give you something again that is beneficial to you for a long run"

"Ain?" Rustain became confused if the old man mistook him for someone else.

"Seriously you have already forgotten about your alias, can't be revealing your real name now, " The old man said.

He crossed his arms and gave Rustain a deep and meticulous stare.

"That was practically exposing myself there, I'm still getting the hang of it old man, anyway let's hurry up then!!" Rustain said with excitement after he chuckled for a bit.

On the way Rustain immediately noticed how the people in the village decreased by half of the population, almost all women and children are rushing to the carriages that are leaving the village, because of the panicked everyone who wants a ride out of the village started to push, pull, and kicked the people who they felt threatened of stealing their sit inside the carriages.


Every turn Rustain saw how the village was panicking and amidst the crisis on the way to sir. Kai's house a merchant carriage passed by Rustain in a rush the rough road of the village and adding to the speed, the carriage wheels passed a medium-sized rock that caused it for one of the villagers who ride in the to back fall, a mother holding an infant fell out of the carriage and seeing this Rustain felt the urge to save the mother and child, Rustain leap with one foot a landed on the other while catching the mother with the child on his arms.

"Are you fine?" Rustain asked as he landed on the ground safely and gently assisted the mother to stand.

"Ain? Is that you?-- you look different?!!" The Mother said who turned out to be one of Rustain's neighbors. "Sorry, I mean thank you for saving me and my child I owe you big time, that's why I hope you'll be safe."

"Don't mention it, I'm just passing by, luckily I'm heading to Sir. Kai" Rustain said.

"Well, I'm so damn lucky for you to be passing by if it weren't for you me and my Baby would have been in danger--" the mother said towards Rustain he was cut off when a man came rushing towards them shouting.

"HONEY!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! I'm SORRY, I WAS TO RECKLESS" The man came panting as he reached Rustain's location, he immediately bowed down to Rustain. "Thank you lad for saving my wife and my child." The man scenery thanked the savior.

"Sir, don't worry about it," Rustain replied as he assisted the man to raise his head.

"This voice?! Ain?! You look--" the man stuttered as he looked at Rustain.

"I know how I looked, Sir. Mawik, but sorry I need to go. I'm in a hurry. I'm going to participate in defending the village." Rustain said, trying to leave the scene.

"Are you perhaps going to Kai's house? If you better go there now I heard that many young lads already asked him for his weapons, if you're lucky maybe he still has some left" Sir. Mawik suggested as he thought deeply, remembering all the gossips he heard. "Again thank you, I'll sure remember this favor you did to my family, if fate allows, hopefully we survive this crisis and meet, so off we go we need to leave already it's still a long way for the neighboring kingdom, Goodbye Ain" Sir. Mawik said as he assisted his wife back to the Carriage and instantly left.

"Hope, fate helps us meet again sir," Rustain said, he then went to his course and as he turned around on a nearby tree he noticed a presence that observes him, and this existence seems familiar to him.

Rustain then immediately knew who it was.

[Kuro, don't you dare to meddle in my life anymore] Rustain said telepathically.

[We have a contract Rustain, you need me even if you deny it] Kuro replied confirming Rustain's suspicious

[I'll prove to you can't I don't need you Kuro so stay away] Rustain persistently said.

[If that's so, just call me if you need me] Kuro said confidently.

[That time would--] Rustain was cutoff.

The old man came into the scene calling Rustain.

"Hey, let's get going, Ain we need to go I heard that we might not get your weapon." The old man said parting Rustain by the shoulders.

"Yes, sorry I was almost in thoughts" Rustain replied.

" You need to fix that, in the real world that absent-minded habit of yours will get you sooner or later be killed," the old man said that and walked back.

Rustain followed the old man, he took a last glance at Kuro's location but he was not there, yet the presence of Kuro emitted is still lingering and Rustain knew that Kuro is still observing him.


(Knock!! Knock!! Knock!!)

"Open up retard!! give us some weapons!!" A red-headed man with his friends kept on banging the door.

Rustain arrived at Sir. Kai's house and outside there are young people who keep on knocking on the door and shouting.

Rustain had a glimpse of his memories about his first meeting with Sir. Kai, the gentle smile from Sir. Kai as he greeted him in the village on his day.when he accidentally hurt him and how kind he is still to him.

Rustain remembered the few but the good time he had with the owner of the house and seeing the disrespect of the people around him went to the house, he can't stop from feeling a little pissed off about how this people is.

"Hey!! stop that!? I know we all are on the edge because of the horde that is about to hit the village!! but can't you please show a bit of respect, you will be borrowing weapons from him for crying out loud." Rustain said.

"Shut up, don't act all goody, wait how come I didn't notice you before in the village, but you looked like someone I know and it's pissing me off," the red-haired man said, and from head to toes he looked at Rustain baffled.

Rustain gave the young man some stare and unconsciously released a killing intent, this was immediately felt by the rude people and the atmosphere around them began to tense and the fear they felt made them unable to move their legs and their breathing became heavy.

Rustain was lost in a trance for a second but the opening of the door snapped Rustain out regaining his sanity.

"Stop causing trouble if you want a weapon then go to that shed over there and pick one" That was Sir. Kai opened his door and pointed the way then he just closed the door again, he looked not a single worry on his face as he said that but just closed his door again unfazed.

"Tsk. Weird old man, come on guys let's go, and you" the red-haired young man pointed at Rustain's and gave him a death glare "I'll smash you if I ever saw you"

*I can't believe they didn't recognize me and Kaizer, he and I have the same build, he used to be big if compared to me before a skinny and a little shorter than him but now can hardly tell any difference, this is thanks to the old man's potion.* Rustain thought

Kaiser and his companions left an intimidating impression but Rustain was unfazed as they left.

"Hey, kid!!" Sir. Kai called Rustain by the window on the second floor "Come closer"

"Hi sir I'm here to ask for a--" Rustain came closer to the window but Kai suddenly tossed a long object wrapped in fabric.

Rustain caught the object and upon touching he felt a sudden spark, an unexplained feeling that seemed to draw him to the sword.

"Take it, and don't bother returning those pieces of junk to me, now stop bothering me and go, shoo" Kai drove Rustain away by doing a sign with his hand.

Rustain unwrapped the object and revealed a long sword, he unsheathed it and showed it a double edge sword, it had a width of approximately two and a half inches, and a length of one meter, the blade is black and the grip is silver, it had no guard to it. Rustain was amazed by the sword, its lightness and its sharpness left a jaw-dropping impression on Rustain.

The sword emitted a dense coat of cold aura but aside from it something inside of Rustain is somehow drawn to the sword.

"Amazing" was the only word left in Rustain's mouth as he described the sword.

Rustain sheathed back the sword to its scabbard, he took a glance at the window but sir. Kai isn't there but Rustain knew that he is still observing him serenely.

"Thank you sir I'll take good care of this sword" Rustain said as he turned his back and immediately left heading to the front gate of the village where everyone is preparing for the attack.


Rustain left and Sir. Kai is seen gazing at the back of our MC, he looked satisfied and at peace.

"I knew you were special when you came into this village but you still surprised me kid, a person who can adapt to every adversity this is a frightening talent." Sir. Kai sighs, and looks at a stand that supports a sword it's empty and supposed it was the thing that holds the sword that Rustain has. "I wonder since when did it cross my mind to give the sword to him, maybe it was when I first saw him enter the village, hmmm... I can tell he would be a great holder of the sword,"

Sir. Kai looked into the tie window once more,

"I guess I could give this a go, one last time" Sir. Kai grabbed a broadsword near him with only one hand and effortlessly he swung this. "well I guess let's go, Excalibur"