around a month ago.

"Good morning Sir. Kai" a man came down a merchant's carriage carrying a small jar of milk, it was Sir. Mawik and his wife "Hey, by the way, I heard some new tenants that came from the forest decided to live in our village, can you believe it we have a new neighbor, it was ages ago since we had a new--"

"What do you think that news would benefit me huh!! Will it make my potatoes grow faster if not keep that to yourself, stop being a noble lady who only knows how to spread gossip, now go I don't want to hear any of this" Sir. Kai gave a death glare to Mawik.

"Hahaha. I understand sorry to bother you here is your order by the way the milk." Mawik immediately left.

Mawik went back to his carriage, he departed immediately, and on the way, he passed by the village chief.

"Seriously Sir. Kai, it's early in the morning, and you are already in such a bad mood, why don't you greet the new tenants of the village, maybe they could give you a good day" the chief smiled and left.

"He always does that acting calm and all, but he sometimes gets too paranoid at times" Sir. Kai continues in his work cultivating his potato field.

The morning had passed, and everything was just a normal day to Sir. Kai went back inside his house and prepared his lunch and after that, he went back to the field to cultivate it.

Later in the afternoon when the sun had just started settling Sir. Kai was still in his field mowing it with his hoe. The long work had its toll and everyone was not immune to it and most of all not Sir. Kai, while cultivating the field on his last row Sir. Kai accidentally hit a rock hiding on the soul and his fatigue hands were weak and unprepared from the recoil causing Sir. Kai sprain his hand, the weak bone joint that connects the hand to his arm immediately swollen and the pain only got worse on his right hand.

"Ah!! Bastard why was there a stone here?!" Sir. Kai released his grip on his home and decided to rest by a bench in the front of his house. "Ugh. Just my luck our village doesn't even have a healer, I still need to get to the city for a check-up"

Sir. Kai letter then decided to go back to his house after he returned his farming tools in his shed.

"I better borrow a horse from the chief tomorrow," Sir. kai told himself.

Before he could return into his house a group of wives loudly talked about the new tenants of the village.

"Hey, did you hear the new occupants have a cute boy in it, do you think he would like my daughter?" One of the wives talked about Rustain.

"Heh?! Don't get ahead of yourself, I bet he will fall into my daughter first," another of the wives said

"Hahaha... Stop that, I admit he's cute but isn't he a little bit skinny?! I think Kaizer still fits for my daughter" confidently, one of the other wives said.

*seriously, all they do is gossip, I will be their kids at home is dead hungry for dinner* Sir. Kai then went back after the loud disturbance he just heard.


The morning came and early as it is the people in the village are already busy with their lives, from cultivating the fields, feeding the cattle, baking bread, and some even started to leave the village to barter.

Sir. Kai is walking on one of the village's rough roads. The right hand of Sir. Kai is kept near him to avoid hitting the people that pass near him and to avoid further complicating his hand.

On the way to the chief's house, the mountain ranges near the village even the furthest of the village can be glimpsed from where he is, and as the dawn light shines the view was mesmerizing the cold breeze of the early morning left Sir. Kai is amazed by the landscape and view, the feeling of content is written all over his face.

The moment didn't blast when accidentally someone ruined the moment by bumping into him and of all places his right hand was shit the hardest.

"AHH!! GOD!! BASTARD!! MY HAND" Sir. Kai instinctively curses aloud. "Bastard, watch where you're going"

Sir. Kai looked into the face of his mood destroyer. Sir. Kai gave him an angry look.

"So-- sorry sir" the young man bowed down as he apologized. "I was lost because of the view in this place.

The young man remained to bow, to Sir. Kai this made Sir. Kai is uneasy about the politeness being showed to him.

" It's fine, just better not blame your fault on nature and be attentive next time, now lift your head already I look like I'm bullying you kid" Sir. Kai said awkwardly.

The young man lifted his head and immediately saw the swollen hand of Sir. Kai, then immediately grabbed him by the shoulders and insisted that he'll help mend the swollen hand of Sir. Kai.

"Your hand, I bet it's my fault that it got this swollen. It's turning purple already," the young man then at the right pocket he reached inside and pulled out a bandage. "Sir let me,"

"No, I'm okay don't fret about it" sir. Kai insisted but the young man was persistent.

"No, at least let me, please sir" the young man insisted.

"Fine, but be quick I still need to go somewhere" sir. Kai said giving in.

The young man was satisfied and immediately with care placed a sturdy flat stick on Sir. Kai's right strained hand to support it and restricting its movement for it not to further damage the hand. The process was fast and after it was performed, Sir. Kai immediately felt the difference, it is hurting the least now.

"There it's done, hope this helps," the young man said after securing the bandage so that it won't untie itself.

"You know, I'm an adventurer before coming to the village. A little sprain like this is nothing, but thank you anyway, kid," sir Kai said with a cold face but his tone tells us he is sincere with his gratitude. "Anyway, I never met you before?"

"Me, my s--sister and my old man just moved yesterday," the young man told Sir. Kai. The sun was already a little above the mountain range and this was noticed by the young man. "Ah! I better get going my old man must be looking for me already, see you my name is Ain, sorry for the late introduction... sir?"

"Just call me Sir. Kai like everybody in this village, yeah I must also get going now" Sir Kai said, and just like that the young man left in a hurry.

The moment when Ain (Rustain) left Sir. Kai felt an impulse on his instinct that tells him something is special about this young man.

*Ain huh?? I wonder, well I guess I won't be going to a healer I could feel I had to recover already, what a peculiar child* Sir. Kai said as he turned back and walked away heading back into his house.


On the way, a couple of young men and teenagers were forming a group that was focusing on something with them was Kaizer his red hair stands out from the rest and he is clearly acting as the leader of the group.

"That new kid, I can't believe he is still new and everyone is already talking about how handsome he is. It annoys me, he is just a skinny loser that has a cute face," Kaizer said with the impulse to hit anytime soon.

*new kid?? I guess they're talking about Ain (Rustain) well. Maybe I could do a favor for Ain this time.* Sir Kai.

"Hey you there!!, stop talking shit about other people!!, " Sir Kai said dominantly.

"Shut up retard!" Kaizer said as he confronted Sir Kai by getting closer, he noticed the bandage on his hand and smirked "if you talk to me like that old man, we better talk without FIST!!"

Kaizer launched a sudden attack but Sir Kai looked unfazed and dodge the attack, in the counter he kicked Kaizer by the leg which stripped him and hell to the ground.


"Shit!! On one move Kaizer felt this old man is no joke" one of the young men said and one by one they left in fear as Sir. Kai gave an intense blood lust enveloping the group with fear. "I--I'm out. Sorry Kaizer"

The group fled while leaving Kaizer alone on the ground, Kaiser stood up and gave the old man the start.

"Yo--you just lucky okay," Kaizer said as he left joining the others.

"Whoa, was he about to cry back then?" Sir Kai said as he continues to walk back into his house.


Upon reaching sir. Kai decided to not work for today and rest until his hand is okay. He went inside his house and there two swords met him, one on the ornamental sword holder and the other was a broadsword just lying by the side.

[Hey Kai I could feel strange energy by your hand] Excalibur

A sudden voice filled the room, the unfazed look on Sir. Kai's face tells us he knows who is talking, he walks by the corner and stares at the broad sword.

"Hey Excalibur, guess what I think I found a new owner for Kalandanda," Sir Kai said

Upon saying the word 'Kalandanda' the ornamental sword started to vibrate.

[I--its N--nEAr-- Mu--ST Fi--nd owNER] The sword emitted a telepathic message that filled the room.

"You see, but I'm not sure yet if he could handle this one" Sir. Kai said


A month had passed.


"SIR. KAI WE NEED YOUR HELP!!" A loud banging on the door woke Sir. Kai up, when he opened his eyes it's already past lunchtime. "THERE'S A HORDE OF BEAST COMING TO OUR VILLAGE WE NEED YOUR WEAPONS"

End of Flashback


(Knock!! Knock!! Knock!!)

"Open up retard!! give us some weapons!!" Kaizer with his friends kept on banging the door.

Rustain arrived at Sir. Kai's house and outside there are young people who keep on knocking on the door and shouting.

*This kids can't they show a little respect* Sir kaiser said. He was about to open the door when he felt a familiar aura. *Ain?! The aura is similar but at the same time different. Should I wait and see what he is about to do, I can feel he is not backing off*

"Hey!! stop that!? I know we all are on the edge because of the horde that is about to hit the village!! but can't you please show a bit of respect, you will be borrowing weapons from him for crying out loud." Rustain said.

*Hmmm. Well said kid* Sir. Kai thought

"Shut up, don't act all goody, wait how come I didn't notice you before in the village, but you looked like someone I know and it's pissing me off," Kaizer said, looking at Rustain giving home a death glare.

Rustain gave the young man some stare and unconsciously released a killing intent, this was immediately felt by the rude people and the atmosphere around them began to tense and the fear they felt made them unable to move their legs and their breathing became heavy.

Rustain was lost in a trance for a second but the opening of the door snapped Rustain out regaining his sanity.

*shit he have bloodlust he is still young to have it, I better stop him* Sir Kai said he then immediately opened the door.

"Stop causing trouble if you want a weapon then go to that shed over there and pick one" That was Sir. Kai said as he pointed the way then he just closed the door again, he looked not a single worry on his face as he said that but just closed his door again unfazed.

*Ain, really would attack them if I didn't stopped him, I should wait out for a bit before checking at Ain* Sir. Kai thought.

Above the second floor Sir Kai stood by the corner of his bed, he then remembered about the Kalandanda, he first looked at the window and saw Rustain was still standing.

*he looked different before unfit to shield a blade, but now I can tell his body had a major change and now maybe I could pass down this sword, * Sir Kai thought he then looked at Excalibur.

[What do you think, should I give it?] Kai

[It is your choice, you're the Guardian of the sword and lived for many years, I guess you're prepared of what happens next, if I remind you the curse of this sword] Excalibur

[I know, and I've live long enough, I'm ready anyway] Kai

Sir Kai was content by the conversation he had, he then grabbed the ornamental sword wrapped in fabric, he then called Ain out.

"Hey, kid!!" Sir. Kai called Rustain by the window on the second floor "Come closer"

"Hi sir I'm here to ask for a--" Rustain came closer to the window but Kai suddenly tossed a long object wrapped in fabric.

Rustain caught the wrapped sword and upon touching he felt a sudden spark, an unexplained feeling that seemed to draw him to the sword.

*this reaction to the sword, he really is eligible to wield this cursed blade, I guess it farewell Kaladanda* Sir. Kai thought

"Take it, and don't bother returning those pieces of junk to me, now stop bothering me and go, shoo" Kai drove Rustain away by doing a sign with his hand.

Rustain unwrapped the object and revealed a long sword, he unsheathed it and showed it a double edge sword, it had a width of approximately two and a half inches, and a length of one meter, the blade is black and the grip is silver, it had no guard to it. Rustain was amazed by the sword, its lightness and its sharpness left a jaw-dropping impression on Rustain.

The sword emitted a dense coat of cold aura but aside from it something inside of Rustain is somehow drawn to the sword.

"Amazing" was the only word left in Rustain's mouth as he described the sword.

Rustain sheathed back the sword to its scabbard, he took a glance at the window but sir. Kai isn't there but Rustain knew that he is still observing him serenely.

"Thank you sir I'll take good care of this sword" Rustain said as he turned his back and immediately left heading to the front gate of the village where everyone is preparing for the attack.


Rustain left and Sir. Kai is seen gazing at the back of our MC, he looked satisfied and at peace.

"I knew you were special when you came into this village but you still surprised me kid, a person who can adapt to every adversity this is a frightening talent." Sir. Kai sighs, and looks at a stand that supports a sword it's empty and supposed it was the thing that holds the sword that Rustain has. "I wonder since when did it cross my mind to give the sword to him, maybe it was when I first saw him enter the village, hmmm... I can tell he would be a great holder of the sword,"

Sir. Kai looked into the tie window once more,

"I guess I could give this a go, one last time" Sir. Kai grabbed a broadsword near him with only one hand and effortlessly he swung this. "well I guess let's go, Excalibur"

[Shut up I still can't believe you call that legendary sword junk] Excalibur

[Shut up] Kai
