"Rustain Azital, I challenge you"

His wide grin and the arrogant smile showered me with intimidation and mockery.

Everyone was just quietly observing us, their eyes looking at me with anticipation for when I will slip a wrong move on the table. A nobles title is just an honorable facade just waiting to be taken lightly by those who bear the same title.

I ignored his taunts, walking past him trying to not make a scene, he raised his arm blocking my way, snickering he raised his right eyebrow as he looked down on me.

"Huh?! Is this why the Marquise never send off one of their own, the mysterious Marquise family, the founding family of the empire are just a bunch of people who easily gets cold feet"

He raised his voice attracting the attention of the students sitting looking at us and that of the outside as well.

Whispering filled the room from the student that started to flock around us.

Lucas beside me gritting his teeth, clenching his fist, and at the same time, he trembles in anger narrowing his eyebrows towards Gonduzianberge.

He stepped in front of me facing this noble.

"Move away, don't act arrogantly in front of me you're not worth our time"

Lucas pushed the noble with a long name towards his lackey, Lucas walked past him and towards his seat, but the sudden interference from Lucas who pushed the noble made things worse.

To be expected the noble got angry, he immediately waved his hand and a magic circle emerged.

"Commoner!! You dare! /Drazielroudflinh!/"

Shouting the spell, a blazing blue flame in an arrow-shaped appeared in multiple locations aiming at Lucas.

The noble immediately launches his attack which catches Lucas off guard.

Seeing this I immediately waved my hand to summoning the water spirit,

|Hurry! Protect him|

|right away|

A water wall emerges from thin air shielding Lucas, upon contact from the arrow-shaped fire, the water immediately evaporated along with the fire, both canceling each other.

"Ha! I guess you have a backbone"

The noble says, withdrawing his magic circle, I look at his face who didn't even care for the people around him, everyone close from the attack trembled.

"You!! Did you even think about what happens to the people around you if you miss fire.!!"

I shouted at him but he replied to me with just a smirk, rolling his eyes he didn't look concerned at all.

"Fine, I'll fight you make it an official duel"

After saying that he looked at me and smiled.

"Great, I'll show the school that there's no unique about you, just a bunch of cowards, tomorrow afternoon at the arena"

And just like that, he left with a smug.

I ignored the people around me and sat on my chair just beside Lucas.

"Dude, you sure?"

Lucas said, narrowing his eyebrow in worry.

Shook my head but I just put out a smile, I can feel the sharp eyes staring at me but ignoring it is all I could do for now.

The day has passed and I just returned to my room from my last class magic theory, automatically my body swung itself towards the bed.


"haa~ I can't believe I agreed to the challenge, "

rolling my head to the side, I saw the spirits appear in front of me.

"Don't think too hard just beat him, you already have the things you need to crash that guy"

The fire spirit said,

"You sure?"

"Yes dummy, by the way when are you going to use my power, it's always wind and water I'm getting jealous."

I cleared my throat, "you already know that I want to keep a low profile, magician who possess two elements are already unheard of"


"Rustain? Who are you talking to?" Lucas said, he entered the scene with his back crouched, "ugh.. My back hurts why did I even join the magic knight"

"Ha.. Ha.. Ha.. Don't mind me just rest there" I replied by laughing sarcastically as he flops into his bed.

Lucas instantly fell asleep, but for me I may not lack in power but I don't have the experience, and it may hinder me tomorrow which worries me.

The fire spirits hovered around me again, "Are you still worried for tomorrow how about asking him for help?"

"Rouge? What should I ask him then"

"Try borrowing the sword he showed you before" the fire spirit said.

"But I don't even know how to wield a sword"

"You don't need to worry just leave everything to me"


The morning came and a loud knocking spams the door.

(Knock.. Knock.. Knock)

"Just a moment!" I shouted..

As I opened it Rouge was there holding the sword from before.

He looked at me with a smile "I traveled back to the city when you called via magic crystal, did you regain your memory?"

"Sorry but no" I said.

"Oh, I thought since you called me for your sword, but anyway here"

He handed to me the sword, I was expecting for it to be heavy but upon holding it was weightless.

"Umm.. Thanks"

Rouge smiled and as to my reply I only closed the door, I can't bear the awkwardness.

Through the closed door I heard Rouge sigh his disappointed tone only pains me with guilt.

Hearing his footsteps get farther away, I felt nothing but the anxiousness for my battle later.

Call me heartless, what can I do? I don't know that person, I just occupied this body without any memories aside from my past life.

After contemplating, I began to prepare and draw a magic circle on the floor as my preparation for the battle.

Placing the sword in the middle I sigh.

"Fire and earth heed my call,

