Noon came and as my agreement with the noble brat, I immediately headed to the school's arena.

Glancing around the way I noticed numerous student was heading to the arena, "looks like the news spreads fast"

My hand was shaking along with the salty sweat that ran down from my lips. I am nervous.

|Hyeon-Jun, just calm down and remember my plan, this will happen sooner or later, after that Sidhe discovered you can use strong primal magic she immediately proposed to send you here and you agreed to it|

The sound of the Fire spirit sends warmth throughout my body calming the anxiety in my head, replying to the spirit I took a deep sigh.

|Hmm Thanks... I know, I clearly remembered that she even forced me to read numerous magic theory but surprisingly a 34-year old, I can instantly memorize the contents, it's simply amazing|


Noticing at the corner of my eye, rushing as dust flew behind him Lucas suddenly came tumbling soiling his face with a slight scratch.

Lucas immediately erected on his feet regaining his composure "Rust!! AH, that hurts!!"

"You 'kay?" I held his arm assisting him "what's the rush?" I asked.

"What do you mean, 'what's the rush' dude it's your debut as a strong student since you always kept a low profile this is your chance to show off," Lucas said with aw, "oh! I also heard that the princes of Sidhe will be watching"

"Ugh. I was hoping to have a small match, not this..." As I sigh I hold my forehead.

Lucas patted my shoulders as show me his ear to ear smile "How about let's go in and show that arrogant piece of stale bread who's boss"

"Yeah right," I replied, walking my way in front of the entrance, all of the students turned their gaze on me.

How did this become a huge thing? Even a princess of some nation is involved now. Muttering on myself, this soon faded when me and Lucas parted ways as I took the path towards the armory which is also where the entrance for the arena, or so I was told.

There I saw Gonduzianberge by the bench wearing body armor, he looked at me with a smirk as I entered the room.

Snickering and he talks, "well... Looks like you didn't run away" Gonduzianberge walked close to me. "Seeing you didn't even prepare an armor, I'm guessing you're a mage who specializes in mana manifestation."

"Mind your own business" I walk past him.

At the same time, someone knocks on the door, it was one of the faculty who manages the arena.

"Seems like your both here, ugh it took a lot of effort to hold this match of yours, especially since a royalty will be wit pressing this, God if you boys are ready then I'll just send both of you immediately"

"I'm ready"

"I'm also ready to kick this loser off the arena"

"Okay since both of you are ready, /Ratroin/"

Waving her hand a magic circle appeared below us, smoke emerged and slowly engulfed us, after everything I have seen so far something like this won't shock me anymore.

A brilliant light blinded along with the sharp ringing that blurred my senses, suddenly a loud crowd yelled with awe and amusement. They cheer and shout,

As my vision adjusted to the sudden change I made a vaguely human figure from afar, the clanging sound, but his sudden snickering sold him off, it was Gonduzianberge standing three meters away from me standing with his long sword and full-body armor on top of a stone stage along with me.

As the crowd started to settle the hosts began to take the stage.

[Welcome Everyone!!]

[I greet you all on behalf of the school committee, I'm your host for today Patricia Kroach]

[Per custom I'll explain the rules, first killing isn't allowed, second the match will end when either side is unable to fight, third you can use any weapon, and lastly the most important rule SURRENDER IS NOT AN OPTION!!!]

[Okay get ready, on my mark!! 3!!]

The student and bystander filled the arena with their loud voices of eagerness so see action. As the Mc start the countdown and the crowd followed her lead.


There I was standing on the stage with my head up high, everything happened and most of all it's too one-sidedly prepared, the crowd cheers on my enemy while they show disgust and contempt on me they didn't even ask for my weapon.

But deep down I expected his, I cleared my thoughts and looked at what's in front of me, the noble who challenged me is now standing with a broadsword in his hand, his wide smile mocking me looking me with his eyes that interpret me as a mere bug.


But I have reached a conclusion the moment I learned I can be special in this world with my

contracted spirits, I'll show them that I'm not to be taken lightly.

I heard the last count, immediately I raised my hand shouting a spell.



With me my opponent leaped above and used his momentum charge towards me with a plunging attack.


Screaming on top of his lungs his sword glowed green and which made his body heavier accelerating his plunge.

I stood still, his sword crashed on me creating a stage filled with smoke,

The crowd yelled as they stomped their feet, and the others scream with excitement.

[Amazing!! They both immediately launched an attack but what did the marques used to go against the signature move of the ducal house, BLADE]

The mc commented, and as the dust settled they saw me blocked the attack of my opponent using a hand made of water emerging from my spear.

[WHAAAAT!!! THIS IS AMAZING, the marques manage to block the attack with a water manipulation spell.]

"This!! How is this possible, where did that spear come from!!"

His scream echoed throughout the arena his disbelief quivers his grip with his sword, and with this my body raised the spear and spinning it in a circular motion, using the momentum I hit the sword swaying my opponents whole body laughing him into the air.

|wind pressure|

Commanding the wind spirit it created a strong flow of wind towing downwards making the fall 5x the damage to my opponent.

"Cough!. Cough! How!? I thought you were a mage!?"

His armor broke and his eyes stared at me as he shivered.

"You can't just believe everything you see"

I said to him as I struck his abdomen using the spear, launching him again into the air, but this time I used the spear as a pole and raised my body just enough to kick my opponent.

His body flew hitting the wall that surrounds the stage..

*I guess they can't really see who's controlling my body right now, *

|Blaze give me my body back, you had your fun|


Unknown to anyone, my soul or you can say my spirit returned to my body because of the spell I used, it was a type of a spirit possession magic.


The crowd yelled once more, as I stood there looking at them with contempt, a bunch of hypocrites.
