"Hope you have a good day sir," the guard said, opening the door towards the portal to 'Town'.

Note: They call the city which is the nearest to the academy 'Town'

Upon exiting the first thing I saw were tall buildings that are modernized mixed in with some brick houses and stores, similar to earth but the only difference is the medical vibe around it, people walking with swords, some walking with baskets, and the hierarchy is very evident.

Cloths that are dull and full of filth show immediately that they are the commoners while the nobles enjoy the luxury of many things.

Walking around the place I immediately tried to look for places where Lucas might go.

|Hey, can you guys track him?|

Upon noting the wind spirit appeared, hovering around my eyes I felt a surge of energy flowing directly to it.

|this shall do it, try concentrating with Lucas in mind, this will let you see magic wavelengths|

|So can I trace him with this?|

The wind spirit shook its head.

|not trace him but it will let you glimpse the memory of the wind, it should still be fresh since he just left last night|

|isn't that better, with that I can accurately-|

The wind spirit immediately cut me off.

|I can't believe you're my contractor, the wind always comes and go, you'll only be able to trace a fragment of memories within the place with less air flow|

It explained how the magic works then I realized.

|, wait if that's the case the longer I idle here, the fewer traces I can find later|


With haste I immediately focused my eyes on the image of Lucas in it, suddenly for the first time I saw the wind current, never have I seen before where there were a lot of colorful currents flowing around me.

|Wow, what is this?|

|This Rust is the color of the wind, each color carries a certain roll, some causes the movement of mana, some circulate the weather, and if you are tired you best you can even feel the world life through this wind|

It was like a tapestry, a painting continuously changing, a river that shows a breathtaking view.

Around the corner of my eye, I noticed a small hazy fragment of memory formed, it was a hooded man walking into a brick store just near to where I am.

He removed his hood, immediately the person's fiery hair gave him away.

"That's Lucas!!"

I lost my composure, and people began to look at me weirdly.

'Okay how about finding a cloak like Lucas had to cover me up, that way we'll be less conspicuous.'

Looking around I saw a stall selling Hoodies.

|I guess even in this world hoodie is a thing|

Walking towards the vendor, I reach into my pouch of coins, this world's currency, copper, silver, and gold coins, and their value also differs if it's a big coin or a small one.

|if that's what you thought then try visiting the lower realms, there they are less advanced than we here on the first realm|

|dip, I'll listen to your vast knowledge later, I'll first buy something to cover myself up|

Waving away the water spirit in front of me.

After buying my 'Less conspicuous attire ' I immediately went into the store where the small fragment shows Lucas in it.

Walking inside as I opened the door, an adult man greeted me as he smiled ear to ear.

"Welcome, what can I get for ya'."

And without loitering around the store too much, I asked.

"Oh I'm just wondering if you ever had a customer, his around my height, red hair, and golden eyes, his a magician"

The man scratches his head upon hearing my description,

"Hmm, there is one that fits the first two of your description but golden eyes? I dunno,"

"It's fine, just tell me what he was doing here?"

After saying that the man immediately changed mood, his smile faded, and his eyes looked at me suspiciously.

"Hey now!? Listen here, young man!! I don't just give information out, especially if it's about my loyal customers, also I don't trust that very conspicuous attire of yours"

He raised his rolling pin beside him, pointing it at me. 'Cliche much'

"S-sorry, but you got the wrong idea my friend, he's been gone since yesterday, I'm just worried okay, and what's wrong with my attire, for your information I for a fact find myself cool okay!"

I defend myself verbally against the baker's rolling pin. I removed my hood and showed my face.

He raised his eyebrows, looking at me from top to bottom.

"Hmmm, oh! Is that it? I thought you're a part of the rival bakery and will steal my customers, my bad teehee!"

I took a deep breath, I sigh and look at the baker who is acting cute in front of me.

"Haa, since that's done, so have you seen my friend? Where did he go?"

I asked him as I won't waste anymore time, it's almost nightfall.

"Hasty are we, hmm if I remember correctly a young man well exactly like you describe it's just he had blue eyes, I guess his and energy user, he bought bread here and ask for the cheapest inn around here"

"Well what did you tell him"

"I pointed him at the public market just down this alley, people there mostly know that stuff"

The baker said as he reenacted the scene, "is that so then thank you'll be going now" I was about to go out but the baker raised his hand into my shoulders.

"Hey now! At least buy bread or two"



Hyeon-jun exits the bakery with four pieces of bread in hand.

"Hohohoho, thanks for your patronage"

The baker waved goodbye to Hyeon-jun who is now Rustain, as he occupies Rustain's body.

"Man, the baker forced me to buy this huge bread, five small pieces of copper each, was that expensive? He was really happy." He said addressing the spirits that hovered around him.

Note: Hyeon-jun will be addressed as Rust for now.

|we don't know the rule of the mundane world that much, Rust|

|any way let's go, I'll eat this on the way| Rust said.

As he walked down the street and the sun started to settle, the street light began to light up, and people started to get noisy as the night market began.

Walking around the market, Rust is mesmerized by the things he saw, lanterns hanging down from one stall to another, people haggling for prices, and the lively crowd filled the place.

'Wow, you can't even compare earth with this.'

Rust scrolls his gaze watching the people move.

|hey, Rust (Hyeon-jun) how about finding your friend first| the wind spirit emerged as he snapped Rust out of the trance.

|Right! everyone except for Blaze, scatter

|Aye|, all of them answered.

They disappeared but Rust is at ease, he can still feel their presence, and knowing how diligent they follow his orders, he became motivated.

|Blaze lets go, I'll ask round tell me if you found something|

|Fine| the fire spirit said reluctantly.

Rust began to ask one stall at a time about the nearest inn around the place, most of them shrugged him off, and others completely ignored him.

He was going to continue but then an old lady approached him out of pity thinking he lacked a place to sleep.

"Young man, I overheard your question. I can point out the nearest inn for you, you looked tense. Are you okay?"

The old lady patted him.

"Just take this street, upon reaching the second crossing take the left turn, and at the end, my friend there runs an inn"

The old lady explained.

"I'm okay, but thank you very much that was a great help, Here"

Rust swirled his hand, using a combination of water and earth he formed a small pouch, filling it with some coins he gave to the old lady as thanks.

"Oh thank you, you shouldn't have"

"No, take it, thanks again granny bye"

Rust immediately runs off, following the instructions of the old lady he arrived, just like what was told of him he saw the inn at the end of the alley.

Walking towards it Rust noticed someone came out, carrying a stack of trash.

He looked closely and it was Lucas, dressed in bartender attire.

'he looks like, he's working there'

He saw Lucas take an alley connected to the inn, he decided to follow him, walking discreetly behind Lucas, he overheard him talking to someone.

"Sir, this is the goods"

"Good job"

Lucas replied.

"HUH?!" Rust shouted.
