"Rust! What are you doing here"

Lukas immediately recognized me, I removed my hood and confronted him.

"Hey, what about you? You didn't show up the whole day and what about these goods, don't tell me!"

I looked at the sac that Lukas got from the hooded man in front of us.l, I glared at him suspiciously

"Sir! for your information our potato farm is of the best quality there is and we don't stoop low as to sell the 'goods' you refer to"

"W-what?! Potatoes"

Lukas burst into laughter.

"Haha, okay, how about you wait for me in the inn"

He cleared the misunderstanding between me and the potato supplier, (I can't believe I did that, that was so embarrassing)

After making amends, Lukas and I went inside the inn. I exchanged pleasantries with every staff member inside the inn as Lukas introduced me to them. Everyone was cheerful and lively.

"Now that's done, let's talk over that corner"

Lucas guided me, following him I walked past a group of mercenaries and adventurers, they had decent attire, a well-maintained sword, and mostly they looked like a fancy adventurer, to be honest.

"How did you find me?" Lucas immediately cut to the chase,

"Well I asked, and like any cliche plot, I found you" I spoke sarcastically.

"Really?" He looked at me, rating his eyebrow, "Anyway you shouldn't be here, if you're worried, don't worry I'll return tomorrow," he said as if he wanted to push me away, a part of me felt guilty.

He was about to leave but I held his hand. (Cringe)

"Hey Lucas, do you know why I looked for you, normally I just ignored things like this, but changes are inevitable, yesterday something happened that made me rethinking things," I took a deep breath as I mustered the courage to tell him, "I know, since the beginning you want to get close to me, but I pushed you away,"

"It's okay Rust, I was pushy too, but right now isn't"

"Just hear me out, this may sound weird, but I told myself, do I feel fulfilled? Have I been living my life? That's why I wanted to change, before I was a bit paranoid when the household told me to attend the Academy, it's all new to me, but now that I think about it, I have you a friend, so thank you"

"You, I guess everyone has there a reason, and yours just that you have a complicate background"

"Haha, its something like that"

"Anyway I was never angry since the beginning, so how about let's start fresh"

"Yeah, we should"

I raised my hand and so did Lucas, shaking our hands we smiled as we looked at each other, having friends will be the start.

(Never knew having a good friend could be this uplifting, I start to regrets ignoring her now, I wonder how's her life on earth, better not think about that I'm dead in that world anyway)

Through the midst of the moment I remembered something very important.

"Um, Lucas? Do you guys have an extra room?"

"Why the sudden, can't you just go back to the dorm?"

"Well, I kinda left without authorization that i'll be gone this late, so probably I'll get a penalty if come back tonight, tehee"

"Haa, it's not like different I'm any different, currently the rooms are all full well just have to share"

"In that case, we should split the bill"

I was about to pull out my money but Lukas told me otherwise,

"Don't bother, it will be my treat"

Ah, well I won't argue then, free stuff are the best, um just wondering why are you working here, for a noble like you-"

Lucas immediately covered my mouth, I immediately understood, the Nobel didn't know his background.

He asked me to follow him to the room,


"Wew! That's close, Rust you can't just randomly talk about status here, anyway since you asked me I guess it won't be a bad idea to tell you"


"You see" Lucas was hesitant, he looked around and made sure all the windows at locked, "I'm actually looking for my mother, we were separated after my father took me in when I was a child, he wants someone to inherit his title and having my commoner blood in me he wants none of it, but after sometime I manage to gain some authority myself, so I immediately search for her, and now I had a lead she was spotted in this city, I'm planning to go there later at midnight"

"Midnight, why?"

"It's better if you just follow me later, I'll also tell you why after we leave,"

Learning his past also made me understand why Lukas was a bit clingy, afraid to be left alone again.


As planned I meet up Lukas outside the inn, all dressed up in black I looked at him,

"Are you meeting your mother or steal something from her"

"W-what?! It's not like that, I'm not gonna meet her anyway, here"

Lucas hands over a pair of black clothing identical to him, a hooded cloak and a matching mask. I also notice that he has a wooden box in hand.

"What's that?" I pointed.

"Ah this, its something I'm planning to give her, actually I'm thinking that maybe you can give it in my place, "

"Dude, she's your mother won't you at least talk to her?"

" I don't want to, if news got to my father that I met her, she could get in trouble, I can't put her in danger just because of what I want"

"Fine let's get moving then"

We immediately head out, using the mana infusion technique we learned in one of our classes. We leap from house to house with ease. As I followed Lukas out of the city, we stopped at a small house just beside a river not that far from the city gates.

Luka stopped behind a tree and looked closely at the house ahead of us.

"Is that the house?" I asked

"Yes it is"

As we watched from afar, a lady in her thirties started to walk out of the house, from afar she looked tired, dark circles around her eyes, staggering walk, and her pale complexion.

I looked at lukas, he looked at her as he clenched his fist and showed a frown expression.

"I-it's her, m-my mom" his voice trembled, on the edge of his emotion he could only gaze.

As he looked at her from afar, I could see how sad he was.

The woman's walk suddenly worsens, she falls to the ground hitting her back.

Lukas saw this and was about to show himself, about to rush in and help his mother, a sudden voice made Lukas stop.

"MOM! I told you to stop moving, here let me help you"

"Mika dear, I'm fine"

The girl appears to be her daughter, assisting her to walk, and they enter the house.

Before entering the lady smiled, she cares for her daughter like her daughter cards for her.

"I see, at least know someone is with her"

Lucas said turning his gaze away, after seeing it we left immediately soon after we left the box, I could even console him properly.

(It was like, I'm just a bystander at their story, I wish I was like him if then maybe I won't regret leaving my mother back then to, is this life a second chance or just the hell for me in disguise, why now have I regretted my action of the past)
