The night went by and Lukas found the resolution he was looking for, after what he had just seen I see in his face that a weight he has been carrying for so long is finally lift-off from his shoulders.

We immediately returned to the inn and had our rest.

Morning came and it was time to go back to the academy, like how I left the school, we took the portal on the way back, when I thought things were better, not knowing when a problem arose when I was gone.

As we entered the Academy guards suddenly flocked their way, surrounding me and Lukas.

"Mister Azital, your under arrest for the murder of sir. Gonduzianberge''


I was immediately cuffed and dragged away, who knew I will be accused of murder in this life.


Hyeon-jun is sitting inside a room, two guards guarding the door and two others monitoring him.

*knock, knock*

Responding to that knocking the guards opened the door letting a middle aged man enter, his laid back black hair, black eyes sharply gazed at Hyeon-jun, and his posture was upright, sitting dignified in front of Hyeon-jun.

Smiling towards his prey, he introduced himself.

"Hello Mister Azital, I'm Helbert, an officer handling this case" the man sat in front of Hyeon-jun.

He raises his hand attempting to do a handshake, Hyeon-jun just shrugs him off, still confused as to why he was to blame, he raises a question instead of exchanging pleasantries.

"Greetings aside, why me?"

"Why you? Of course who else, you were seen to be with mister Gonduzianberge"

Hyeon-jun is confused, after hearing those words he was on the table out of spite.

"What?! That's nonsense I was nowhere near him after the match, how can you just conclude that I was the one who meets up with that-"

Herbert slides a piece of photo, in it was Hyeon-jun talking to Gonduzianberge.

"Now, now, mind your words, Mister. Azital, look at this can you still defend yourself, this was taken by our witness,"

Hyeon-jun trembled, his eyes widened and his teeth almost bit his tongue, as he was caught off guard the officer just gave him a smug look.

"Th-This, it's forgery,"

He tried to defend himself only to stutter, this made the officer assume his suspicion was right,

"Just you know, school affairs never leave the premises only after the case is closed, you'll be able to meet your households after you will be deemed guilty, bye sir. Azital"

The officer stood up and vacated the room, Hyeon-jun could only hold his anger, being accused and couldn't even do a simple as defending himself, he felt deprived.

(Why is this happening to me? When I decide to change things gets complicated)

Hyeon-jun notice the ruckus on the other side of the door,


He looked at the only and tiny window attached to the door, with a glance he immediately recognized the unique shade of gold hair.

"Lucas! It's my friend let him in"

He told the guards who are watching him from the inside, thinking it won't matter, the two guards relayed his request to the ones outside.

"I can give him 5 minutes, nothing more," the guard said.

Lucas immediately went in, he looked at Hyeon-jun with a worried look.

"Rust! What happens? They suddenly dragged you away, I was also interrogated, they ask to confess that you want to kill Gonduzianberge"


(Something isn't right? I know they want to set me up, but why do they need him to confess, this doesn't add up)

"I should send a letter to your parents,"

*Hyeon-jun, what is this!! It looks like you need to be punished*

A sudden memory flashed in him, he acted repulsive, like instincts kicked in.

"NO!" Lucas was shocked, he accidentally shouted, "I mean you don't need to, I'll think of something"

"But -"

"Time's up, you need to go"

The guard interrupted them, and showed Lucas the door. He took a last glance at Rust, Hyeon-jun smiled at him.

"I'll be fine"

Rust said after Lucas left he summoned his contracted spirits.

|Hyeon-jun!! What can we do for you?|

|I want you to examine Gonduzianberge's body for me, then report to me what you found out, can you do that?|

|of course, that's easy, will be back|

After commanding them, they all disappeared.

After Lucas left the room, minutes went by after he left, another visitor happens to meet Rust

It was Francis, behind her was a white-haired boy, his eyes were bright yellow, and his skin matches his hair.

The guards stood straight and showed respect towards the boy, unlike how they treated Lucas they treated him like a guest.

"I know things aren't doing well for you, but can you spare your time?"

Francis offered the chair to the other guest, she shows the utmost respect to him.

"Feel free, as you can see I'm detained, talking to someone can help me pass time"

Francis then opens the envelope she is holding, he was about to hand the paper to Rust but the boy blocks her instead.

"If that's the case we would like to -"

"No need the long introduction, I'll cut to the case, we can help you Rustain Azital"

Rust raised an eyebrow after hearing that, he was unsure of their intentions but he can't shake their offer as he is in a tight spot.

"Help me?" He begged to elaborate what they mean by helping him.

"Yes, all you need to do is join the student body, we can support you"

Speaking so confidently Rust came curious about this boys background and how they (him) can help his situation,

"Sorry, I'm not focusing too much, you are?"

"I shall introduce myself then, I'm the president of the Student Committee, Trevor Huoistien heir to one of the four Ducal houses, and I would like to invite you to be part of the Student committee representative" Trevor introduced himself along with a small courtesy towards Rust.

