Chapter 2 - What do you mean by "Concept?"

Third Person's POV

"Okay?... What do you mean by 'Concept?'" the ball asks, tone laced in confusion.

"It may seem unlikely, but here's my explanation, if I remember correctly I wanted an ability that can decipher other peoples abilities and through deciphering other people's abilities I can create a counter to that specific ability,

It's like nullifying magic, but that kind of magic can only work against’ spell casters, so I thought, why not create an ability that can counter every other abilities just by analyzing other people's abilities and counter them,

Be it magical, phenomenal, or even cosmic, but that's not all, this ability can also amplify or upgrade other people's abilities, giving it a stats boost, oh, and this ability can also create new abilities for the user to use or to bestow upon others,

Because you never know you might need other people to use the ability that you created, may the reason be that you are not well diverse or you cannot adapt to the ability you created, or you just created that ability for a specific person, does that sound understandable?" asked Ken in a haste, wanting to know if ever the ability he wants to create is fairly or poorly explained.

"I understand it perfectly well, though I have to ask, is it not going to tip the balance of the world if you have such an overpowered ability?" inquired the ball, stunning Ken in place.

‘Oh, I never thought of that, let's see.... ‘ He assumed a thoughtful position, a hand under his chin tapping it lightly, while the other arm hug his body, clad in nothing but white clothing to his brownish colored skin, and black hair.

If one could observe closely, his looks are of ordinary origins, but if he takes up random angles from here or there, certain points of his face gets highlighted, it’s like whenever you look at him straight he screams ordinary, but if you’d look at his side profiles,

One cannot help but feel a slight admiration to his looks, just slight. The ball took in the appearance of his host, but discarded it the next since it isn’t really that important.

"Well, if I want this ability to not be overpowered, the most common solution is to use it for good, which I intend to do, but since before, I have observed kinds of events that are on the hard side of life,

Heck some are even too gruesome that it feels like life's moral is not even there, and what I hated the most is that there are people that know and have witnessed the effects of the said event,

Didn't even take the initiative to help those people affected by the said event, some realize it as soon as it had occurred, but had actions too late to help those in need.

So no, I don't think this ability can tip the balance of the world because I'm going to use it in behalf of those victims who had no one in their time of need,

Who had been abandoned to the point of seclusion as if their state is hidden to the public, and people are unwilling to help them or accept that the state of life they are in is complicated." Ken explains trying to hit points in life that he noticed but never took action because of his own selfish desires.

‘But now that I have the power to do so, I want to stand up and help those unfortunate individuals, be it their physical or psychological state in life.’ He thought, looking at the ball of white for a moment… but found that it is unnaturally silent.

"Uh... excuse me um ball of white? Why aren't you saying anything?" he asks concerned that the ball had gone silent because of how absurd was explanation was.

‘Was it really absurd? Or ridiculous? I don't know I just want this silence to go away, because, its.. uhh... awkward.’ He thought, fidgeting slightly on the spot.

"Oh yes, uh... *ahem* sorry, it seems fairly unlikely of me to go silent all of a sudden. So let me clarify this, you want to create that sort of ability so you could help others?" said the ball.

‘I thought I made that clear?’ he retaliated in his mind.

"Yes, I want to create this ability to help others." he says firmly standing up for his point.

"Then what about you then? Won't you help yourself? Because as an individual, everyone sticks to only helping themselves instead of others." asked the ball in an inquiring tone.

‘Well that is true, but...’

"I can help myself by helping others." he replied, unconsciously forming a smile.

"Well that's a dumb reason, why?" Ken looked at him confused, tilting his head to the side a little.

"What do you mean why?" he asks, completely oblivious.

"You're kidding right? I want to know a deeper reason behind that phrase, I mean think about it, you can help yourself by helping others? I am completely at a loss right now." enlightenment struck Ken.

‘Oh, so that's what he meant.’

"Um... Where do I start... this is a bit of a complicated subject to tackle on, so I'll try to explain it to the best of my abilities. Have you ever wondered why people think about only helping themselves? to survive, to thrive, to become successful, to be rich, to be famous.

That's because us humans think that we are capable of doing great things alone, thinking that our ideas are better than others, when in truth, nobody can achieve great feats in life without the help of other people, because like what a quote says, 'Two brains are better than one".

This kind of opportunity is great and wonderful at the same time because both parties are complimenting each other, but because humans are selfish in nature,

One or even both parties begin to steal the other's credit, claiming that it was their hard work that had made them rise or stand and made their work stable or successful.

See the sad truth behind such facade? at first I thought, hey they're doing quite well on their job, they even rose above others, maybe they're really working hard to help each other, and in return help themselves too,

But I was wrong, one party just had to ruin whatever bond they had created between themselves, and now I'm hating the fact, that there are so many people like that,

Oh wait, I'm starting to guess that all people are like that now, but, since I had just died, so I don't really know." scratching the back of his neck, getting all shy about how he had just referenced what kind of life he had before he died.

"So I want to give change and chance to those people who had been done wrong, and to those people who did nothing but help others despite of their short comings.

I feel their sorrow whenever I observe from afar, but now that I have such an opportunity, I'll stand up for them and help them, help themselves get better in that situation." He said making another stand, all the while thoughts drifting out of topic.

‘And that just had to be a long statement, I feel like I'm writing an essay.’

"But you still haven't answered the question." said the ball as a matter of fact.

‘Huh? I haven't? Well looking back at the long paragraph, or speech..........’

‘ ehhhhhhhh...!!’

‘I guess I didn't? No wait, I really didn't!’

"I uh... kind of gotten lost there... so uh, I can help myself... because, by helping others, I help myself learn more about that person, and help myself learn how to much more effectively manage the situation they are in,

I'm not saying I'm going to ease up the situation, because I cannot, but I'm going to be the friend that they needed, the brother that they needed, heck even be their parent if need be.

I just don't want them to experience the lifestyle I experienced in the past, the life having no parents to turn to, no friends to lean on, no one to share your problems to,

As if you’re living alone in a deserted place when in truth, there are so many people surrounding you, but they look at you as if you're a criminal, an outcast,

a monster, heck one of them even told me that I'm an abomination to the society, it was the worst feeling." he ended feeling small when he spoke those last words.

‘Recalling those memories, unpleasant they may seem, even if it had been such a really really long time, seems to shake me and my mind

And I… it's… a really, really, horrible experience.’ he looks back at the orb of white and found that it's light is very enticing and warm. (Just repeated what he had though not too long ago)

"Okay." Ken snapped out of the confusing thoughts inside his mind


"What?" he asks, not really paying attention to what the ball is trying to say.

"I said okay, I'll accept your explanation, only because I could see that you are genuine with what you are doing, so, I'll guarantee you access to... oh for crying out loud this just so formal! *takes a deep breath and blows it all out gently*

I'll let you create that ability, but promise me that you will only and only! Use it for what you aspire to be, for what you stand for, and for what you have said just now" excitement welled up inside Ken, looking like a kid who was given a candy for the first time.

‘Oh my gosh, OH MY GOSH!!! I can't believe it! Wait, do orbs of white inhale? nahh, beats me, hehe‘ he thought feeling all giddy inside.

"You really mean it?" he asks thinking whether what he just heard was true or not.

"Yes, I mean it." came the ball of white’s reply.

‘*gasp* YES!!!’

"YES!!! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!!" he exclaims excitedly bouncing like a child, a thought coming to him.

‘Nope I'm not gonna say that I'm like a child who had just been given a candy, hmph!’ with matching spoiled actions inside his brain.

(A.N.: well that's just childish)

(Ken: Who asked you?!)

(A.N.: Nothing, nothing, I'll just go back to writing...)

(Ken: You better be.( >/////< ))

"You're welcome, well then, go ahead and create it." Ken nodded and looked back on the screen and look at the 'create' button, willing it to activate, a notification popped, discarding the thought from earlier

[You have successfully created this ability, "Concept".] said the notification popping out from another panel or window.

Looking at it, Ken unconsciously sprouted a wide grin across his face.
