“Are you, settled now?” asked White, referring to the once unicolored area under his jurisdiction, now coated in different colors of the rainbow, he can’t even believe that the host was also able to use such magic, especially those two.
One that is contained on a ball of glass, it’s inky energies flowing in sand and wisp like texture, lucky for him, another energy that burns bright, shining dazzlingly and ethereally beside the black glob was beside it.
He feels secured for now. Such primordial energies, and here his host was, oblivious to what he has done. What can he do, he was but a system under constraints.
And one constraint dictates that he doesn’t reveal any information about inner machinations of the fundamentals that made reality and life possible, and yet…this host casually taps in to not one but two fundamentals.
He sighs once again, it’s a good thing that it’s on an understanding that is capped by human capacities.
“Yes, I’m finished” not only did his host engrave the magic he learned through the ability he gave, but also engraved the primordial energy of light and darkness and measly called them as ‘Light Magic’ and ‘Dark Magic’.
If he had a face, his facial features would have given away what he was thinking. This is so conflicting for him, and this was a first for him as well. Wasn’t the general notion that first missions would be a breeze?
His worries fluttering through the large space, getting lost and forgotten without a trace.
“Alright, are you ready to be deployed on your first world?” Ken turned to the panel that showed him information of the world he was to live in, starting from the geography of the world, the races that live there, the climate, and any info that catches his eyes.
He summoned the panel that showed him a map of the world as well as a view of the world from outer space.
A large continent coming to view, with different colors ranging from green mostly on the center and to the South and East, yellow found mostly West, a small semi-circle crater situated suspiciously on the edge of the continent, and white found mostly North of the continent, expanding widely at the top of the world.
Suspecting that there was feature he did not notice, Ken touched the screen and swiped to the right, the globe following suit as it turned to the right. There he found that there was an archipelago hidden in plain sight.
Smiling at his discovery, he tried to zoom in the globe, and it did just as intended, stopping when the globe touched the edge of the screen, but he was still pleased nonetheless, he took note of the different elements found on the scattered islands and it’s unique order of being placed.
As if it was intended to be strategically found on such places, taking note of what looks to be covered by dark clouds and emitting a negative energy. Huh…. How did he sense that? Better look out for it in the future.
Terres, an interesting world. Ken sliding his fingers inward to shrink the 3D map, zoomed out too much and the galaxy where the world can be found displayed its splendor, on top of the galaxy the word ‘Capri’ blinks in a white font.
Other twinkling lights found on the background; he suspects that those distant stars must be one of the bright ones on different galaxies.
Ken dragged the panel back to the group he assigned it to. Took a deep breath and turns to the ball of white.
“Yes Mr. White, I am ready.”
“Alright, another thing, be sure to watch out for individuals who seem or look exceptional, they will be key people to progressing your mission.”
Ken nods at the reminder and glances at where he read that part. He remembered the Kingdom was going to live in, its rulers being of commendable character, King Frederick and Queen Althea, they should be one of the people he’ll have to look out for.
It would be logical too, since these figures are focal persons if there was anything that may involve their presence or interference for a completion of a step in future missions, a possibility he knows having a likely chance to happen.
Nonetheless, with his skills related in managing, interacting with them will surely be a breeze.
What about the Ice Queen, she’s also a prominent figure found in the archipelago near north of the continent, he remembers that the Frost Kingdom was nearing its ‘First snow Festival’ where the next ruler of the Frost Kingdom will be born and be taught under the current ruler.
Another prominent figure he’ll have to take note of, and maybe, someone who could teach him a deeper understanding of ‘Ice Magic’.
He also remembers that the place where to find Higher Beings considered as the pinnacle of all lifeforms found in the world of Terres, regarded as creatures of myth, ever to be seen in one’s lifetime.
The Dragons of this world living on a floating kingdom situated in between the archipelago and the large continent, above a vast ocean, kilometers away from land. He was instantly fascinated at how they were able to do such feats.
Though it can’t be denied that they are proficient in the arts of magic, such machinations were all the more possible.
Could they also be one of the people he’ll have to look out for?
Ken nodded to himself in agreement that he does have to be cautious and keep them in mind.
Right, there were creatures of different characteristics as well, like those recognized, as part of the silver wolf tribe, or the witches of the woods, and the saints of the Sun.
Thinking over these people, a group of them as well made him hang his head in helplessness, but he still felt like smiling, the prospect of something new fills him with vigor and energy he doesn’t where it came from, but he welcomes the new experience, nonetheless.
A series of magic circles of white colors, coupled with runes found in and out of the magic circles appeared around Ken, with one giant circle located directly below him, he felt the lull of sleep, and he lets it as the circles around him multiply into an intricate design with a spherical shape, holding him inside.
A shine of light burst forth from the contraption, trailing through the vast expanse of white, revealing that the space itself was also covered in different runes and magic circles. Ken felt a sense of security at the pulse of warmth that seemingly came out of nowhere.
His soul, vanishing from the where he once stood, White following along.