Chapter 4 – Ready

Third Person's POV

‘Wow they are so beautiful and handsome on the pictures, bet they're even more handsome and beautiful in person.’ Ken admiring the features of the two people, never minding the picture of the Kingdom.

"So what will be my main mission?" he asks thinking that this kingdom looks to be in good hands.

"On Recent events, the couple had a baby, it was a baby boy, a-, the information’s quite long, do you want me to continue?” Ken tilts his head slightly.

“Yes please.” he says with a smile.

“Okay, the kingdom rejoiced, for the heir to the throne has been born, they prepared a banquet for everyone to enjoy, but one person caused a commotion and took the baby.

The King and his men tried to save the child but the kidnapper was fast and agile on its feet, the kidnapper was covered in black clothing and wore leather shoes, it had its face covered and wore a hood to further conceal its identity.

The kidnapper ran straight to the castle gate, and when the guards at the tower saw their prince being kidnapped immediately closed the gate because of its fast machinations, but what shocked the people of the Kingdom of Ithel,

Was that the kidnapper floated in mid-air and seem as though it was flying, and in one quick burst of wind, the kidnapper went up straight to the south part of the kingdom and disappeared into thin air." said the ball playing out the scene on a video from another opened panel.

‘Oh no, that's terrible!!!!’ exclaimed Ken in his head.

"Did they try to look for the prince?" he asks, concern laced on both his tone and words.

"Yes, they did but they couldn't find him, it made it appear as though the prince didn't even exist from the start, turns out, they were changing the location where they hide the prince and soon they would take the prince on the outskirts of the kingdom,

Actually somewhere past the Kingdom’s influence, at a far away village located amongst’ the vast mountain ranges south-west of the kingdom, but because the kidnapper was only hired to do the job,

One night the kidnapper left the baby at the carriage beside its owners house, and fled to a safe place where no one will find the said kidnapper." explained the ball, letting Ken soak up the information, his countenance exuding a little bit of gloominess.

‘Well that's just sad and cruel to do to a baby, I mean, they're innocent, and they haven't done a thing, why do something bad to it.’ He thought, looking at the image of the sleeping baby cradled by his mother’s arms.

"And this is where you come in." Ken snapped out of his wondering thoughts.

"What do you mean?" he asks -again-.

"You're first task will be reuniting the lost prince to its family and kingdom, you will be transported to that village and become a commoner and friend to the prince,

And of course a prince cannot be the only main protagonist, so it's also up to you to find the other main protagonists." Ken wanted to nod, but his complexity gradually broke.

‘Ehh, for a minute there I thought it would be easy, so I still have extra work, well I just have to survive through this, like what I did in my past life.’ He thought to himself assuming that thinking pose again.

"Okay, I think I can do it." He decides, arms clutched with strong passion. ‘I guess I just have to wait and see what kind of story I will be weaving, hehe, I'm a weaver, hehehe,’

‘Ugh Gosh! I gotta stop! Nah, I won’t (internally winks).’ He reprimanded himself, but not really? More so like it than not.

"Good so now that's settles it, you have prepared the necessary things for the journey.. -"

"Eh? but I haven't prepared anything."

"Oh, I didn't mean those things, I meant you have prepared the settings needed for the journey ahead, you now have chosen an ability or more specifically made one, and have been educated of the world's current state, so you’re good to go." Ken nods in understanding.

"So, any more questions?" inquired the ball.

"No" Ken replies.

"I will now be transporting you to the world of Terres, at the village where the prince is located. That pretty much sums it all." said the ball,

‘I get the feeling he turned to the window panel, and then to me.’ then again Ken’s thoughts got itself interrupted.

"Are you ready?" the ball asks.

"Yes." came Ken’s reply.

"Oh and one more thing I will be accompanying you throughout all the adventures you will face, it must have slipped my mind to inform you that, well now that you know, let's go."

Bright light enveloped Ken’s vision and immediately he fell into darkness.


On the night of a full moon, there we hear a cry from a distant cottage, cries of a woman giving birth, the screams of pain and agony enveloped the night, and at last, with one loud cry, everything turned silent, and it was quiet once again,

But another cry erupted, the baby was born, the laborer quickly washed and groomed the baby so that the mother could hold it, once the baby was on its mothers arms, the cries slowly died down,

The baby felt its mothers touch making it feel safe under her arms, the father who had silently observed at the side, quietly and slowly approached his wife and child, tears welled at the corner of his eyes,

He smiled for he could now see, and touch his child cradled on the woman's arms, he hugged the mother and son and gave a tender kiss on the forehead of the women and leaned his own forehead, savoring the moment that would be forever engraved in his memories for a lifetime.

The child hazily opened its eyes and the parents looked at it, they were mesmerized to see their child born into this world, but something shocked them as moonlight shone on the child,

They witnessed as the child's hair turned translucent, looking as if the hair's turning to the color of silver, and the child's eyes shone under the moon's light in silver, but when the moon's light come to pass, the child's hair and eyes returned to their original state.

The couple could not believe it, because in their legend, it states that when a new born baby shines under the moon's light, it will bring with it, 'twilight', or change, or war, or something good or bad will occur in the kingdom,

And thus everyone was told that they should take care of the child, nurture it, care for it, and guide it, to prevent an age of strife from befalling upon the kingdom.

The parents were overjoyed and at the same time anxious of what might come of the child, but they already know what their purpose will be, what role they will partake, what it is they will do as parent of the child of the legend.

And only in time shall they know the truth behind the mysterious power that had come upon their world.


Ken's POV

I feel something wet down my private part, I open my eyes and was greeted by the ceiling of wood and dried sticks or stocks? I don't know, oh and it's morning. I try to get up but couldn't as if my body's very heavy, I struggled and struggled, and suddenly caught sight of my hands.

A… Are these… BABY HANDS?!?!?! In a state of shock, like any person would ever react to, I screamed, not knowing that it turned into a cry.
