Chapter 9 – His Questions

Third Person's POV (4 yr.s old)

"Wil! Let’s go! Papa's going to teach us now how to use magic! Oops wait, correction! More magic!" shouted Ken from outside Wilbert’s house at 5 A.M., the light rays of the sun visible over the blue sky, along with the soft caress of the morning chill.

Thinking back to the time he showed his and Wilbert's parents how he could use teleportation magic, and in quick succession too, the adults were stunned, surprise was written all over their face at that time, Ken took note of his father’s surprised face.

Those wide eyes were both cute and funny at the same time.

Once the shock was over, Alfred decided right on the spot that his son was to be taught magic, but of course having a loving, caring and worrying mother, Lyn interjected that her son was still too young to learn magic, the both of them getting into an argument of which Lorna, and Erick interjected helplessly.

Seriously, these two love birds are so head strong that it’s hard to stop them.

Thankfully the heated conversation died down, and they were able to think rationally of the issue at hand, in the end they decided to let Ken learn more about magic, seeing as he would be needing it in the future, might as well invest early on.

‘Those are papa's words not mine, I just remembered that silly quote coming from him, hehe. Oh I almost forgot, Wilbert is also learning magic to, as what Uncle Erick had suggested to papa. Did I forget that I had just mentioned that.....? *shrugs*’ Ken thought to himself.

The vastness of the topics he contemplates assuming absurdity.

"Coming!" Ken sighed in content, hoping that what he said yesterday had brought some sense into his friend’s head, that lazy ass friend of his, being the reason for their constant tardiness.

Engaging in both magical and physical activities became the core of their object since Erick mentioned that while incorporating and familiarizing themselves with magic, a good body constitution is of good help.

Thus the reason behind why they wake up early in the morning. Ken found it reasonable to incorporate both, but still curious as he is, he decided to ask White an explanation why.

White explained to him that no matter how skilled a person is at magic, if they do not train their body along with it, there will be backlashes and sometimes, being unable to invoke certain types of magic in the future,

And there is no arguing about this since it’s definite that there would recoils if the two of them do not follow their parent’s advice.

Footsteps could be heard loudly from inside his friends house nearing the front door, the door swings open and out comes a hurried Wilbert.

"Good thing that you decided to hurry up, else we would be punished once we arrive." chuckling to himself, Ken remembered a memory of a certain situation, wherein both him and Wilbert were late,

Because the two were distracted with playing with each other, the two were punished by sitting in the air for 30 minutes, and ran an additional of 5 laps.

‘If I'm going to measure the length of the road from Wilbert's house to our training grounds, I'd say it’s about 8 laps in total, reminisce that of an oval. This knowledge is from my past life, that 1 lap of jogging from the oval is equivalent to 800 meters or 2,624 feet or steps,

Meaning if I multiply that to 8, it is equivalent to 6,400 meters or 20,992 feet or steps then an additional of 5 laps which is equivalent to 4,000 meters or 13,120 feet or steps, the result is 10,600 meters or 34,112 feet or steps, leaving us tired, I could still remember how my legs shook so much that day, and we are still getting used to it up to this day.’

Coupled with the fact that the two were still kids, made it all the more tiring for their small bodies.

"Yeah, I remember that, hehe. (scratches neck and smiles shyly) Anyway, let's go" said Wilbert as Ken nodded in return.

"Mm *nod*. Let's go." we started warming up first, and once finished we went jogging to our training grounds, far from the village in a secluded area of the forest under protection by my parent’s barrier.

‘Hmm I wonder what would have happened if papa decided to add more of the laps, and exercises, what would have happened to us’ he thought to himself.


The two boys neared their training ground, which is a vast open space field surrounded by trees, they could see in the distance Ken's father, Alfred waved at the two of them and shouted.

"Hurry up you two! You guys still have to exercise!"

"Yes papa!"replied Ken as his friend nodded beside him.

The two boys arrived in front of Alfred both breathing heavily, but calmed down a few moments later.

"Alright, let’s start exercising." Ken exclaimed enthusiastically, and Wilbert followed with just as much enthusiasm.

They started doing push-ups, and after 5 sets with 8 repetitions, proceeded to do 35 sit ups, then 35 curl ups, then 35 sit ups and lastly 50 jumping jacks. Grunts and huge intakes of air could be heard on the field, and with one final grunt, the two of them sat on the ground, with both hands behind their back to support their exhausted body.

These sets of exercises were possible due to the enhanced constitution of their body, courtesy of magic, along with the part that they have started 5 months ago, the two were slowly adjusting well.

"Good now that the two of you are finished, you may start meditating." The two complied with what Alfred said, and sat on a straight position, with both legs crossed together, and hands clasped together.

"Focus solely on your life force, your energy, feel it grow inside you, control the growth of your magic, steadily monitor the pace of your breathing, and feel your surroundings, pull the energy in." he instructed, the two following suit.

After 30 minutes of meditating, Alfred approached the two of them and nudged them to make them open their eyes. The two rose up to stand on their full heights and looked at Alfred.

"Now we shall start controlling our magic, hold out both of your hands and focus on the energy inside you." Ken and Wilbert held out both of their hands close to each other, and started concentrating on their magic, creating a purple hue around their hands.

"Hold that for a long time, and as you hold it, you'll start to experience some kind of heavy weight around you, due to the prolonged hold of your magic."

The two did what Alfred had said, and soon droplets of sweat started to appear on both of their foreheads, and the purple hues grew stronger in size and color -preferably looking like a strong light, but not strong enough to block out the sun obviously-.

Wilbert's hold of his magic started to wane and as he noticed this change, he quickly cancelled out his hold of his magic.

"Very good Wilbert, I see that you have remembered the principle that I taught you." Alfred praised, and Wilbert replied by giving a smile and a curt nod.

Alfred decided to train Wilbert alone as he is still in need of more guidance compared to Ken, so they walked to the center of the small field and started casting and channeling spells.

Meanwhile, Ken, still seems to be concentrating and the hold of his magic is not waning, when in fact, he's talking to the ball of white, of which only he can see.

'White, am I doing okay?'

'Yes, you are.'

'Thank you.'

'White, is this still okay?'

'Yes it is, please do continue'



Thought after thought were being exchanged between the two of them inside his head, and didn't get to notice the growing ball of purple energy in front of him, a sudden wave of force alerted both Alfred and Wilbert, and when they turned around, they saw that a purple ball of energy is covering the front of Ken, and is still growing at a steady yet alarming rate.

"KEN!!!! Snap out of it!" Alfred called out in a magic infused voice.

Ken heard the voice of his father and instantly withdrawn his magic, and the ball of energy disappeared slowly.

"Woooh! that was close, good thing you heard me, unless the ball of energy would have exploded." exclaimed Alfred, walking to his son.

"Uh, hehe, sorry papa, I kind of had gotten carried away." Ken apologetically smiled at his father.

"All that matters right now is that you're safe, but don't think I won't be punishing you when we get back home."

"Eh?... uhh... what would be my punishment?"

"Hmmmm, you'll be doing the dishes for the next five days, but for now let's practice both of your magic."

Ken's shoulders slump thinking about another work load he has to do, but he won't let this challenge sway him of his goal, Ken's eyes shined with determination, excited for their next and final training session. Magic combat.

"As you both know, there are four primary types of elements, mainly, fire, air, earth, and water, our magic is able to conjure any of these four types of elements to use on any magical means,

However these are not only the types of elements present, we also have, ice, lava, nature, lightning, holy/ light, and unholy/ darkness, the second tier of the primary elements, any other types of magic performed out of all this elements are called special magic and sometimes called

rare, epic, legendary, unique or uncommon, few examples are psychic, space/ time manipulation/ control, blood, shadows, cosmic, solar, and many other new types of magic and abilities.

So first up, fire, a fairly basic type of element, in order for fire to exist you need to know what are the components that makes up fire, or you could just imagine a blazing flame and let your magic make it." Alfred demonstrated how to create fire by holding out his hand, and in an instant a fire ball appeared, hovering above Alfred's hand.

"Oh and one more thing, the energy that we use in order to conjure any types of magic, is what we call mana, it's a blue colored energy that stems all over our body, it helps in defending our bodies from foreign bacteria’s and help in the development of our growth." Alfred further explained the way how to cast a spell, how to use chanting and w/out chanting to cast spells.

"Papa that's very advanced, how are you so knowledgeable of it?" Ken asked, fairly confused as to how his father knows of such things.

"Well, I studied at the most prestigious and successful school at the Kingdom of Ithel, the school Itherians, home to one of the best Mages and Knights of the kingdom." Ken nodded to show that he understood, but got blank when he recalled the word, Knight.

"Why does the school have Knights? Is it also a school for Knights?" he cannot help but ask, since it's uncommon to a magic school, be a knights school too.
