Chapter 64 – Manes

Third Person’s POV (12 yrs. and 8 months old)

“How do we use it master?” asked Celine.

“Inject mana into it and you will feel a connection.” The group did so as they established a connection with the tool. “Now face it to the object you want to put inside and picture it out storing your things, and vice versa if you want your things to come out of the magic tool, by the way it’s called, a storage magic tool.”

One by one everyone got the hang of controlling their mana and the tool as they took out and stored their stuff, prodigies, I tell you, prodigies, Ken thought.

“Now go and prepare your things.” Klein said, the group dispersed and went to their houses to bring more things for the trip while the three teleported back and forth since their home was far from the village, with a little accumulation of the world’s mana they regained back their mana spent on teleporting.

“Now that everyone’s ready, let’s move out so that we can meet the mountain lions earlier.” said Trunk.

“May your journey be safe students.” said Master Ulysses finally.

“Be sure to come back everyone.” said Master Lana as she waved at them, Klein just gave them a wave and the group was off towards their first destination.

The group resorted to walking at first, just having casual conversation and small talks, since they are far away from the village, Ken decided that this would be a good opportunity to teach them of that traveling spell, the ‘Dashing Board’.

“Aunt Coralia, Uncle Trunk, would you mind if I share to you a spell that will help us travel a lot faster?” Ken asked as he walked to the side of Coralia with Trunk beside her.

“If it’s a spell like that then sure let’s see what kind of spell you’ve devised this time.” said Coralia as they stopped walking making the others stop as well.

“Memory Magic: Practical Application.” Ken conjured two spheres of white the size of his palm, this spell is an enhanced version of the spell ‘Shared Moment’ as it not only showed the memory of certain type of event, it also imparted with it the pointers of a specific spell the caster wants to share with anyone.

Ken pointed his finger to the foreheads of Coralia and Trunk, the white spheres entered their minds and showed them the memory and the practicality on how to conjure the earth spell.

“Wow, not only were you able to copy Klein’s memory spell, you’ve also enhanced it to be able to teach us a spell.” said Coralia astonished of the way Ken used his magic.

“Incredible, not only am I able to clearly remember the image, I think I can use the spell too.” Trunk proceeded to conjure a slab of rock and proceeded to ride on it, doing the same effects as the King of Lions and his warriors did when they left.

He stopped the board from moving and encouraged his sister to do the same, and that she did, only they stepped to the side to wait for the others to be taught of the same spell.

“Of course I wouldn’t leave you guys alone now would I? Here, Memory Magic: Practical Application.” Ken conjured ten white spheres and sent it to the minds of his companions. With the group having used to the way Ken ‘used’ them, or so they say, they were not fazed by Ken’s abrupt actions on casting them a spell.

Well they’ve got plenty of time getting practiced on with ‘Shared Moment’, so it wasn’t a big deal. Soon enough everyone was riding their own ‘Dashing Board’ and are zooming past trees as they follow the two guardians.

With the kind of pace they are going, for sure they would arrive earlier, but Ken had other thoughts, he dashed his board forward and pushed downwards to launch himself and the board into the air doing a back flip with the board.

Not to worry they didn’t get sand on their eyes since they are protected with a wind shield to negate the wind from pushing them back, and the bits and pieces that fell off on the board of Ken.

Ken landed back on the ground and laughed at what he had done as he raised his hands unto the air, funny thing about this board though is that it has two magic circles situated below their feet, hiding.

“WOW! You could do that?! Why didn’t you do it yesterday when you were riding alongside the King?” Glen said, almost shouting due to the rush of air.

“WELL it wouldn’t be awesome if I showed it to his majesty and not teach you guys now wouldn’t it?!” said Ken, he looked back and he could see the excitement behind Glen’s eyes.

“Let me in on that!” shouted Wilbert as he rushed forward and pushed his board down and into the air doing a twist before landing and continuing on surfing through the land.

“WOHOO!” and so a small contest was born on who makes the more daring and awesome flip on the air as the group started doing their own flips and twists on the air, even the girls indulged themselves since it looked fun.

The two guardians glanced at the commotion at the back and smiled as they watched amused at the kids doing stunts -they do not know that word-, Trunk was mesmerized at how these kids are doing with their boards so he went on and tried one for himself.

Trunk propelled himself and his board just like what the group of students did, but this time he used the board as another propeller to launch himself into the air and did two summersaults before landing at the board he pushed down wards then continued to surf beside Coralia.

The group of students stared wide eyed at their guardian as some others had their mouths agape.

“WOHOO!!! Go Uncle Trunk!” shouted Ken as he clapped and whistled in astonishment. The group then followed in giving Trunk a round of applause to which he just smirked and basked in the spotlight.

Ken with a little idea in his head decided to make another stunt and used the concept of the lions were they used the land in so many ways that they are controlling it freely. He first tested if he could make spirals of earth as he swirled his board up and down creating a trail of circulating earth forward.

After confirming that he could, he then swirled his board creating earth spirals forward, he increased his speed in creating and pushing forward the board before launching himself to the air also creating a trail of spiraling earth up to a cap and then landing.

He plunged the board downward diving into the earth, everyone was confused where Ken went, before suddenly in front of the two guardians, Ken burst forth from the ground.

“That. Was. So. Much. FUN!!!!!” he shouted and so the morning went on with them doing occasional flips or accumulating some spare rushing energy to replenish theirs, but it was just Ken actually.

Nearing Lunch had they arrived at the entrance to the pride of the mountain lion, a trail going up to a mountain on the east location.

“Alright we are here everyone, now just follow to the base of the mountain.” said Trunk as he jumped off his board and dispersed it as the others did and started walking a path up to the mountain, they were greeted by two lion guards who came from behind two rocks where the trail starts.

The two lions greeted the guardians with a bow and allowed them passage up.

“Ken, how were you able to cultivate while moving?” asked Princess Lang, genuinely curious as to how Ken was able to accumulate energy in such a hastened state.

“Hmm, how do I explain this, it’s like I’m catching flying bugs in the air while also maintaining control over what I’m riding, it’s hard, but once you’ve got the hang of it you’ll be able to do it.” He said smiling, the Princess stared at him wide eyed.

She could not begin to comprehend how Ken was able to give his attention to two things at once, she even had a problem concentrating on flipping in the air and landing how much more if she did that, but actually this was all achieved through Ken’s talent ‘Adaptation’.

“But it looks impossible!” she exclaimed, Ken shrugged.

“I don’t know, it kind of felt easy to me, oh look, we’re nearing the base of the mountain.” said Ken as he saw other mountain lions resting on rocks and others wrestling with earth magic. Just like in the past, Ken thought.

“No Ken, we’re still at the bottom side, the base is way up there.” said Coralia as she pointed at the middle of the mountain, the mountain is not full of trees but you can still see some, here and there, only very far apart, some are almost hanging at the sides but with excellent root it kept the tree in place.

Turning them into lounging areas, the trees are large to accommodate about two grown lions, some would be at the side but not occupying the space for the trail.

Wow, despite this being on a high altitude it sure does house a lot of lions, Ken thought as he looked at the wide space at his right and the narrow slope to his left.

The group stopped at a narrow path that could barely fit two people if they walk side by side. Trunk turned towards the group and said…

“Starting from this path onwards is now a narrow path towards the base so I ask everyone to take caution and be alert on the path.” the group nodded and they resumed their trail.

Ken took a peek at the edge of the trail and he could not help but say.

“Oh mother of all lions with a mane, or manes.” the group glanced at Ken and chuckled.
