Ken’s Person’s POV (12 yrs. and 8 months old)
“What?” I look at Glen who spoke and paused for awhile. Oh.
“Ah, hehe, I’m just surprised at how high up we are.” I look back at the side of the trail where a cliff is eminent, I mean yeah there is still a lot of room for about three people to walk side by side without falling, but damn, this is a cliff?
‘You’ve been hanging around one yourself and now you’re afraid of it? Unbelievable.’ -White-
‘Is that supposed to be a complement or an insult? And no I’m not afraid, just surprised.’ I reply while tying my hair into a ponytail, it’s gotten longer now, hehe.
‘O-kay, if you say so.’ He said scoffing. I just smiled and slowed down a bit so we, positioning myself at the back of the group so no one would wonder why I’m smiling to myself.
‘Ugh, can’t even remember how many times your friends caught you laughing to yourself. -White-
‘I know, right, and I’m sure one day, I’ll run out of excuses to give them.’ I grazed with my hand the wall feeling for its roughness and sent a tendril of magic to scout the area of any deformities and giving myself a map out on our track.
‘You know, sometimes I wonder how the two of us sync so much, it’s like we have the same thought process.’ I said into my head as I analyzed the data gathered and found small deformities here and there, hmm, how about the forest downstairs, what would be down there?
‘Hmmm… I don’t know, maybe we just get along well or have you forgotten that we’re bound to each other?’ He replied, I turn to my left and smile.
‘I- ‘
“Wah!” WHAT THE?! What happened to my footing… great, now I’m falling, ‘Momentum Magic: Flight’ I stopped mid air probably about twenty percent down from my initial position and released another magic sweep on the area, hmmm, I find nothing.
“Wind and Arcane Magic: Surgical Sweep!” I snapped my finger as both wind and arcane magic burst forth to cover over fifty miles radius around to inspect, except I cannot inspect the inner part of the mountain, I mean, have you ever scanned something solidly compact?
I find nothing and just blame it on the terrain, but didn’t I scanned it earlier? What happened? White, what happened?
“Ken! Are you okay?!” I look up and see Glen bending on his knees by the cliff along with Allen and Wilbert at his sides, the rest at the back, I flew up and landed beside them, all eyes on me.
“I’m okay, just fell down but am good.” Glen nodded and Coralia reverted the group back on track. White?
‘The sound earlier was caused by the forceful dismantling of the land by your feet creating a hole where you fell, and immediately reformed itself.’ -White-
‘But shouldn’t I have been grazing the sides if that’s the matter?’ I ask, bobbing my head to the way of my hair, left, right, left, right.
‘That’s the thing, the sound must have caused you to propel at the side.’ He replied, I stopped moving confused as how that was possible, but shrugged my shoulders and bobbed my head again catching up to Glen and Allen walking side by side, as they’re directly in front of me.
‘Okay’ I reply.
“Glen, Allen, do you mind if I sing for a bit?” I asked, positioning myself behind in between them. They took a glance at me.
“Well, I don’t mind.” said Allen.
“Go ahead.” said Glen. I smiled and began singing an upbeat song, and in case you are wondering, I enchanted my singing to be unrecognizable even in any language that is spoken in this world, as for the song, hmmm, I’ll leave that for another time.
And since I’m at it, I guess I should introduce what I’m doing, along with the enchantment of unrecognizable language in the song, I think I want to create the songstress class, where a song can influence the field of battle.
In my perspective they are basically enchanters with a wide area of effect spells that are channeled.
‘Are you sure you want to incorporate this in your battle style?’ -White-
‘But of course, for I’ve always wanted to sing while wielding magic, isn’t that fun.’ I reply having finished the song, all that I need now is to use magic to enhance whatever type of tempo I want for the song to take effect.
‘I suppose so. Well, guess we can’t help it, it’s your choice anyway.’ I smile back, and summoned my raw magic to both my hands, I’m sure the group noticed it but I pay them no mind as I produce notes out of raw mana.
I’m not that proficient in using notes since I’m not a music major student in the past, but you can see some familiar notes- OOFFF! I look forward to see the chest of Allen.
“Umm, why did you stop?” I ask, and dispersed the magic, Allen looked at my hand then to my face, noticing that his companion wasn’t beside him anymore Glen turned around to me and Allen, he walked to Allen’s side.
“What are you guys doing?” he asks, I shrugged my shoulders and looked back at Allen, this time he looks me in the eye.
“What where those?” he asks, ah he’s curious of the notes, what should I say so he’ll understand?
“Umm, I was testing out some shapes, and that was what I came up with.” hope his works.
“Really, cause to me it looked like you already know what you were doing.” insistent much? Okay, just reply casually, he’s not suspecting you, just curious.
“That’s because I’ve tried those shapes in the past, so I’ve gotten the hang of shaping them into distinct features.” I reply, he nods and continues walking, sometimes I wonder how his curiosity could be so strong. I shake my head and continue walking.
Wait, have I done enough magic for the day? Hmmmm, probably not.
‘You know, you could take a rest at using your magic so much, I know that using them regularly gives you mastery points to level them up, but overworking your body can cause some serious setbacks’ -White-
‘Okay, I’ll stop, thanks for the reminder, I’ll probably need it later anyway, but let me just use some more for a little bit, is that okay?’ I ask.
‘I suppose it doesn’t hurt to do so.’ said White, I nod. Now what element shall I start with, hmmm…..
“Water Magic: Water Ball.” I conjured a ball of water on the palm of my right hand, and compressed it to the size of my fist.
“Fire Magic: Fire Ball.” and a fire ball at my other hand and compressed to the same size as the other. Two Magic circles of different colors appeared below the elemental balls.
“Ken, what are you doing?” asked Allen, he then turned to walk beside me.
“Oh, I’m just practicing my spells, this time, I’m going to concentrate on the power behind a single water and fire ball by compressing their energies tightly and adding more if I like too.” I compressed the two elements even more to the size of tennis balls making the center shine white but the exterior was of the element.
“Oh, aren’t spells already fixed with a certain amount of power that you can neither increase or decrease its proficiency? Not to mention that you made their size smaller, surely its effects would be minimal.” He reasons, well…
“I beg to differ, I have been very curious as to why we always use our elemental magic to create various big and strong spells to outdo our opponents, I get the fact that it has a strong firepower due to the size and effect of the spell,
but what if I concentrate and create a smaller size of the spell but with compressed energies?” I held out the fire ball that closely resembled a ball with a white orb, but with the exterior being blazing hot.
“Arcane Magic: Manual Input.” a magic circle the color of purple appeared on the inside of the elemental balls imprinting itself so I can choose when to explode the energies within.
“Watch.” I threw the small fireball high up into the air relatively away from the mountain, and I made it float still, while walking.
“What am I supposed to be seeing?” he asks.
“Detonate.” A big explosion occurred in the form of a fire nova minus all of the smoke in a radius of, I think, twenty meters? No worries, it didn’t reach us as I had thrown the ball of fire fifty meters away. Oh no, some of the forest go caught on fire.
“Ice Magic: Cold Winds.” with a small magic circle barely the size of my palm appeared beside, casted a cold breeze that swept the fire caught on the trees.
“Nature Magic: Rejuvenation.” and another small magic circle appeared near the previous one restored the burnt part of the forest, is that a small portion of the forest or not?
And in case you are wondering how I am able to do that, just remember I have the power of concept, hehe. The concept of connection.
“Wow you really never fail to amaze me.” said Allen, I smile to him and took a step forwar-
“Why’d you guys stopped?” I ask as I watch at the flabbergasted faces of our companions in front, even you Aunt Coralia, Uncle Trunk? Surely you guys must have seen such display of magic, right? Or… maybe not.
“Will you stop talking to yourself Ken and just say it out loud?” said Allen, I scratch the back of my neck with my free hand sheppishly.
“Hehe, sorry, ahem!, were you guys surprised?” I ask, they slowly turn to me, and slowly, agonizingly nodded their heads, should’ve warned them first.
“What are you gonna do with that water ball then?” asked Allen, hmmm, let’s see…
“I’ll just throw it into the air too, HEY GUYS!!! HEADS UP!” I shout as they all look at me and I threw the water ball into the air and used my magic to make it travel a farther distance of seventy meters away from us and probably fifty meters high.
“I’m gonna do it now.” I say as I look in their faces for confirmation, they nodded their heads, reluctantly.
“Detonate.” another nova occurred in the form of water a radius of about twenty meters before falling down as droplets to the forest, did someone get soaked on that?
Or better yet, was someone burned by the fire ball earlier? Nahh, too lazy to inspect. I turn to Allen and his look gives me the impression that he gets what I mean.
“What do you think.” I ask.
“I get the point, now I’m really curious as to how you are able to do it.” I chuckle and said…
“Maybe I’ll teach you some other time, but for now, we have a mission to finish, I mean start since we’re still not informed on what to do.” Allen nodded at me and we start walking again, good thing the group recovered relatively fast.
Along the way I showed Allen all the basic spells of each element I can wield and did the exact same thing as what I did with the water and fire element, it became a fireworks display when I repetitively used the elements for about three times each, but not including my moon magic.
Since the effects would just be too devastating, haven’t I did a performance on Master Klein’s cave by recreating the effects of fireworks?
But there were similarities this time since the energy undergoing the nova was very compressed that after extending on its outer sphere the element would still be solidly visible, unlike last time where it clearly resembled fireworks.
And this time sound booms were much more contained along with the force it exerted.
‘What’s does that mean? What did you do with those elemental balls?’ -White-
‘I’m glad you asked, you see, I used the concept of containment so the effects of those spells would only be limited to its extended radius, meaning there will be no strong sonic booms and force propelling anyone backwards from the explosion.’ I explain while walking and silent beside Allen, who is silent too, thought you might need that information.
‘Isn’t that going to leave energy residues since you’ve contained the energy? Anyway, why that kind of method?’ -White-
‘Yes it does, but with the energy conversion spell I have I can easily wipe out the chaotic energies lingering in the air and revert it back to its normal state, as for the other question, I just want those people I consider to be stuck up opponents to get a taste of turmoil within every spell that I have, but this can only be done with my arcane spell, Manual Input.’ I reply.
‘No don’t give me that look.’ I say.
‘What look?’ -White-
‘For even if you’re just a ball of white that I can see I can still sense your emotions and perceive your reaction.’ I say.
‘Okay.x, but seriously thought, you are still not over that part? -White-
‘Not while I know those kinds of people live here, and considering the fact that I’ve yet to acquaint myself with them, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared right? But don’t worry, I’m sure I can keep this in check.’ I reply.
‘Okay, if you say so, just know that I’ll be here to help you.’ -White-
‘Thank you.’ I reply, I took a glance at the side and see that we’re even more high up, what kind of place are we visiting? It’s like we’re going to a nest of bird type magical beasts.
I return my gaze to the front and was met by a cave, and it’s an entrance inside the mountain, and this one is small, since I can see light on the other side, ooh lions are there too. I’m surprised how there’s an entrance with a cliff at the side.