Chapter 98 – Shall We?

Third Person’s POV (12 yrs. and 8 months old)

The spectators mainly the ones that were still not engaged in battle looked weirdly at the figure floating in mid-air with some kind of object that covers the upper body offering shade from the sun.

They thought to themselves what’s the use of this person floating in mid-air, offering himself as such a good target to take down, admittedly, one werewolf from the bottom of the cliff jumped to attack the figure of the floating person,

But seeing as it did not remember there was a wall there, hence the werewolf collided with the wall and flung him away, smoke trailing off from its body, as if the wall burned it, when in truth, the werewolf got himself a dose of arcane electrocute, that travels in a quick flash of purple electricity.

The other monster that didn’t notice their comrade had been knocked out by the tall and wide wall before them, occasionally flung themselves at the wall without precaution, and only after ten simultaneous werewolves flung themselves to the wall did the monsters chose to stop their futile attempt at attacking the person.

For a purple electric current had revealed itself at the ten werewolves. The flood of the masses on either sides of the path became even more prominent as monsters upon monsters took places of their dead comrades.

Clubs flying and smashing, razor sharp teeth bared, claws ready for carnage, and even the occasional battle roar of the ogres, as if their eyes shone a dark red light before returning to normal.

‘They stopped charging towards the wall? Awww, that’s unfortunate, I wanted to watch them knock themselves out on the wall. I’m confused why they did so but nonetheless, it was funny.’ Thought Ken to himself and began deliberately creating ways to deal with the flood of monsters.

‘Ooh, how about this one.’ Ken quickly glanced at his surroundings and found his target. “GLEN!” Glen turned around to look for the person who called to him, but quickly recognized the voice, so he looked up.

There he saw Ken waving at him.

‘Send them flying to the area near the left guard.’ said Ken in the link he quickly created with Glen, Glen nodded and faced the left flank of their defense.

“Earth Magic: Earth Pillars!” He shouted as five magic circles in a line in front of him burst forth earth pillars the circumference of five meters angled diagonally to the left side flinging about dozens of monsters into the air and back down below.

Seeing as this was a slope yet wide path up the cliff the group had made sure that only about 100 meters of area in front of them are only accessible in front of them while to the far left and far right would be riddled with too much trees created by illusions.

The spell Glen casted created a gap in front of them easing their fight with the monsters, and allowing them for more effectiveness in dealing with the other monsters clueless to the situation, but were still able to notice it, only seconds too late as the inhabitants of the Northern Village beaten or slashed them to death.

Celine, Lila, Flin, and Icarus, revealed themselves from the masses of denizens of the beasts and positioned themselves beside Glen and fought beside him, while on the other side, Wilbert, Riyah, Princess Lang, Allen and Saber tore through one ogre scattering its remains forward.

‘Ooohh, that must’ve hurt.’ thought Ken.

“Hey guys.” He said, all of his companions looked towards him indicating that he established the link just fine, with a small purple magic circle visible beside him. “Let’s play, shall we?” he spoke, but the words were audible to anyone below him, but clear to his friends.

“Really?” -Princess Lang-

“*chuckle* I don’t know about that.” -Lila-

“What?” -Saber-

“Lets!!!” -Glen-

“YEAH!” -Icarus-

“I’m down for it!” -Wilbert-

“I-I don’t know how to play? -Flin-

“Don’t worry, we’ll teach you” -Celine-

“If you insist (smirk)” -Allen-

“Hmmm, okay” -Riyah-

And with the confirmation from his friends, Ken stared out front, released a blue-ish magic pulse into the air, and said…

“Welcome to my fantasy zone.” He smirked and flew ten meters up, meanwhile his friends were all confused at Ken’s new use of words, but they decided to ignore it and focus now on the enemies before them.

The rest of the ten dashed forward along with some other animal and or magical beasts beside them brandishing their weapons, Glen opted for his fists instead of his shield and hammer, Wilbert used his sword for now,

Celine used her twin daggers along with Lila, while Saber opted for pounding enemies to the ground with his fists covered in bandages -where did he get those-, Flin extended his flute that turned into a staff, Princess Lang changed her sword into a rapier,

Allen used twin swords he conjured out of ice, Riyah took out fans made out of blue material, and Icarus took out a long sword. Good, they’re using their other weapons too, Ken thought. He scanned the surroundings again and fell into thought.

Glen plowed through the masses of monsters before him as he punched monster after monster in the head, and with the use of enchantments both ‘Earth Strengthening’ and ‘Keen Sense’ he learned from his master,

Made it easier for him to go and pound the monster’s head with a few blows as ‘Earth Strengthening’ enhanced his strength by two-folds, knocking them unconscious, made possible by ‘Keen Sense’ enhancing his reflexes and mind processing, remembering which pressure points to strike.

“Cause another quake Glen.” said Ken. Glen’s eyebrow perked for a second, and then he smirked with matching rolled eyes.

“Okay, Earth Magic: Shockwave!” Glen stomped his feat on the ground making a magic circle appear for a split second summoning a wave of earth rising up front for about ten meters, caught monsters got themselves torn to shreds by spikes and or knocked out by blunt pillars.

“Nice.” commented Ken. Glen nodded and returned to fighting.

Celine as well as Lila entered what their master would like to call, ‘Shadow Hunt’ a type of passive skill that allows the affected individual enter a type of trance that allows them to focus on executing specific strikes on targets and either killing them on the spot or incapacitating them.

Celine and Lila used the terrain used by Glen to jump over werewolves that still came running towards their forces, they positioned their edges backwards to slice down the veins that had most of the blood rushing, mostly on the neck,

In the case of ogres they had immobilized them first by cutting of their tendons on the legs and then proceeding to slice of the veins on different parts of the body, both of them danced in the battlefield with ease as they were assisted by Flin.

With every bash of Flin’s staff on werewolves or ogres causes shockwaves that resonated towards the two girls distorting their figures so the monsters would be confused as to whom they would focus, leading them to their death, or getting paralyzed on the spot.

Flin used a similar style of swinging his staff as Ken as he spun his staff once or twice after getting a hit here and there. He kept a wide stance as leverage for him to stable his form, while taking steady steps forward or backwards depending on which opponent he is fighting.

“Flin, Lila, Celine, you guys might want to deal with that mob of ogres.” Ken said, immediately the three looked into the distance and soon enough, about 24 ogres have clumped up and charging towards their direction.

“No worries.” -Flin-

“Leave it to us.” -Lila-

“Right.” -Celine-

Both girls jumped back, behind Flin, the other drew his staff in front of him and made it float vertically, with one swing of his right hand he chanted…

“Spirit Magic: Illuminated Flow.” A magic circle appeared beside him, he tapped the staff once on the ground and a burst of straight light ran on the ground towards the group of ogres rushing towards them and to the back creating a line, the white light slowed down the ogres movements significantly about 70% of the speed they were before.

The ogres roared in anger at the slow pace they were having, but the two girls paid their opponent’s struggle any mind, as they were trained to filter out distractions when undergoing operation, such is their training from their master, and a little bit of mentoring from Ken.

The two girls then leaped into the air brandishing their weapons down, they each landed on both sides of the group of ogres, and in a split second turned full on slaughter mode, as their targets were slowed by Flin’s spell making it all the more easier to land, hit after hit.

To the ogres, they soon realized that the two girls looked like monsters gazing down malevolently at them, their figures distorted in what looks like a sinister smile, the last image they get to see before they died.

Both girls retreated to the frontlines after the much needed clean up on a massive wave and resumed fighting with the others, Flin appeared right beside them, and the three went on to clash weapons with the other monsters.

Ken nodded to himself of the three’s achievement.

With the slow approach of the enemies on the left side you would think they would be able to deal with this side easily, but Icarus just made it easier. Icarus having seen the things his companions did fired him up, he leaped into the air with his long sword, and smashed it down in front of the three.

They jumped in slight scare at the sudden intrusion, but heaved a sigh upon recognizing that it was just Icarus, he gave them a cheeky smile and rushed forward.

“Flame Magic: Searing Flames.” A brief flash of magic circle appeared on his blade and coated it in hot orange flames, but after a second the flames vanished revealing what looks to be a molten sword with three protruding edges at the bottom part, even thought it was a double edge- longed sword.

He slashed at one werewolf, severing the creature in half, and then another and another, after the third slash, he jumped high, flipped in the air, and slammed his sword on the ground creating an area of effect shockwave of flames bursting from the ground, burning both werewolves and ogres.

“Ooh, nice one Icarus, can you turn them to ash?” asked Ken.

“You betcha.” replied Icarus, he dashed forward, did one spin hitting five werewolves all at once, and stomped his right foot, he struck his sword on the ground and held both hands out.

“Flame and Fire Magic: Fire Blast!” A magic circle the circumference of five meters appeared in front of him and blasted out a line of fire in front for two seconds, blasting all the way to the battalion.

After the spell subsided, it left a burnt path, and all monsters caught by the spell were incinerated into nothing.

“Oops, I might’ve went overboard there.” remarked Icarus, scratching the back of his neck.

“Nah, that would suffice.” replied Ken “Good job.” Icarus nodded and jabbed at his right with his elbow when a werewolf tried to attack him, knocking the wolf unconscious, he picked up his sword, and jumped with a flip in the air backwards.

The enchantment on searing flames wore off, and he held his long-sword with both hands. Their side continued fighting with much ease. Ken turned his attention on the other side, and saw, a… fairly balanced situation.

As occasional spells were being flung from the left side, so too are those at the right side, only looking about to be overrun by monsters. Ken smirked to himself and searched for his other friends.

There they are, he thought.
