Chapter 108 – Look!

Third Person’s POV (12 yrs. and 8 months old)

“Stand Still!” shouted Rize, blade aimed again at Ken, this time Ken met Rize’s blade with his own and the two clashed in an attempt to overthrow the other. Ken pushed the blade away as the two backed off and said…

“Why should I stay still when I know you’ll kill me?” he twisted around as icicles formed around him, with his blade following his move. The icicles in the instant of him tapping one, enlarged in size all of a sudden.

“Ice Magic: Broken Frost.” The enlarged icicles ten times its size, exploded sending ice debris everywhere as well as creating a smokescreen for Ken, Rize jumped back, used his arms to defend himself as he waited for the ice’s advance to cease.

This time he could not afford not to defend himself for he noticed that his wounds were not healing that fast compared to before when getting hit by elemental magic, this kid must’ve done something, making him vulnerable to elemental magic.