Olivia's POV

"Olivia Jade Davis if you're not in the car within two minutes, I will come and get you personally!" My mother yells from the car and honks for the record a few more times.

I sigh. "Im coming, jeez." I grab my two heavy suitcases and carry them down to the front door.

"Charlie, help your lovely sister!" I shout upstairs where my 2 year older brother is probably gaming. Soon he appears at the top of the stairs. "Why me?"

I roll my eyes. "Just do what I say, you will get my room when im gone so this is the last thing you can do."

He smiles and comes down. "Despite that I don't like you leaving." He ruffles my hair and pecks my cheek.

I wipe my cheek with my sleeve to get rid of the wet feeling. "Ew charl, im 16 after all!"

"Too young for UNI life." I ignore him and already carry the suitcases myself. "Bye Charl, not gonna miss you!"

"Love you too brat!" He smiles and winks before he's gone already.

I throw my stuff in the back of the car and step into the passenger seat of our black Range Rover. "Finally you're here, are you exited?" I put my seat belt on. "Yea pretty much, hope I get a room with Maddelyn."

Maddelyn is my best friend since kindergarten and we literally do everything together. We're almost twins to say but with some things we are completely opposite. We're both into fashion but when we're doin sports, im the one who actually is sweating my ass off while she is complaining her nail broke, but that's why I love her so much and it's quite funny if you ask me

After a two hour drive we finally arrive at the Manchester University. I kiss my mum goodbye. "Oh my baby is growing up," she says in tears.

I hug her. "Dont worry mom, I will call you every day." She pats my back.

I grab my stuff and we talk for a bit before I say my goodbyes again and watch her car dissapear aroud the corner.

I sigh, what now? That moment I hear a 'Liv!' And turn around to see my best friend running to me with ultra speed. "Maddy!" I squeal and jump into her arms, letting my suitcases fall to the ground, but I couldn't care less to be honest. "Ready for the parties?!"

I laugh. "First let's get our schedule and find our rooms, really hope we share one together." Her smile falls. "About that, there is not enough space for all the students so one student from each class has been chosen to live in a flat next to the University, and you are one of them."

I groan. "Really? Who will I live in the flat with?" She shrugs. "Don't know, only that it's 5 boys you will share the flat with."

"Sounds interesting," I say and pick up my bags. "I'm going to take a look, see you later?"

"Duhhh," she laughs and walks away, probably to find her own dorm.

I pick everything up at the desk like books and papers before I make my way to the flat. It looks quite luxurious, but you never know. I want to put the key in the lock when I notice that the door is already open. Great, the boys are already here.

I open the door and am greeted with 5 screaming boys. "We get the big room because we are a couple!" A black-haired boy with green eyes shouts. "Didn't think so, couple or not, no preference," says another red-haired boy with brown eyes. "Oi! i'm there too!" I shout and immediately it is silent.

"Oh hello, you are probably our 6th roommate." I roll my eyes. "No, the elephant tamer, okay?" They laugh "Sassy, I like it. I'm Axel, Axel Anderson." I take a good look at him. A pair of bright blue eyes stare at me. His blonde, almost white hair falls slightly over his eyes. He's tall and very muscular and I have to admit, he's very handsome, every girls dream guy.

"Olivia Davis," I say and shake his outstretched hand.

"Im Dylan, nice meeting you pretty girl," the pink dyed haired boy with green eyes says.

I roll my eyes but smile and hear a "yea cut the shit Dylan, im Brent and that annoying little shit", he points at the boy with black hair and green eyes, "is Zack, my boyfriend," He sighs. "That pink punk is Dylan as you now know and that other hunk is Cody," he points at the red haired boy.

The boy, now known as Zack, slaps him. "Ouch, what did you do that for?!"

"You're mine," he smiles and wraps his arms around the smaller lad. I see Axel looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. "Ehm I hope you dont have anything against gay people?" I shake my head. "No, not at all, I always wanted gay best friends!"

The others chuckle. "I think we will get along real well," Axel says and winks at me.

I cant help but blush, what is this?! Get your shit together Liv. "Well guys I think im going to unpack my things, and I get the master bedroom since no one seems to agree with the other, buh bye!" Before they can say something I already closed the door of the huge room behind me. I hear a "she will be the dead of us" and chuckle.

Im glad they all seem pretty kind, even though I still need to get used to who is who but I think I will learn that soon enough, and it won't t harm tease them a bit with calling them other names.

I place my blue suitcases on the bed and secretly wish I packed less.

'Here goes nothing...'