It is the next day when I leave my room. That wasn't really planned, but I think the unpacking was a bit more tiring than expected.

I yawn and go into the hall in my zebra onesie, looking for the bathroom.

When I turn the corner I feel a blow to my head and stumble back. "Oh sorry Olivia, didn't saw you there!" I look up and meet Axel's beautiful blue eyes. I am still a bit surprised by the little 'accident' and see how he takes my hands so that I stand stable on my feet. "Don't fall, your face is too pretty to meet the ground," he chuckles and I smile too. "Can you tell me where the bathroom is?" I ask.

He points to the end of the hall where the rest of the bedrooms also should be. "Last door, but I wouldn't expect it to be your turn soon. Cody has locked himself up and has no intention of getting out anytime soon."

I do a 'hairflip' "we'll see about that." I pat his shoulder and walk to the door. "Cody! my turn!" I hear some things fall but soon the door opens. "here ya go," he gives me a smile and walks into a room, his room I assume.

You know the feeling that someone is staring at you? I turn around and see all the other boys looking at me with open mouth. "You guys are catching flies," I giggle and watch them taking their jaw off the ground.

"Wow he must really like you," says Brent.

I frown, "why? doesn't he like you all?" They shook their heads. "No, we are each others best friends, but something once happened and since then he doesn't seem to care about anyone, not even us. On good days a bit though, but we love him anyway," says Zack.

I turn around, "he certainly has his own reasons for this, don't worry." Before they can say anything I have already locked the bathroom door behind me.

I sigh and sunk to the ground. I can imagine how Cody is feeling. I never felt it myself, but when I was younger Charlie used to hang out with wrong people which made him change. He didn't care about what he did, how late he arrived home on weekly nights, how upset mom was, how confused I was. Luckily when mom forced him to go to therapy he went back to his old self. He told me later he never forgives himself for what he did to us, even though we told him its alright now. What happened to Cody I wonder, but I won't ask him that anytime soon.

We aren't friends yet, and it's not really my business what's going on in his life. I stand up, do my thing and sneak to my room, making sure the boys don't see me, I need time for myself. Once there I sit down on my bed.

Tommorow is the first 'real' day at UNI, with lessons and stuff. I must say im a bit nervous, it's all new to me. But luckily I have Maddelyn and I hope soon enough also the boys. Axel and Dylan seem pretty social, or it's just because they flirt with me. It's alright, some cheeky lads on your side can't be too bad.

Im so far away in my thoughts that I don't hear the knocking on my door till someone, which I recognize is Zack screams: "Olivia! I knocked like a hundred times! Are you dead?" I hear him chuckle and can't help laughing myself. "Come in, Zack." He closes the door behind him. "The boys and I were wondering if you would like to have a movie night at home, you know, to get to know you a bit more," he smiles.

I nod, "sounds good! When are we starting?" He looks at his wrist "5 min."

I laugh, "you aren't even wearing a watch." He rushes out of the room; "5 min!!" I chuckle, how did I end up with these boys...

In the end I was in the living room an hour later. "Where were you, zack said 5 minutes?" Brent asks, sitting on the love seat with Zack. I sit between Axel and Dylan who sit on the other sofa while Cody is on the chair. "Give a girl her time, had said it a little earlier and I would be on time."

Dylan rolls his eyes and Axel slaps him playfully.

"Hey, at least she's quicker then Diana," says Cody, shrugging.

Axel glares at him, "We promised to never talk about her ever again."

"Who is Diana?" I ask.

"Oh, that's Axel's crazy ex, man that girl is crazy!"

"Brent!" Axel yells and gives him a glare. "What? roomies have the right to know."

"That was before we knew she was going to sleep with us, no offense liv," Axel winks at me and I cant help but blush, but I don't know if it's because the wink or nickname. Luckily no one notices and Zack saves me by saying, "let's get to know Olivia better and she us, that's what we're here for in the first place."

I give him a grateful look and he smiles at me as a 'no problem'.

The evening went pretty smooth. I learned pretty much about the boys and they about me. Did I already mention they all have kinda weird personality's?

Axel is the mysterious, calm one. He wants to keep the peace in the house and will do anything to avoid fights or arguments. But don't talk shit about the ones he loves, then he won't hesitate to drag you down.

Dylan seems like a confident, cheeky lad but I learned he's pretty shy and innocent. He blushes quick and tries to cover it up, but I know better. He's pretty cute I must say.

When Zack goes out its always drama, he always gets lost or forget his keys and the boys had to pick him up somewhere random multiple times already, but he's really sweet and a great listener.

Cody as I already mentioned doesn't seem to care about anyone, or as the boys say only about me, but also with that I know better. There must be and I can tell that there is a reason, because I see in his eyes that he doesn't want to act the way he does now. He seems very lovely also.

The last but not least, Brent. He's the funny lad of the 5. He's gay but due his personality he gets lots of attention with the girls, something Zack doesn't like too much. But I can tell they love each other and it's so cute to see! Brent is always in for a laugh so when I'm sad, he will be the first one to know so he can cheer me up.

"Olivia? Olivia!" I almost jump. "What?" They all chuckle. "You zoned out, what were you thinking about?" Dylan asks.

I smile, "I was thinking about how we will get along real well."