Perfidious - CH. 18

"Scars on the body are signs that you lived, scars on the heart are signs that you loved." - Unknown


Yesterday at the same time, the sky had been painted in kinds of reds, oranges and pinks that were uncountable. But today, Night had fallen fast upon the town, letting all the colours fade away to leave a sky with countless stars to look upon. The darkness was dense and allowed the human eye to see at most an arm's reach in front of themselves.

"I don't want to go home," I murmured when I walked next to Derek, Taylor and Veronica on our ways to their cars. That the cars parked down the road under some massive trees made my sight worse.

"You want to come to my Dad's with me?", Taylor asked and I gave him a warm smile.

"Text me when you're home," I mumbled when I hugged Veronica and felt her nod against me.

"You're driving with Derek?", I asked and she nodded again.

"We have to talk," she muttered.