"Silence only tells the truth." - Unknown
The notice board was pinned there, on the polished walls, its letters so vibrant and the colors turning softer by each day that passed by. Upon it were so many notices, opportunities, so much information that it could be overwhelming if you did not know what you were searching for. It was easy to get lost in. The notice I was looking for was written on a piece of paper pinned in the corner of the board, the black ink was a bit smudged, it had been written in hurry. As I was still reading the notice, I saw Sofia's fair lad from the corner of my eye approaching me.
""Are you coming on Saturday?" she asked me and her big eyes longed for an answer, "What is Saturday?"
She frowned, "I'll celebrate my birthday."
Veronica came up behind some hockey guy and joined the conversation, "wasn't your birthday like what, a month ago?"