Chapter 10: Snowflakes and Flame Flickers

~Third Person P.O.V~

"Piper!" Leo exclaimed, wrapping his arms around his long-time best friend in an embrace. A warm smile on his lips as he hugged her.

"W-Woah! Someone missed me. Hehe." Piper said with a wide smile, patting Leo's back.

"We were so worried about you, Ashley here couldn't stop thinking about what happened to you!" Leo exclaimed, releasing Piper from his embrace.

"Hm." Ashley hummed in agreement, her arms crossed over her chest, a small smile tugging on the edges of her lips. "Its only natural, after.. what happened..." The stoic girl's voice trailed off. "Its only natural to worry."

"Yeah, sure Ashley." Piper spoke, seeing past Ashley's hard exterior. "I missed you too."

"Ooooh! can I have one too? I missed you too Piper!" Colin said, jumping at the girl and wrapping her in a warm embrace his brown hair rubbing against her blonde locks.

"Aha... I'm sorry" Piper began, patting his back, an awkward smile on her lips. "who are you again?" Piper asked the boy, fairly certain she's never seen him before in her life.

"That would be Colin, our local jokester." Ezra said in a cool tone, his tinker's goggles resting on his forehead.

"Haha, yeah." Colin said with a smile, rubbing his nape. "Nice to meet ya!"

"Well, since we're doing introductions.. who's your friend?" Ashley questioned.

"Ah! He's known as Bob the builder and Fix-it Felix give him something to fix an he'll- mng mnnng mghh mh mn" Colin said jokingly, before Ezra's hands wrapped around his lips.

"The name's Ezra, Ezra castle." The boy said, running a hand through his diamond blonde hair. "I build most of what we use here that isn't related to magic"

"Woahhh! Forget Bob the builder, he's basically Tony Stark!" Leo exclaimed. The group shared a laugh, with Hope remained silent, simply smiling as she sat with them.

"Oh wait! I almost forgot." Leo said, turning to Hope.

"This is Hope, Piper. She actually told me and Ashley about Ezra and you." Leo said warmly, introducing his pink pupiled friend to Piper.

"Hello there, Piper." Hope said quietly, though the moment she started speaking the members in the surrounding tables averted their eyes. "I'm pleased to see you've made a full recovery."

"Uh.. yeah, I'm glad too.." Piper spoke, taking note of the reaction of the surrounding members. "I owe it all to Ezra here, he's actually taken me under his wing."

The group spent their lunch catching up and sharing their experiences so far in the Equilibrium.

Bong! Dong! Bong!

The tintinnabulation of the Equilibrium's bells once more rang throughout the cobblestone halls, making it known that it's time for everyone to return to their formal business.

"Welp, guess that's our cue." Colin said, standing up and dusting off his cloaked robes. "See you two around!"

"Actually, we'll be joining your class for the next period." Ezra said, picking up the tan backpack he had set down next to the table.

"Oh? Really? That's great." Leo beamed, a warm smile on his lips before finally taking notice of something quite obvious.

"Wait, why are neither of you wearing your robes?" Ashley asked, making Leo's query known before he could say it himself.

"Oh, we... don't actually have robes." Ezra said, Piper by his side walking behind Ashley and Leo, Colin walking beside Hope, the pair trailing behind the group.

"What?" Leo asked, looking surprised.

"Yeah, Ezra told me that certain people aren't required to wear them. That's why Miss Krystal or Master Apollo don't wear them." Piper spoke, lugging a heavy mechanic's bag with her as she walked.

"Yes, exactly. While there are also those who are not allowed to wear the robes, such as Piper or myself." Ezra said, something.. Piper couldn't put her finger on.. trailing in his voice.

"And why not? To designate your position more easily? Wouldn't it be simpler to just mark robes for you than to have you wear casual clothes?" Ashley asked as they climbed up the last set of spiral steps to the floor of Krystal's class.

"Well, your robes can detect what type of magic you are capable of.... and since Piper and I don't have magic... the robes would just be plain black." Ezra answered, a smile on his lips.

"Speaking of which, where'd you two get those?" Leo asked.

Colin poked his head between Leo and Ashley, speaking up.

"I already told you Leo, don't you remember? We earn points we can spend on things here, that includes clothing." Colin sighed "Now you're making me seem like a bad roomie."

"Well, you did scare me half to death.." Leo said, a laugh escaping his lips as they neared the lecture hall of Krystal.

"Hey... it's not my fault you look extra cute!" Colin reasoned out. Ashley raising a brow at him.

"W-what?" Leo stammered, though before he could question further Krystal ushered them inside, her arms behind her back, hands clenched into fists.

"Ah, Ezra. Is it that time of the quarter already?" Krystal asked, stopping him and Piper at the door.

"Yes miss, I'm certain my newest design won't disappoint." Ezra said, confidence in his voice. "I've been working on it for a while now."

"I'm sure you won't." Krystal said, smiling behind her mask, her eyes reflecting it.

"Oh, and who's this?" Krystal asked, spotting the blonde girl holding a mechanic's duffle bag behind Ezra.

"I'm Piper, miss. I arrived here with Ashley and Leo. Ezra here took me under his wing, he's training me to be like him." Piper beamed, keeping her unease at the presence of one of the Trifecta to herself.

"Its true miss, Piper's actually responsible for a few of this model's best features!" Ezra glanced at the girl who was now standing beside him.

"I've only been training her for a few weeks but with her progress, I'm certain she's one of the most talented people I've ever met." Ezra spoke highly of Piper, praising her with confidence in his voice.

A slight blush began to creep onto Piper's cheeks, hearing Ezra praise her so much made her feel appreciated and.. special.

"I see" Krystal began, her eyes trailing from the girl's hair to her eyes.

"You've taken Piper here under your wing, the same way we've taken Ashley and Leo." Krystal's continued, her gaze now resting on Ezra.

"I'm glad you've decided to train her, Ezra. Now, let's head inside." Krystal said, ushering the pair inside.

The moment Ezra and Piper entered a few hushed whispers began to move about the crowd of students. Ezra didn't seem to mind nor notice. Piper taking note, but now isn't the time to ask; she'll have to save it for later.

"Alright, class. As I said earlier, we'll be having a demonstration of your magical prowess." Krystal spoke, looking up at her class, her eyes now resting on Leo and Ashley. "Leo, Ashley. As the newest members of our Order, would either of you want a chance to show your capabilities to the class?"

"A-ah.. miss Krystal, we don't actually know how to use our magic yet..." Leo spoke up. A few muffled laughs echoing throughout the lecture hall.

"Oh..? Well, then I want you two to come down here." Krystal spoke, irritated at the class's laughs, having confidence in the two newest member's abilities. Moving one hand from behind her to gesture to her left. "Then proceed to casting circles."

Leo and Ashley began down the steps, an unsure look on Leo's face while Ashley seemed.. surprisingly confident.

"Don't worry, Leo. We can handle this." Ashley said, as they reached the last step.

"Y-yeah... thanks, sis." Leo said, Krystal nodding at them as they passed her. Once they reached the platform, Krystal placed her arm behind her back once more.

"Apollo told me about how he rescued you, I'm looking forward to seeing what both of you can do." Krystal said, bringing her arms in front of her and cupping her hands. She lowers her head slightly, her palms begin to vibrate a right blueish appearing from the gaps between her gloved fingers. Krystal looked up, releasing the energy, 16 twirling gusts of frosty smoke leave her palms, rising upwards before manifesting into 16 separate icy diamonds, each levitating and giving off the same frosty smoke.

"Since this is your first time, let me tell you about your Order." Krystal spoke, the frost still coming off her gloved palms. "You are both under the Order of the Tongue, you use your own bodies as a vessel through which the ley energies flow." Krystal spoke, rubbing her palms together, placing her arms behind her.

"This allows your spells to be far more powerful than any other mage order at the same level, though not without risk." Krystal began "Magic, by it's very nature is volatile and dangerous. There are few orders who expose themselves more to the dangers of magic than the Tongue. Because of this, I want both of you to be careful when you cast your spells. Do I make myself clear?" Krystal warned, her haunting icy blue eyes glowing under her hood, her gaze meeting Leo's, then Ashley's.

"Y-yes, miss"

"Yes, miss Krystal."

"Good, now" Krystal gestured with her right hand to the icy diamonds floating above them. "I want you both to strike the targets. Any spell will do, any magnitude, any type. Just make sure to strike the target."

Leo and Ashley began to try to channel their magic, Krystal noticing them struggle, she decided to speak up.

"Feel the energy around you, allow it to flow into you, through your veins and out as a spell. As magic." Krystal spoke, her arms behind her back.

Ashley listened to Krystal's words. She breathed in, trying to draw in ley energy, she breathed out, trying to expel it. In, and out. In, and out. She began to feel a warmth growing inside her, slowly growing in intensity until she knew it was time to release.

"HRRNN!!" Ashley slung her right arm outwards, three small fireballs escaping her hand, arcing upwards, three of the diamonds begin to glow slightly brighter, the fireballs get pulled by the diamonds, correcting their trajectory.


The fireballs slam into the diamonds, the flames dispersing as they crash into them, breaking into a wave of flame flickers, hitting an additional 6.

Ashley panted lightly, her right hand smoking slightly. A few strands of her dark raven falling onto her face. Ashley righted her posture and adjusted her hair, tucking the strands behind her ear.

"Very good, Ashley!" Krystal said, clapping, the class applauding Ashley's efforts. "You managed to cast an adept level spell... though I can tell by your execution it was of your own creation. Most impressive." Krystal said, praising the girl who stood proudly beside her brother.

"Ahh.... alright. Focus. Focus!" Leo whispered to himself, attempting to do just as good as his sister.

Leo tried to draw in the magic, with each breath he let out, it was colder.. albeit slightly. He couldn't get past something, he couldn't go colder.

"Come on Leo! You've got this!! Freeze their butts off!" Colin yelled out from his seat, cheering his roomie on. "I mean, they're conjured ice diamonds!! So they don't have butts.. but still!"

Leo heard Colin's words, hearing his new friend cheer him on like that.. it gave him just the push he needed. cooling the air around him, he focused the magic in his palms

"Hhrra!!" Leo exclaimed, pushing his open palms outwards, a gust of icy cold wind escapes his hands, rushing out towards the icy diamonds, colliding with them.

The class was silent for a moment, suddenly laughs began to erupt. The class wasn't at all impressed by Leo's little breeze. Leo looking down, embarrassed.

Krystal raised an open palm and immediately the class fell silent. "I believe you all fail to realize what Leo here just accomplished." Krystal spoke, and suddenly, every diamond Leo's frost struck began to create snowflakes, slowly drifting down to the floor.

Krystal smiled, opening her palm and catching a snowflake in her gloved hand. "The nature of a tongue who's domain is frost, ice and snow isn't nearly as naturally destructive of one who's domain is fire."

"Their magic allows for more creative use, that is exactly what Leo here accomplished, despite being at a basic level." Krystal said, praising the boy's efforts.

"Very good, you two. Now, I want you both to return to your seats." Krystal spoke, her gaze resting on the pair before returning to the class.

As soon as Leo and Ashley sat back down, Krystal spoke once more.

"Now then, we've got a special guest today. Ezra, would you please?"