Chapter 11: Spun Like Spidersilk

~Third Person P.O.V~

The moment Krystal called for Ezra the boy stepped forward, nodding at Piper who at this point was still lugging around a mechanic's duffle bag.

The pair now stood in front of the class, below where Leo and Ashley struck their targets snow still falling around them.

"Good afternoon everyone, I'm pleased to announce the completion of our latest project." Ezra adjusted his goggles, moving them from his forehead to cover his eyes. A confident smile on his lips, he turned to look at Piper. "You heard me right. Our project." Ezra said, stepping to the side and gesturing to Piper.

"The beautiful girl behind me is Piper, she's my protege and..." Ezra paused, seemingly trying to find the right word. A light blush began to creep onto his face before he decided on "A good friend." He continued. "This wouldn't have been possible if not for her." The boy smiled confidently, his gaze now shifted from Piper to the class.

"B-beautiful?" Piper thought to herself before the voice of Ezra shook her from her thoughts

"Now then, let's get down to business shall we?" Ezra said, Piper unzipped her mechanic's bag as the students watched on with curious and... condescending looks.

In the crowd, Leo and Colin looked equally impressed, even Ashley showed signs of being impressed. Meanwhile, Hope simply smiled, a certain look in her eyes.

Ezra outstretched his arms as Piper fastened a white harness to his torso, now attached to his back was a piece of technology that looked like a backpack from a sci-fi film, after a few moments the device began to rapidly stretch to cover his shoulders and part of his chest.

Two mechanical spider leg-like appendages stretched from his back and over his head, one above each shoulder. Ezra put on a pair of black gloves with glowing blue markings on them, they began to switch color as Ezra began a quick check in field of movement.

"Are you ready for the demonstration?" Krystal asked, watching the boy.

"Yes, Miss." Ezra began, turning to Piper who simply smiled.

"Go get em' tiger." She winked playfully, before heading off of the sparring circle.

"Very well then" Krystal began, her hands clenched into fists, her arms behind her back. "Do we have any volunteers?" Krystal spoke, her glowing blue eyes moved from left to right, scanning the class for Ezra's sparring partner.

"I'll take him, miss Krystal." A muscular blonde boy said, raising his hand, a confident smirk on his lips. "Pretty sure any of us could." He jests, a few laughs move throughout the room before Krystal raises a fist. They go silent.

"I will not have disrespect praised in my class." Krystal said in a stoic tone. "If Mr. Jared here is more accustomed to bullfighting and roughhousing so be it. But I will not have disrespect run amok in my lecture hall. Failure to comply will result in you having to deal.. with me."

"Are we clear?" Krystal glared.

"Y-yes ma'am.." Jared said, looking away.

"Good, proceed to the sparring ring."

Jared began to descend the steps, his eyes never leaving Ezra's figure. Meanwhile, Ezra simply stood at the ready, awaiting his adversary.

Krystal watched the boy as he passed her, Jared standing opposite of Ezra in the ring. The boys locked eyes, and for a moment Ezra seemed to register that look on the boy's face. Squinting slightly, Ezra eyed him up and down quickly, Jared mouthing "I'm gonna kick your ass." To him.

"Are the combatants set?"

"Yes, miss"

"Yes, miss!" Ezra said outloud, taking a fighting stance bringing one hand close to his chest the other extended slightly, the mechanical appendages following his movements.

Jared smirked confidently and moved his robes slightly ajar, and out flew 6 small knives, levitating above him. His eyes glowing an ethereal green as he used his magic.

"Begin" Krystal said, and the moment she did Jared extended his right arm, three of the knives began to fly towards Ezra, the tinker stepping back and deflecting the knives with his appendages knocking them aside.

Jaredslid forward as the knives returned, sending the other three towards Ezra as the previous three returned above him.

Ezra repeating the same motion, but this time adapting to the short pattern, striking one of the knives downward instead, forcing the sharp edge upon the cobblestone floor, shattering the blade. A confident smile on his face, now taking the offensive.

"Guuah!!" Jared let out a startled gasp as he felt his grip on the blade suddenly vanish, his essence being forced back into him. Gritting his teeth he growled at Ezra. Narrowly dodging a strike to the chest.

"Oh no you don't, little weakling." Jared spat, outstretching both hands the knives began to circle him, as he began to motion with his hands, forcing them upon Ezra who barely managed to deflect them.. though now they weren't knocked aside, now they continued the onslaught.

Slice after slice, the knives cut into Ezra's flesh, his arms first, blood beginning to seep from the wounds, then his thighs, feeling himself begin to lose balance.

"What's the matter, little prick? Aren't your toys supposed to be helping?" Jared boasted, continuing his attack.

"Actually.." Now it was Ezra's time to smirk, he clenched his fists and pulled his arms back, thin metallic tendrils shot out from the armor on his chest, wrapping around Jared. The tendrils glowed with electricity, sending a powerful shock through the boy's system.

"This one's meant to hurt you." Ezra said, standing up over the boy who was now on his knees, his knives around him.

"Do you yield?" Ezra questioned, his mechanical spider leg-like appendages nipping back and forth, ready to strike. The class was stunned.

"Mmn..." Jared clenched his fists and pushed the tinker back, standing up abruptly and willing his knives to rise.

"NO!" He said, as he twirled his arms, his knives began to cut at the straps of the harness, disconnecting the support. The suit began to retract back into the backpack.

"I have magic, I have power." He says, as Ezra's Appendages began to stiffen up, not responding to his commands. "All you have are gadgets and toys." He said, insulting the boy.

Ezra's device dropped hard to the floor, the abrupt drop breaking a few sensitive pieces, the device began to fizzle as the power source got cracked.

"Stripped of that, what are you?" Jared prodded. Though Ezra remained silent. "That's right. You are.. worthless, useless, and weak. Without your toys.. you are NOTHING." Jared said, slashing at Ezra's legs forcing him to his knees, the class watched on in shock, Piper watched in horror wanting to bolt on in, beginning to walk towards the ring, only stopped by Krystal's hand.

Piper looked up at the woman's masked face, her eyes had a look of worry in them yet they also held something else. Krystal shook her head, Piper let out a sigh, before relenting, trusting in Krystal.

"You see this? This is true power." The boy said, bringing a knife to Ezra's throat. "Its magic. Something you will never have.. cause all you are.. all you will ever be is worthless and weak. You will ALWAYS. BE. NOTHING. And none of your useless little toys will ever change that.


The sound rung throughout the lecture hall as Jared found himself encased in ice. Snow falling around him, formed from the shattered remains of his knives. "W-wha"

"Despicable." Krystal said as she passed Jared who was frozen all over save for his face.

"Ezra!!!" Piper said, rushing over to the boy who was now on his knees, blood dripping from his wounds.

"Oh gods.." dropping to her knees, tears in her eyes.

"Will.. will he be alright?" Leo asked, having rushed down the stairs along with Ashley, Colin and Hope.

"Yes.. he will" Krystal began, dropping to one knee she sent soothing mist to his wounds stemming the bleeding slightly. "But we need to act fast. Take him to his lab"

"But.. should we bring him to the medical ward?" Ashley spoke up.

"There's no time, just do as I say!" She commanded, her gaze now turning to Jared. "I'll take care of Jared's punishment personally."

"No.." Ezra said, forcing himself to his feet. "I- I can walk..." He continued losing his balance, Krystal suddenly in front of him, his crimson blood began to drip onto her robes, though the red liquid didn't seep into the fabric, only dripping off.

"Not in this state no." Krystal was met with Ezra's gritted teeth and begging eyes.

Krystal paused, closing her eyes, she let out a sigh. "Alright. But at least let Piper help."

Ezra relented, nodding. Krystal handed the boy to Piper who put his arm around her shoulder, helping him walk.

"Do you-" Leo began to speak, but Krystal simply put a hand on his shoulder and shook her head.

"Let's get you out of here, champ..." Piper said, consoling the boy. He remained silent, his once prominent and confident smile replaced by a frown that showed embarrassment and.. anger.