Chapter 12: Movie Night

~Third Person P.O.V~

Krystal ended her class early in light of what transpired, she wanted to give her pupils some time to recover, relax and hopefully take something else with them for the day, something unrelated to the stigma surrounding the less magically attuned within the Equilibrium.

Leo wanted to follow Piper and Ezra but his sister persuaded him otherwise, insisting that the pair needed some time alone to deal with what just transpired and judging from how herself and her brother were saved from the brink of death, she believes the equilibrium has the resources to mend his wounds.

With a heavy heart, Leo retired to his and Colin's bedroom, a certain worry he can't seem to get rid of accompanied by a pang of guilt. Though he knew he wasn't at all to blame, he can't help but wish he'd have done something.

The room was still, the only light coming from the glowing blue runes etched onto the walls, bathing the room in a light blue tint.

Leo sat in bed, his legs crossed, looking down at his twiddling thumbs. An unfamiliar cold in his normally warm brown eyes, Colin watching from his bed.

Colin's brows furrowed as he tried to think of a way to cheer his roomie up, he would be damned if he'd let their first night together end like this.

"Hey, Leo?" Colin spoke up, his voice barely a squeak far from what he was normally known for.

"O-oh, yeah?" Leo began, the specter's words snapping him out of his thoughts. Leo looked to his left, to Colin's side he boy was laying on his stomach.. or well, he would be if he wasn't hovering a few inches off the actual mattress. He was propping himself up with his arms, resting his chin on the palms of his ethereal hands. He seemed to be.. thinking of something.

"Did you uh... want something?" Leo asked, rubbing his nape lightly.

"Oh, well that depends" Colin spoke, blowing a stray strand of hair from his face, his hair slowly falling back into place, almost as though it were moving in slow motion.

"On..?" Leo raised a brow

"I was just wondering if you liked movies." Colin said, sitting cross-legged bow above his bed, awaiting the raven-haired boy's reaction

"You mean like, films and all that?" Leo asked. "Now that you mention it... I did always want to watch one, when I was little there would be these trucks that would drive by with posters on them for the latest films."

Leo wasn't sure what his roomie was planning. "Why'd you ask?"

"Oh! If that's the case then do I have the surprise for you!" Colin said, quickly flying over to the TV the boys had situated in front of their couch. "Come on, check this out."

"Hey, you remember how I said we could spend our credits on stuff we like?" Colin asked, fiddling with the wires trying to turn it on, his loose-fitting ethereal clothing floating up and down with each movement.

"Yeah?" Leo asked, swinging his legs off the bed, his feet touching the floor of their shared bedroom, walking over towards the specter he eyed his actions curiously.

"Got something in mind?" The raven-haired boy asked

"Oh boy, do I." Colin said, a grin on his lips as the tv switched on. "I've saved more than enough credits for us to watch as many movies as we want!" Colin said, a giddy smile on his lips.

"Woahh! For real?" Leo said, an excited look in his eyes as Colin switched through the movies category.

"Mhm! What'd you expect from the best roomie ever?" Colin winked playfully, Leo rolling his eyes and laughing along. "Well, what do you wanna watch?"

"Hmm.. I don't know.. how about we watch one of your favorites?" Leo asked, cocking his cheek to the side as Colin flicks through the different films.

"Oh that's a great idea! That way I can introduce you to different genres as well as influence- I mean inspire your movie taste." Colin beamed, rubbing his nape as he continued., Well.." Colin began flicking quickly to his personal folder.

"I love Ryder Jay Taylor's Films." Colin said, carefully eyeing Leo's reaction to the name.

"Who's that?" Leo asked, a curious look on his face.

"What?!" Colin said, suddenly flying in close, a shocked look in his eyes, had he not already been dead his eyes would look like they has the soul sucked out of them. "you really have been living under a rock" Colin flew back, his back turned to Leo, sighing and facepalming.

"An orphanage actual-"

"Ryder's only the hottest, cutest most handsome boy actor in all of the film industry!" Colin clicked the thumbnail of a movie, the image of a slim, pale boy holding a thorny white rose by the stem with his lips flashed onto the screen, the boy stood atop a snowy hill, the ground and grass were clearly frosted with snowflakes falling around him.

"He isn't just basically the same age as us... he's also a fashion model and the son of one of the CEO of and one of the richest businessmen in all of Feyomere!" Ryder's light golden blonde hair mixed with the white snow, bringing out the brilliance of the mystical night sky that lay behind the boy, twinkling stars a sea of twinkling lights with the boy its only sailor, though it was neither that nor the boy's catching attire that held Leo's gaze, but the boy's eyes.

One was a lush emerald green while the other a deep ocean blue, they held within them an intense emotion staring directly back at Leo.

Leo gulped, as he couldn't seem to take his eyes off the boy, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks.

"Hehe.." Colin chuckled then smirked knowingly, watching the boy's reaction. "I had a feeling you'd be into him." Colin said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"W-wait what do you mean?" Leo asked, shaking his head quickly and snapping back to reality, he did his best to try and the blush that crept onto his face.. but it was too late.

"Hey, dude. Chill." Colin said, flying past Leo, over his shoulder at a leisurely pace, his arms behind his head, moving backward and hovering over the couch.

Colin tapped the seat beside him, a playful smile on his lips. "I get it, you're into cute guys, right?" The specter said, crossing his arms over his chest his smile turned into a teasing smirk.

"N-no! I- I mean..." Leo stumbled over his words, the right things to say eluding him.

Colin couldn't help but laugh at Leo's attempts to lie "don't worry.." Colin began, his eyes meeting Leo's. "Remember how I said I think you're pretty cute?"

"W-well.. I.. yeah..?' Leo stuttered, he's never actually been honest with himself, no less other people, about how he.. feels; and suddenly his new roommate or all people is confronting him about it! Or perhaps confronting is the wrong term, perhaps.. prodding.

"Mhm.." Colin winked, resting his freckled cheek on his right hand, a smirk on his lips.

Then that's when the realization finally dawned on him. "WAIT! You're.. into... uh.." Leo paused, not actually sure he'll be able to complete his sentence. "B-boys.. too?" Leo barely managed to eep out as a whisper, surprising himself he finished asking at all.

"Well.. just cute, adorable goofballs like you.." Colin said playfully, running a hand through his ethereal hair, the lochs falling back down slowly. If Leo's cheeks held a tinge of pink before he couldn't even imagine trying to hide the blush they held now, his lips turned into a thin line mixed with a goofy smile, not knowing what to do next.

"Well? What're you waiting for, roomie? Sit that cute butt of yours on the couch so we can watch!" Colin's words snapped Leo back to reality, allowing the ashen-haired boy an easy escape, he followed as his roomie suggested and plopped down onto the couch beside him.

Colin started the film, the beginning credits played, as the specter floated down to sit on the couch reaching behind him and pulling the blankets towards him, draping it over Leo and himself. "There, that should keep us comfy." He said, as the title of the film flashed into the tv screen, 'The Frosted Rose's Keeper.'

As the movie went on, Colin didn't say much just allowing the both of them to enjoy the movie, Leo seemed glued to the screen, only responding to Colin's remarks every now and then, he was amazed by Ryder's performance, each of the boy's words carried with them an undeniable charisma. His movements were smooth and precise, his eyes oh his eyes.. they were so unique, so perfect, Leo couldn't help but stare.

As the film reached past its climax and began to dip, Leo spoke up. "So... uh, Colin?" He began

"Yeah, roomie?" The boy responded

"When'd you.. realize you liked guys?" Leo asked, sounding a little unsure.

Colin turned to the boy slowly, maybe Leo wanted to talk about it after all.

"Oh, so we're playing that game then?" Colin smirked playfully, crossing his arms over his chest, Leo raising a brow unsure.

"Okay dude, I'll answer your questions and you answer mine, sounds fair?" The specter asked.

"Yeah, alright." Leo began "sure, that sounds ok."

"Ok, so honestly.. that question's a bit tough for me, but I'll try to answer." Colin began, adjusting the collar of his ethereal shirt. "For as long as I can remember I've been attracted to other guys... being a specter makes a lot of my memories from when I was.. alive, kinda hard to remember... but I mean, I do have a type. That's for sure"

"A type?" Leo asked

"Yeah, I don't really find guys with those bulging muscles and big bodies attractive... I'm more into slim guys with a cute smile like.. like you." Colin said with an almost awkward laugh, looking away as he said the last bit.

"Way cuter.. and softer, more huggable if that makes sense."

"O-oh, yeah. I guess that makes sense." Leo answered, flattered by his roomie's words.

"Well.. for me, yeah I agree I don't like muscle heads.. but I do like guys who are slim but still have a toned body, a cute face is definitely a plus.. and I like guys who feel more uh... uh... dominant?" Leo paused "is that the right word?"

Colin's eyes went wide, as he heard Leo finish the tail end of his statement; not too sure if he fully understands what exactly Leo means or if he's reading too much into it.

"Yeah, sure it does, roomie. Ok, my turn again. Have you ever dated anyone?" The duo continued the back and forth, learning more about each other sitting on the couch and talking far past the ending of the movie; though as the night went on, Leo felt himself get sleepy.

"Hey, Colin? I think I'm gonna head to.. yawwn... to bed." Leo said, turning around and climbing onto his bed which was right behind the couch, crawling under the covers.

"Oh, yeah, sure. Me too" Colin said, holding the blanket as he flew upwards, draping it over Leo before flying under his own blankets.

"Oh, and Colin?" Leo began.

"Yeah, dude?" Colin responded.

"I.. I think you're pretty cute too." Leo finished his statement, letting out a yawn and stretching before almost immediately going to sleep.

Now it was Colin's turn to blush, he was thankful Leo was already asleep and in the next bed cause he couldn't hide the light ethereal blue that took hold on his cheeks, the boy wrapped his arms around his pillow, nuzzling into it, imagining it was a certain ashen-haired boy, the feeling of warmth washed over him as he went to sleep.