Goatee Bill soon led Danielle and Riza upstairs, to the Magister’s room.
“Riza, what a wonderful place you’ve found, friends who never let go of you… I am so happy for you!”
“Magister will accept you too, mom. Then we’ll be together forever!”
“I have to thank him immensely just for protecting my daughter for all these years,” Danielle smiled with gratitude towards the man she barely knew and who had cared for her daughter more than her father ever did.
Soon, they arrived at a silver door. Goatee entered first and announced their arrival. When, finally, they went in, William closed the door behind them.
The room was rich, full of luxurious items – golden and silver decoration. The bed was in the middle of the room. There was a bedside table too, where Riza caught a glimpse of a particular photo, with the depiction of a little orange-haired boy. His hands had clutched onto the dress of a smiling blonde woman of over thirty-five years. The woman’s eyes glittered crystal blue from behind her glasses, just like the boy’s ones. In that boy, Riza recognized the Magister, but on that photo, he wore no glasses.
Is that perchance… his mother?
She looked at the blonde woman on the picture.
I wonder where she is now…
Edmund sat on the bed, reclined to his pillow. His eyes were bandaged, as well as his chest. He hadn’t taken off his Order ring even when in the bed, while his golden-chained Libra amulet was now put aside on the bedside table.
He’s got injured… because of me.
The sense of guilt gnawed Riza’s heart.
The new glasses Goatee had brought for Edmund were placed on the bedside table too, along with some medicine and a bottle of water. Edmund heard the door creak and the footsteps enter, so he turned his head towards the guests.
“You’re in, Goatee?” he asked with a somewhat lost tone. It truly seemed that he could see nothing but darkness now.
“Yes, Magister Edmund”.
“You can leave if you want”.
Bill understood that the ‘if you want’ phrase was just a polite remark from the Magister’s part as a Libra who didn’t want to sound too harsh, so, in truth, he was told to leave. He only chuckled at the Magister’s overly courteous manners and left the place. Once he heard the door close, Edmund turned his head towards the remaining two visitors:
“Please sit down, Riza, Ms. Schatzen”.
Riza and her mother took seats on chairs in front of the bed.
“Magister, how are you feeling? We could visit you some other time if_”
“I’d just turn down the request if I weren’t in a condition,” Edmund smiled, regaining his usual ‘filthy nerd’ attitude. “But thank you”.
“I am truly sorry for bothering you, Mr. Jaeger. I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me and my daughter in this affair. You… really didn’t need to push yourself so hard, though…” Danielle felt sorry for the young man and guilty too, that all had happened because of her family problems.
“All I did was performing my duty as the Magister of the order Riza was a member of, so you don’t need to thank me, really”.
“No, child. That was not just a sense of duty. That was something more. You are truly a kind-hearted boy, and I am sincerely happy my daughter has found herself in your order”.
“Hehe…” Edmund scratched his head, unsure of how to answer now. He would often get confused when they gave him such compliments. “I… I’m glad I was at least of some help…”
Danielle chuckled at the young man’s modesty and shyness. Then, she stood, once noticed how Riza longed to talk with Edmund alone of some important matters.
“I’ll get going now. My daughter has told me she wants to talk with you about something in private,” she winked at Riza and walked out.
Hearing such news in all of a sudden and guessing the door had already closed behind the woman, Edmund turned to Riza in surprise:
“What private matter?”
Riza blushed and thanked the stars Edmund had his eyes bandaged so he wouldn’t see her reddened cheeks.
“First of all, I wanted to thank you for everything you did for me, Magister”.
“You’re welcome”.
Edmund shrugged. He had pulled off the polite mask he held when Riza’s mother was in. He, as a Libra, was extremely polite with strangers, but also, as a Magister since his deep childhood, very prideful towards the members of his order. Because of that, no one ever dared call him ‘Edmund’, save for Lord Nick who called him ‘Ed’ for two reasons: they were best friends, and Nick had a higher stance as the Moon Lord. Edmund had such aura that would send awe to all of his subordinates. And Riza, as a member of his order, was exactly his subordinate.
Still, you’re a cocky nerd…
Riza thought with a smile.
“And what was that ‘private matter’? Don’t give me chills, Riza – such words and then this awkward silence of yours sound scary,” Edmund laughed. “I cannot see you, so I’ve no idea what the heck you’re thinking. Spill it out, eh?”
His hands trembled. Riza could well guess he had spoken from the heart – he was truly scared. She let out a laugh:
“Goodness! Well, Magister, all I wanted to say is…”
She stopped. Sweat poured off her forehead.
Should I? But, I think I should… After all, he’s a Libra.
She meant that the Libra could rarely find enough courage to speak about their feelings, so she, as a Sagittarius, thus a very straightforward and bold maiden, should take the lead. Still, she felt butterflies all over her stomach, and her knees shook.
“You wanted to say?” Edmund asked.
Spill it out, Riza… What is it? I was too harsh on her? She wants to leave the Order?! Or… Don’t tell me she’s found out about my weakness towards tickles and now wants to punish me to death for insulting her before, now of all times when I can’t see?! Oh, no!
Sweat poured off his forehead. It seemed that when it came to serious talks, he was indeed a naive nerd.
Goodness, she calls me Edmund! She has truly found out about my weakness, and now, as she feels superior, she calls me by name! Spare me… Please, God, I didn’t want to use the Judgment Blast on so many people! I’m too young to get tortured like this!
His remembrances of how vile Nick Wingfield would tickle him whenever he dared raise his voice came to his mind and made him even more horrified.
Why… Why now of all times?!
“Edmund… We’ve lived through a lot together, in this order. I’ve understood that… I love you”.
He widened eyes in shock. But as he made such a harsh eye move, they bled again.
“Ah! Heck!” he yelled.
“Oh, no, Edmund, are you alright?”
“My eyes! Damn!”
Frightened Nora, Bill, and Nick rushed in. Riza had to explain she had done nothing wrong and had to apologize for the mess she’d caused.
Such was their first romantic moment.