Chapter 24: Tamie's Dream

Blackness had engulfed the area. Tamie was in a dark palace under the starry sky.

W… Where am I?

She saw a black balcony before her, spreading out to the snowy mountains in the black night. She ran out there by instinct, and looked at the mountains.

I’m in Zefiron?!

Zefiron was the magical realm she had created in her stories.

Why am I in Zefiron? Wait… The black palace of Noiron… Don’t tell me I’m in his dwelling?!

“Good guess, Goddess”.

A vile chuckle sounded from the behind, accompanied by a gruesome clap. She gulped and turned back, to see a young boy of dark blue hair and shimmering icy eyes, dressed in blackened clothes, walk out of the darkness.

I… I should let him know I’m Melodia!

Tamie remembered how this guy was in love with her main heroine, Melodia, whom she had designed under her influence.

But these people speak either French or Japanese in this realm! Ugh, why did I even design it like that?

She grew angry. She couldn’t think straight whilst she was in a dream. All of her thoughts were instinctive, as well as her actions. So she, having decided to talk in French, said with a trembling voice (for she knew what the guy was capable of, and no matter she was in a dream, she still feared pain and death):

“Jin, c’est moi, Melodia…[1]”

She shivered when felt she had reached the end of the balcony. As she couldn’t remember the simple words, ‘s’il vous plait[2]’ in French, which she would easily remember if she were awake, she yelled in Japanese now:


In return, she heard another sarcastic chuckle. The boy touched her chin and made her look at his icy eyes.

“Drop the formalities. I know too well who you are, Tamie. I’ve just called you Goddess, haven’t I?”

Tamie guessed what he meant – Goddess, as in the creator of these stories. He knew she was the one who created him.

“What do you want, Jin?”

The boy grinned:

“Now now then, is that any way to refer to the demon lord?! I have serious business to discuss with you, so you are to call me Kokujin, you little careless child”.

Main was not to make him mad, so Tamie nodded in obedience:

“What business, Lord Kokujin?”

“I saw all that happened in the real world”.

“So, it was really you?”

He truly came to her rescue? But how? She was only Rank One!

“Goddess, you believe you’ve created me?”

“Um, yes…”

“Chigau[4]! We are intertwined, you little fool! We both have created each other! Or you think your personality formed that way all because of your efforts? Who was that little kid crying her heart out to me when there were no friends to console her? Or you’ve forgotten all that?! Have you any idea how great a heart attack you gave me when that damn purple lady’s shot came at you? Have you any idea what I felt? Don’t you dare ever frighten me like that again, or I won’t appear in the form of the soft Blade Warrior Byakuya! I guarantee I’ll appear in my Kokujin form and engulf all of your surroundings in torturous darkness! You got that? Or now when you’ve met new friends you’ve forgotten about me, or our motto, that your life does not belong only to you?”

He was right – he was her muse, after all. His life was intertwined with hers. She shouldn’t throw her life away like that and threaten his existence. Tears gushed from Tamie’s eyes. She recalled how terrified she was when Fiorette launched that powerful attack at them. It was so dreadful!

“I… I’m sorry!” she cuddled with his chest. “Jin, I’m truly so sorry!”

“Goodness…” Jin embraced her in his arms, gifting his warmth to her. “Tamie, never throw your life in such danger again. Do not die on me. I love you… I want to inspire you more and more as your life goes. I want us to be together, whoever you choose in real life later on… I don’t care. I shall steal his face too. I am your muse, and in the dream world, you are mine. When you wake up now, you shall be Rank Five already. You will be able to summon Ronna, your green dragon, so let her help you whenever you are in need. When you reach Rank Six, I shall emerge,” he kissed her on the head. “Also, thank you for choosing the Writer Class”.

Tamie grew excited – summon Ronna the green dragon? That was amazing!

“I’ll be glad to see you in real life, Kokujin”.

“Well, until then, Goddess… Au revoir[5]…”

Tamie’s vision went blurred. It all swirled around and vanished.


[1] Jin, it’s me, Melodia (French)

[2] S’il vous plait – Please (French)

[3] お願いします (onegaishimasu) – Please (Japanese)

[4] 違う (chigau) – Wrong (Japanese)

[5] Au revoir – Goodbye (French)