Capitolo Nove


It's already 1:00 in the afternoon when I looked at the small clock placed on my side table. I looked at the woman beside me, still sleeping and gaining her strength because of what we did last night. I hugged her tightly and pressed my head on her neck, smelling her womanly scent. I still can't believe that I did it last night, I screwed a virgin girl. I screwed my secretary. And fuvk! I didn't use any protection!. I shot my cum inside her!. What if she will get pregnant?.Why I didn't bring a box of a condom and not a pack of it?. There's a lot of questions on my mind.

I immediately stood up and went to the shower to take a bath. Thinking what would happen next. After taking a bath, I saw Hershey leaning on the headboard of my bed. She didn't recognize that I'm looking at her. I just went to my walk-in closet, I took my black t-shirt and white sweat short and wore it. I went to my study table and check my email.

"Good afternoon," I said. She didn't respond to what I've said to her.

"Do I have an appointment today?" I asked her without looking at her. When she didn't respond again, I stood up and went on her. I tapped her shoulder to get back her senses. She blinked twice and looked at me.

"You don't have an appointment for today, Sir," she said. I nodded at her and I went back to my study table to continue what I'm doing.

"O-ouch," she said. I looked at her, she had already lowered her two feet to the floor. I shook my head and stood up to help her. I put her feet back on my bed. I look at her with irritation on my face.

"What's your fvcking problem?!" she exclaimed. I frowned on what she said.

"Look, you're fvcking sore down there! and you can't fvcking walk properly !"I exclaimed back at her.

"It's your fvcking fault!" she exclaimed again. I sighed to get more patience for her.

"I know. And you fvcking love it! you fvcking screamed on pleasure on what we fvcking did!" I said. I looked at her cheeks and it turns to red. She throws a pillow and it hits me. I glared at her and went to her. Since I can't screw her, I just tickled her.

"Hahahaha s-stop Hhahahaha" she laughed and trying to stop me. I just continued to tickle her.

"I said Hhahaha stop Hahahha," she said again.

"What? I don't hear it properly hahaha" I said and laughed at her. She glared at me and I glared back. We both laughed at what we acted. I fix her pajamas and also the position of her feet. The silence covered the whole room after I adjusted the position of her feet. I stood up and to fix the shirt that I'm wearing.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked her. While I'm busy fixing the pillows on my bed.

"I want scrambled egg, hotdog, fried rice, and vinegar with salt and chilli for my sauce on a scrambled egg" she replied. I frowned on what she said.

A vinegar with salt and chilli for a scrambled egg? What a weird combination for a sauce.

"What? it's delicious duh!" she said and rolled her eyes. I shrug on what she did. I went downstairs to prepare the food that she wanted to eat. I saw my Mom in the kitchen preparing some food.

"Hi Mom," I said and went to her to hug her. She smiles at me and she hugged me back. After she hugged me she continued what she was doing. I went to our refrigerator to get some hotdogs and organic eggs.

"Where's Hershey?" she asked.

"She's in my room "I shortly answered her. Someone slapped my shoulder, I looked at who is it and I saw my Mom glaring at me.

"What did you do to her?!" she exclaimed. I didn't answer her question and continue what I'm doing.I'm slicing the hotdog and placing it to the plate.

"Answer me!!" she exclaimed again. I sighed before giving the answer she wanted.

"She's my girlfriend" I shortly answered her. I beat the egg and put some salt. I blended it using a fork. After preparing the food I'll cook, I went to our electric stove and I heat the pan.

I heard my Mom screech after she absorbed my answer to her question.

"What happened?" my Dad worriedly asked. I look at my siblings who are confused about what happened. I shrug at them and continue cooking. Good thing that our helpers already cooked a bowl of fried rice.

I put those cooked hotdogs on the other plate the same with the scrambled egg. I look for a dash of vinegar and chilli for the sauce. I sliced the chilli and put it on the ramekin together with the vinegar and salt.

"They....are together now!!!" my Mom exclaimed at them. I just shrug on their reaction after hearing those words. I took utensils and plates to put in the food tray. I also put the food here to go up to my room.

I smile at them and went upstairs. Good thing the door of my room is slightly open, using my elbow I pushed it to open it widely. I went inside and I place the tray first on my study table. I fix the bed where we're going to eat.

I placed the tray on the top of the bed and we started to eat. I put my utensils down and immediately stood up.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"I'll get some juice. I forgot to take" I answered her. She nodded at me as she replied. I went downstairs to get some juice. I look for the orange juice powder and mix it with water on pitchel. I put some ice on it, I took two glasses and put them on the tray. I went back to my room to give her some juice to drink. We continued eating our food silently. Someone knocked on my door, Hershey dropped the utensils she was holding when she heard a knock on my bedroom door. I shook my head on what she did.

"Hadwyn?" I heard my sister Hannah asked.

"What?" I replied.

"Can I enter your room?" she asked again. I looked at Hershey, she shook her head as a sign that I will not let my sister come in. I stood up and went to the door of my room to open it widely. I let my sister come in.

"What are you doing here Hershey?" she asked. She looked at me with so much confusion on her face.

"She's my girlfriend." I'm the one who answered her question. She screech after she heard my answer. I shook my head on what she did. She immediately runs out of the room. When I closed the door, a pillow hits me.

When was there a flying pillow in my room?.

Another pillow hits me, I looked where it came from. I saw Hershey glaring and holding another pillow to throw on me again.

"What' wrong?" I asked her.

"Why did you tell to Ms.Hannah that I'm your girlfriend?" she asked. I smirked.

"Why not? you're my girlfriend right?" I asked her back. She throws the pillow on me with so much force. I sighed at what she did.

"Stop being childish Hershey," I said. And went to my study table to check some emails.I didn't hear any response from her.