Capitolo Dieci


Silence cover the whole room.No one dare to talk.

I'm still busy checking some emails on my laptop.

"I'm okay now. I'll go to the guest room" she said. I didn't respond to what she said. I heard the door of my room close. I stood up to fix the bed but I saw that it was fine. I just put the plates we used earlier in the kitchen. I went downstairs silently. I put it in the sink and let the maids clean and wash. I went upstairs again to get my phone, I went to our veranda. I looked at the view here at our veranda. I felt the cold breeze here in the veranda. My phone rang, I looked first to the name of the caller. It's Bellatrix. I answered her call.

"Yes?" I asked her

"Ahm...Can I go to your mansion?" she asked back.

"No." I shortly answered her

"Uh Can we meet in Jerry Thomas Speakeasy then?" she asked again

"Sure.What time?"I said

"Exactly 9 pm," she said

"Sure. Goodbye" I said goodbye to her

"Bye," she said and ended the call

I went inside the mansion to make some coffee to drink. I make a black coffee with caramel. I went to our living room to watch a movie on Netflix.

Who's watching?

Parents | The Brat Princess | Oldie Hermes | Sweet Secretary | Pervert Playboy Jerk | Guest

Pervert Playboy Jerk? Who the fvck change my name here?. My suspect is Hannah. She's the only one who has guts to do this kind of shits. I shook my head on what she did. I choose the Pervert Playboy Jerk to be able to watch. I continue watching 'The Kissing Booth 2', I didn't finish watching it because we left. As I watched I sipped my coffee.

I finished watching the movie around 5 pm.I turned off the television and went upstairs to sleep. I need to sleep at least 2 or 3 hours later. I won't screw Bellatrix later, I don't have a condom with me anymore and I also have no plans to buy it here in Italy. I will just accompany her. We have known each other for a long time, she was even mistaken as my girlfriend. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes to sleep.

I woke up around 8 pm.I got up to go to the bathroom, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I went downstairs to the dining area to eat my dinner. They were already eating when I arrived there. I went to my place, I took some food. I took a little, I need to prepare my clothes that I will wear later. While we're eating, they're talking about something that I'm not interested to join with them.I'm eating my dinner silently.

"Someone eats quietly" Hannah teased me. I stopped for a moment and glared at her. She just smirked at me.

"So, how's the relationship with the pervert playboy jerk, Hershey?"Hannah asked Hershey. I didn't look at Hershey. I'm giving her a silent treatment, because of what she did earlier. I already finished my food, I stood up to go upstairs and take a bath.I'm not interested in her answer.

After taking a bath, I went to my walk-in closet to get some clothes to wear. I choose my black Macbeth shirt, pants, paired with brown leather shoes, a black belt, and a quartz watch. I tuck in my shirt. I took my wallet along with my cellphone and put it in the pocket of my pants. I use my Sauvage Dior perfume. I went downstairs to go in our garage. I saw my parents and siblings with Hershey in the living room, they were watching a movie. Hannah looked at me with so much confusion.

"Where are you going?" she asked me.

"Jerry Thomas Speakeasy. Why?" I asked her. She frowned on what she heard. My parents and Hermes looked at me. Hershey just throws a glanced at me and she continues watching a movie.

"Nightout with friends?" Hermes asked me. I just nodded at her. I remain standing near the doorway, waiting for more questions they'll ask.

"You don't have friends here right?" Hannah asked me again. I sighed at what she said. She knows everything about me. She's the observer of the family, maybe it's the advantage of being a former law student.

"I'm with Bellatrix. Bye"I said goodbye to them without hearing their answer. I went to our garage. I went to the key holder to get the key for the car that I'll be used. I immediately went inside the car and started the engine.

A few minutes of driving I already arrived at Jerry Thomas Speakeasy. I called Bellatrix to tell her I was here already. She answered the call.

"Where are you?" I asked her.

"I'm here inside the bar. The table near the entrance" she answered.

"Okay," I said and ended the call. I went inside the bar and looked for the table that Bellatrix told me. When I found it I immediately went there. She was already drinking when I saw her, she's drinking a tequila.

"What's your problem?" I asked her. She wouldn't invite me here if she had no problem. If she has no problem, she'll invite her girl friends here to do bar hopping. But no, she invited me here, I'm sure that she has a problem. She immediately looked at me and sipped in her glass before answering my question.

"Yes. I have" she said. I called the waiter and ordered a black label.

"Spill the tea now, "I said. While waiting for the liquor I ordered, I took another shot glass from the table and put some tequila on it.

"I-I'm b-broken h-hearted huhuhu" she said and cried. I shook at what she did. I bottom up the tequila that's in the shot glass and I take a lemon after I drink it. She didn't stop crying so I laughed at her.

"B-by Hahahha who?" I said and laughed at her. Damn! a pretty lady like her rejected by a man. She's an amazing lady.

Amazing in bed too.

"It's not important! Damn him! How come he rejected me?! huhuhu" she said. I shook my head on what she said. The Black Label I got from the waiter has arrived. I took my shot glass to put it on. She's still crying and I don't know how to comfort a broken-hearted girl.

"Just drink and let go of the pain inside you, "I said. I think she gets what I've said on her. I don't fvcking know how to comfort a broken-hearted.

"Enjoy your life and don't cry over those fvck shits jerk, Bellatrix" I gave her advice. If you can call it as advice.

She just nodded at me and she put another shot of Tequila on her shot glass. She bottoms it up, I drink the Black Label which is in my shot glass. I drank very little because I would take Bellatrix to her condo.I'm sure that she'll drink and drink until she can't walk anymore.