Capitolo Quarttodici


I woke up early because I was back to my normal life. I am already here in the Philippines, therefor I'm back to my usual life. I took a shower and put on my office attire. I arrange my belongings first, I went downstairs to eat my breakfast. I used to be alone here, in my own house. Sometimes I was with my friends here at home. Sometimes Hershey was also here. To read some fiction books in my library or she has something to do here.

Exactly 8 a.m. when I left my house. I'm on way to my company. I drove the car to the company. I'm not sure what time I'll go home later. I parked my car in the company's private parking lot. I got inside the elevator, I pressed the floor of my office. I saw Hershey at her desk, focused on her computer monitor.

"Good morning" I greeted her with my grave tone. She stopped what she was doing, she stood up to greet back as well.

"Good morning Sir" she greeted.

"What's my schedule for today?" I asked her.

"Sir, you have a meeting at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. With the board of directors of each hospital", she answered. I nodded at her and went inside to my office. I opened my laptop and looked at the emails.

I read them meticulously. I called Hershey to bring me some coffee. While I was waiting for her, I read the folders on my desk. Various folders are for proposal, a report from a different department, and a resume from applicants. Hershey had already put the coffee on my table. She was just standing across from my table. I looked at her with so much confusion.

"What?" I asked her. She composed herself first before she speaks.

"After your meeting later, can I go home right away?" she said. I frowned at her.

She will go home immediately? For what?

"Why? Do you have a date?" I asked her. I glared at her.

"No Sir. I will just meet my friend" she said.

"If you're going to meet your friend, then I'll go with you," I said. Her brows were furrowed on what I've said.

"No need Sir. I can do it by myself" she replied.


"So, you're disobeying your boyfriend, huh?" I said irritably to her. She rolled her eyes on me and walked-out.

I just shook my head because of what she did. Did I do something wrong? Probably not, I just want to accompany her. Maybe she will meet her boy friend later.

I'm afraid of my own ghost.

She increases my anger at her. I extend my patience to her until now I have been waiting for her to tell me about she waited for me until dawn. She always sat next to Hermes at the dining table and laughed at him. Giving her sweetest smile to Hermes makes me jealous. I want to smash his face. Yet I didn't do it. I still respect him as my older brother. I manage myself.

I went out of my office to visit Hershey. It's launch time already. I saw her at her table and eating Hawaiian pizza from Greenwich.

"Hey, let's go," I said on her. She looked at me with so much confusion.

"Where?" She asked me.

"Restaurant" I shortly answered her.

"For what?" she asked me again. I sighed.

"Nothing. Let's eat our launch " I said. She nodded at me.

"I'm already eating my launch," she said. Then she bit into the pizza she was holding.

"Oh come on! you can take that. You can continue eating that in my car." I said.

"But Si---" I cut off what she was going to say.

"No buts, I'm already hungry. I'll wait for you in the parking lot" I said on her. I went inside the elevator to go down to the parking lot.

When I was in the parking lot, I got inside my car. While I was waiting for Hershey, I scrolled through my Instagram first. I also stalk Hershey's Instagram account. She has not uploaded the latest picture or story yet. I took a picture of the steering wheel of my car, I put it in my story and I put 'waiting for my baby'

I waited a few minutes for Hershey before she arrived. I opened the door of the front seat. She immediately went inside and closed the door. When she got inside, she immediately opened the box of pizza that she was eating earlier. .I just shook my head on what she did. I started the engine and went to the nearest restaurant here. We went to Harbor View Restaurant. It's just close to the company. You only need a few minutes to walk to get to Manila Ocean Park. We both like seafood, therefor we went here.

When we arrived at the restaurant, she also ran out of the pizza she was carrying. I parked the car in the parking lot of the restaurant. We first looked for a trash can to throw away the box of pizza.

We went inside the restaurant, we looked for the table for the two of us. A waiter immediately came to us to list our orders.

"I will order," I said on her. She just nodded at me. I order Garlic Prawn, Bicol Express, Garlic Butter Pork Chop, rice, and 1 pitchel of Iced Tea. When the waiter listed our orders he left.

I took out my phone too. I took a picture of Hershey while she was busy looking at her cellphone. When I took a picture of her, I posted it on my IG story. We waited half an hour before they serve our order on our table.

Hershey put down her cellphone when she sees the food on the table. I also put down my phone, Hershey scooped up for her and so I did.

The dish she took was Garlic Prawns and Garlic Butter Pork Chop. I took the Bicol Express. We started eating our launch.

"Who is your friend that you'll be going to meet later?" I asked her. She drank an Iced Tea first before she answers my question.

"It's none of your business" she replied firmly to me.


"Well, it is.I'm your fvcking boyfriend," I said. She rolled her eyes on me.

"I won't meet him, are you okay now?" she said irritably to me.

I just nodded at her. We continued eating our launch.

"You can move to my condo" " I said. She looked at me with so much confusion.

"Why?" she asked me.

"Nothing. I just want to" I answered her. She rolled her eyes on me again. She likes to roll her eyes on me, huh?.

"I don't want to. I have my condo." She said. I can't do nothing.She's hard-headed.If she doesn't want to, then no!.

We went to the parking lot of the restaurant. She opened the door of the front seat, she went inside. I started the engine. And went back to the company.

In my private parking lot, I parked my car. She was in a hurry to get out of the car. I shook my head on what she did.

I saw her at her desk, very focused monitor of her computer.

"So busy," I said. He did not speak so I went inside my office. I arranged the folders and reports that I need to bring for the meeting later.