Capitolo Quindici

Capitolo Quindici

My meeting with the board of directors of each hospital is over. We didn’t discuss anything important in the meeting. I went to my office. I saw Hershey at her desk, reading a fiction book. She did not go to the meeting earlier, she said he would do something else.

"Do I have another appointment today?" I asked her. She immediately put down the book she was reading. She looked at my schedule.

"Nothing, Sir. There are new folders on your table that you need to read and sign," she said. I nodded to her in response.

As I entered my office, I saw a lot of folders, and other paper works are strewn across my desk. I was just shaken by what I saw. I arranged them first before reading. I went to Hershey at her desk.

"Can you arrange those folders and paper works?" I asked her. She nodded at me, she went inside my office.

"Arrange them based on the date that I need to sign immediately," I said.

"Okay," she answered me briefly.

I went back to my desk. I opened my laptop and continued reading some emails. I deleted emails that I was not interested in. I deleted the email proposal of some hospitals. I don't want to increase my headache because of them. The emails are about reports from each department.

"Here are the files that your signature needs now," Hershey told me. I took the files, I read them first before I signed.

When I read and signed them, I placed them in one of the visitors' chairs. When she finished arranging the folders, she left inside my office. I stopped what I was doing first, to rest for a while. I picked up my phone, I played Mobile Legends for a while.

“What a stupid team,” I said

Stupid Allies!

I continue reading and signing the folders placed on my desk. I checked the time on my cellphone, it's already 8 pm. I arranged all the paperwork on my desk, I will just continue it tomorrow. As I was sorting out the paper works, my phone rang.

"What's up Aldrin," I said on the other line.

"Daniel and I are going to the bar, do you want to come?" he asked me.

“Sure. What time?” I asked him back.

“9 pm. Let’s see each other at the bar.

“Okay. Name of the bar?” I asked him again.

"Bank Bar," he answered me.

"Okay, see you later," I said. He ended the call.

I have arranged my things. I will go home to my condo first to change my clothes. As I left my office, I saw Hershey arranging her things.

"I'll take you to your condo," I told her. She stopped what she was doing, she looked at me with so much confusion.

“For what?” she asked me.

"I'm your boyfriend." I shortly answered her. She rolled her eyes on me. She continued what she was doing. I waited for her to finish what she was doing. I grabbed her bag, she was surprised at what I did

"I have my hand. I can carry that," she said. I shook at what she said.

"Let me do this," I said. I walked to the elevator.

"What's my schedule for tomorrow?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes at me before she looked at my schedule for tomorrow.

"You have no appointment tomorrow. The other files on your desk need to be signed tomorrow," she said. I nodded at her. We went inside the elevator, she pressed a button for my private parking lot.

"I might get late tomorrow," I told her.

"Why? Do you have a date today?" she asked me sarcastically.

"Nope. My friends and I are going somewhere." I answered her. She just nodded at me.

She went inside the front seat. I drove to her condo. We were just quiet the whole trip. I stopped driving because the traffic light was red. I waited for the traffic light to turn green, I touched her thigh. She immediately removed my hands on her legs. I smiled at what she did.

"Hey! Why did you do that?" I asked her.

"Can you just drive? you might be late for your party," she said irritatedly to me.

"Okay." I shortly answered her. I looked at the traffic light, it's already in the Go signal.

We’re already here at the building of her condominium. She was about to get out of my car when I held her in her hand. When she looked at me, I immediately kissed her. She didn't respond to my kisses, I slightly bit her lower lip. I sucked her tongue, she responded on my kisses now.

I stopped kissing her when we both ran out of air. I smiled at her, I kissed her forehead.

"Take care of yourself," I said. She nodded at me and got out of my car.

Just a few minutes later I arrived at my condo. It's just close to Hershey's condo. I parked my car in the parking lot of the building. I immediately went outside of my car. I went inside the elevator and pressed the floor of my unit. When I got to the floor of my unit I immediately left.

I went inside my unit. I sighed when I saw my unit. The inside of my unit is dirty. I forgot to tell my helpers to clean my unit. I put my things on the sofa, I sweep the floor before I mop it. This is my first time doing household chores. I rested for a while before taking a bath. My phone rang, I answered it immediately.

"Where the hell are you ?!" Aldrin shouted at me on the other line.

"I'm on my way. Relax you motherfvcker!" I said.

"We're already inside the bar, we're just waiting for you to come," he said to me.

"I'm on my way," I told him.

"Okay! Hurry up!" he said and ended the call.

On the way, scam!

I went to my room to take a bath there. I wear my white shirt, ripped jeans, a black belt, and a pair of white sneakers. I made sure all the windows and doors were closed before I left my unit.

I'm on my way to Bank Bar in BGC. It's a hidden bar behind 7- Eleven. There is also food inside the bar, with Mang Tomas, cup noodles, and many more.

I parked my car first. I went inside the 7- Eleven convenience store. A walked in a short hallway designed to look like a stock room, leading to a curtain that covers the actual entrance of the bar. The bouncer who was guarding me already knew me, he let me in right away.