Chapter 2: The second person, Lucifer Nightmare

Unexpected events.

In a meaning, it could be said as something unforeseen. Like you didn't expect you would trip all of the sudden, even if you walk normally. It is also an event that takes you by surprise, more like you weren't prepared for it. If there`s an idiom, then ‘out of the blue’, ‘catch someone off guard’, ‘out of nowhere’, ‘just like that’ and ‘all of the sudden’ would be the few suitable meanings to this.

Or it is an event that can be expected, but improbable at the time or a fully unprecedented event— it could turn out to be an entirely new situation.

I believe unexpected events tend to happen at least once in life. For me, the term ‘unexpected events’ is something that I had been through countless times, so many times that I lost count of the numbers. No matter how big or small they are, some of them are ironically, actually the turning points of your life— or maybe you could say, it ‘changed’ your life.

But, to where will it change you?


Or bad?

I believe only the God of Creation knows. There's no way for us to know how it will turn out.

If I were to give you an example…

Let's say, my little sis— Restia, who found out that I escaped from my house, and is going to come here to kill me.

I believe it's already a little unexpected— or maybe you expected that?

I doubt anyone would’ve expected my little sis to be that extreme, but unfortunately, that's the truth. But no matter what, she is my little sis, so I would love her with all my heart (even if I had the chance to get myself killed).

Ehem, back to the topic.

Anyways, when faced with such a situation, what do you think I should do?

Explain the reason? Calm her down? Scold her? Apologize? Go back?

There are tons of predictions and calculations inside your mind now, but I will tell you this— I have no idea at all.

Like I said, they are unexpected— so it's futile to do so. Though I said it might be futile, who knows when it might be useful in the end? It's better to make preparations.

At any rate, I had a way to deal with it— and the answer is extremely simple.

I`m just kidding, I have no idea.

Quite unexpected, isn't it? I have caught you off guard.

And if you believe in the last two lines of my words just now, then congratulations again— you were wrong. There is an answer.

Accept any possibilities and follow your heart. That's the only way, or at least don't let things be mind-blown.

That's the way of life.

Yet— how many of us in this world are able to do that…?

Not even the high and almighty Kuroyuki Shiroha is able to do so.

Like now.

She nonchalantly tilted her head slightly to the right with a puzzled look and stared at me.

“…Round… two…?” She murmured. “…Why did you think you could win? You don't have any intention to surrender?”

“No, I would`have surrendered.” I replied. “Haven't I given up since the start?”

“…I don't know what your goal is, but you have been stalling my time on purpose since the beginning.” She said calmly.

As expected of her. Even though she realized and knew there might be danger, yet she still followed the flow.

Luckily those bystanders were gone. It really is lucky for me. I know it's impossible to avoid it from revealing— I'm sure everyone would`ve know at some point, but at least she`s now the only one who will know—

—about my secret, about the other ‘me’ that I have been saying to myself over and over.

“Kuroyuki Shiroha.” I murmured.

“…Nnn……?” She's looking extremely displeased now.

“Whatever happens next, don't blame me.”

“…looking down on me is your biggest mistake…” She uttered.

She inched her spear closer to my throat— with the tip poking the neck of my skin. I`m not the least bit fazed by her threat at all. I merely stared at the sky that's about to turn dark.

“I won't. But maybe, ‘he’ will.” I vaguely replied.

The moment the sky turns dark, a dense, high and rich concentration of mana engulfed every inch of my body.


Kuroyuki instinctively skipped backwards in a defensive stance with her spear, and her face looked completely caught off guard.


It's here.

The night-time torture… is coming.

All of the sudden, black magic circles appeared one-by-one in thin air and surrounded my body. A total of nineteen of them.

Then, without any sign of warnings— a dagger flew out from one of the 19 magic circles and stabbed on my right upper arm.

It's as if my right arm is getting electrocuted, burned, ripped off, crushed, sliced, cut, pierced— any kind of pain I could`have imagined, all gathered up as one.


Unable to bear the intense pain, I curled myself and screamed.

Then again— without any warnings, another dagger flew out from another magic circle and stabbed my left leg, with the same pain as my right arm was facing.


Another dagger stabbed on my abdomen.


If I hadn't been through so many times that I'm barely able to count, I would`ve puked from the intense pain.









…and this is the 19th dagger. The pain was stacked up to nineteen times, and each and every one of it is painfully unbearable.

My eyes rolled upwards so much that the nerves connecting to it were nearly snapping.

My throat screamed so hard that my oesophagus nearly tears off.

My arms stretched so much that the bones within were nearly breaking.

My lungs squeezed so much that I couldn't even breathe.

My stomach flexed so much that I`m on the verge of vomiting.

My legs are pulling so hard that my tendons are about to snap.

…that's not the end.

The moment the nineteen magic circle disappeared, a large one appeared— shooting a large black sword as it stabbed on my chest. It`s power is enough to press my body and make the ground crack.


Nothing else could be heard but the tearing voice of my wholehearted scream of pain, till I no longer have the air and power to scream anymore.

Then, afterwards—

Every pain nervous cell inside my body is throbbing.

My blood boiled;

My heart stopped;

My brain ceased its function.

A black out.

I`m going through a process to ‘change’.


After about ten seconds, all the daggers and swords that stabbed me scattered like ashes then disappeared.

I opened my eyes.

Since my body is still throbbing in pain, I carefully sat on the cracked ground and looked upwards— searching for the moon.

It`s half-moon today.

No, the moon isn't important. I`m merely doing a countdown.

When I realized, a gorgeous, beautiful girl with a mysterious aura around her sat lifelessly on the ground and was staring at me with a face— full of shock and surprises. She seems a little puzzled and dumbfounded too.

It seems she saw what happened to me.

Well… anyone who saw my condition for the first time would've made the exact same expression like hers.

Right then, why am I outside? Who is she and why is she here? Isn't it supposed to be summer— it's cold, and there is tons of snow around.

She's wearing a white blazer… same as mine. Snow and ice…

Hmm… could this be?

She's the girl that is good for nothing, the bastard principal mentioned?

Her name… Kuroyuki Shiroha.

Err… wait a minute. The other useless ‘me’ got away from my little sis!? How is this even possible!? God, this must be a miracle!

Forget it. What on earth did he get himself involved into? There`s an ice spear next to the girl.


My head hurts!

This pain is normal. It's another pain routine. It is a stress that was built up by the other me. Every time we switch, our memory fragments will flow to each other's brain after somewhere around ten seconds.


What…!? You serious!?

Damn, damn, damn this is retarded. Are you expecting me to fight a monster like her? Nightwalker you must be nuts.

A freaking beauty like her should never be interpreted as a monster.

She's A slightly prideful cold beauty with a black, long, straight hair, topped that she's a genius and an extremely talented honour student with a poison tongue— these traits are completely my type, and yours too! Are you an idiot or something?

“…You alright?” I asked.

After I squatted down in front of this beauty, I reached out my hand and touch her forehead—

Hmm. How unexpected. It's so freakishly cold.

The dazed beauty seemed to come back to her senses when I touched her. Or rather, she came back to her senses because she was touched.

“…Don't touch me…!” She shouted angrily.

Ah. My hand got slapped away.

“…The ‘Twenty Seals’, why do you have it on you…?” The girl glared at me.

“Why do I have it on me… Hahaha.” I laughed sombrely. “…does it really seem like I would want it on me?”

“……!” She retreated backwards, and made an ice spear on her hand.

Not a sign of warning, she took the spear and pointed it right on my throat— with exactly seven spears surrounding me.

Three on my back, two on my right and two on my left.

“Hmm… why the sudden threat? Do I really look that scary?” I said.

“…You aren't Lucifer… Who are you…?”

Her words surprised me. I`d never expect her to catch on this quickly.

“You are half correct.” I replied. “Mind allowing me to stand? Squatting is tiring.”

She pulled back her spears— at least, enough space for me to stand rather than squatting.

“…then what should I call you?”

From her tone, she clearly understood I`m the other half.

“Well… I am Lucifer Nightmare and the other guy— is Lucifer Nightwalker. But I prefer you to call me Lucifer as well.”

“…Interesting.” She smirks.

Not good. This expression…

I quickly retreated backwards to the tree, slipping past her spears where Kuroyuki was surprised by it. Though she shoots her spears afterwards, I swiftly evaded them without breaking a sweat.

Right on time when I got my weapons, Kuroyuki herself— with her spear came thrusting on my front.

I bend my waist, avoiding my abdomen from her spear by a hairbreadth, and steps myself next to her.



When I stabbed her on her abdomen with the sword, I hit something hard. I quickly took a look, and realized that my sword isn`t even touching her blazer; it's close to her blazer, but not touching it.

It's as if she had an armour coated around her body…

I quickly kicked myself backwards to dodge Kuroyuki`s sword swing.

“Silent Step.”

Not making the slightest sound, I took a quick, sudden step forward— close enough for my blade to reach, and it surprised Kuroyuki.

“Silent Blade.”

I pointed my sword to her left shoulder, and made a perfect straight thrust— a fast and soundless thrust.

As expected, it won't be that easy.

She dodged it perfectly by taking a quarter-clockwise spin with her foot.

In that moment, her raised right leg took a step sideways to get further from me and she swung her sword horizontally— all within 0.2 seconds.

“Cheh.” I inadvertently mumbled.

I took a squat just in time to dodge her blade and quickly get myself some distance away from her.


Though she shot thirty of her spears, I`m able to evade them swiftly. It's better than blocking them. This way, there's no need to worry about the explosions.

I quickly closed our distance with my one and only footwork— silent step.

“Silent blade.”

I swung my sword diagonally upwards from the right.

Yet Kuroyuki evaded my blade completely by taking one simple hop back, and another hop with a clockwise spin to the right. And around the third quarter of her spin, she swings her spear horizontally, backhanded— aiming to cut my neck.

I bent my waist backwards— completely avoided her spear.

With her body now facing me as she lands, she took a sudden leap forward with a thrust on her sword.

Reluctantly, I deflected her sword with the scabbard that was wielding in a dagger style.

What's with her footwork…? It's like she's dancing. On top of that, the spin, the hop, and the sudden approach are three completely different styles. Perhaps there's more. I can`t fight against this.

“Lights off.” I murmured.

The nightlight function on my clothes immediately switches off.

The moment Kuroyuki realizes, she quickly turns off her nightlight function too.

“…lights off.”

With both of the only light sources cut off, we were enveloped by darkness, pitch black. It takes some time for the eyes to get used to the dark, so this moment of time where we can't rely on our eyes, is crucial. There`s about 10 minutes of darkness, but I will assume her eyes are just as good as mine. So I will cut this down to 4 minutes.

We had to rely on our other senses. Hearing, touch, and smell.

Even the slightest breathing noise could give away your position.

So, I already held my breath the moment she switched off her light. Now I can't tell anything from the scent.

There`s no sound coming from her side either. It seems she held her breath and did not move as well.

From the last time where she is, I dash towards her using my footwork, silent step. It gives no sound, I`m she wouldn`t have heard it.

But one thing worries me.

The ground is full of her snow, and she'd probably know where I am, as if the snow is her skin— she might know where I was.

So… I quickly approached where she is just now and swung the sword diagonally downwards as a quick test. Obviously, it's a silent movement and attack— so it's impossible for her to hear it.

I hit nothing, so it's clear. She moved away from her position.

I quickly moved to her spot, and squatted down. I squatted because my swing gave away my position— the slightest wind created from my swing that was blowing across her face might expose my position.

Let's make a bet here…


I heard the sound of something flying fast. It's her spears.

My hair moves to the left. It just went past my head. It's coming from the right…?

In that instant, I quickly switched my breath through my mouth silently and dash towards that direction— just kidding. My swing earlier was facing the front, how is it possible for her to know when she's on the right? Such a sly one she is.

Silent blade…!

In my squatting position, I swung my blade diagonally upwards.

I was expecting it to hit something hard— maybe her invisible armour. Yet—


—there`s nothing. Not even the slightest resistance of cutting through snow or ice. Instantly, I switched my focus on my ears, but I heard nothing. I tried to feel the slightest heat from my hands, but there`s nothing but cold air.

This can't be. My guess was wrong…? Could she really be on the right…? Or maybe… she just moved…?

I can't stay at the same spot for too long.

By the time I moved my spot three steps to the left without the slightest noise— several spears rained down from above from the spot I was before.

Hearing those sharp sounds— I quickly leaped backwards silently.

Then, the sound of several spears landing and the wind pressure from it could be heard clearly coming from the front.

The way her spear attacks (drops from above) hides her position completely.

She could tell where I am!?

Shit, I hate it when I'm right since from the start…!

I decided to give up on holding my breath and move around without creating too much noise. Switching my moving pattern every time.

Front, back, left, right— Zig-zag, like a snake, like a frog— as long as she`s not able to guess what's coming next.

But, every time I move away from my last spot— her spear lands just right on that very last spot right after a second. There's no time for me to rest.

The tension made me inhale.

The moment I breathe in, there's a faint yet sweet, fragrant smell like the smell of shampoo enters into my nose. That's the exact time a thought came into my mind.

‘Why did I hold my breath right from the start? I hate myself.’

From that faint smell, I predict she's around there…

I quickly took a dash towards my 3oclock direction, swinging my blade diagonally downwards to the left.


Again, I cut nothing but air.

My smell detection had a 93% accuracy of distance judgement, but somehow— I started to doubt the percentage myself.

I leaped backwards immediately and moved around again— using the same tactic to avoid her spears.


Her smell is coming from the left now…?

Wow. I'm sure of it now.

She's moving silently— just as I am. I predicted she might`ve experience in fighting in the dark but— this isn't experience, she was used to it…!

It's about time now…

I silently dash to where she is, evading the continuous spears.

“Lights on maximum output!”

The nightlight function on my clothes lights up immediately— with a white light, although the intensity was not strong enough to blind you, but it's able to blind for maybe a minute when the iris just adjusted itself to the dark.

However, both of us thought of the same move— Kuroyuki`s clothes shine with a blinding light.

‘It's okay,’ I thought. It's all within my predictions.

All I need to do is to close my eyes and swing my blade. But if I do so, then wouldn't it be the same to get used to the light once again if I open them? Then, all I need to do is to avoid looking at the light source directly— I just need to look at her feet.

And this is where I`m getting the upper hand, Kuroyuki.

I`m wearing trousers and you wore a skirt— you had no choice but to close your eyes or look away to the sides…!

From her footwork, Kuroyuki is about to make a spear thrust.

I quickly turned my body to the left and moved myself to the right forehand, then— I saw her spear slipping past my waist.


If I`m correct, my sword cuts her neck— but I`m not strong enough to break through her ridiculous armour.

Hold on…! Her footwork is stable… this means, she blocked it…!?

Ugh. Must be her sword.


If I`m correct, my scabbard landed on the armour around her abdomen.

Oh, I can see her skirt now.

When I raised my head— I was stunned by the view in front.

A screen was placed right in front of Kuroyuki`s face— the screen is slightly dark. From that, I understood what that screen was for. It's like some portable sunglasses.

What's more, hundreds of her spears floating above are waiting to attack.

Dang, I lost to technology.

It's as if Kuroyuki could read my thoughts, she looks at me with a grin.

“…Pierce.” She whispers.

Oh dear.

Twenty at a time, her spears shoot ruthlessly.

…If you are expecting this duel to end by now, then you are wrong.

With minimal movement, I evaded Kuroyuki`s spears as if they slipped past me, as I moved myself backwards to keep some distance. Even if it's a thousand of them, your spears will never hit me.

In fact, that`s a wrong move.

I took the sword and scabbard on my hand, deflecting the spears to the sides as I dodge. At some certain point— instead of deflecting away, I deflected one of it back to Kuroyuki.

Perhaps, the spear with a speed near to a bullet and power near to a bomb was being used back on Kuroyuki surprised her— it grazed her waist, on the armour— where it was cut by the spear.

That spear was the last one— the road is clear now.

Silent Step Spectre.

An upgraded footwork of Silent Step. It's footwork that erases my sound and presence— but it requires a lot of stamina to move now because of the snow. Since she was stunned, I had to make a bet.

The moment I managed to sneak behind Kuroyuki— I swung my blade, aiming to hit her waist, where it was cut.


However, Kuroyuki quickly leaps forward before my sword hits and countered by turning her body to face me as she threw her spear.

The spear which had the same power to push Nightwalker backwards.


I managed to parry with the scabbard.

Her reaction speed is terrifying. Is she even human…?

By the time I realized it, Kuroyuki swayed her hand down with her special gesture.

I calmly look up.

“Ho.” I inadvertently grin.

The moment I took my right foot away from the original spot, I evaded a spear which just landed.

Next, I bent my waist slightly to the right, dodging the second spear which would stab my head.

Then I pushed myself by kicking to the ground with my right foot— to the left and evaded the third and fourth spear.

I took a step forward as I leaned forward, letting the fifth and sixth spears to land behind me where it was supposed to stab both of my shoulders.

“Heh.” I looked at Kuroyuki and smirked confidently.

This is just to tell her to give up to set off her spear to explode. She knew what my smirk meant.


And… she did it anyways, with a snap on her fingers.

Knowing what might possibly happen, I quickly faced backward and broke all the spears behind me in one swing and retreated backwards.

Except for the spears above, those that I`ve broken had their explosions divided by half. As it explodes— aside from the ice fragments that create a small hailstorm, the snowflakes it scatters made the scene...

…as if it is snowing.

“…Aren't you rather calm and composed…” Kuroyuki murmured.

It seems she decided to put things on hold and try to understand me.

I don`t mind. It's good to make things clear enough.

“Well… comparing myself to Nightwalker, I think I'm much more of an opponent than he is.”

Hearing that, Kuroyuki leaked out a displeasing look for a second.

“…but you viewed him as your equal.” Her brows furrowed.

Huh. She surprised me once more. Just how far is able to tell…?

Those words had another meaning. She also meant that ‘Not only you, but he (Nightwalker) too is looking down on me?’

“No, no, no. That's not it. It's quite the opposite.” I quickly denied.

Kuroyuki raised her left brow with a wary look.

“Unlike me, who fights through observing and thinking a strategy… The way Nightwalker fights is opposite to mine— he fights by using his instincts.” I said.

“…What does that mean?”

“He knew no matter how hard he tries, he can't defeat you.” I replied. “A 100% defeat no matter what.”


Kuroyuki stared at me with her impassive eyes. It's almost as if she were asking ‘what about you?’.

“Hmm. There's A 97% chance for me to win. You knew it yourself.” I said.

“…What about the 3%?”

“If you decide to change your mind.”

“…Hehe…” She snickers. “…In that case, I will be serious, then.”

In less than a second, she disappeared by leaving an afterimage— my eyes captured the blurry images of her and traces of her footsteps were left on the snow. She approached me with herself almost as fast as the speed of the bullet.

This is completely another level of speed.

By the time I realized, she was already behind me— swinging her sword.

I took a quick step forward, evading her sword that nearly cut my blazer.


Then, her evil grin surprised me.



She flung her spear, aiming my head. Pairing on it with the exact movement, I diverted her spear to the left with my scabbard and yanked my head to the right— dodging a cold air that blasts out from the impact of her spear.

Hahaha… This is bad.

I need to keep some distance.

With that, I took the sword on my hand and placed it in front of her abdomen.

“Silent Blade Spectre!”



At that moment, I expect that she'd be able to dodge it easily. But it hit.

No, that's not it. I was careless. When I came to realize it, my scabbard actually touched her blazer. She removed her armour and took this hit on purpose.

Before I knew it, I already threw away my weapons and was holding Kuroyuki`s lifeless body. As the blood she spurts from her mouth dyed the snow below my feet to red, I held her within my arms, trembling in fear.

“You fool…! Why did you take that hit…!?” I yelled at her.

“…Sorry…” She coughs some blood. “…I think I need to pass out for a while…”

Saying that, Kuroyuki fainted with her body leaning on me. Afterwards, the surrounding ice and snow disappeared without a trace, leaving the scene back to a normal destroyed grass field.

The collar and the sleeves of my blazer shone green— with a screen appearing in front of me.