Chapter 2.2


I'm starving. My body felt restless and is aching with pain all over.

Perhaps this is the result of not having a drop of water nor food since 3a.m., and also the cause of sleep deprivation.

Stupid Nightwalker. How could you forget food and water of all things?

Current location: The special class, kitchen section.

Obviously, I`m cooking.

To be precise, I'm currently choosing the utensils I needed from the kitchen section system— and god, as expected from a dream kitchen— there's so much to choose from the list that my eyes are hurting.

Utensils: 16-inch frying pan, silicon spatula, 8-inch chef's knife, cleaver, fork, red and green cutting board, small and medium sized glass bowl.

Once the system confirms my requirements, the respective cupboards and drawers open automatically with a green light. Those I needed were at those respective places.

Thus, I walk around— taking those marked utensils one-by-one as I place them on a conveyor belt, which sends them to my work station.

Ingredients: Olive oil, smoked, flake, black, pink and kosher salt, black peppercorn powder, freshly steamed pearl rice, (farm-raised) Grade-A chicken eggs, soy sauce, garlic, scallions, (farm-raised) minced pork belly, pork loin and bacon.

Once ordered and paid, the ingredients were teleported to the ingredient box and were moved by another conveyor belt to the working station. The ingredients were that of the freshest and best quality from the online supermarket of this island. Of course, compared to buying them directly from their store— ordering and teleporting like this are definitely much more expensive.

However, the principal had ties with the founder of the supermarket so the price was lowered till they were the same as buying them directly from their store— plus, the special student`s funds for food and beverage were covered so it is definitely fine.

Now then, time to prepare the ingredients. A portion for 2 persons.

First, put the 16-inch frying pan on the stove and set it to ‘charcoal flame’ mode, medium heat.

Take several pieces of garlic. Place them on the green cutting board and crush it with the cleaver—



Too much strength. There’s a hole on the board, a dent on the table, and the garlics were splattered to juice instead.

Dang. I`ve made a mess.

Luckily there`s the cleaning and repair system.

Ehem. This is an accident. I`m actually pretty good at cooking.

Let's start over.

Crush the garlic with the right amount of power so you can peel off the skin with ease. Then slice it to crumbles.

Now take the red chopping board (we shouldn't use vegetables and meat on one same chopping board, unless the board is 100% clean and free from bacteria, plus you are not a vegan), chop the pork loin and bacon to small crumbles, then mix them thoroughly on the medium glass bowl while adding pinches of soy sauce and black pepper (I was going to pickle them, but it takes at least one day so forget it).

Crack the eggs in a small grass bowl. Add some soy sauce and black pepper then mix them on the small glass bowl with a fork.

Cut the scallions on the green cutting board with the 8-inch knife.

As the pan was heated, pour a dash of olive oil on it. When the oil is heated, add the garlic crumbles and minced pork.

When frying the minced pork, make sure the minced pork is separated thoroughly (without mixing) with the spatula, and add a small dash of smoked, flake, black, pink and kosher salt too.

After a stimulating aroma of the pork lard rises, add the steamed pearl rice and pour the mixed egg on it. Make sure every inch of the rice was covered by the egg.

When the heat has passed, sprinkle some additional soy sauce for heavier taste if you like.

The appetising scent of a perfectly cooked fried rice resounded beautifully.

And… it's finished.

The “Golden Fried Rice’ for two is done!

A feeling of blissful satisfaction came over me from doing my job.

I set down two servings of the dinner with a clatter on the small dining table.

Enjoy this simple eastern recipe I shared. Unlike most western food and bakery, it doesn`t require any precise measurements— just take it as an art. You add those ingredients through your feelings. That's why there's a saying of ‘the best seasoning for any recipe is love’.

To be honest, this is bullshit.

I`d prefer girls who practice their cooking, and TASTE THE FOOD before serving— I don't want to travel to either heaven or hell even once.

If you ask me why I`m good at cooking… it's really obvious, isn't it? I was stranded on an island after all. I honed my cooking skills three times a day (excluding tea time). So this means three times, 365 day times six years equals at least 6570 times of cooking experience.

Not to brag, but personally, I think it's more than enough to be an expert even if I'm a klutz right from the start.

Now then… time to wake the sleeping beauty before the food gets cold.

By the way, after the duel ended with Kuroyuki suffering an injury, I was going to carry her to the infirmary. And when I carried her, a message she prepared beforehand— which her device detected me and sent it.

In that message, Kuroyuki told me not to take her to the infirmary. She doesn't want to catch any attention. She told me to take her back to the class and heal her with a low-grade pill or potion inside the first-aid kit. Of course, to do so— she included the steps to heal her.

As for the , I called for the infirmary to pick him up. I took his sword with me since it might get stolen.

Then I carry the defenceless and unconscious Kuroyuki with both of my hands, or ‘princess carry’ in short, all the way back to our class.

First, I placed her on her personal chair and set it to bed mode, then grabbed the first-aid kit.

I unbutton her blazer and shirt— revealing her upper-body and her bare abdomen, of course, checking her injury as well as the rest of it.

By the way, she really does have a killer body. 65D cup and a 57cm waist.

Her cold body made my hand numb, so I can't feel the sensation of her skin. But after checking, she only had an internal bleeding on the right side of her abdomen, which is swollen.

In this case, internal bleeding requires a potion to be consumed within. So this means I need to feed her the potion I got from the first-aid-kid.

But too bad, my first kiss was still intact, because I fed her with a tiny funnel. From the message, she told me not to do any funny business. She would know everything through the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) that was installed on her clothes as well as the classroom.

Cheh. Aren't you careful?

Of course not. I could easily hack the CCTV systems. But there's no need to do so anyways, do you think I would really care about the trash CCTV?

You are extremely lucky that it is me. Be it anybody else, I'm sure you will definitely be raped.

Since it takes time for her to recover, I went to cook.

And now I`m back.

Time to check her condition.

…Hmm, her wounds healed completely.

Come to think of it, no matter how I look— it doesn't seem like a well-trained body. Such a beautiful white skin, such a perfect body and waistline, nice legs, just like any other normal girl. Who knew she would be this strong in close combat…? Even if she's sleeping, she still remains so dignified. She maintained well in both beauty and fighting.

She presented herself so perfectly well and stood out— making others can't help but to pay attention to her, but she hates it when she catches the attention.

How contradicting.

Such a strange girl.

But cute is the only reason I need.

On vague impulse, I stroke her head. Rubbing my hand left and right. Then her ‘purring’ breathing matched up with my hand movement too. So cute.

Heh… Defenceless just like a sleeping cat.

“…Ngh…” She moaned.

…Whoa. What was that?

Something inside me almost awakened. This is bad for my heart.

Okay little princess, time to wake up!

I took Kuroyuki`s right hand and applied some pressure on her radial longitudinal crease with my thumb to stimulate some pain.

“…Ngh…!” She moaned.


All of the sudden, her left palm grabbed my face.

Though part of my vision was disturbed, I saw Kuroyuki open her eyes— and now she`s glaring at me.

“Ah, you woke up.” I said. “Are you feeling alright?”

“…it hurts, you dummy!”

With that said, she gripped my head.


God damn it I could feel my skull cracking…!

“Ah— ow! Stop squeezing…!”

I quickly slap her hand repeatedly for a time out.

She relaxed her grip, but with no intention to pull her hand away from my face at all.

Then she seems to be checking her body herself.

By the way, her clothes were still unbuttoned. This means, she practically only had her black lace brassiere as the last line of defence on her upper body.

If you are a girl, how will you react?

Obviously, Kuroyuki quickly hides her body with her clothes as she grips it tightly with her right hand in a defensive posture around her chest, and applies pressure on her left hand, with a shy and humiliated look.



“Owwwww…….! Stop squeezing! Is it wrong to be checking for other injuries…!?”

I am slapping her hand for a time out again.

“…you stroke my head…!”

“You knew!? Aren't you glad that I only stroked your head…!? Be it anybody else, you will be eaten…!”

“…I appreciate it. But this and that are different matters…! Ngh……!”



Hearing my pleas, Kuroyuki released me— where I lifelessly rested myself on my chair.

She then turns away, with her back facing me while she buttons her shirt.

“…Hmph.” She pouted. “…Thank you.”

Ten out of ten points, Kuroyuki. You sure are a nice girl.


She seems to have noticed the fried rice on the dining table.

Then I stood up, and gave a gentle slam on her shoulder from behind as I walked past her.

“Eat first. Save the talk for later.” I said.

“…How did you…?”

I ignored her murmur, and sat at the table.

Though Kuroyuki looked annoyed for a moment because I ignored her, she eventually sat next to me. And for some reason, she's been staring at the fried rice for quite a while. Her look somewhat seems to be doubting the normal-looking, simple fried rice.

“What's wrong?” I asked.

Then, she stared at me with a serious look.

“…is it edible?”

She`d even say it so naturally and casually. Such an insult. It's as if she's telling me ‘it's okay even if it tastes horrible.’

“Hmph. Then don't eat.”

“…okay.” Kuroyuki then slowly stood up.

Tch. She really had the galls to do so.

“Don't you dare waste food.” I uttered.

I took some rice with the spoon while I squeezed her jaw open, and shoved the rice into Kuroyuki`s mouth.

“…Mngh…!?” She inadvertently sits back from the surprise.


Damn. Luckily I evaded just in time. Her powerful-looking hand-chop almost hit me.

At first, Kuroyuki hesitantly took a few bites. But she eventually swallowed her rice with a satisfying look.

“…unexpectedly tasty.”

Saying that, she licks her lips.

It looks… seductive.


“I had 8 years of cooking experience. Of course it's tasty.” I uttered.

I sat back on my seat, acting like the things just now have never happened.

“…olive oil, garlic, smoked, flake, black, pink and kosher salt, black peppercorn powder, minced pork belly, loin, bacon, normal chicken eggs, soy sauce, garlic, scallions, pearl rice…”

Huh. Not a single one missed.

“Wow. Quite the silver tongue.” I said.

“…but why so many types of salts…?”

“Well, it does look sparkly, no?”

“…I see.”

‘Good point’, or so her face tells me.

Till a point, Kuroyuki starts to eat. I know it's rude to look at others when they are eating, but her posture and movement are really elegant.


After we finished, Kuroyuki herself volunteered to wash the utensils.

Well, I can't do anything about it since she insists.

She tied her hair in a ponytail and wore an apron, and I`d stood next to her, watching her as she took a sponge with some dish-washing liquid on it.

“Hmm? Why manually?” I inadvertently asked.

There's a dish-washer machine, but she chose to scrub it with a sponge instead.

“…Sometimes it's better if we do it with our own hands. Technology might`ve given us a lot of convenience, but we shouldn't take it for granted. If we don't expose ourselves to movement and germs, our body might turn out to be more fragile than we thought.”

“Quite the philosopher, aren't you?” I said. “But that's not it. Human's bodies might`ve been deteriorating these days, at least we are still willing to put effort into making things possible.”

“…Perhaps.” She murmured with a sombre smile.

Things seem to be getting sour. I wondered what I reminded her of. Oh well.

“Speaking of putting effort… since I`ve put my effort into cooking yours, so you should cook once for me as well.”

She shot me quite a horrifying glare.

“…I don't cook for perverts.”

It won't work on me. I'm quite shameless at some certain aspects.

“Look here, I`m not—”

CLAP! (The sound of Kuroyuki`s hand smacked on my face)

CRIK! (The sound of my skull getting squeezed)

CRACK! (The sound of my skull getting cracked)


I screamed in pain. From her grip and from the soap bubbles that`s entering my eyes.

“…careful with your words.” She lets go of grip.

“It's you who should be careful of the detergent, idiot! Hurry and help me wash my eyes…!”

“…Hehe, sorry.”

Kuroyuki pulled my head to the basin and splash some water—

“Ugh!? So cold…! Are you doing this on purpose…!?” I shouted.


From what I hear, Kuroyuki seems to be chuckling. She seems to be enjoying herself.

Perhaps the water in my eyes might be disrupting my vision, but— as expected, the smiling Kuroyuki is really the best.

“…How is it? Can you see now?”

She splashes some cold water again.

“…Yup. Pretty clearly…”

I get up and wipe off the water with my sleeve.

“…N? Is something wrong?”

“I'm fine.” I said. “It's just that I kind of understood why you hate those who lust for your looks.”

“…It's good if you appreciate my charms, but this speech pattern…”

She`s glaring at me.

“What? You think I`m going to confess? Haha, in your dreams!”

“…Mmn…” She`s sulking.

“You should`ve the minimal confidence, but not over-confidence!” I remarked.

Just how much do you want me to confess??? Aren't you being a little narcissist, don`t you think?

Kuroyuki looks away with a sulking look, rinsing the utensils with water.

“Anyways, I was waiting for your official declaration.” I added.

“…Fine… You passed.”

“As your partner, this means we are equals, no?”

Though Kuroyuki seems to be irritated for some reason, she nodded her head with an unwilling look.

“…But even if we are equals, you aren't allowed to stroke my head.” She murmured with a shy look.

Do you really think I could resist if your face is red like that?

“Not to pat a cute girl's head is going against my will.”

“…don't ever call me cute again.”

“Aren't you troublesome? You need to learn how to tolerate with others.”

“…anyone but you.”


She placed the last plate on the drying rack.

“Fine then.” I said. “Perhaps you require your partner to be as good as you. So now I don't need to hold back.”

“…What are you trying to do?”

“Have a seat first.” I point my hand at the small dining table.

Kuroyuki then dried her hands, and hanged her apron, then she sat at the table as she let down her hair.

We sat at each other`s opposite, staring at each other.

Perhaps our thoughts and movements synchronised for a moment, but Kuroyuki was trying to grip my head while I was trying to chop hers.

I caught her hand and she caught mine as well.

But— since my hand is close to her head, I flicked my finger, hitting her forehead.


She glared at me with a displeased look.

“Why are you even trying to grab my head in the first place…?” I asked.

“…You are getting cocky.” She said. “…Then why did you try to chop me?”

“Release my hand first.”

When both of us released each other's hand, we slowly retreated backwards to our seat.

I deliberately sighed.

“…What's wrong?” Kuroyuki asks.

“Idiot.” I said. “Why the rush? Why go so far?”

I then paused afterwards. Kuroyuki understood why I pause my words so she gave it a thought.

“…you realized…?”

“What do you mean I realized? It's very obvious! You purposely took me outside and showed my strength to the others, and even lost the match on purpose so I could benefit from the title as your partner!”

By the way, I`m now Ranked First, and Kuroyuki is Second.

“…If I don`t do that, they will never stop criticizing you.” She said.

Kuroyuki`s expression seems to have relaxed. Don`t be mistaken, I`m not done yet.

“You can't fulfil everyone's wishes. Why don't you just let them say what they want?”

“…You really are kind. There's no scar, so it's fine.”

“Don't ever do that again. I'm not as kind as you— I would even take your kindness for granted.”

“…I'm kind…?”

“I`m quite certain you are testing Nightwalker at first. But you changed your mind afterwards.”

“…So you do realize…”

“Yes. Just because Nightwalker is willing to lend a hand to find your childhood friend doesn't mean you need to almost risk your life on it.”

“…I apologize for making you worry.”

“Don`t. I`m not a nice guy like Nightwalker.” I uttered. “He'd call me a monster too.”

“…Then, are you?”

“…I will be frank.” I murmured. “You are even more of a monster than me.”

Kuroyuki seems to be stunned for a moment. I can't really tell whether she is angry or not because her facial expression barely changed.

“…………You think I would use you as a tool…?”

“I know you`ve been through something that's even worse than pure madness. But I know you won't. Because your precious friend saved you.”

“…So you're telling me— you want me to save you…?”

“…………I don't know. Maybe I wanted you to. Maybe the ‘real’ me wants to be saved.”

“…The ‘real’ you?”

“Yes. Do remember, I`m only half.”

“……Then what was the ‘real’ you like?”

“He's too smart. I was hoping that your brain could match up with his. There's no other word but ‘insane’ to describe the ‘real’ me.”

“…Is that why you were sealed?”

“No. I was sealed even before that. It was… 8 years ago? I think.”

“…Then why were you sealed?”

“I don`t know. I have no memories of that. I don't even know who sealed me and why I got this seal.”

“…You have been staring at my ring for quite a while.”

Forgot to mention, but Kuroyuki had a silver ring on her left hand, middle finger.

“I don't know why, but that's the key to unlock my seal. It reacted whenever I touch your ring.”

When she first grabbed my head with her left hand, the seals within me reacted. I confirmed it when she grabbed me with her left hand.

“…How is this possible… I got this ring from my parents.”

“Put that aside first. Do you know how to unseal it?”

“…No. I don't have mana. I can't use magic.”

“Haha… figures…”

I know this wouldn't be that easy.

“…I`m sorry.” Kuroyuki apologizes.

She looks extremely pained but yet—

H-Huh…? Tears…? Why am I crying?

I was the one who was crying instead.

“D-Don't make that face.” I said. “It's not your fault. D-Don't apologize. I-I’m sorry…!”

I wonder why. It'd be fine if it's anybody. I`d be fine crying in front of anyone— anyone but Kuroyuki.

And before I knew it, my body moved on its own. I stormed out from the classroom, from the White Mansion.

Perhaps I was feeling restless.

I ran.

But where could I run to?

Back to the only place where I find it comforting.

The ‘Pink Drop’ tree.
