Chapter 2.6

The Imperial Knights Academy consists of five main sections.

The Central— Cafeteria, gymnasium, library, patio, sports hall, sports field, etc.

The East— First Year Faculty, Male and Female Dorm, Student`s Council President Building

The North— Second Year Faculty, Male and Female Dorm

The West— Third Year Faculty, Male and Female Dorm

The South— Great Hall, Principal`s Main Building

The First Year`s Faculty is located at the east wing of the Imperial Knights Academy.

Only the first years were able to enter the First-Year Faculty. Of course, it applies to the respective second and third-year students as well.

The respective teachers, executives and Student Council members that were permitted by the principal of the Imperial Knights Academy were allowed to enter. Those who are not permitted could not enter the respective faculties.

Since first-year students aren't familiar with the overseas life at the Imperial Knights Academy, the Student Council President`s Building was built there in order to watch over the first years.

Within each faculty, there's a central building located at the centre of their faculties. If it`s the east wing, it will be known as the East Central Building or First Year`s Central Building.

The cafeteria and gymnasium were located in the Central Building of each faculty, as well as training rooms.

…After a long trip, we finally made it.

First Year Central Building.

I can't believe it, just how famous is Kuroyuki…? Nearly everyone, including the teachers, came out from their classes just to take a look at her.

Poor Kuroyuki hid behind my back all the way.

I kind of understood why she was waiting for me. She acts as a guide as well as to use me as a shield from her fans. I believe this is what we call mutualism, I suppose.

We hurried to the lift, escaping from the sights of the first-year students.

Despite there`s no one else but the two of us inside the lift, Kuroyuki still sticks on my back, grabbing my blazer with her hand still trembling.

First floor.

…There`s still no words of exchange between us. We stayed like this for quite some time now.

From the class, we rode the buggy to the First Year Faculty, and to shield Kuroyuki from the first year students…

…even now as we walk.

We had been walking for a while now— Kuroyuki still did not let go. She tailed silently from behind while clinging near to the back of my blazer.

There's no one else but us, so she could've stopped. But yet she did not, it's almost like she didn't want to.

“…Th— Thank you…”

All of a sudden, Kuroyuki thanked me. Her words felt hesitant as if she's been trying to tell me these two words for a long time.

I thought she didn't want to talk to me anymore.

Perhaps she couldn't bear the silence, perhaps she couldn't withstand the awkwardness, perhaps she merely thanked me because she appreciates my help—

—but there's one thing I know for sure… she doesn't want things to stay that way.


…I was the one at fault, to begin with.

I know I had no right to apologize, and she had no obligation to forgive me either.

But the tightness, the heavy load I`m feeling on my chest… I want to get rid of it.

And so…

“I'm sorry… Kuroyuki.”

…I apologized to Kuroyuki, who is still clinging behind me.


I was hoping for a response, but there's none at all.

Please, say something.

Scold me, hit me— anything.

By the time I realized, she was no longer clinging to me— she stopped her footsteps quite a while ago.

I then immediately stopped and turned to face her.

When I looked at her face, I was surprised.

She was looking at me with an overwhelmed, confused expression.

It was like she couldn't tell whether my words were the truth, or they were just some superficial lines just to make her feel better.

Did I really frighten her that much…?

To show her my sincerity, I bowed to her with my head lowered.


Kuroyuki remained silent.

Clack, clack, clack, clack.

We were seven steps away at first, then she took five steps closer and stopped.


As she mumbled, something soft touched my head.

Because I was too overwhelmingly familiar with this feeling, my head inadvertently raised from the surprise.

…It was Kuroyuki`s hand.

I was half expecting her grip.

But her soft fingers— moves back and forth in a smooth rhythm… she`s caressing my hair.

It feels surprisingly comforting, but I don't really understand why did she do that—


—then, a sudden slap came from the right of my face.


Then, with her usual cold expression— Kuroyuki Shiroha walks past me, saying nothing—

“…we are almost there.”

—or not.

…I think she forgives me.


Training Room 1.

Around one-third of the section of the hallway, the room on the right— which the door was opened in, is the training room.

Compared to the underground training room, training room 1 is much more spacious. If I were to give a rough measurement, then it`s around ten meters tall and spacious enough like having four football fields placed together.

At the centre of the room, there are ten students— to be precise, three girls and seven boys, all wearing a black blazer. Without a doubt, all of them are the S class students.

For some reason, they were split into two groups. One group consists of four guys, and the rest of them are in the other group.

Is this discrimination, I wonder…?

Anyways, it seems both me and Kuroyuki were the last of the students to reach here. All we need to do is to wait for the teachers to come.

As soon as we entered the room, everyone had their gazes on us.

What's with those different gazes…?

Those at the smaller group looked jealous, and they seemed to have the desire to kill— while those at the larger group were looking at me with a confused expression.

Why are those at the larger group looking at me that way?

Including the morning`s incident today, I believe nearly every male in the Imperial Knights Academy hates me to the core. So those guys at the smaller group are giving a reasonable expression.

So why are those at the large group looking at me in such a way…?


Right when I was still walking— nearly halfway towards them, a silver hair guy from the large group suddenly started to run towards me.

…I don't understand what is going on.

He looks furious till the point that it wouldn't be exaggerating to say that he even wanted to kill.

Is this guy the same as them— he couldn't contain his jealousy and decided to give me a good beating…?

I thought those at the larger group would be different at the very least, but one of them proved me wrong.

The sounds created by the friction between his shoes and the floor echoed throughout the training room— like those sounds you made from a basketball match.

With every step he takes, his speed gradually increases; he was dashing so fast— it's almost as if he's the wind itself.

Kuroyuki seems to understand what is going on.

But instead of helping, she retreated and kept her distance away from me.

Okay, fine.

Putting her aside, that silver hair guy extended both of his hands.

Is he attempting to grab me for a throw or is he aiming for a tackle…? If I grab his hand, he could probably push me down with his speed. So…

Timing with his speed, I took a quick sidestep to the left…

“Ah— whoa!?” He inadvertently screamed.

…and tripped him with my right leg.

He flew forward, then landed on the floor with his stomach, sliding for another few meters forward in a straight line.


Now he`s gurgling in pain.

He feels… weak. Are S Ranked students this weak…?

He then stood up, patted his blazer and trousers to clear the specks of dust.

Then he immediately turned and glared at me with a strong intent to kill— it's as if I murdered his wife or something.

“You bastard!!!”

His roaring voice echoed throughout the entire training room.

Is it really necessary to scream so loud…? What wrong have I done…?

“Shut up.” A girl suddenly responded to the scream with a monotone voice.

This is the first time I couldn't agree more with the opinion of a random girl.

Then six magic circles appeared behind that silver hair guy who yelled at me.

From the looks of the magic circle… all six of it are storage magic.

Thin threads of white strings came out from the centre of the magic circles, wrapping that guy`s body before he could react. Even if he tried to struggle, it eventually wrapped him tight enough that he couldn't even move a muscle.

He was then hoisted up, hanged in mid-air.

When I looked at him, I realized he had pretty white-silver hair, which the colour at the tail of his hair is transparent, and his eyes are emerald green— hold it, why does he look so familiar…?


…He yelled again. And I believe she's yelling at the girl who did this to him.

Obviously, any more pathetic struggle would have gained him more strings—a bundle of threads swirls and seals his mouth.

“…I thought I told you not to do that.” Another guy mumbled.

His voice seems cool and refreshing.

“He's too loud and annoying.” The girl replied in a monotone voice.

It's the same girl responding. Judging from it, I'm sure they sure had a close relationship.

I looked towards their direction.

I wonder who they are…?

…Ah. It's too obvious.

Among the large group, there's a girl who had a look free from any emotions— she was expressionless. She had a doll-like face, purple-coloured hair, purple eyes— and also quite the rack on her chest. I believe she's the one who tied the guy.

Standing next to her is a teenage boy with the newest high-spec glasses, like those typical cool and smart dudes. Since the light is reflecting on his glasses, I can't see his eye colour at all. He had brown hair— but it`s rich with different types of brown colours, like soil.

“Fine… do whatever you like.”

He looks away, nudging his glasses.

It seems he gives up to convince her—


Huh? My heart jolted all of a sudden.

This is… killing intent…!?