Chapter 2.5

People ought to carry luggage no matter where they travel, domestic or overseas. The robot luggage that follows behind you back in the years aren't so convenient anymore ever since the magic storage devices were invented. These days, people carry their luggage through their magic storage devices.

To buy one of these devices, you need to register your name and fill in the information required to the company website. Each storage had their own capacity, depending on the capacity you choose. Obviously, the larger you need, the more expensive it will be. After your very own magic storage circle is registered, the device will be teleported to your mailbox several hours later.

But of course, it only applies to those who don't know how to draw a storage magic circle and they possess a small fair amount of mana. Those who knew how to make their own storage magic circle could use their own storage for free.

As you know, I don't have mana— not a single bit. I can use the storage if I had the tiniest fraction of mana but unfortunately, I don`t. So I need to carry actual luggage.

If you are wondering whether I am carrying my luggage during my arrival, then no— it's too heavy for the helicopter. I came here empty handed.

I was rather curious on how they were able to carry it from my island till the inside of the closet.

For your information, I had a magic bag that could fit in anything I want. The only flaw about this bag is its weight that could not be diminished. I stuffed in so many things that my magic bag weighed approximately one ton. Even strengthening magic would not help out much to carry a weight as such, and you need to cross the sea under that horrible weather.

After a 40 Degree Celsius dip in the bathtub— here I was standing, naked, staring at the luggage which was placed at the bottom of the closet, completely untouched.

…It could only be that bastard who could bring it all the way here. Yeah, with teleportation magic.

Above the magic bag, three sets of clothes were hung. They are the Imperial Knights Academy`s uniform— my uniform. Though looking plain like a normal looking cloth-made uniform, they were actually made with Nano-machines which could withstand extremely powerful cuts and tears. Even if it's damaged, it could repair itself within a second.

It is a special material I requested from the principal, as so I wouldn`t need to worry about having my clothes torn to pieces by my absurd strength. It had other functions too like temperature adjustment and size adjustment. Though the principal suggested it to contain more safety and combat functions, I refused.

Because there's a flaw about this uniform— it is weak to electricity. Once the uniform malfunctions, the functions installed in the uniform could easily go haywire. If I were to give an example, stuff like explosions, perhaps— it would`ve killed me.

I wonder if he`s suggesting this on purpose just to pull a prank on me… It must be it.

Thus, I wore my uniform and headed to the classroom, which is to the second door at the bottom right corner of my room (viewing the floor plan from the perspective of the lift), the door is connected to the classroom.

By the way, the second door had an authorization lock same as the entrance door, unlike the first door. This means I`m the only person who could unlock the door from the classroom and the entrance.

For some reason, I can`t activate my screen for quite a while now.

So I pressed the manual button. The system scans my thumbprint, then slides upwards afterwards.

As I stood by the door, I saw Kuroyuki.

As usual, she's sitting on her seat— in her freshly changed uniform.

Her hair's a little wet. Seems like she just came out from the bath not too long ago.

I wonder what she is doing.

She was sitting there, staring at the screen with an expression like that of a hungry ghost, with her mouth muttering ‘curse you all’ constantly, over and over. All ten of her fingers are constantly moving at a speed rate on her screen while playing the song, ‘Flight of the Bumblebee’ written by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, couldn't even hope to keep up to match the speed and nimble movements of her fingers.

She seems to be selecting some pictures.

I approached behind her silently, and caught a quick glance on the picture where she minimized within a second.

Though I saw it in a very slight moment, it was a similar image that etched inside my mind not too long ago.

Black lace— in full view.

It was taken from below when she was jumping down.

…are those pictures of her up-skirt shots?

It only took a while for Kuroyuki to reach the ground. Did those guys prepare the camera from their device beforehand?

It's almost as if the song is reaching its grand finale, Kuroyuki spreads both of her hands outwards. Several extra screens flew out, with each of her screens stopping next to each one, forming into a shape of a rectangle, twelve in total.

‘Selected files will be deleted. Confirm?’

Hundreds of pictures were behind the box of those words.

Needless to say, Kuroyuki slammed her hand on ‘Yes’. All the pictures were deleted in one go. The extra screens, which disappear along with the pictures— leaves only Kuroyuki`s original screen.

She then switched the whole page to the administrative systems. Looks like it`s the student`s administrative system of the Imperial Knights Academy.

‘All system permissions granted to other users. Access to the Imperial Knights Academy system is allowed.’

…Wow. No wonder I can`t use my device. She froze the system.

She`s got the skills.

In a way, I might consider her as a professional hacker.


It's not like I'm that different from her.

“…It's all your fault……” Kuroyuki suddenly mumbled.

“Whoa, do you have eyes at the back of your head or something…?”

I was surprised.

When did she realize I was here?

“…I'm not deaf.”

I moved and sat on my seat, while Kuroyuki minimized her screen and faced me.

“The sound from the door? Good judgement.”

By the way, Kuroyuki`s tone felt tired, slightly irritated, and she even added a sigh at the end of her sentence.

…It sounds pitiful.

Plus, she's giving me a cold stare.

But it's definitely not my fault. I did nothing wrong at all.

“…Don't even think you did nothing wrong.” She uttered. “…You sniffed me like a wolf, and that's enough to give you a death sentence.”

“Hold it. I can tolerate the sniffing thing but not the ‘pervert’ (wolf) label and dead sentence.”

“…Then from now on, you are gay.”

Hearing that one particular word, the side of my head twitches— or maybe I should say I got a headache.

She assumed Nightwalker was gay yesterday and now she`s declaring I`m gay? I completely disagree. Both me and Nightwalker are not gay.

“Okay, what makes you say that?”

“…No man could resist a beauty like me in a sexy attire.”

“I know I don`t felt particularly embarrassed about your body and that might make you mistook me as a gay. But don't lump me in with those men you speak of. Those are beasts. Only a beast couldn't contain their lust.” I uttered.

“…Mnn.” Kuroyuki seemed to be delighted by my retort.

But then she moved her body closer to me, staring into my eyes. The way she looks at me felt extremely—

“…Answer honestly. Do you lust for me?”




How could I say no?

But there's no way I could have told her that. It might be possible for anyone, but not her. In fact, I need her to be disgusted with me.

“…everything except your body.” I conceded.

Hearing that, Kuroyuki froze in place with her eyes widened.

“…Like what…?”

Judging from her tone and expression, I`m not sure if she asked out of curiosity or disbelief. It seems like both of it to me.

“You know what I want.” I said. “You know I'm greedy.”

It's as if her question… her curiosity was answered.

Kuroyuki`s eyes narrowed.

Her gaze no longer looks puzzled. It was— infuriated. It's like, the last bit of her curiosity and disbelief were squeezed out.

Then, I'm quite sure.

What that was left within her, was anger.

“…Like what?”

Kuroyuki`s voice— was extremely quiet and subdued. Yet her message got across to me, loud and clear.

I know Kuroyuki will hate me for that— I know. But even so, if she doesn't hate this part of me— she could never save the ‘real’ me.

So I will tell her.

I will tell it straight to her face.

“Your p—”

[Ding Dong Dang Dong]

My voice was stopped by the digital class bell.

As soon as it rang, a 108-inch large screen slide down from the ceiling, placed just in front of our chairs.

“Sorry Kuroyuki~ I`m not feeling well yesterday.”


I was freaked out.

A hologram suddenly appears in front of the large screen. It's capable of speaking, too.

Unlike the holograms I fought at the underground training room, this hologram is definitely HD. It's like the real person is actually standing in front.

By the way, it's a female teacher. If I were to judge her age, then perhaps she`s around 26 years old.

She had long, peach-colored hair with orange eyes. She wore a tight office lady suit with a dark brown pantyhose and black high heels shoes, it emphasizes the curves of her body.

The first three buttons of her shirt inside her black blazer had been unbuttoned, revealing her D-cup cleavage. The way she stood actually had her upper body leaning forward, which shows even more of her cleavage.

I wondered why, but I had a feeling that she's doing this on purpose.

Is she using me as a judge to compete against Kuroyuki or is she doing this to test me?

Realizing that I am uninterested, she quickly stood properly and turned on my information.

For some reason, she took a quick glance— on me, and asked—

“Are you the new special student?”

…I was stunned for a moment.

I was sort of mind blown, to be exact.

Is this even necessary? I mean— I'm even wearing a white blazer. No matter from which angle she looks, I`m definitely the one and only new special student.

“Lucifer Nightwalker von Nightmare?”

Why are you even trying to be a teacher? Go be a swimsuit model or something!

It seems she realized I was annoyed by her behaviour. The teacher quickly closes my information with a troubled expression and looks at Kuroyuki.

“Well… Kuroyuki`s a bit—”

“…Ms. Luna.”

Hearing Kuroyuki`s quiet and subdued voice plus her terrifying glare, the teacher quickly shifted her gaze away from Kuroyuki, looking terrified. It's even noticeable to see her legs shaking.

Kuroyuki`s in a bad mood, and she stepped on the landmine too.

…Fine then, I will save you.

“Should I call you Ms. Luna too?” I asked.

It works.

She looks happy like some sort of kid.

“My name is Luna Ainsworth; you can just call me Luna.”

She gave me a wink.

For some reason, I can't really understand what that wink means.

Is it a thank you? Why do I have a feeling she's trying to take my number…?

Am I dealing with a teacher or a colleague…?

Anyways, I regret now. I shouldn't have asked.

“I would prefer to keep a line as a student and teacher.” I uttered with a displeased look. “It makes me feel old if I call Ms. Luna by your name.”

“I was only in my twenties you know?” She quickly retorted.

She hid the last number. Could it be that she's actually 29?

“I`m just sixteen, what do you expect?” I said, adding a smirk. “It's enough to make me feel old already.”

“How rude…! I'm still very young!”

She was definitely shaken by my remark and almost lost her composure.

“…Ms. Luna, why are you here?” Kuroyuki said to Ms. Luna.

Ms. Luna didn't seem to expect such a fierce tone from Kuroyuki. Her face turned white for a few brief moments.

“Ah, right…! Today`s morning schedule has been changed to a mock team battle together with the S class students. Please go to the First Year`s Virtual Training room, okay?”

“No.” “…No.”

Though both Kuroyuki and me had some sort of arguments going on between us, nevertheless— our thought process was still quite similar in some certain aspects.

Hearing our replies, Ms. Luna paused for a moment.

“Eh…? Why?!”

“I'm sick.” “…I don't feel well.”

I didn't expect Kuroyuki to be using sick leave as the reason. I mean, no matter how I look, she's not the type to get sick.

“This is such an obvious lie…! You are the model students! You need to cooperate with me…!”

Yes, we are model students alright. But shouldn`t you at least see our difference? Either one of our scores are at least ten times better than the S class students.

Is what I want to say… It's not like I could throw it directly to her face.

“…Then he will be going. I'm staying here.” Kuroyuki said to Ms. Luna.

Kuroyuki`s definitely pushing the troublesome work to me.

…This is annoying.

“You are the strongest here, so you should go.” I retorted.

“…I`m Rank Two.”

She perfectly stood her ground.

Fine then, if this is how you want…

“As Rank One, I order you to go--”

“S-Stop it…! If the both of you aren`t going, t-teacher will cry you know…!”

Ms. Luna finally couldn't hold her frustration had interrupted, using an elementary kid`s reason to make us compromise with her.

Well, I was going to, but I won't be going alone.

When I looked at Kuroyuki, she broke her eye contact from Ms. Luna and heaved a sigh, looking reluctant.

“…Fine.” She said unwillingly.

…Though the idea is old and elementary, it still works well. It works on both of us.

“…but you are also coming with me.” Kuroyuki added.

Her eyes are saying, ‘You will be dead if you don`t.’

“…………” I nod silently.

…It's not like I had any other choice. But at least Ms. Luna seems delighted.

“Then…! I will be waiting at the training room...!”

Saying those words, Ms. Luna disappears.

…I almost forgot she's just a projection of a hologram.

The 108-inch screen then slides upwards, hidden back within the ceiling.



What's left, was a sheet of complete silence in the classroom.


I forgot I sort of had an argument with Kuroyuki.

I have gone this far. I won't back away now.

Just when I was going to finish what that was left behind earlier, Kuroyuki was the first to break the silence by taking a quick breath.

Kuroyuki did so because she knew what I was going to say. It was to refrain me from speaking, as well as to imply that she wants to speak first.

So, I stared at Kuroyuki, and she did it in return.

We exchanged our gazes.

Then, it's as if Kuroyuki had her answer— she closes her eyes with a pained look as she takes a deep breath.

I put my hopes on you, Kuroyuki.

What will be your answer…?

“…I know you want me to hate you.” Kuroyuki murmured. “But no matter how execrable you say you were; I could never come to hate you.”

Kuroyuki— looked at me with a sombre smile.

…a smile that was frozen in place.

Like Restia—

Like Ruby—

They looked at me with a smile like that several years ago. It's that exact same smile— on that one time that I had made the biggest mistake I had ever known in my life.

So— why... are you looking at me with that expression…?

…I don`t understand.

“…You need to hate me.” I uttered. “You need to use that anger… to save me.”

“…An anger that comes from hatred would only result in death.”

Kuroyuki used that same glare earlier at me.

She knew I wanted her to use her power to kill me. That's why she made such a glare.

“…I know.” I replied with a cold smile, breaking my gaze from her eye contact.

“…You don't have the right to die.”

“If I don`t die, could you really stop me?”

“…I can.”

Hearing Kuroyuki`s reply, I inadvertently raised my head and looked back at her and blinked my eyes a few times.

…I was surprised.

She answered— without the slightest bit of hesitation.

…just like that bastard.

Why do you think you can…?

“…you don't know how terrible the consequences will be if you failed.”

Hearing my remark, Kuroyuki no longer glared at me. Instead, she backs off— wearing a confident expression on her face with a gentle smile, and looks at me in the eye once more.

“…You looked too highly upon yourself.”

Kuroyuki said the exact same lines that were thrown to my face years ago, by that bastard— the principal.

…Ah. Perhaps—

“…you win.” I murmured. “Congratulations.”

I looked at Kuroyuki with a vacant smile.

It's as if Kuroyuki saw a very disgusting being in front of her— she immediately stood up, refusing to look at me in the eye.

“…D-Don't talk to me anymore.” Kuroyuki uttered with a shaky voice. “...You make me sick.”

I noticed that her fingers are pinching her skirt as hard as she could.

To avoid making things even more difficult for Kuroyuki, I didn't speak another word.

I went to my room and took the `s sword.

…I thought she would be going ahead to the training room first. But Kuroyuki stood by the second door connected to the classroom— she waited patiently with her arms folded, avoiding eye contact.

Though we did not exchange a single word during our trip to the training room, she did not leave me behind either.