Chapter 2.10

“For some reason, I really want to cut you down with this sword now.” August immediately uttered with an irritated look.

He had his sword half-pulled out from the sheath and was trying to approach me. But he was stopped by Kronos`s right hand that was blocking his way.

“Same here. I need to teach him a lesson.” Blaze said to August.

“So do I. But don`t forget that he could easily kick your ass.” Kronos mutters as he blocks Blaze with his left hand.

Their compatibility suddenly got a lot better.

“Now, now~.”

Persia moved and placed his hand in front of me as if she`s shielding me and drawing a line from them.

“He may look like this, but he's even stronger than Kuroyuki— he defeated the unbeatable Kuroyuki Shiroha in a forced duel and was ranked number one since yesterday night.” Persia said.

“What!?” Blaze shouts with a surprised look.

Though the truth is not really that case— after looking at Blaze`s surprised reaction, I decided to keep things a secret.

“It's true.” Kronos said to Blaze. “It was officially announced at the announcement board yesterday.”

“Yeah, right— I don`t care.” August uttered. “The princess would at least give us a strategy instead of sighing so annoyingly like that.”

“Indeed.” Sherry added. “She gives a sincere strategy while considering our abilities.”

Judging from their words and expression, I could tell that Kuroyuki earned the respect of the S class students.

“Okay, fine, I get it.” I muttered. “With the strategy she gave you, did any of you or the whole class together managed to land an actual hit on her?”


None of them uttered a single word. Everyone who's half-standing slowly sat back at their original place, looking depressed.

Wow. Kuroyuki Shiroha is dominating the battlefield.

“Why is everyone looking so depressed? Her strategy did not work, so how about mine?” I proposed.

“Huh? You have a strategy?” August inadvertently murmured.

“You seem like the type to win with special abilities instead of strategies.” He added.

“Nope.” I denied it. “I don't have any special abilities other than my superhuman strength and August`s sword yesterday.”

Also, I didn't win at all.

But nevertheless, everyone was surprised.

“…You must be joking.” Kronos nudged his glasses. “Kuroyuki Shiroha`s ice is even harder than titanium.”

Why compare to titanium instead of steel…? He must have seen how Kuroyuki easily breaks titanium with just one punch or perhaps something else.

“Well, I could break titanium so it's not a joke.” I replied. “My strength is even higher than Kuroyuki and I believe you guys already know she could break titanium.”

“No wonder you survived her slap with a bruise on your face instead.” August muttered.


Stunned for a moment, I quickly activated my screen and selected the mirror mode. I saw the right side of my cheek, with an extremely faint, red mark of a hand.

I guess this mark was even redder before.

…God, this is embarrassing.

I have been moving around with this ridiculous mark on my face.


Hearing that sound, I immediately look towards my left.

Persia— while hiding behind Sherry, and even though she is hiding her face with her right hand, I could tell that she is on the verge of laughing.

“Persia…?” I inadvertently uttered.

“Ehem, excuse me.”

Damn, she held it in.

I then grab her on her shoulders.

“A-Ahn…! Don`t grab my shoulders all of the sudden…!”


And landed a karate chop on her head.


Persia lifelessly lays on Sherry`s thigh, struggling in pain with both of her hands caressing her head, as well as Sherry`s.

“W-Why did you do that to Persia…!?” Sherry immediately protested.

“Meanie…!” Persia added on Sherry`s protest.

“…Because she laughed.” I replied as I pouted like Persia.

Even though it's not her fault, I just want to find a person to vent it out— and Persia is the only one who I`m familiar enough to do so.

“Ku— Kukuku…”

Kronos was nudging his glasses as he tried to hold back his laughter.

“I can't believe the prankster Persia would`ve a day like this. Hahahahaha…!” August laughed.

“…Indeed.” Kronos added.

“Sherry…! Comfort me…!”

Persia then buries her face on Sherry`s blazer.

“Hehe, There, there…”

Sherry replied delightedly and held Persia`s hand.

“…Mnn. Sorry.” I apologized.

Seeing Persia`s poor look, I rubbed her head out from the feelings of guilt.

“Anyways, what's your strategy?” August pulled us back to the topic.

“Ah, before that— what kind of special abilities do you guys have? Perhaps an like Kuroyuki…? I don`t think you guys could really make it to the S class with just this kind of weapon.”

“…Ah, if you are talking about elemental users, then I`m a wind user.” August replied.


“I'm a flame user.” Blaze murmured.

“Earth here.” Kronos raised his hand.

“…I'm light.” Persia muttered from Sherry`s laps.

“I`m not…” Sherry murmured disappointedly.

Hearing their replies, I had a sudden headache throbbing on the right side of my head.

This is outside of my expectations.

Four— four of them are …!?

I didn't expect Blaze and Persia were too.

With that, I'm quite sure how they were able to reach to the top now. As for Sherry, she's a vampire— so it was reasonable for her to achieve this.

“Tell me…” I murmured. “…how on earth did you guys lose to Kuroyuki so quickly…?”

“The princess froze me.” August looked away.

“I only remember I was locked inside an ice crystal.” Kronos nudges his glasses.

“Kuroyuki Shiroha sent me flying out to the sea.” Blaze said proudly.

“Kuroyuki knocked me out from behind.” Persia said with a depressed look.

“I was pinned on the ground with five spears stabbed on my body.” Sherry uttered emotionlessly.

Sherry`s treatment was rather rough... Is it because she's a vampire…?

“What about the strategy she gave you?” I asked.

“…That was the fight after she gave the strategy.” Persia replied depressingly.

“Mgh… so she easily overrides her own strategy.”

“That's right. Kuroyuki is too smart and powerful.” Persia conceded.

“I couldn't agree more.” I said. “One last thing, what about those four weirdos in Kuroyuki`s group?”

“Oh, those guys. They are Kuroyuki`s hard-core fans…” Persia said with a sympathizing look.

“Hah.” I gave a short laugh.

Then I clapped my hands to gain their attention.

“Alright then, here's my strategy.”

“H-Huh…?” August muttered. “Hold on a minute, you don't even know how we fight. How could you even device a strategy…?”

“Just hear me out first.” I murmured. “Blaze and Sherry, both of you could fly— so I want both of you to be our scouts to scan the map.”

“How did you know I could fly…?” Blaze retorted.

“Just partially undo your transformation spell and you could get yourself a pair of wings in your human form.” I murmured. “I could teach you if you want.”

“Eh…?” Persia quickly got up from Sherry`s lap, with her head bumped on Sherry`s D-cup chest during the process. The boys were unfazed by sight.

“You are familiar with magic…?” She said with a surprised look.

“Yes. But as you can see— I don't have a single drop of mana on me.” I replied.

“Then why…?” She tilted her head.

“I`m doing some research, that's all.” I vaguely answered to avoid the topic. “Any questions about scouting…?”

“What should we do if they see us…? Any one of them from Kuroyuki`s group could shoot us down.” Sherry proposed.

“Oh. You might just need to worry yourself about Kuroyuki and… the purple string girl?”

“It`s Rumelia Heartlock.” Kronos uttered as he nudged his glasses.

His annoyed reaction piqued my interest. Though gossip is not my forte, it's fun to watch his reaction.

“Is she your girlfriend…? You two seems close.” I said to Kronos.

“Uh, erm, I…”

He looks nervous. His finger refused to move away from his glasses.

Persia saw my intentions. She then cooperated with me and gave it a push.

“Seems like it. I remembered Rumelia told me that they were childhood friends.” Persia added.

“Ooh. She's A nice girl. Cherish her.” I said.

“Ah, um, n. I will.” Kronos nodded his head.

He looks embarrassed.

But anyway, it seems a couple will be born soon.

“What about the other four with the guns…?” Sherry asks.

“Haha, they sure are unlucky to be arranged to Kuroyuki`s group.”

“What do you mean…?” August interrupted. “Are you saying they aren't worth a threat?”

“No? What I meant is, our opponents are actually only two persons— Kuroyuki Shiroha and Rumelia Heartlock. They just need to be careful of the spears and strings.”

August was looking at me, confused.

“I don't understand. Does this mean they aren`t going to participate?”

“Oh, I see.” Persia then cuts in. “So they will be dead right from the start…” She murmured.

“Nice. As expected from Persia. High five~!”

I raised my palm, and so did Persia.



We did a high five.

Huh…? Why did I do that…? It came to me just so naturally…

“Can SOMEONE explain what's going on!?” Blaze shouts frustratingly.

“Oh, I get it.” August suddenly mumbled. “The princess will take them out for us.” August said to Blaze.

“Correct.” I replied. “Anyways, once you see Kuroyuki, just retreat and group up. You guys can't handle her.”

“Understood.” Sherry replied.

It seems Blaze still needs some time to digest the contents.

“Okay, Kronos and Persia, both of you will be the rear guard.”

“Hmm…? You want me to pour junk on you…?” Kronos inadvertently murmured.

“Pfft—” Persia almost laughed.

Not only Persia, August and Sherry too almost laughed.

I could only feel my vein popped on my forehead. Is he provoking me on purpose…? It definitely worked.

“Excuse me.” Persia coughed. “Please continue.”

“You are an , are you not?” I uttered. “You could just launch your weapons like how Kuroyuki shoots her spears.”

“Huh.” Kronos made a short sigh. “Then you should give me a signal. Or else you might be caught in the blast.”

“Hmm… ‘shoot her’, I guess.”

“……How direct.” Kronos nudges his glasses with a scornful look.

A part of his body language is implying that it`s lame.

“You don't seem to like it.” I protested to Kronos. “What do you think I should say? ‘I summon the stars from the heavens to fall on you’?”

“Buwahahahahahaha!!!” August burst from laughter. “H-How dramatic…!!! Hahahahaha…!!!”

“…I… I apologize.” Kronos looks away.

He almost laughed, too.

“Your signal`s the same too, Persia.” I stared at Persia who's still trying to hold back her laughter.

“Can I choose ‘I summon the stars from the heavens to fall on you’~?”


August’s tone went to a higher pitch now.

“Ku… kuku…” Sherry`s almost at her limit.

Kronos can't even remove his hand from his mouth now.

Blaze still had no idea what was going on.

“…You have no choice, my dear Persia.” I murmured.

“Phew…” August catches his breath and looks at me. “Ehem, what about my role?”

This guy… Instead of saying ‘what about me’, he chooses to say ‘what about my role’. The words he chooses are trying to continue with the joke.

Well, one last push.

“You and I…” I paused. “…We are the guardians of the junk.”

“Buwahahahahahaha…!!!!!” “Kuhahahahaha…!!!” “Ahahahaha…!!!” “Gahahahahahaha…!”

Everyone laughed, except Blaze.

We laughed without a care about the world.

This is my first experience to be able to laugh with someone of my age.

This is stupid, but yet enjoyable.

I guess spending my time like this isn`t so bad at all.

“Alright, time`s up!”

The principal shouts and claps his hands, gathering our attention on him.

“Both teams have exactly one minute before the battle starts! You S class brats, at least land a hit on the special student, understood? I don't want to see another serving of utter, complete defeat!”

By ‘special student’, he's referring to Kuroyuki all this time— because he's pointing at him.

Anyways, we will be holding the match inside an artificial dimension created by science and magic. Because even if it were just practice, Kuroyuki would probably destroy this place. The artificial dimension`s time and space are connected to reality, and any people who were detected knocked out or fatally injured will be sent back to reality immediately from the dimension.

After pressing ‘DONE’ on his screen, the scenery of the training room changes— but it's actually us who are moving to another place.

There's a blue sky with fluffy clouds, a large field of endless-looking grass plains— they were gently blown by the breeze.

Just how big is this dimension…? I can't even see where Kuroyuki`steam is.

This might really take a lot of time.

“Alright.” I said. “Put on your earphones.”

The principal is probably watching from above, so I looked at the sky.

I know… this is just a small test to measure my capability as a special student.

Just you wait, you bastard.

I will definitely make you speechless.