Chapter 2.11

The artificial dimension is a space with a boundary limit existing at a human-made realm, where it was created by science and magic. This space does not interfere with the area in reality, but it's time connected to it. Initially, this space was created for storage purposes, but then simulations were added to the system— creating any possible scenery, now it sells as one of the best worldwide products as a realistic simulation dimension, which was created by Central Imperial Island.

Though it`s a worldwide product, it's not cheap at all. Even the smallest, most affordable of it costs nearly 10k, and the currency of Central Imperial City is the highest of all times worldwide. Compared to the first runner up, their currency difference had an overwhelming contrast of 1.31.

Anyways, the simulation for this dimension is probably ‘blue sky plains’.

An area with nothing but a flat surface with grass and a blue sky;

An area where guns had the upper hand;

An area where I had the most disadvantage.

Because if I were to have a sword to a gunfight— and I was— in this empty area where I have nothing to shield me from the bullets, I would definitely lose.

I had no supernatural powers, martial arts, nor magic to back me up, all I have is superhuman strength. With just these two regular looking swords dangling on my hands and nothing else, facing against a bullet requires something more than just a necessary amount of courage.

The principal is fully well aware of my weakness. Not only he set up the team, but also the landscape of the artificial dimension as well— all in contrast to my disadvantage.

…This is one of the reasons I hate him.

After we were transferred to the artificial dimension, I`m not quite sure how much time has passed, but I think it was around thirty seconds or so, though not evident, I could see a thin layer of mist covering the sky, where it was no longer blue.

My exposed skin slowly felt the cold sensation.

Then as more time passes, the temperature falls drastically enough for my uniform to switch on its keep-warm function.

Plus, it's snowing.

It's just a matter of time before the ground has fully turned white.

Now as I recall back Kuroyuki`s codename , I could understand why the principal (that bastard) named it as instead of .

It perfectly fits the current scenery I`m witnessing.


A voice came behind me, to be more accurate— a sneeze.

I turned to find August, who was rubbing his reddened nose.


Timing with the voice, a soft pair of cushion-like things— like two large marshmallows, cuddled and was squeezing on my left arm.

A feeling I`m overfamiliar with— a girl`s chest.

I`m not entirely bothered by it, or rather, I`m quite used to this sensation because of my cute little sister and my magical pet.

If it wasn't for them, perhaps I would`ve felt troubled from dealing against the only girl in the Imperial Knights Academy who had the tendency to play such a bold act on me.

The girl who could be none other than Persia Silverlight.

“What are you doing?”

As I said casually with a familiar tone and looks to my left—

“K-Ku… T-This is… I was just…” Sherry said before falling silent, yet still clinging on my arm.

—I was bombarded from surprise by Sherry Scarlet Rosenberk, the vampire.

Vampires are cold-blooded, but because of the current weather and the keep warm system— I couldn't tell who it is at all just from touch. Her reddened cheeks, troubled expression and her upward gaze dealt quite a blow to me. I was so shocked that I don't know what sort of reaction I should give in return.

As I was mentally preparing for the following conversation—


Timing with the voice, a soft pair of cushion-like things— like two more gigantic marshmallows, cuddled and was squeezing on my right arm.

I look at my right arm.

It was Persia.

“What are you doing?” I asked casually.

“Receiving body heat.” She replied casually. “You are rather warm~.”

“I`m warm? Is this a compliment or flattery? Either way, I`m not particularly fond of it. The way your tone gives, made me feel like a radiator.”

“Of course you are~,” Persia chirped and leaned her head on my shoulder. “You are the perfect radiator that melts my heart~.”

“Hah?” I inadvertently opened my jaw wide from the surprise.

God, I don't want to let Restia hear this.

She's the only special one to pull off such a line, right?

With such a doubt lingering in my mind, I inadvertently look around.

Kronos is wiping his foggy glasses with his blazer.

Blaze is standing at his spot, glaring at me with his teeth gritted for some reason. He doesn't seem to be affected by the cold at all, maybe it's because he`s a fire elemental user?

August is making some swings to warm up. His swings are too swift— it's almost like there's no air resistance at all.

Sherry had been avoiding my eye contact with a shy look, and she`s hugging my arm even tighter than Persia.

—hold on, am I the only special one?

“Hey~ Stop looking around~ How does it feel~?” Persia suddenly whispered. “Fu~.”

Damn. Why are you blowing my ear? You were just as skilful as my perverted cute little sis!

I gave Persia a glare— a fierce one, which she was stunned and surprised for a moment. Then I act as if nothing happened.


Seeming unpleased, Persia acted like a kid and squeezed harder with her chest.

Unfortunately, I`m immune to sexual harassment.

…Thanks to those two.

Since I`m not giving any reaction, Persia then rubs her face wildly on my shoulder— again, like my perverted little sister.

If there's a reason for this perverted behaviour, then there are two.

The first is to intake my scent, and the second is to mark her smell on my clothes— or so what Ruby told me.

Though it's a bit annoying, nevertheless it's a reward at any rate. In the end, I decided to let Persia be.

“Ehem, I know you had your fun and all, now what?” Kronos suddenly muttered through the earphone.

“What do you mean I had my fun?” I retorted. “You wanna switch?” I turn to face him.

As I turn, the girls in both left and right— move in sync with my movement, facing him. While hearing the lines I spouted, they hugged tighter on both of my arms.

…This is a severe problem.

“…No thanks.”

Kronos backed off as he nudges his glasses, avoiding eye contact— this is to imply that he`s refusing.

“Of course he won't~.”

Through the earphone, Persia said with her voice raised, it's as if to let Kronos hear her.

“Why? Is Rumelia going to hang him to death if he did?” I asked as I stared at Persia.

“Exactly~!” She replied.

Whoa, that grin is really evil.

“…Mrk.” Kronos shows signs of panic.

“Kronos, do you have any idea how many guys out there still don`t have a girlfriend?” August suddenly said. “I'm one of them.”

“So do I.” Kronos muttered. “She's just a childhood friend.”

As he said those words, though it's not quite not evident, Kronos looks a little sad, or remorseful…? It's like he did something wrong— something like a regrettable decision.

Nevertheless, I'm quite sure no matter how it goes, I`m sure everything will be fine at the very bitter end.

“…For now.” I then added against Kronos`s remark. “You had no idea how singles felt like.”

Given my current situation, it seems the last sentence that slipped out from my mouth completely contradicts it.

However, I'm single— and that's a fact.

“You know, it's better if you don't say anything.” Kronos nudged his glasses.

“Are you trying to pick a fight? Anyone in the Imperial Knights Academy is allowed to say that except you.” August groaned.

“No, hold on. Why can't I? Kuroyuki, Persia, or Sherry— they are just classmates and acquaintances?”


Persia pinched me.

“You know what? I don`t care anymore if we lose.” He then muttered.


Without any hesitation— August swiftly swung his sword for my neck and was stopped by Sherry. She pinched her fingers right on the tip of August`s blade, where it almost touched the skin of my neck.


Persia lifelessly rested on my shoulder as the blade just went past over her head.

“H-Hey…!?” I inadvertently yelled. “You serious…!?”

Even though I won't die in this dimension, the pain will still remain even after I was sent out. There's always a chance to die from the intense pain, or if not a trauma would remain. If August really did cut off my head at that moment— I might have this weird sensation that my head was removed as I woke up.

But that probably would never happen to me. I survived even the worst pain.

“Careful with the blade…! You are scaring Persia!” Sherry scolded.

Sherry hurriedly pushes the sword away from Persia`s head and my neck at the same time with her superhuman strength.

“You had no idea what it's like to be rejected…!” August then shouted, escaping his blade from Sherry`s fingers and pointed at me, with his hand trembling.

Plus, his voice looked like he's in pain.

I then look at Persia with a doubting look. My expressions are trying to say ‘Was he rejected by lots of girls?’

Since this is Persia, I think she could read it.

“…No?” Persia whispered. “He didn't confess at all?”

Then why is he getting so agitated? He's not even trying.

“So melodramatic…” Kronos muttered. “Rejected by your own little sister is normal.”

“Stop it! Stop saying it!”

August switched his target to Kronos.

“Eh?” Persia was visibly surprised.

…There are some things that a guy would never tell a girl. It's normal if Persia doesn't know everything.

“So……” I interrupted. “You are a sis-con?”

“No! No I`m not! I just want to be a better big brother!” He screamed.

“I have had enough of this nonsense.” Blaze suddenly uttered. “I'm going.”

Releasing some of the transformation magic on him, he releases and spreads a large pair of wings from his back.

The wingspan— I guess, is about 8m long.

Though having dragon-shaped wings, yet his wings were covered by burning-looking feathers instead of scales and skins.

It's… stunningly beautiful.

With one gentle flick of his wings, like an explosion— they were covered in hot, orange flames, which the heat evaporated the snow in an instant.

However, I'm surprised that his clothes still remain. From the look of it, I think the principal made it to be heat resistant.

Then... with a single flap— Blaze shot up to the sky and disappeared above the clouds.

I then realize what I should do.

“…Ehem. Sherry.”

“Ah, uh…”

As I reminded her, Sherry then realized what she needs to do. She let go of my arm unwillingly, then jumped to the air with her superhuman strength and spread her wings— disappearing above the clouds in another direction.

So convenient.

Suddenly… I wish I could fly.

Putting those feelings aside, I activated my screen for the dimension map.

There`s nothing special about it. It's just a normal map that displays my location as well as my ally`s location. As our team explores the dimension map, the map`s landscape will be updated.

I represent the blue arrow.

My allies are the green arrow.

The enemies will be the red dot.

I could see what my allies saw from the screen, and I could put a mark on the map if there is something suspicious.

…This is just like Defence of the Ancients.

“Okay… let's go.” I said.

We are currently located at the bottom left corner on the map.

Blaze scans the bottom right part of the map and Sherry`s scans the top left part of the dimension map. As for the middle part, it will be covered by four of us. Currently, there are no issues with it.

37% of the map was covered. However, there still shows no sign of Kuroyuki`s group at all.

“There's A thing I'd like to ask, leader.” August suddenly murmured.

“Eww, stop. Why are you suddenly calling me leader?” I quickly replied. “Just call me Luc if you want.”

Huh? Why did I suddenly say that…?

Even August was stunned by my sudden friendliness.

“Me too! I want to call you Luc!” Persia pouted.

“Hmm… ugh, whatever, I guess.”

“Yeah~!” Persia shouts happily.

“…Okay then, Luc.” August murmured. “Blaze`s flames are quite dazzling, don`t you think Kuroyuki`s group could easily find out where he is…?”

August`s question impressed me. I can't believe he's actually shaper than I thought.

“So… what do you think I'm planning?” I asked.

“Hmph. So you actually know that his wings would burn bright.” Persia muttered.

“Even if I don`t know, it won't be a problem either my dear Persia.”

“You are using him as bait…?” Kronos is too shocked that he could barely even speak afterwards.

“I don't think so, Kronos.” August then looks at me. “You are luring them to us, aren't you?” He said calmly.

“Correct.” I replied.

“Yes, that means he`s bait.” Kronos remarked.

I was nearly speechless for a second.

“…No, it's not.” I retorted.

“What's the difference? It's just like fishing.”

“That's different. This is like giving candy to a kid.”

“He's the candy, then? That's even worse than bait—”

“Enough with the talk.” Blaze suddenly interrupted from the earphone. “I just saw Kuroyuki Shiroha and Rumelia Heartlock.”

From the map, two red dots— labelling Kuroyuki and Rumelia, are approaching towards our direction. There`s still around 5km before we meet.

“Come back, Blaze. Fly as far as you can before Kuroyuki attacks—”

“GARGH…!” Blaze screams.

Through the earphone, I heard a massive rustling sound that was created by wind. It seems he just increased his speed for a moment.

“Blaze? Were you attacked?!” Persia yelled.

“Tch…! Kuroyuki shot a spear at me…!” He replied immediately.

It seems he just evade an attack.

“Hey… Luc, is that—?” Persia tapped my shoulders.

An ice spear, perhaps at least 20 times the size larger than the normal ones— I could see it clearly flying upwards towards the sky, piercing a hole through the clouds— like a rocket that was shooting to the sky. When it was about to fall, the trajectory of the spear suddenly changed its direction towards us.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!? It's coming here!?” August looks terrified. “Is she trying to kill us!?”

Witnessing such a scene, it wouldn't be strange for August to panic.

“Relax. It won't hit us. Her prediction on our distance is a little bit off.” I muttered.

Our start time to walk was three minutes late.

“He's right. The impact point will be 274 metres in front of us. Impact area predicted— 60m2… or more.” Kronos conceded.

His high-tech glasses seemed to be good enough to calculate the trajectory.

“You are too calm— this is Kuroyuki we are talking about.” Persia reminded me. “Do you really think it will be that easy?”

“And this is me we are talking about.” I said. “Do you really think I can`t handle it?”


As the spear strikes the ground, the massive impact that shook the ground and roaring voice took me aback. Then afterwards, the shockwave between the land and the spear came rampaging to us.

Without knowing, I inadvertently stood myself in front of Persia, shielding her from the mighty blow.

It's just like I've heard Kuroyuki`s finger-snapping for a moment— the ice spear suddenly cracks and crumbles to snow, flooding towards us like a tsunami.