Chapter 3.21 - Wednesday, July 20th, 2.11pm

My ears— must be playing tricks on me.

No, not only my ears— perhaps I was being tricked right from the start, or maybe this man is just nuts.

This man right in front of me… doesn't look like a king at all.

But, there's no reason for him to make such a lie.

Even if he's lying just to get a better hospitality, I'm sure he already knows I wouldn't give a damn about his status at all.

"What's wrong, future king candidate? Cat caught your tongue?" He muttered. "Or is it perhaps… you did not expect that the king of the Central Imperial Island is in such a pinch right now?"

Just as he says that with an evil grin, he gave me a wall slam.

Such a pinch, he said.

It doesn't match that evil grin he had on him now.

"So… what you promised me earlier is just nothing but an empty shell?" I replied.

"Empty shell? Nonsense." He then slowly retreated. "I mark my words, brat."

"…What do you mean you are in a pinch right now…?"

"To be exact, I, as the king, has been gone for six days." He remarked. "What do you think the spies inside my island would do?"

"Take over your island…?"

"Correct." He said while pointing his finger at me. "You see, I told you about that event we have once in a year, right?"

"< Knight's Tournament>…?"

"Correct. Do you know who's the one who started all this?"

"I think I heard it before… But… isn't one of the twelve apostles just a legend…?"

"He's real— and I received his blessings."


I don't know whether he is telling the truth or not— if this is a lie, this is way too overboard. However, if this is the truth…

"I'm sure you would hear about 'World War 4', don't you?" He said while sitting back on the chair. "From your father."

"That history is real…?"

"Yes, the apostle's the one who stopped the war. He's the origins of the < Knight's Tournament>."

I drag my chair back to the dining table, placing my hands on it.

"You mean, the Regalia Empire wouldn't dare to invade your island?"

"Don't be naive, brat. My opponent isn't just anyone— he's the one ruling the Regalia Empire, the infamous 'Tyrant King.' There is nothing in this world that could stop him."

"Then, you mean the apostle would destroy him?"

"Him? Hah!" He made a sneering laugh. "He won't do anything— probably just sit back and watch."

"…then what are you going to do?"

Taking a deep breath, he looks at me with a serious gaze.

"I'm going to stay here and relax for another three weeks."


My ears must be playing tricks on me.

"GO BACK TO YOUR DAMN ISLAND YOU IRRESPONSIBLE GARBAGE…!" I yelled with bloodcurdling anger.

"B-But it's been a while since I could relax like this… I beg of you, please let me stay…!"

The king of Central Imperial Island— is now prostrating on the floor while grabbing my foot with his hands.

"What about your wife…?"

His finger had a tan line of a ring, so I know he's married.

"…She already had her resolve when she married to me as the Queen." He said. "Please, just let me stay here just for three weeks."

Again, he mentions three weeks.

"Why three weeks…?" I asked.

"Because by then… I'm sure the spies from the Regalia Empire would've successfully infiltrate and controlled the country by then."

"…You disgusting filth." I inadvertently uttered. "Do whatever you want."

I find my other foot raised— where he dodges before I could stomp his hand.

"Yes…!" He said excitedly.

He sits back on his chair with a smirk on his face.

"You see, it'd be hard to wipe them out completely in one go if I go back now." He added. "I can't catch them alone."

"How many allies do you exactly have all across the world…?"

"…Six." He replied. "No matter, it will be an easy victory if it's just that."

I could tell it wasn't just a random spouting. He's confident and determined enough to say that— such a dangerous guy.

"What about your country's secret, technologies, or—"

"Oh, those? Everything is with me— I don't think they were able to crack or bypass the passcode from the computer storage. Even if they crack it, it would be automatically deleted if it doesn't detect my mana, DNA, and handprint throughout the use."

"You recorded everything as in, data?"

"There's always a hardcopy backup— and it's inside my magic storage."

"What about your citizens…?"

"Central Imperial Island doesn't have a single, mediocre people. If they can't handle it, there's no point for me to rule that country. And besides, those from the Regalia Empire can't do much in just one month."

…He had everything figured out even more clearly than I thought.

Looks like he's staying here for good.

"…What do you mean, the birth of the future king candidate…?"

"This is a special tradition only Central Imperial Island has." He told me. "You see, normally if we follow the monarchy system by normal tradition, this means that my children will be the next successor of my throne. However, in Central Imperial Island, I have the right to choose anyone in Central Imperial Island as my successor."

"Nooooo— I'm your successor…!?"


Eek…!? He's glaring at me…!

"Why are you forcing a nobody like me to become king!?"

"Duh." He made a speechless look. "Because you are the right person for the right job, brat."

"You better give up and find someone else. I'm not cut for it."


When I knew it, he had already grabbed me on my collar, pulling me up with just one hand as he glares at me with bloodcurdling anger.





Restia suddenly lands a punch on Principal's stomach while Felix lands a slap on his face.

It made him flew through the large sliding window at the dining room, falling at the backyard as I skilfully land on the floor.

"Don't bully my master…!" "Don't bully my big brother…!"

"—see that?! This is the reason I choose you…!" He shouts from the yard. "You had the power to connect people…!"

I stood by the window as I look at him with a depressed look as I clench my fist.

"If I can't even protect one person… what does it have for me to become king…?"

He stands, patting off the grass on him.

"…Everyone makes mistakes, brat— even if it's the God of Creation." He said.

"God does not make mistakes…! You are lying…!" Restia murmured.

This story— no, this is history.

"He does." He said to Restia. "He once regretted creating humans."

"Is it the flash flood that once killed the whole world but eight…?" I asked.

"That's right."

"But… why? What did we do to deserve this…?" Restia asks.

"…Huh. You have no idea how rotten can humans become, don't you? At the 7th generation of humans… women at that era, are the most beautiful women that have ever born. They were just so beautiful that some of the original angels under God of Creation had to curse themselves to become fallen angels just to mate with them."

Saying that, he sits on the chair, looking at us.

"N…" "Nya…?"

Restia and Felix inadvertently leak out a surprised look.

After he took a glance at them, he then looks at me with his brows furrowed.

"Hmm…?" My… seems like you know that there's not only one fallen angel."

"…Yes," I replied. "Dad also taught me the meaning of my name."

"Well, then." He looks at Restia. "Do you know what was born from that mixture?"

"Giants…?" She answered.

"You are comparing that with giants? Don't make me laugh. They are beings surpassing titans— their height is 4500 feet tall."

"Even larger than Dómr…?" Felix asks me.

"Just imagine thirty of him stacking one another," I replied.

Felix could only make a stunning look after hearing that.

"Those beings were such big eaters that they devoured every resource they could find— and you know what? They were just so hungry and thirsty that they start to devour humans."

"Then isn't everything their fault…?" Restia said.

"The fallen angels taught to their woman about the secrets from heaven— which the angels themselves are not familiar with. They taught them how to make weapons, jewellery, cosmetics, antimony, ores, enchantments, plantations, astrology, constellations, knowledge of the clouds, signs of the earth, signs of the sun, and course of the moon. Humans have led astray and became corrupt in all ways."

"Then… humans were the victims, aren't they…?" Restia murmured.

"Careful with your words, Restia," I told her. "There's nothing wrong in learning all of those— it's just like money. It's either you use it, or you were being used by it…"

"That's right." He murmured. "This is why the God of Creation regretted creating humans— and that's the reason for the great flood. However, our God of Creation is very patient… he waited for 1037 years for the humans to behave. Unfortunately, in the end, they disappointed the God of Creation. That era was known as the worst era— all they think all day, is nothing but pure evil."


Restia was disgusted by the phrase 'all they think all day, is nothing but pure evil'.

"Will the flood happen again…?" She asks.

"Hmm, though sea-level may be rising each year, but the God of Creation promised to never do that— that's why we have the rainbow. It's not just refraction and dispersion of the sun's light by rain or other water droplets in the atmosphere— this is a promise that God of Creation made to us, that's why the rainbow is a ring."

I find Restia gripping my hand.

"…can the God of Creation bring back papa, mama, and Ruby…?"

"Why are you asking me?" He uttered mercilessly. "You are Lucione's daughter, and I was expecting a lot from you— yet you disappointed me by your naïve, selfish behaviour—"

"PRINCIPAL…!" I yelled with a pleading voice. "Don't talk anymore."

Restia weeps on my chest as I cradled her.

"If I stop talking, what will you do? Protect her for the rest of your life with that cat, leopard, wolf, snake and rabbit?" He uttered. "DON'T BE NAÏVE!!!"

"… I'm only ten, and she's only nine." I murmured. "Aren't you expecting too much from just two kids…?"

"If I'm not here, would you still think of that?"


…He's right. I won't.

"Listen, Restia Nightwalker von Nightmare."


As he uttered, Restia peeked at him.

"Instead of thinking about the ones you've lost— think about what you still have. The cat, leopard, snake, wolf, rabbit and your brother." He murmured. "They are still alive, aren't they…?"

Restia looks at me with tears.

"Big brother… I'm sorry…!"

"Ruby's still alive." I glared at him as I uttered.

"Hmm… how were you so sure…?"

"…I don't know. Intuition, perhaps."

"Okay… since you believe in yours, then, I will believe in mine— you will definitely become the next king of Central Imperial Island no matter what."


Because Restia is here, I can't tell him why I can't.

"Brat— I know the responsibility as a king is heavy. But… you are born to become a king— there's no way I would let this chance to slip away from my fingertips."

He's trying to convince me.

Get a hint already.

"Just because I could connect people…?" I said.

"That's not all." He replied. "Your personality itself is already suitable for it— and don't be mistaken… it's not you who I want."

"…You mean, 'me'…?"

"Yes. 'You'."

My original personality, he meant.


"You know the meaning of your name, don't you?"

…The meaning of my name.

"Doesn't my name mean… Light-Bringer…?"

"Yes, it has the same meaning just like your father— however, yours weighted more than his because you carried another meaning of its own."

The… other meaning of my name?

"…Are you saying, I'm the ultimate demon?"

"Wrong. Many would misinterpret your name as such— the ultimate fallen angel, the ultimate demon, the serpent— but, to the God of Creation, his Light-Bringer angel, Lucifer, is already long gone. He abandoned his given name and goes by the name 'Satan' now."

"I don't remember dad telling me that my name had another meaning."

"Lucione never told you? Hmm… fine then, I will tell you— after all, half of your name is decided from me."

If he's the one naming me, I don't think it's something good.

"…Then what was the other meaning?"

"The opposite of 'Satan'— instead of opposing the God of Creation… You— will become the guiding light under the God of Creation's fate. If it's you, brat— I'm sure there's one day you would unite the world under his guidance. Not even something like the Celestial gods and apostles could stop you from doing so."