Chapter 3.22 - Wednesday, July 20th, 2.22pm

"A kid like me, unite the world…?" I muttered. "You must be crazy."

"Tch. You are so stubborn." He uttered.

"The same goes for you." I retorted.

He's so stubborn to make me king.

"I will cook yours now, Restia— you must be hungry."

The conversation we had made me fed-up, that's why I find this chance to leave.

Leaving him alone, Restia and Felix followed behind.


As I'm cooking some fried rice, Restia, who has been staring at me from behind, finally speaks.

"……Big brother, are we really going to leave…?" Restia asks. "…this island."

"…You know we can't stay here. Our supplies won't last long."

"…what if papa really came back?"

"We could leave a message behind. You are my precious little sister, Restia— I can't let anything happen to you."

"…did you forget about Ruby…?"

"I would never. I will definitely find her, no matter what."

"Big brother…" Restia suddenly murmured with a pained look.


Because of her voice, I quickly turn my head to look at her.

She's holding Felix in her arms, looking hesitant.

"… What's wrong…?" I asked.

"…Nothing. Never mind…"

It's Restia's turn now.

I will never repeat Nightmare's mistake.

"…Is it about Ruby?" I asked.

"Big brother… I…"

With her words eventually coming to a pause afterwards, she took a deep breath.

"If… you could not find Ruby by the next time 'you' are awake— there will be a severe punishment…!" She added.


Hearing Restia's warning, my back reflexively made a shiver.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner…!?"

As I utter, I lift the pan and pour the rice on a large plate.

"…I was told not to tell you."


Restia's reply stunned me so much that the frying pan and spatula on my hands crash on the floor.

"Restia…! You should've said that before you tell me about the punishment…!"

I find myself grabbing her shoulders.

"… It's fine, big brother. I'm sure you will forgive me."

…Though she's smiling, but I could tell that she's quite worried herself.

The only way for 'me' to forgive us is to find Ruby before the time limit. But, ever since 17th of July… I wonder how much time do I have left—


As if she had a headache, Restia furrows her brows while silently nod her head.


Only 5 hours left before 'I' will take over.

"Eat, Restia. Once you are done, we will head out immediately."



After cleaning up the mess at the kitchen, I immediately head out to the backyard to check on Forsjá, Asha and Pearl.


The moment I step into the backyard, I find Forsjá raising her head to look at me. It seems she noticed me from my scent.

Asha and Pearl are still asleep.

"…Forsjá, you want to come with me?" I whispered. "…Be quiet if you want."

She carefully stands, then walks to me with her tail wagging.


As soon as Restia is done with her lunch, she meets up with me, Dómr, Forsjá, and that man, Principal.

"Eh… hold it," I murmured.

When I saw Felix following right next to Restia as if it is natural to do so, I stopped her.

"Master…?" Felix murmured while tilting her head. "I wish to follow you, nya."

"No, Felix, you are staying here."

"Why…? Even Fortuna is going…!"

The Fortune Rabbit, Fortuna is also joining with us on our search.

I'm somewhat surprised that she remembers her name instead.

"Cease with the foolishness, Felix," Dómr said to her. "Your master's orders are absolute."


Felix looks unhappy.

"Why isn't Felix allowed to go, big brother…?"

Restia seems to disagree with me.

"Felix, you aren't completely healed yet," I said to her.

"I-I already heal my wounds with my magic…!"

"He's referring to your heart, you dumb cat." Principal uttered impatiently. "Aren't you in a hurry, brat?"

"My… heart…?" Felix murmured softly.

"…I see," Dómr murmured. "Felix, you should spend your time with them."


Looks like Felix got the answer.

"Alright then, Felix— I will be back by dusk."

With that, I leap on Forsjá's back, sitting in front of Restia as she hugs Fortuna on her arms.

"Go, wolf, go!"

Principal commanded on Dómr's back, while lightly kicking Dómr with his leg.


With a 'whoosh' sound, Dómr disappears into the forest.

"Be… be back soon nya, master…" Felix murmured.

"I will."


"Let's see here…"

I spread the map of the island and place it on Forsjá's back.

Currently, the search at the left half of the forest is completed.

However, there's still another half of the forest that has yet to be searched— especially the mountain.

…A considerable amount of time would be wasted there.

"Big brother… do you really think Ruby will be hiding at the mountain…?"

"…I don't think she will, but..."

The Ruby I know would never go there.

But now the leopards and wolves are searching around the base of the mountain.


Another Fenrir wolf howled again.

"So…? Where is it this time…?"

"Eh…? Okay…" Restia murmured to Forsjá. "Big brother, Forsjá wants to take us there."

If the news is about Ruby instead, Restia's reaction would've been a whole lot different.

"Well… I guess we could go for now. Let's go, Forsjá."



When we arrived, one of Dómr's underling, a Fenrir wolf slightly larger than Forsjá is waiting for us.

I was shocked when I saw a familiar corpse that is lying behind the wolf.

The corpse of a cub of the Cithaeron lion— one of the two lions which I spared.

…I see.

He failed to make past the injuries.

Next to the cub's body, lies his mother.


She notices me and immediately stands up, charging straight at us.


But she was pinned down by the wolf.

She… had nothing left.

Her husband, her child and everyone she knew are all dead.

…Nightmare, you made a terrible mistake.

"Forsjá… help me convey what I'm going to say later to her," I said. "Don't add anything unnecessary on your own."

With that, I jump down from Forsjá's back.

"Big brother…?"

With the wolf pinning her down with his paw, I approach the lion with care.


"You hate me, don't you?" I said to her.


Watching her reaction, I guess Forsjá already talk to her through telepathy.

"…I do. Because you killed my father and my brother." Restia said to me after Forsjá translated to her through telepathy.

I see… she's not a wife but a daughter instead.

"I'm sorry," I murmured. "Because of my mistake… that your brother had to die."

"…Why are you saying that my father's life isn't worth mentioning."

Compared to this lion's sorrowful expression, Restia's voice isn't showing any emotions at all.

"Your father did not hesitate to throw his own son— your brother as a sacrifice. If he offered himself instead… I would've let every one of you to live."


It seems that she recalled the situation.

"What about my brother," Restia said.

"… I'm sorry. There's nothing we could do."

"Give me back my brother."

She's struggling to get up, but it's futile because the wolf is pressing her down with his strengthening magic.

Carefully, I touch her forehead.

"Don't touch me, human."

"Even if I don't, it doesn't change the fact that I've already touched you," I said. "Nothing can be changed."


Hatred. Revenge.

Pearl's father, the old White Snake.


And now, this lion.

History… is it going to repeat itself…?

I won't let that happen.

"You want to kill me, don't you? But what will you do after doing so…? Kill yourself?"


She's shaken.

"Why do you think your brother would die? The fault does not lie with just me— it's because you are weak, that's why you failed to protect him!"


Finally, she stops struggling and close her eyes for the first time.

"Hey, do you want to live with me…?"

"…………!" She immediately opens her eyes from shock.

"Big brother…!?" "Growl…!?"

Restia and Forsjá disagreed with me— hmm? Fortuna too.

Well, not like I care.

All I do is lending a hand— and it's up to this lion to choose whether she's going to hold my hand or not.

"I'm sure you could tell from the smell… The Alpha Fenrir wolf, The Black Cat, The White Snake, The Snow Leopard Queen, The Fortune Rabbit and The Fenrir Wolf's Young Mistress are all with me— revenge is entirely impossible now, even if you tried for your whole life. Why don't you live a happy life with me…?"


After hesitating for a while, that lion soon closes her eyes and leans her head forward.

"Big brother— It's a yes…!"

"Your paw, let go," I said to the wolf.

As soon as that wolf retreats his paw, the lion sits properly with her head lowered.

I could tell she doesn't intend to resist anymore.

"I will give you a name. Do you know what that means…?"

"No, I don't." Restia translated.

"This means you will become a part of my family."

"But I'm the weakest among them, do you sure you want me?"

I inadvertently turn my head to look at Fortuna.

"Huh? You mean, even the rabbit is stronger than you?"


Just how much of a small fry are you…!?

Somehow, she looks depressed from my reaction.

Come to think of it… not only she's the one I spared, but also the one that I place the grenade on.

"That's okay. I'm human— not a lion." I told her. "From now on, your name will be known as 'Fylgja'— you will follow and serve me as a contracted beast. Okay…?"


It seems that she agrees.

After taking a glance at that lifeless corpse, I look at Fylgja.

"Fylgja… this is your last chance to say goodbye to your brother. I'm going to bury him afterwards."

The moment she hears this, she walks to the cub's corpse, snugging her head onto the body.

It's as if she's saying 'Farewell.'

…That silence lasted for a few minutes, until Fylgja finally stands up, and walks to us.


Restia extends her right hand when I say so— where the humongous body sinks deep into the ground and is buried afterwards.


She's casting her magic purely by imagination… there's no chants or magic circles.

Her magic is improving at such a terrifying speed.


Under the translation from Forsjá, it took me half an hour to educate Fylgja with our family strict rules.

I could only say that the education of Cithaeron lions and my family is entirely different in a whole lot of matters.

As you can see, Fylgja is a Cithaeron lion.

Cithaeron is a mountain that's 1409m high.

They were given the name as Cithaeron lions because these large lions live in the mountains.

That's why I sent her to search at the mountain to search for Ruby first while reporting to Forsjá.

After another three hours, the wolves and leopards finally completed their search around the base of the mountain.

All that's left is the mountain itself.


"A dungeon…?!"

The wolves found a cave at the west side, the base of the mountain. At the end of the cave, there's a passageway leading to the underground.

We are currently at the cave entrance, with fourteen wolves and eight snow leopards with us.

They are currently waiting for my decision— to explore the dungeon or not.

To be honest, the wolves and snow leopards have been using search magic along the way as they explore the forest.

It's a magic that emits a small wave of mana, like a mini radar. If there's a mana source interfering with the mana wave, it resonates another wave and bounces back to the caster.

If almost a hundred magical beast could not find Ruby even with search magic, then the chances of her hiding inside the dungeon could be likely.

The problem is, this is an unexplored dungeon— I don't know how deep and significant it could go.

And there's only one and a half-hour left before 'I' am going to take over.

"Forsjá, where is your father…!?"

As soon as I said that, a large teleportation magic circle appeared right next to us.

Principal and Dómr appear afterwards.

"…Oh? It's you, brat." Principal said to me. "What are you doing here?"

"And what are you doing here…?" I retorted.

"Me…? Well. Dómr and I just went into that thing— and phew, we almost died." He said with an exhausted look.


Dómr lies down afterwards.

"…Yes, like what he said," Dómr added.

These two are the strongest, and they almost died…?

If it's really that dangerous, then I'm confident that Ruby did not go into this dungeon.

"Okay, guys. There's no need to search the dungeon— all that's left is the mountain." I said.

With that, the wolves and snow leopards scatter to search the mountain.

"What on earth are you doing in there…!?" I yelled at them.

"Exploring the dungeon." Principal replied.

"…I was dragged in," Dómr answered.

"Big brother…!!!" Restia suddenly yelled. "Look…!"


Looking inside, I saw a large goop of fire crawling out from the entrance of the dungeon. Its bright fire lit up the cave.

"What is that thing…!?"

"Oh… that, if I remember correctly— that thing is called a Flare-Eater. Anyways, help me kill that thing." Principal said leisurely.


It's like a group of burning molten liquid that's moving.

Judging from its name, it could be a type of creature that consumes fire.

"Forsjá, your ice magic…!"

"Komdu skjótt, land eilífs íss!" (Come quickly, land of eternal ice!)


S-She extinguished the fire and froze the entire giant cave…!?

With the flames extinguished, the Flare-Eater now looks like a purple-like substance— like a purple slime.

"Don't just stand there! Hurry up and destroy its core…!" Principal shouted.

"Exultant lusibus, machaeram glacies…!" (Dance, ice saber…!)


Nine ice blades pierced through the ice that was coating the Flare-Eater, destroying its core.


A vast explosion suddenly occurs at the end of the cave.

We are too far away for the ice fragments to hit us.

"It explodes…!?" I inadvertently murmured.

"No, that's not it." Principal murmured. "You see, Flare-Eater could control how much they could burn. If it's dead, the liquid that is left behind is extremely flammable."

"You mean, something is igniting it to explode…!?"

"Yeah, and that thing is a type of 'Hellhound', and it's called the 'Bearer of Death'."

After the clouds of dust settle down, a ferocious-looking dog cloaked in flames, lit up the cave.

Glowing red eyes.

Black fur.

Razor-sharp teeth.

It's almost as large as Asha— 9m in length.


Just by standing there, his flames melt the ice quickly.


A powerful blast like a railgun, light blue in colour— shots at that Hellhound from Dómr's mouth.

Ugh… the Hellhound was blown to pieces.

"Phew, finally." Principal murmured as he lay on Dómr's back. "I don't want to go in there again."

"… It's all because of you." Dómr uttered as he pops a vein on his forehead.

A Flare-Eater and a Hellhound… this combination burns up a lot of oxygen.

"You almost died because of the lack of oxygen…?" I asked.

"Not only that, this dungeon is dark and filled with lots of those things. Dómr and I had to bombard our way in with our ice magic."

"Seems like you had a hard time…"

"Obviously. We have been killing thousands of those things non-stop for three hours."

And it doesn't seem like he expended his mana…

"Why would you go in there anyway…!?" I asked.

Hearing that, he gets up, staring at me with a surprised look as he points at the cave.

"That— is a dungeon. Can you imagine the resources we could find inside that thing…!?"

"Not worth risking my life for."

"I wouldn't do that if its life-risking." Principal uttered. "However, I wouldn't do yours either, brat. Yours were too safe. It won't get you anywhere."

"It's not convincing when it's coming from you."

"Haha, I guess so. After all, I almost died." He said leisurely. "Oh, and by the way, I believe you are in a hurry. So get going, brat— I will resting here for a while."

"…Same here. I don't have any strength to move for a while." Dómr added.

"If that's the case… gather at my house after an hour later. Let's go, Forsjá."

Before we leave, Forsjá licks her father, Dómr on his face, saying farewell.